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This RP is a completely freeform one. It's basically a life simulator you can do pretty much anything you want in. You can choose to be an Echidna, a Hedgehog, or your own character if it's human.

Echidnas and Hedgehogs don't have to have real last names. This tradition has been kept for centuries. Your family name can be set to any number of your choosing. Just don't make it ridiculous like 123456789101203293 or anything.

They look somewhat similar, but don't let their looks decieve you. They have a wide variety of personalities, demeanors, and alignments. Petting one is not advised.

You start in the city limits thread. Each area will be a different part of the city. Hentai can happen, due to the fact that it is absolutely freeform. But remember your people skills. ;3