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Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

To Thor's ship, a video transmission commenced, this time a strange old alien with long, fuzzy earlobes and a ceremonial headdress appearing on the screen. "The mighty Asgard. Allies of the Forerunners themselves. I must sa it is an honor to meet you. But, where are my manners. I am the Prophet of Mercy. I command this ship, the Shadow of Intent. My business here is simple. We are searching for Forerunner relics, anything that may lead us to their sacred world of Earth. We are merely seekers of truth and enlightenment." the being says, his hands folded together in front of his face "When we encountered this....other ship....we thought that is was one of the Flood, who are our sworn enemies. We have sworn to protect any humans we come in contact with. After all, they are the descendants of the Forerunners." he says, his camel-like eyes blinking slowly as the ship begins to turn away from Caitlin's ship "If you would be so kind as to give us coordinates to Earth, we will happily be on our way."

To Caitlin, Tartarus merely replies "Very well. Our apologies for wasting your time, miss." the brute says, as the comm channel is cut


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

The reply came a few moments later.

"Forerunners is a name I have not heard spoken in a very long time. Yes, we are in fact the same Asgard who allied with them many millions of years ago, however by that time they were using the name Ancients. This galaxy has not been touched with the taint of the flood you speak of, and it is my hope it will remain that way. If you are seeking to travel to Earth, I would suggest you speak to an Alveran by the name of Siphon. He is a direct descendant of the Ancients, one of only a handful of his particular species left. It is most likely he will have heard of your people as well, given he carries the entire recorded history of the Ancient's library in his mind."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"I see. Wait, you said a direct descendant? This is wonderful news. Thank you, Sir Thor. We apologize for any inconvenience that may have been caused." the prophet says, leaning forward in hsi throne slightly, then leaning back. Over the comm before it closed, cheers and howls of joy could be heard before the channel closed. After it had done so, the ship began to slowly turn towards the fleet, heading directly towards it.


Ixack had witnessed the weapon being fired, just staring in sheer awe at the power. When the anomoly had disappeared, half his drones were either damaged from combat or missing in action, but he had expected this. He began to initiate drone rebuilding and repair sequences as his remaining drones began to flood back in for repairs. Aboard his ship, he concentrated and opened a mental link to Siphon, having kept a close eye on the strange newcomer to the battle. "Siphon. I picked up a strange alien vessel behind us during the battle. I do not know why, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they are here for something more than just observing the battle." he thinks to Siphon, before handing out orders to his crew and stepping down from the command station, heading deep into the ship for god knows what reason.


Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

As one Bentari was easily cut in half the other's fist slammed squarely into Nova's jaw twisting his head slightly. "You call that a punch. TRY THIS!" he roared raising his free hand forming a fist, as a microthin shard of ice formed arond the back of his fist. Slamming his fist into the Bentari's collorbone the ice easily slides through the skin and inbetween the vertabrae. Bodychecking the corpse he launches himself into the fray roaring almost demonicaly.

As Vanessa calls Siphon a large fireball engulfs the corridor Nova was in.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

I believe you are correct Ixack, sensors indicated that ship was slowly moving our way.

After closing the channel to the larger ship, Thor replied to the smaller one.

"Then on behalf of the Asgard race and the alliance of races in this galaxy, I offer you greetings Caitlin Hall. I believe the ships have been dealt with, however your assistance would be most useful in clearing out the remaining Bentari on the planet surface. If you choose to do so, be advised they are highly resistant to most weaponry, and are lethal in close quarters combat. Hmm, odd, my sensors are detecting a sudden build up of energy coming from under the planet surface. These people do not possess that level of technology yet."

About that time, Caitlin's sensors would pick up the energy disturbance, registering it as slightly uncontrolled, and about three miles under the planet surface.

Vanessa stared in stunned horror as the corridor exploded back where she'd come from.

"SHIT! Nova, you there?"

Her immediate reply was more weapons fire, coming from behind her as six more Bentari showed up.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Thank you Thor, pleasure to meet you. Fighting in person isn't really my strong point, but I'll be happy to help in any other way I can, even if it is just hanging around in orbit in case more of them show up. Caitlin explained with a chuckle as she moved her ship closer to the planet, trying to make sense of the readings she was getting from the planet.
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Narlina might catch Sho gesturing toward her, two fingers out in a 'V.' Could be acknowledgement, could be 'victory,' or could even be 'peace.' Odd combination of possibilities, but that was typical Sho. As the whirlwinds continued to rip through the Bentari ground forces, she seemed to hover for a moment, sensing that something wasn't quite right. Though not perfect, she did have a sense of the atmosphere around her and right now, the dome of it far above her had just seemed to have gotten a sudden supercharge that would not be ignored.

Oy, Siphon? What the hell's going on up there?


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Any help you can provide will be beneficial to these people, of that you can be certain. However, your ship is small, and therefore more maneuverable than my own. Perhaps you could swing lower to the planet and get a better reading on this energy reading?"

As she moved closer, the readings began to appear more and more like some kind of reactivated stasis chamber. One that was failing slowly, but surely.

The reply came after a long delay.

Gravity weapon discharge. Only blew out two relays this time, but no time to fix them. We've been boarded, I'm heading to assist Vanessa now. Be careful down there.


Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

As the hallway cleared of smoke the charred bodies of the Bentari lay there as Nova spun around hearing the weapon fire in the direction of his acquaintance. "Shit im comming." he yells grabbing his weapons then running around the corner with his katana drawn.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

You too. Followed by the impression of a blown kiss.

Turning her attention back to the ground troops, she grins. "Gravity weapon. I know what that means. It means you boys don't have a ride home anymore." She practically cackles that out, her grin widening, getting a little more maniacal. "Not that it's really going to matter much to you, now is it?"

Her tornados began more thoroughly cutting through the enemy ranks, carefully controlled tunnels that avoided any of the Queen's warriors that were fighting. Between that and the gusts that she was whipping out to barrel over anything she couldn't suck up into the whirlwinds, things on the the surface were starting to quiet some, if you didn't count the locomotive sound that seemed prevailent in the area.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

That I can do, though we'll see if my scanners are good enough to do the job. Most of my equipment is a bit... Dated, unfortunately. Caitlin broadcast, her ship moving closer to the planet shortly after, setting up in a geosynchonous orbit above the energy readings.

"Huh, some weather.down there..." She commented out loud to the otherwise-empty command deck before shaking her head and refocusing on the scanners. Hmm... I think the reading indicate a Forever Chamber, but it doesn't look like it's living up to it's name. It seems to be failing.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Things really were quieting down on the surface, with only a small number of Bentari left. However, some were now tossing what seemed to be grenades into the air, trying to hit their aerial opponent.

It took Thor a moment to register what she meant by that, and quickly he replied.

"If you could forward those readings? As I said, these people do not possess that level of technology yet, meaning it is from another race that pod. If it is failing, we must know if it is friend or foe that may be released."

As Nova rounded the corner, he watched one Bentari lift Vanessa off the ground, slamming her into a wall once, twice, rearing back to slam a third hit that surely would knock her out ....

A hit that never came as a sudden blast of bright, angry red energy struck the Bentari clean in the face, blowing half of it off.

And there, just coming through the doors was Siphon, who stopped dead when he saw Nova.

"S ... Shade? Is that ... you?"

He was cut off as the remaining Bentari shifted their attack to him, forcing him to go for cover.

"Oh no no no. You did NOT just shoot that green shit at me!"


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Will do Thor, sending the packet now. Caitlin replied quickly, her ship moving a safer distance from the planet and starting some passive scans of the area. What she was searching for could be anyone's guess, but it didn't seem very urgent.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

As the Bentari numbers begin to dwindle, so do the funnel clouds.

"You idiots did not just try and throw something at me, did you?" Sweeping her hands forward and making a spinning gesture, Sho fine tunes some of the whirlwinds to suck the grenades into a vortex and shoot them upward rather than allow them to continue toward her. When they detonate, though, there's still the force of the explosions to consider, something even she feels as the energy from it blasts outward, knocking her back and even sending her to the ground as her concentration wanes for that brief instant.

Rolling off of her back, she pushes herself up. "Okay, that didn't quite go as planned." She makes sure there's no immediate threat to her person before starting to take stock in what's left for her and the wraith to finish cleaning up.


Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Nova is hit with a instant rush of memories seeing his old friend and hearing his old name. "Give up." he comments leaping on the back of the last attacker and swiftly severing and nearly ripping his head off. "Siphon... My god man." he says as his eyes change to a sutiable blue. "Vanessa are you ok?' he said going to her aid. "Plesantries later brother." he said suddenly. "give me a sitrep and tell me where you need me. I have killed to many demons and these creatures are a perfect change of pace."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Much appreciated ..."

There was a sudden string of what she could only assume was the Asgard language that flooded the channel, before he spoke again.

"It appears you were correct in your belief of it being a forever chamber. However, upon examining your readings I have determined that the chamber itself belongs to the Ancients. Which unfortunately means that if this pod fully fails, the occupant inside will die. I believe it would be prudent to deactivate the chamber utilizing it's automatic wake up procedure, however I do not believe we are the only ones who have spotted it. Bentari forces on the planet have broken off towards it's location, which means they likely are aware of it."

Sho found that the Wraith were doing an excellent job of keeping any Bentari away from where she had landed, in fact, there seemed to be much fewer of them than she remembered. She was suddenly spoken to by a Wraith that just seemed to magically appear.

"I do believe some of the Bentari have made their way under ground. About three minutes ago we began detecting an energy reading that, unless I am mistaken indicates the presence of an Ancient stasis pod. They may be headed to destroy it."

With the last of the Bentari dead now, Siphon moved out, even as Vanessa replied.

"Yeah ... nothing a few asprin and a nap won't cure later. Maybe a back massage too, ow. And you two KNOW each other?"

Siphon nodded.

"Yeah, long story, I'll explain later. Current situation is that we've seemed to have taken out all the intruders on board, but there are a small number of Bentari still on the planet surface attacking the local population. Sho went down with a bunch of the Wraith to take them out, just heard from her a few moments ago actually, seems all is going well there. That's another story too that I'll have to ... tell you when there's time to. Bit of a development there with ..."

He was cut off by Thor's voice coming through the intercom.

"Siphon, this is Thor. With the help of one of the ships that just arrived, our sensors have determined that there is an Ancient stasis chamber under ground that is failing. It also seems some of the Bentari have broken off to make their move, most likely to destroy it."

Siphon's own eyes flared up at this, and he barely controlled a snarl.

"OK, new change of plans. Ever used a matter transporter before Shade?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Underground. Why does it have to be underground?" she mutters to herself. "All right, lead the way. If they're going after something, it can't be good. Let's see if we can't head 'em off at the pass." She indicates for the Wraith to lead the way, given that she hadn't seen the splinter group of Bentari take off.

Siphon? I'm being informed of an energy flux the Bents seem interested in. We're going to check it out before they get to it, if we're lucky.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

That's incredible, if there truly is an Ancient down there, I have to see it! Caitlin exclaimed, sounding positively giddy for a moment. I have a small fighter I can use to get to the surface, do you know if the fighting has ended or not yet? My scanners aren't that precise.


Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Nova nods to Vanessa and helps her up. "well siphon if its anything like being banished to the demon realm then yea I have done something close to it." he stretches his arms a little and sheaths his gear. "well beam me down Scotty" he says grinning slightly.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Very well, this way then ... I believe Sho was you name?"

Regardless, the Wraith moved on, moving quickly, yet quietly towards an opening to a cave network that was almost completely hidden. Apparently not well enough to prevent skilled trackers from finding it though.

"It appears that the only group left now is the one that went into the underground network. You should be safe for landing. I will join you on the surface when you touch down."

Siphon nodded, then paused a moment with Sho's thoughts to reply back to her.

Copy that. Thor just told us too. He seems to have sensor information that indicates the presence of an Ancient stasis pod down there, so likely what the Bentari are after. Vanessa and I are beaming down now to cut them off and bring the pod's occupant back to the land of the awake. Also ... there's no easy or casual way to say this but ... Shade is up here with us. We'll meet you in the cave network.

Shaking his head slightly, he turned to the others as he reached for a button.

"Sorry about that, long distance call again from Sho, had to take it."

Off Nova's likely startled look, which Siphon had not seen, Vanessa pre-emptively jumped in and told him.

"Yeah Nova, there was some kind of incident a while back that granted the two of them instant telepathic communication with each other provided they were within I think it's a thousand light years of each other. I'm not sure of all the details but ... yeah, that's that."

After a moment they vanished, only to reappear in a small offshoot of the cave network, directly in front of the stasis pod.

"Well, that worked better than I thought it would. OK, now to try and figure out the controls again. These seem slightly different then what I've seen before. Hmm, extremely old, perhaps three to four hundred million years."

The last seemed to be Talvesh speaking, and if Nova looked carefully at the glass for a moment, he could make out the faint outline of what seemed to be a woman inside the chamber. He might also catch off in the distance the sounds of the Bentari moving closer, a good minute ahead of Sho and her Wraith companions.