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Personnel Log-In


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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This is where characters get posted.

I'll also give brief descriptions of any NPCs I come up with.


Corebook, source of rules, courtesy of Loli Defense Force:

And the Ultimate Alien Anthology, source of near- or non-human races, courtesy of Shrike7:

And here are the rest of the sourcebooks I've allowed:

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Re: Personnel Log-In

Padawan Adaavi, character sheet :)
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Re: Personnel Log-In

Problem: I can't find the stats for the imagecaster or the stealth shell in the core book (and it doesn't sound like it'll be in the alien anthology). Also, the weight of my current equipment is greater than the 'heavy load' carrying level for a diminutive character - currently it weighs at least 24 kg, and the carrying capacity for an 8 strength diminutive character is 10 kg.

Apparently, all I'm capable of doing is pushing myself along the ground by using the repulsorlift unit as an engine. The book the DRK-1 model comes from probably has different weight listings or some such, but I've only got the corebook to go from.

The first three unspent points went to the three extra languages, and the last two were for a point of search.

Sheet p1:

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Re: Personnel Log-In

As for the problem you mentioned, Host...The equipment listed in the droid entry does not count as "carried" weight. Anything in a weapon mount will count, and anything above that will count, though. After all, organic characters' organs, the ones that make living possible, don't count against load.
Re: Personnel Log-In

Guh, of course. I should have figured it'd be something like that... 6am is not a good time to be posting. Bed soon.
Re: Personnel Log-In

Well, whether or not that's the actual "by-the-book" rule or not, that's my ruling.
Re: Personnel Log-In

Also, generally the weights listed are for medium-sized equipment, you halve it for every size category down from that, as a rule of thumb ;)
Re: Personnel Log-In

My character sheet has been updated with proper weights, and I've nothing to add from the new book.

Apart from slight backstory modifications - GTS is no longer an old droid, and was probably owned by someone with a reasonable sized business due to the cost of the droid - the character is good to go.
Re: Personnel Log-In

Hehe, I've already come up with a nickname :3

E-M-G, the first from each of the three sections, pronounced Eem-Gee :)
Re: Personnel Log-In

And time for three major NPCs to be posted:

He's reasonable calm, although sometimes annoyed at the antics of his friend...

Sounds like one of the McManus brothers from the movie "The Boondock Saints". Rides around in Ethan's backpack.

You can pretty much just use Canderous Ordo's appearance and voice from the first KOTOR game for this guy.
Re: Personnel Log-In

Holy Ethan's statpoints Batman! Those musta been some lucky rolls! XD
Re: Personnel Log-In

Yeah. I gotta say...Even I wasn't expecting that high, and I'm used to rolling high when I use actual dice.
Re: Personnel Log-In

And then there's me, and random chance's seeming hatred of me. I remember sitting there for over a half hour rolling 4d6 stats, trying to get a set that added up to more than a 0 modifier average :/ Once, I ended up with a stat block like that, it was for an 18th level Gestalt campaign for DnD, I was so happy :3
Re: Personnel Log-In

He hasn't appeared, yet, and might not for a bit, but here's the "Mushroom" Ethan mentioned:

He sounds like Gir, from Invader Zim.

He's also the reason that I've pretty much ignored the whole "Mandalorians got wiped out" thing that Shrike had Adaavi thinking about.
Re: Personnel Log-In

*glances curiously around*
Re: Personnel Log-In

*grabs by the shoulders and hauls in*

Hey guys, I got one!!

Hi, how's it going? Here to join, make a character? Go for it, I'll help if you want!

Re: Personnel Log-In

Looking through the books now, kinda was curious was all ^^; the biggie thing at the moment: NUMBERS!!!
Re: Personnel Log-In

Yeah, it's a D20 system, numbers are everywhere. If you've played DnD at all, it should click pretty fast. That said, anything specific character-wise you were thinking of?
Re: Personnel Log-In

Yeah, it's a D20 system, numbers are everywhere. If you've played DnD at all, it should click pretty fast. That said, anything specific character-wise you were thinking of?

Never played any system really, besides basic ones done for RPs here.

As for a char, I've had a Star Wars based char on my mind kinda recently. Ever seen The Force Unleashed? or at least game vids of it?
Re: Personnel Log-In

Yep, even have a demo at home. What about it?