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Peiquok Town Hall

Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Cara nodded. "Any thoughts?" she finally asked, lowering her voice a little without even thinking about it as she tried to match Shiva's quiet tone. "I've got shit all about what we're gonna do about this. What anybody's going to do."

Her expression hardened as she heard what she was certain was gunfire; rifle fire, no doubt. Whatever was happening outside was bad.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva shook her head again, her gaze still lowered to the ground, "I don't know..." she admitted, "If the Military can't handle it, or if they abandon us..." she trailed off, knowing full well that Cara understood what the ending was going to be of her statement, as she kept a grim look on her face, worried about what might become of her, and everyone in this hall.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Cara snorted. She forced a grin; that sort of teeth-bearing, feral looking grin. It wasn't the best moral booster, but it was how she dealt with things. "If it comes to that, then we'll figure something else out, yeah? I don't think anybody's gonna lie down or bend over for whoever's out there." Well... most people, anyways.

She noted that Shiva was glancing back to the table with a pair of young woman repeatedly. Likewise, she had begun scanning the room. It was good to have one or two familiar faces to latch on, like Morgan's, and then she spotted Buster again. "Alright, if I hear more, I'll say something. What's your name? I'm Cara," she introduced herself belatedly.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva blinked at Cara for a moment, before answering her greeting in her soft voice, "... Shiva... Vera" she said in her near whisper of a tone. As Cara was correct, she indeed wanted to get back to her friend. She gave Cara a polite bow, before saying, "I have to go... Goodbye..." she said as she finished her bow, before starting towards Kaci and the strange girl, giving a grimace upon seeing that the girl had not left.

Shiva walked up to Kaci, and took a seat next to her, quickly leaning in so only she could hear her, whispering even more quietly, "I really need to tell you something... It's very important..." Shiva gave a gesture of her head at Leianna, suggesting that Shiva's words were meant for Kaci alone, as she was the only one she wanted to trust right now.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Kaci was glad Shiva was back. When she said she wanted to tell her something important she almost said out loud what is it but realized Shiva wanted to only tell her. She leaned in close and whispered to her like Shiva did to her, "If you don't want to tell me here we can go over where there is no one else. Did you find out why we are here or something?"

She felt herself start to get impatient when she said her last words. Even though she doubted it if Shiva could tell her what this is all about maybe she could piece together what might be happening to her parents. Her leg started shaking and she waited for Shiva to speak again.

(( Lol RJ I forgot all about that post... <.< ))
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva nodded a little, confirming Kaci's question of what might be going on, "I think so..." she whispered, before gesturing over to an empty corner silently, wanting Kaci to follow her to they could speak in private.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Kaci said a little too loudly to Shiva, "Really? Come on let's go." She grabbed Shiva's hand and dragged her over to the corner speaking really quickly she asked, "How'd you find out? What's going on? Is it bad? Do you think people out there are gonna be okay?" Calming down a little after her barrage of questions she stared at Shiva expectantly waiting for her to answer her questions.
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Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva was a little flustered to be dragged away so quickly, but regained her composure after Kaci had finished asking her questions, and spoke in her usual quiet voice, "I know you must have been feeling it to... There is something happening to everyone's mind... People are going into traumatic comas, as well as losing their mental stability. One of the guards mentioned being ripped apart with dozens of claws... And yet they looked perfectly healthy..."

Shiva shook her head with uncertainty, "I think it's some kind of disease, something is attacking our minds, and some people are suffering more than others..." Shiva looks to a family grieving over someone who appears to be dead, but the barely heard conversation states that the person just fell asleep, and never woke up again, and the family just think he's died.

Another direction Shiva points Kaci to is a girl who was raving wildly, seeming to have gone insane, as she's carted out by a couple solders, out of the building.

Shiva brings Kaci's gaze back to her, a desperate look in her red eyes, "Something is happening to everyone!" she announced, her voice getting loud enough so Kaci could hear the tone of her voice, she sounded mature, almost like a teacher's voice, "And I know I must have this strange disease as well..." she stated, moving her hands to her temples, remembering the headache she had gotten.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Kaci was slightly confused when Shiva said that she had to be feeling it as well. She said to her, "Well... I've been feeling pretty normal to be honest..." For the first time she did look around her to see the strange occurrences.

If this was a disease maybe she was immune, or was a carrier. She said to her concerned for Shiva now, "I haven't felt anything Shiva... What if I'm immune to it... or a carrier?" Then she thought of her parents, "What if this is happening to my parents... there still out there..." She started to feel miserable.

She could be infecting other people unwillingly and her parents could alerady have fallen victim to this disease. Looking out the window she sighed and sat down with her legs up to her chest with a miserable expression on her face.

(( A carrier is a person that is virtually immune to a disease but can still infect others with it because it's in their body ))
(( My battle hasn't ended yet RJ XD ))
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva shook her head, and sat with Kaci, against the wall, drawing her legs up in a similar fashion, and wrapping her arms around them. Shiva brushed some of her white hair off of her face, and looked at Kaci, "Everyone here already seems to be infected... You couldn't possibly do any harm..." she trailed off, not mentioning anything about her parents, as Shiva simply brought herself to the conclusion that they suffered either this disease, or whatever the military is fighting...
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Kaci looked to Shiva and smiled but still looked miserable. She said to her, "Thanks Shiva.... for telling me all this, and for not freaking out when I might be a carrier." She scooted over to her and hugged the white haired girl. She sighed and said with Shiva still in her embrace, "I'm probably overreacting anyway." Kaci let go of Shiva when she was done talking but leaned on her.

Deciding it was better to not talk about her parents right now she dropped it and tried to block off her thoughts of them as well. It wouldn't do any good to worry about something she could do nothing about. Still she felt the void in her growing as time passed and they didn't seem to be here.
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Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva blushed heavily with embarrassment as Kaci wrapped her arms around her, lightly hugging her back as Kaci embraced her. As Kaci leaned against her, Shiva didn't know what to say. Although she thought that in all likelihood, her parents were... Gone. But, she wasn't about to suggest this. The girl was strangely being nice to her, more than anyone really ever has. Even polite people who tried not to pay attention to her strange appearance still seemed put off by her hair and eyes.

Shiva felt her eyes getting heavy with fatigue, as she stretched her arms out in front of her, and then returned them to her legs, "I'm tired..." she whispered, and began looking around for where the soldiers had set up their sleeping area. Shiva didn't think she could get much sleep, afraid of how much the disease might develop during her hibernation, the thought of closing her eyes and drifting to sleep terrified her, wondering if she might be one of those people in the hall that never wake up...
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

The lights begin to flicker more often, leaving the young woman to curl up and fend for herself with only the occasional attention from medics. It seems like more people are arriving to these side rooms all the time...

Kaci, Shiva
As they converse, the two young women note that the lights are flickering more frequently, though the comfort that they seem to find in their friendly embrace may help with the unnerving sensation of being left literally in the dark...

Most of the food is being left for now, providing the newcomer with a veritable shmorgesboard -- and not just of salad! However, the atmosphere of the town hall is nervous at best, and with the way that the lights of the place keep flickering more often, the tenseness in the faces of those around her is only worsening...

By the time that Griffen returns, the lights that had flickered once seem to be doing so with random regularity. As much as he had sounded like he was planning on leaving her be, he has brought back a couple of paper plates piled with 'chow', including some of the sliced meat and cheese that had been left out for the people gathered here. "Eat something," he tells Cat as Moxie leans his head way over to snuffle at the food. "You don't often get a free lunch -- or supper -- so take what you can get."

As Cara and Shiva part ways, the blonde begins to notice that the room's lights are going haywire... making her way to Buster might be more of an adventure than she'd planned...

Morgan, Melissa
Rosie seems to hesitate only for a few more minutes, but as the lights seem to begin to flicker, her resolve only strengthens. "Well, yes and no. He had a lot to say, but from what I can remember and filter through, there were... incidences, in the past. Never the entire town going missing like this; this is just crazy, but occasionally people would speak of dreams, or worse. Demons," she cringed, glancing at the two before a few moments of darkness shadowed their faces from her. "creatures of nightmares, I suppose, haunting sinners." She paused, chewing on her lip. "Like I said, it's stories mostly. Maybe my grandfather was a little cracked, himself, but it's not leaving my mind and people here keep reminding me of it."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Cara wandered back in Buster's sitting place, more because it gave her a sense of a goal rather than because she thought the man would believe her, necessarily. As the lights began to flicker, she cursed, wondering what the problem was now. The thunderstorm outside was going pretty fiercely... it was probably just that some power box was getting a beating, but it didn't add to the turmoil in her gut over what was happening.

When she did find him, she rested her case against the wall before leaning back against it, herself. "Hey, you know that crazy thing? Apparently just about everybody's getting it," she told him, again without preamble. "Something is royally fucked in the town of Peiquok, and whatever that is, it's getting inside our heads... I... overheard," she wasn't necessarily embarrassed about eavesdropping, though she knew that others might be, "soldiers talking about fighting something down in the park, not far away, and getting ripped apart by monsters. Or something. You wanted to know, that's what I know."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shivering in fear, still, while curled up in her little ball, Jen closes her eyes and tries to sleep, hoping she would wake up with this being only a nightmare.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva shudders as the lights seem to threaten to go off, actually finding herself cuddling closer to Kaci in search of comfort. Feeling her eyes getting heavier by the second, Shiva looks over to a small amount of cots laid out for people in the hall. There seemed to be some available, and Shiva, after feeling drained from the apparent disease eating away at her mind, felt overcome with a sense of doom. She didn't know whether or not sleep would speed the process of decay, and the sight of people in unshakable sleeps troubled her, but she was just feeling too tired to even think, especially after that long trip on the bus.

Shiva stood up after some time, and looked for Kaci to do it with her, as she had all intents and purposes of laying on one of the cots, looking only slightly more comfortable than the floor, and hoping to get at least a few hours of sleep...
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Morgan, Melissa
Rosie seems to hesitate only for a few more minutes, but as the lights seem to begin to flicker, her resolve only strengthens. "Well, yes and no. He had a lot to say, but from what I can remember and filter through, there were... incidences, in the past. Never the entire town going missing like this; this is just crazy, but occasionally people would speak of dreams, or worse. Demons," she cringed, glancing at the two before a few moments of darkness shadowed their faces from her. "creatures of nightmares, I suppose, haunting sinners." She paused, chewing on her lip. "Like I said, it's stories mostly. Maybe my grandfather was a little cracked, himself, but it's not leaving my mind and people here keep reminding me of it."
Morgan listens somberly to Rosie's story, trying not to get too nervous when the lights in the room start to flicker. "This is all too much to deal with right now. I feel tired," she shakes her head, "Look, I don't believe in demons and stuff like that. There's got to be a rational explanation for what's going on. No offense." She tries to smile at Rosie. "It's late and we're all on edge from everything today. I'm going to find a cot and try to get some sleep; I bet this all looks silly in the light of day." She hopes that she sound slightly convincing as she moves off to find a place to sleep.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Kaci stood up by Shiva looking just as tired if not more as her. Stifling a yawn with her hand she said to her, "What're you doing?" She hadn't noticed the cots yet and just stood next to Shiva.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Melissa listens intently to Rosie's story, her jaw clenching as the lights flicker again, her eyes straying around the room to the various dark corners. After Morgan's comment, Melissa nods and says, "Let's save demons as a possible explanation once we're sure it isn't some kind of gas leak. But thanks for sharing that with us. The fact that similar problems have been happening before means it's not an isolated incident. I'm sure we'll be fine, once we figure out what's going on."

"Good night, Morgan," Melissa says as the girl walks off to find a cot. "You should get some sleep too, Rosie." She stands and stretches, looking around the room at all the people who were starting to nod off. "I'm going to stay up for a while, see if any news comes up." With a wave, she walks over to one of the windows, looking out into the dark town.

Melissa tenses as a sudden burst of gunfire rang through the town. She thought she had heard them earlier, but had written it off to an over-active imagination. No denying it no though. The damn song runs through her head again as she stares out into the rainy night, trying to find whatever was out there that was making her skin crawl.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva looked to Kaci, appearing just as sleepy as her, "I'm going to try and rest..." she told her simply, walking in a daze over to an available Cot, and plummeting down on it, stretching and yawning as she laid on the military cot, looking to Kaci to decide whether or not she wishes to sleep as well.