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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Sho surveys the planet, shrugging out of her trench coat as she removes herself from her seat, taking what she'd need from the pockets. "Looks...sunny down there," she remarks with a faint quirk of her lips. "I'm ready when you are."
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"Alright, for those landing, use the following coordinates that I've transmitted. For those not landing, use your beaming tech. Meet you there. Talok we're beaming down now."

A moment later, anyone still on the bridge of his ship vanished, and reappeared on the surface.

Siphon stared at the pod, shaking his head.

"Why would the Chozo have left this pod and occupant here and not revived whoever is inside? It makes no sense, they were allies."
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Veda landed at the coordinates given, taking a bit of a scenic route through the ruins to the pod. She strode in right as Siphon asked his question. "How much do you know of why the Chozo are no longer around?" She asks in response, her tone neutral.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"The official Ancient Database entry suggests a plague that wiped them all out, similar to the one that afflicted the Ancients. However the ancients managed to survive it. My money says the Chozo did as well, only for whatever reason they don't want anyone to know. I can't say that I blame them really, the Ancients did seem to get involved in a lot of wars somehow."

A thought occurred to him.

"I wonder .... Could this place have been abandoned BEFORE a cure was found, the occupant placed inside before they were infected? If that's the case, the Chozo must never have returned here for some reason."

A voice cut them off.

"Or they never left alive."

Talok entered the room, a frown on his face.

"Veda, if you saw the remains of a body, a skeleton would you be able to tell if it was Chozo or not?"
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"Of course." Veda said. "I take it you've found one preserved somehow? It must still be in fairly bad condition regardless, since there are few sentient races evolved from avians, Chozo are easy to distinguish already. Where is it?"
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Talok nodded.

"This way, come."

He led her into a side room well off the main area where the pod had been found.

"I came across it coming in from where you folks beamed into, and well ... look for yourself."

He pointed down where a body could be seen, or rather, the bones of what was left of it.

Also of note there, underneath a pile of metal that appeared to have been torn off was another body, one he'd missed that definitely wasn't Avian. It was something else, and the lighting was just right if Veda paid close enough attention she'd spot it.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"Talok said that wasn't a Chozo pod, right?" Sho goes to put her hands in her pockets and ends up hitching them in her waistband for the time being. "Maybe it wasn't left here. Maybe it ended up here. Like an escape pod or something." She remarks, not being fully up to speed on the situation there, but at least offering some theories.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Veda carefully kneeled down beside the skeleton, her gloved hands delicately picking up the skull. "You already knew, this is well preserved enough to be obvious. You wanted a second opinion, didn't you?" She asked quietly, slowly turning the skull around in her hands. Her suit beeped inside the helmet, drawing her attention to the rubble at the side of the room. "What about that body, in the corner? It isn't Chozo, I can tell you that much."
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Talok nodded, then frowned at her question.

"I'm not completely sure, I have an idea but .... Siphon, get in here!"

A moment later Siphon entered, and Talok just pointed down to the second body.

Siphon's eyes widened, and he looked at the Chozo body too. Slowly he nodded.

"Well .... that would explain the reason they never came back, or why they never left the place. We just stumbled on the site of an old war zone. That second body ... it's Draque."
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Veda's body visibly sagged at the proclamation. "They... Would have been slaughtered. They had a very small warrior caste, there wouldn't have been enough in this facility to have proven effective against anything but the indigenous predators." She explained sadly.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Siphon nodded glumly.

"It would appear though that no one survived from either side, otherwise that pod surely would have been opened or destroyed. The Chozo wouldn't have left an ally in there, and the Draque NEVER would have left an Ancient pod untouched. These Chozo ... they died protecting whoever is in that pod. Let's not waste their sacrifice, let us find out why they protected said person shall we?"

He knelt down by the corpse of the long dead Chozo, and muttered some words.

"Your charge survived you friend. Whoever you were protecting, you succeeded. Your charge is now mine, may your souls find eternal peace."

It was probably a touching speech, and was fine except for two things.

One, it had clearly been Talvesh who had also been speaking those words.

Secondly, and probably shockingly to Veda, if she knew the language, was that the symbiote had spoken those words not in English, but in the ancient dialect of the Chozo language. Probably they'd picked it up from the database, but it still was probably unnerving to hear the language spoken by a non Chozo, and fluently.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Ixack had landed around the same time as Veda had. He had taken a different route, and had arrived near the ancient chamber when Siphon was called away, slowly stepping towards it and blinking as he placed his right hand on the pod, his eyes closing as he tried to think what might have happened "These Ancients. There are no record of them in our scrolls. Thus, our civilization isn't that old. This person probably knows more than Prelate Zeratul." he thinks, waiting for Siphon.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

A flicker of distortion appeared a short ways off from the group, and then Toryn's armor suit appeared, followed by a rather sarcastic comment. "That worked..."

It'd be pretty clear that he's currently unaware of the findings.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"So it did. Try not to step on the bodies."

This was from Talok.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Toryn's response was a rather confused "Bodies?" followed by him glancing around a bit. He stayed where he was standing, which happened to be in a clean spot.

((Damn you and your posting as I'm about to crash, Siphon.))
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)


Toryn's sweep would reveal he wasn't too far from a pair of skeletal remains, one clearly avian in origin and the other clearly not.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"Lovely..." Toryn commented dryly. "Well, I guess that's why the pod wasn't deactivated..."
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"Indeed. Speaking of the pod, let's go see who they were fighting over shall we?"

Siphon stood, and began accessing the logs for the pod. What he found made him turn white as a sheet.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Veda nodded as Talvesh spoke, but didn't reply herself. Instead, she stood and carefully placed the Chozo skull under her arm, and strode back towards the pod. Even fully encased in her armour, the woman managed to look tired and old, somehow.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Sho's mostly been keeping out of the way, given that this place is more important to Siphon and Veda than to her and she doesn't want to disrupt anything. That doesn't stop her from looking around, though. For the time being, she stays in the room with the pod as well, watching the Protoss as he examines it. She starts a little, seeing the skull that comes back with Veda, though she does her best to ignore it's presence for the most part. It's Siphon that's got her concerned, finally moving toward the pod, or, more specifically, him. "Siphon? You look like you've seen a ghost." She laid a hand against his arm.