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Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

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Nov 10, 2008
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The long and grueling journey had gone on through many months, though Lexwyn's sire would say nothing in regards to their final destination. Now they walked down a well-used road towards a glow in the distance. The glow could only indicate a city beyond any Lexwyn had ever seen. Finally Morgaina stopped and turned to her childe, a sorrowful smile on her face as she pointed to the distant glow and said.

"London, the place you seek my childe. You have learned everything you need to be released into the world where you might finally find what you have sought after tall these years."

A motherly embrace and a kiss on the cheek was all she did before adding. "I hope one day you might return to tell me of your success in driving the Norman's out. You must be careful and wise though, not every Norman will be an enemy nor every Welshman an ally. I am confident that I have passed on enough wisdom for you to decide which is which though."
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

The moment had finally come. However, suddenly Lexwyn was not so eager. True that the few years since that fateful night had dulled her passion for the quest somewhat, but only to reasonable levels rather than that of a fanatic who might waste herself by poorly picking her fights. Morgaina's words rung true in that regard, she had learned a lot, to be cunning, and not take others as mere outgrowths of their associates. Her drive to get out into the world and discover was still there too... this feeling was something different.

Morgaina had become like a second mother to her, and in more ways than one she really did fill the role. Lexwyn had learned a lot about the other clans, and how some sires did not raise their childer. Rather barbaric in her opinion. They claimed that the transformation had shed them of such 'primitive human feelings', but it was clear to Lexwyn they had no one to blame but themselves. The new life, or death if one prefered, was what one made of it. She still fully intended to make the most of it.

For her, leaving would be hard, but it was just something else she must do. It wasn't a sad moment though. Unlike her past trials, Lexwyn could, and would come back. Her chosen task would take some time, to put it mildly, but at the most she estimated a century. There was no telling what could happen in that time, either. Maybe some quest of greater importance would come along, or some other factor would make the Normans irrelevant. Similarly, Lexwyn had revised her definition of revenge. With her great power and immortality, she could survive indefinitely, so there was no point in simply being a nuisance until she was hunted down. The other side of the coin was that it was clear the Normans were now firmly rooted in the region. The commoner had settled down, started a family, and for the most part just wanted to be left alone. They were neither a threat, worthy of Lexwyn's time, nor truly deserving of her wrath. No, it was those at the top that had earned her ire. Teaching them the lesson to fear what goes bump in the night would be good enough, preferably with a few branches pruned from the royal family tree along the way...

"Goodbye... I *will* come to visit. I cannot promise when, or how often. I'll be the first to admit I've laid out quite the choir for myself. And when it is finished, there will be another, and another, and another. The world is full of such tasks. I cannot thank you enough for helping me, and allowing me to pursue my own personal vendetta. I can't help but feel unworthy. The cause of our clan in ancient times makes my grudge feel small. However, once I find my closure, I fully intend to right a few more wrongs, even if they happened before I was even born a mortal." Lexwyn leaned in for a final moment with her sire before she had to depart. With the heavy load off her chest a few more practical thoughts came to mind that would be of use in the immediate future. "I have a few last questions though... Is there some place I can seek shelter at in the city during the day? I'm confident in short order I can get myself established, but the first few nights might be a little tricky. Any extra info about how our kind fares in London would be most welcome."

Woo, opening wall of text. Wanted to show she's backed away from the level of "obsessed" though after given time to mull more. Still quite devoted to causes she takes up though.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Morgaina seems far more saddened by the parting than does her childe. Lexwyn of course realizes how long her sire has been planning and imagining this moment, since well before Lexwyn had even been born. The moment must be simply overwhelming to finally be coming true, perhaps one day she herself would understand what it would feel like to succeed on such a far seeing plan. Morgaina simply smiles and says. "No cause is too small if you truly believe in it, my childe. Your cause might even change sooner than you think as you learn of the wider world and it's people."

She seems to cheer up immensely as Lexwyn became more optimistic and responds. "London is a mystery even to me I am afraid, though I do know of someone who can help should you need it. A Welshman and a Brujah like yourself, I know little of his causes though our clan has always stuck together despite our differences of opinion. Seek out Donegal in the court of Prince Mithras. I'm sure it won't take you long to find the court, more than likely they will find you first in such a large domain."

That's actually good. Dark Ages Brujah are a lot different from their modern counterparts. That's why they're called Zealots rather than Rabble. Of course I'm going to make it difficult by giving you the judgmental Norman prick to deal with first. There is an excellent reason for that which you don't realize yet of course but it could be interesting.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Ah yes, the second tradition. It was high on my list of things to take care of, but I wasn't sure quite how to go about it. In a way it's nice that they'll find me, but on the other hand, I suppose secrets are harder to keep against vigilant eyes, unlike back home among the peasants. It will take some getting used to..." Lexwyn mulled over the information. "I think I am ready then. Thank you again."

She turned back to the faint glow of the city, pausing for a moment before setting out. As much fun as fond reflection of the past few years was, Lexwyn knew she had to revert back to her survival instincts. Very shortly she would no longer have Morgaina looking over her shoulder, if the woman hadn't started her own trek back already. Part of Lexwyn wanted to look and check, but she liked not knowing, and believing her sire waited until she was out of view. Looking back herself was also a sign of lacking commitment too, in her mind. In all likelihood there weren't any real threats Lexwyn need be worried about at the moment, but it would make for some bad habits if she let her guard down based on that. Entering a new environment she couldn't afford to divert her attention to her normal idle thoughts.

Heh, well she's readied herself for "dealing" with all sorts of people, in whatever way she needs to. Also last night I did manage to think of her basic strategy for how she plans to deal with the Normans. Of course not all details are formed, it depends on what happens, but it's quite the little Machiavellian plot if I do say so myself, and not over the top or out of control.
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Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Farewell, my childe." Is all Morgaina said as she watched Lexwyn depart for the capital of all England, London. The seat of Norman power did seemed to grow larger and larger as she drew near. Part of her knew that this was the best place for revenge against those who had slighted her but somewhere she also realized that it was practically a lost cause. Still her mind was set and she was far to stubborn to admit such even to herself.

She approached closer and closer over the well worn road leading to a gate in the walled city. To either side of her was nothing but farmland and the shuttered huts of the peasant farmers. Such simple folk were often better prepared than the city folk against creatures of the night such as herself. She stopped as she caught sight of a large hawk swooping down in a nearby field to take down a rabbit with one hit. Then she heard the clop of a horses hooves as someone rode out of the darkness to her left. Another Cainite like herself she somehow knew even before her senses told her she was correct.

I hope it's not over the top, considering just about every noble and even a large number of peasants are at least partially Norman. That would be a lot of fighting in every sense of the word.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn was mildly uneasy, but it was probably just the unfamiliarity of her new surroundings. Though she'd not anticipated another such as herself this soon, it didn't particularly cause her concern. If anything, it meant this area was as safe as it appeared. Perhaps this was an envoy from the Prince already. Having someone screen new entries made perfect sense. Unfortunately, Lexwyn had had little practice greeting other Cainites, so was a bit at loss, though hopefully she could translate over what she knew of human noble customs.

Mulling over it for just a second, Lexwyn stepped to the side of the road and waited for the horseman to draw nearer. Those on horseback at the very least had the right of way. There was a chance that she was not the object of interest and that they merely wanted to pass. Though she doubted it, it was better safe than sorry. If the new arrival stopped she would nod and proceed with a simple "Good Evening" before allowing them to say their piece.

Well, though I implied in the text, in my mind it's a little clearer. Lexwyn doesn't have anything against the peasants, they are but simple folks 'along for the ride' so to speak. Similarly, being familiar with intrigue (and probably soon to be much more familiar), she recognizes the majority of the upper classes are but pawns too. No, her grudge now primarily resides with the King and those immediately around him. Her goal now is more to make sure the Normans in power are aware they better behave themselves, while generally instilling a sense of fear. There's perhaps a lingering sense of "racism", but mostly guilt by association than anything
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

The Cainite rides up and stops near the bird, who he calls to his arm by uttering a shrill cry much like the bird might make. He wears blackened chain mail and a heavy warhammer is strapped across his back. After he has put the Goshawks catch in a bag he drops his hood and turns to look at Lexwyn just as she says greets him.

Lexwyn can't help but notice his obvious Norman features as soon as the hood is dropped. Of course it would make sense that there would be Normans amongst the Cainites of London but she hadn't expected one so soon. His handsome face is framed by his short blond hair and he manages to smile though it looks as though he isn't the best at it when he nods and says. "Good evening, whoever you are."

Yeah I didn't picture Lexwyn trying to go on some ethnic cleansing binge, doesn't seem her style. She is prejudiced against them but not racist if that makes any sense. Though in actuality she's only prejudiced against them because they are the best choice currently. Living forever she might realize it was some other groups fault, such as the Ventrue. Basically your a Brujah.

If she can manage to get along with Jourdain he might perhaps be the most useful ally she can find for reasons as yet unexplained. Oddly enough he's also one of the few kindred who's a Norman.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"I am Lexwyn... a traveler from the West." Her face twitched a bit, but only one eyebrow. Of course, there would be Norman kindred. It was one of those 'knew it at the back of her mind' things, but it still caught her a bit off guard and left her scrambling for an acceptable answer. Being blunt with her purpose here was not going to be a good idea. She had practiced telling the truth, but simply omitting the damning parts, as the best way answer in her opinion. In truth, Lexwyn thought she was rather good at it, and had thought of some preprepared lines, but they were for meeting the Prince, not a guardsman, or whatever he was... that was it, that was how she could continue this conversation without suspicion! In the end Lexwyn cared little if others knew of her goals, but telling a former Norman right away was a recipe for disaster.

"And who might you be if I may ask? Perhaps you could do me a small favor and direct me to where I might find our court?" From her admittedly limited experience, this was probably being a bit overly polite, but she'd rather not be questioned too much. Feigning interest in him could head off any issues, as could her rather straightforward request.

Heh, sorry for such a fast reply, but my psychic powers tingled and you caught me in the creative mood.

Yes, her view will evolve. If she survives to modernity, I could see her being one of the Brujah that attempts the grand experiments. After a time, her obsession will probably become reforming the great city again, etc. Nine years isn't a long time, when you have eternity though, so she's not that far along the progression, even if some subconsience effects may be there.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Not even in the city yet and already asking for favors. Still you're at least polite. I am Jourdain if you really wish to know." Is all he says at first. Lexwyn can't tell if he's simply haughty or if he's trying to be rude. neither would surprise her as she realizes she is in much the same situation as that blonde Toreador so many years ago.

"Of course I can direct you to the court or at least to the chamberlain's court. Though I feel I should mention that you arrive at a troubled time, Lexwyn. Missing seneschals, poisoned warmasters, and the usual problems as well. Of course you would know nothing of any of these things and if you did you probably wouldn't admit it." He adds.

"Since we are trading such minor favors. Run this bag of game over to that hut and leave it on the door. They are good people and could use such a boon. Then I will take you to the court or simply direct you if you wish." He points towards a rather rundown hut across the field as he says this and holds out the bag of game to her.

It's okay I actually have the time today. So maybe that's where the psychic tingling came from.

Also before I forget. I spent your experience on presence level 2 like you said unless you changed your mind since then.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn's features did noticeably curl a bit now. "I suppose that's the difference in our customs, hmmm?" That was all she allowed herself, lest she slip up already. "I'm a messenger of sorts, you could say, and I don't know how long I will be staying. You can believe me when I say as surely as the happenings are interesting and dire, I'm not sure if I'll be able to spare the attention." Once again, mostly true. Lexwyn was actually quite interested, but an extended stay played off as a change of her mind later might be beneficial. "If it is what you desire in exchange, I shall do it." Lexwyn took the bag and started to head towards the indicated house, walking calmly, but quickly. Dithering around out here wasn't exactly how she wanted to spend most of the night.

Yeah, answering this early in the day I think I've got more energy than usual too, on top of having a lot today in general. Yeah, that's where I wanted the xp.

Also my first thought was literally "Oh god, Jourdain x.x", I've heard so much about him from Ranger :p
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Perhaps." Is all Jourdain says in response to Lexwyn's first retort. Though his smile changes a bit indicating that his haughtiness is more of a show. He doesn't say anything further about her being a messenger until she returns from dropping the gift off at the peasant hut.

Upon returning from her trivial boon she finds Jourdain speaking softly to the beautiful goshawk on his arm, which soon flies off towards the southeast. He turns and smiles haughtily once more before saying. "I suppose it is time to do my part, now. Do you prefer I take you directly to the court or perhaps simply take you to the gate and give you directions from there. You should be able to get a horse of your own near the gate if you wish."

And of course I fell asleep, darn silly work schedule makes me feel like I never get anything done.

Well good that means he's making an impression on people. I tend to use him a lot because: first he's my self-insertion character (yes I wish I could be a rude prick IRL), second he's one of the few vampires who isn't involved in the main plot, third he's one of the few who you're likely to just run into about London, and four he's actually apolitical since his path requires him to ignore Cainite affairs when possible.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn tossed both possibilities back and forth, at least until Jourdain got to the part about horses. It had been a long time since she had ridden, and it was never been her favorite. Sure, there was a speed advantage, but Lexwyn preferred the advantage of guiding her own movements. That was right out, and if Jourdain led her to court personally no doubt he'd want her to ride, in the interest of time.

"Directions will suffice. In fact, taking the scenic route might help me get acquainted with London more thoroughly. I would hate to overly trouble you with my slow pace." No harm in actually saying that either, she suspected. Perhaps Jourdain would pick up on her slight passive-aggressive hint along with it. He wasn't the only one that could be less than polite if need be.

Yeah, having a character like that is pretty handy. Allows introduction without bias in most cases.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"An excellent choice. I've ferried enough neonates to court the last few nights." Jourdain says as he begins to give Lexwyn directions to the chamberlain's court.

"The simplest route would be to simply follow the walls northward until you get to Cripplesgate, then it's a simple matter of traveling through the moors to the chamberlain's manor house. Simple but you run more chance of finding trouble not that you couldn't handle such things.

For the more scenic route through the city simply keep following this road east. Newgate is the main east-west road through the city. Eventually you will run across the main north-south road and you can take it north to Bishopsgate. You'll be able to see the manor from there though you'll still have to cross the moor. It has an unpleasant smell but it's fairly safe if a bit slow to get across."

That it does. Wouldn't be as necessary in a modern game though since smaller dark ages city population means a lot less vampires running around.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"And I suppose I'll know it when I see it, hmmm?" Though still carrying on the act, the directions were more than sufficient. "Thank you." Lexwyn set off for the second route he mentioned. Safety wasn't a real concern for her. She honestly did want to get to know the area a bit more. She could always explore the first route later anyway. Of course, she almost mused about it out loud as she typically did, but no doubt this Jourdain would not appreciate her complicated thoughts, so she kept them to herself.

Bloodlines had a somewhat similar feature, though it's such a special case I won't talk about it, because one of these days you are going to get it running :p
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Trust me when I say you can't miss it." Jourdain said having dropped the apparent act of rudeness as soon as his attention had left the newcomer. He spurred his horse onward to the gate and was soon lost from sight in the streets of the city.

Lexwyn could hardly believe how large the city was as she drew closer to the large gate. No guards she noted or at least no obvious ones but then who would attack a city so large. Entering within the towering walls for the first time she could see 2 land marks to the south over the rooftops: an imposing castle and the soaring bell tower of a cathedral. The streets were muddy after the recent snow but not unmanageable if she kept to the main street which stretched as far as she could see to the east.

There were more people than she would expect out and about at this time of night though none seemed to pay the lone traveler any mind. She couldn't help but wonder with this many people about at night how many others like herself might be within the city. The only way to tell would be to find out though as she stepped forward and continued her journey.

When I remember where I put it that is. I wonder if I would have loaned it to someone to see if they could get it to work.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn took her time, looking at all the signs and getting a feel for the area. Of course, her recent practice of the local language wouldn't get much of an exercise. Very few people in life, and probably in death too, put in as much effort as she did, and thus she didn't expect much from the local commercial district. If she was to spend much time here though, she best make note of all the places she could go to hide in the event of trouble. Already a nice mental map was taking shape.

Lexwyn glanced at the people too, though took care not to stare. Beyond being rude, it was bad to attract too much attention. Where she could she would try and pick up on the general mood of the people as she continued on her way. Even without gossip, feeling how on edge people were, or weren't, was always handy.

Shouldn't be too hard to find again. Not even torrents, I mean, but IIRC there was some place reselling it as a download for like $5. Probably works better that way too. Hell, with it being a source game, they may have even added it on steam at some point.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Most of the people she passed in the streets were of the lower class, roughly evenly divided between those of Norman and Saxon blood. The others were a mix of priest, noble, and guardsman mostly of Norman blood. One thing was certain from the general mood and bits of conversation that she picked up was that the majority were actually quite happy with their lives. Even the conquered Saxons seemed to be happy with their lot in life.

There was some underlying sense of discomfort she felt in the general populace but she couldn't quite figure out what it was. She had plenty of time to figure exactly what it was though. The bustling energy of the commercial district at night made her feel more alive and the sense of mystery about such a large place excited her even more.

Aside from the larger bell tower she had seen earlier she was surprised by the number of smaller steeple, as if every neighborhood had their own church. Eventually she came to the road that Jourdain had mentioned it was difficult to miss as it was even broader and more busy than the Newgate Road. To the east she could see an even larger fortress, most likely the royal residence she mused as she turned north towards Bishopsgate and the moors beyond.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn relaxed a bit as she mingled. Whatever drama Jourdain had mentioned had not spooked the general populace, which was good. In truth, Saxon or Norman, Lexwyn wished these people well, for they were just small pieces controlled by the larger puzzle. England was much different from Wales, too. Here they had half a century to get used to the new order, but in Wales there were still places fighting for freedom. What was really needed was something that would keep the higher ups busy here, rather than focused on making further conquests.

She stopped and looked towards the fortress. It was definitely something worth checking out, but not right now. She would be a Cainite far longer than her grudge against the Normans would last, so she figured she must attend to that court first. Lexwyn continued her journey following Jourdain's directions.

It's really inconvenient to no longer breathe. It makes so many forms of expression, such as sighing, quite redundant...
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

The road north passes much as the first road had though it is a much shorter trip to the Bishopsgate. A church stands quite close by as she passes through the gates to the north of the city and the moors. A rather vast expanse of nothing occupied much of the north of the city, though Lexwyn's keen senses could just make out a mansion within.

She began her trek across the stink of the swampy land which was somewhat slow going as she had never traveled the route before. Seemed an odd place for the court of a Cainite chamberlain which filled her with even more curiosity as her foot sunk into mud almost up to her knee bringing her back to reality as she dragged herself loose. Perhaps it wasn't so odd after all she thought, the area would be rather difficult to assail with the mud and shallow bogs here and there.

I think that's why they emphasize it so much but yes it does get annoying at times. Of course your still pretty young as far as vampires go so you could always still do it. One of the paths of humanity actually encourages such things.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Ugh..." Another thought crossed Lexwyn's mind. Jourdain could have led her out here as a prank. Not the right way to start off with someone, but she could see it happening. Still, she pressed on. It was a bit early to start doubting him, even if he didn't exactly make the best first impression. She did look around a bit more carefully, hoping to spot this place fast. It wasn't as if Lexwyn couldn't rough it, but she'd really like to avoid getting messy before meeting the higher ups...
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