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Official Curmudgeon
Aug 20, 2013
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If you're playing in this, post where you're starting out at and what you're doing when you start. Or, alternatively, if you want me to decide that, post that and I'll come up with something.

EDIT: A bit of clarification: This thread is intended to let me know the absolute basic details about how and where you are starting out. I will have individual character/group start threads to begin the gaming in.
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Re: Prequel

(The latter, aaa.)

Can do. How does this sound?

As near as you can tell, you escaped Coruscant cleanly after that last fiasco. You made your way to Nar Shaddaa, where you've been hiding out in the Red Sector, claiming to be a bookkeeper for Aumilie's, a popular "entertainment venue." (Interestingly enough, if asked, the employees have never heard of you...) You've not gotten rich by any means, but you've managed to siphon off enough credits to get by and still stay under the radar.
Re: Prequel

When the cargo hold door closed behind him, Deemak was a little worried; He still hadn't found something good among the ship's cargo. Then he realized that the ship would be taking off. That was more worrisome, but he couldn't find a way to open the hold door from inside. He had, of course, seen star ships before, but had never imagined he'd end up on one, at least, while in flight. They'd interested him, like flying sandcrawlers, and had considered at least a few times trying to fix one or two, but the space-port security never let him past. However, he wasn't quite ready to leave his home. Sure, Tatooine was hot, dry and hostile, but it was his home.

Though feeling sorry for himself, Deemak realized that once the ship landed, he could just tell them that it had all been a mistake and they'd probably send him back home. That thought cheered him up a bit, and he decided to continue looking through the ship's cargo for something to do. Maybe he could do something as a trade for the return flight.

There were a few very large metal crates, larger than even a human, so Deemak left those alone. There were, however, some smaller crates, one of which hadn't been closed properly. Inside, it looked as though it was full of spare parts, which sent a thrill through Deemak; He could almost certainly make something with this!

After some time sifting through the crate, making a mental catolog of the parts, Deemak came across an interesting find. A cylinder, about 30 centimeters long, with what looked like an emitter of some kind at one end. There was a button as well, but pushing it did nothing, but cause a faint, temporary buzz. Deemak remembered seeing a few off-world travelers carrying things like this on their belts and figured it was some kind of communicator. This one was broken, obviously, however. Realizing he could probably buy his way home if he fixed this before the ship landed, Deemak set to work.

He had luckily been carrying his tool-kit with him, and it didn't take long to open the device up. Inside was a power cell (that still worked, so Deemak set it aside), a strange crystal (in the darkness of the cargo hold, Deemak couldn't tell what colour it was, but it seemed fine, so he set that aside too), but otherwise, it looked fairly standard. Using parts from the crate, he started to fix the device as the ship traveled to its destination.
Re: Prequel

(((Decide something for me, please, hahaha)))