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Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

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Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Not a problem at all, milady. I tend to do most of my work after sunset anyways. Till tomorrow then." With a bow he returned down the stairs to his workshop. Despite the dust in her rooms Lexwyn couldn't help but notice the wonderful smells coming from the workshop as she and Ulrich made their way back to the streets below.

Once safely by themselves once more her rotund companion remarked. "For one so influenced by greed he seemed to cu you a rather nice deal. Perhaps he was more intrigued by your offer of partnership. So are there any other pressing matters we must attend to or perhaps you wish to simply explore Mithras' domain?"

Thankfully you don't always need to make full character sheets for NPC's or you would spend all your time making them. It all depends on the purpose behind the NPC on how much of a sheet you need. Plus if you're dealing with a real old or powerful character you pretty much have free reign with what you can give them.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"If we have time" Lexwyn was a bit disoriented by the new surroundings, and she wasn't quite sure if sunrise was soon or not. Her mind was busy with many different thoughts, too, and she couldn't really focus even now. "I fear I am in need of a place to stay for just tomorrow now..." She let the lead hang out there, maybe Ulrich new of some place besides his own little slice of London she could stay until this deal was finalized. "I also fear this is how things become complicated, but for now it will do." Despite his insanity, Lexwyn felt as if Ulrich might be one she could perhaps enlighten over the long run. His current cordial demeanor was quite refreshing, and she was thankful for it. If he was flipping out again she didn't know if she could take it...

Yeah, and for the first actual play session there aren't many supernaturals they'll be facing. They'll be infiltrating a warehouse to look for an item stolen from the local prince, but have the wrong address...
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Perhaps one of our cheaper inns. I of course offer my shop if you wish, i lair elsewhere during the day but it is secure from the sunlight. We still have at least three hours of moonlight left to us I would say." He seemed to be almost a perfectly refined gentleman by now even if his clothes and appearance lended itself to a more comical view. Still somewhere underneath the facade lurked a raging maniac full of fear for them. Lexwyn honestly doubted if anyone even cared enough to hunt the Malkavian despite his insistence to the contrary.

The night was still young enough that she might accomplish something of use still but what should she start with. Ulrich broke her train of thought however by musing aloud. "Things always seem complicated at first glance but if you unravel the string slowly enough the truth is easily found. Do you like chess perhaps? I'm always looking for new partners to play with."

Ah the old wrong address ploy. So is this like a group prologue or are they already low level neonates. Well I guess it would be a group prologue either way wouldn't it.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn gave Ulrich a curious glance at his mention of how he used, or did not use his shop. By this point she actually wasn't surprised at his level of paranoia, though she was surprised at how attractive that option seemed all of a sudden. "Well then, if you don't mind, your shop might be welcome rather than the din of an inn, even a small one." She pondered curiously for a second more. "I do play chess, yes, though have so far had a chronic shortage of opponents. But, if we have so much time still, perhaps we could look around a bit more, and save such a game for a farewell if nothing strikes our fancy." She looked back towards the area with the most hustle and bustle. Free from worry on this issue, she could now relax freely. She had not wagered on this much free time, but Lexwyn intended to use it.

Mostly fresh off the boat, so to speak, but I didn't want to muddle them too much in individual pasts as we kind of had to reform the group in the middle of planning due to some unfortunate incidents with my sister's friends. Generation wise, though, two are 13th, with one 12th and one 10th I think. We have a circus freak Tcmize, a raised by by wolves Gangrel, mad scientist/engineer Malkavian (the only guy), and... can't remember what my sister is, maybe a Ravnos. One player is fresh to RPs in general, with only one night of DnD under his belt. Another is only slightly better. The other two are DnD vets, one who's played a single player session of vampire once, and my sister had a disastrous LARP, so overall not much Vampire experience.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"As you wish. I doubt if they know of you being here yet so there should be little trouble for the coming day." Ulrich said as he looked toward the hustle and bustle of the streets like his companion. Nodding his bearded jowls he turned to follow Lexwyn as she headed in that direction seemingly without a care in the world on his face.

"I find the game of kings to be an excellent means of relaxation. Several of our kind play at Rodger's court, especially those of us on the via regalis. And it's not to different from what many of our kind do with our herds and allies." As they walked down the busier section of the street Lexwyn got the strangest feeling that they were being followed or watched. Could it be that her rotund companion's madness was rubbing off or were they indeed being watched. More importantly could she look around without exciting her companion's sensibilities.

Ah yeah, well group prologues work just as well especially with new people. Plus it is a bit more difficult to run individual prologues if your playing in person. Sounds like a good mix generation wise not to mention a rather eclectic mix of characters. Hopefully they'll enjoy it so that I er we can continue to take over the world bit by bit.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn expanded her view by occasionally glancing to her extreme periphery. Considering Ulrich was rather moderate right now, she trusted the feeling that perhaps they were being watched. At the very least, they did probably look like a rather odd pair to be walking at this time of night. For the mean time, she continued the conversation as if nothing was happening. No doubt Ulrich would get all excited again if she just fed into his madness.

"So... beyond the current talk of the court, what else has been going on in London. No doubt a place like this contains plenty of... trouble, for lack of a better word. Or, for something less worrisome, are there any other hotspots for our kind of interest about? I'm sure all business and no play would make everyone very bored very quickly..."

Yeah, and it's taking awhile to get going because of schedules, but the people seem to be taking to it rather quickly now, heh
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn did her best to remain nonchalant as she searched for the source of the feeling in her gut. There were enough mortals around that she doubted an ambush or the like would occur on the street but her gut told her to worry none the less. It took them at least a block of travel before she picked out a cloaked figure who seemed to be following them right through the crowd.

Whoever it was was indeed good at this trade as they would often disappear into a crowd of people only to emerge in an entirely different spot moments later.

Thankfully Ulrich seemed not to notice a thing with his penchant for paranoia this was the sort of thing to send him into a full on rage. Something Lexwyn did not wish to happen until he had fulfilled his worth to her. He listened to her query as they walked and rather jovially answered. "The plots of our kind go on much as they always do of course. Some of small interest some of larger interest. I suppose the largest bit of news to be the disappearance of Valerius, our seneschal which you already know about. A few nights ago prince Mithras' warmaster Aethelwulf was poisoned with bloodroot. A loathsome poison to our kind but nothing more than a rare herb to mortals. Then there is the matter of the gargoyle that was captured by a few of the other new arrivals in the city. The new arrivals and the rush to secure new allies being the last of the news."

That's why my tabletop group plans our game for the first of the month, that way we can always get in a game sometime during the month after all the reschedulings.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn made note of the strange figure, letting out a small "Hmmmm", but spun it to Ulrich as if she was deep in thought about something else. Something should be done about this... definitely, but it would take her a moment to form a plan. In the mean time, best to continue as normal...

"Other newcomers? I would assume that a place like London sees its fair share of traffic, but enough to be noteworthy. Hmmm, that is something indeed. You know why I am here, but the others, that could be something..." Lexwyn steered them towards a nearby shop, any would do, and pretended to be interested, but was really keeping an eye to see what their follower would do when they stopped. After she learned his pattern, she could potentially get the jump on him, in a slightly less populated place, of course. Even crowded would do, she would just have to put her actressing skills to full use.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Surprisingly we rarely see true newcomers in Mithras' immediate domain, the typical newcomers have already been here at some point in the past. This city has a way of drawing our kind back to it with it's hidden prizes. Some even say it might one day rival the greatest cities of the world like Jerusalem, Granada, or even mighty Constantinople. So 5 new arrivals within 2 nights is certainly enough to be noteworthy to the established Cainites of the domain." Ulrich seems not to notice how Lexwyn suddenly stops mid sentence to peruse the window and merely answers as if though he is completely oblivious to the person following them.

He stops to glance at the window as well and waits for her to continue after the glance. Lexwyn's keen eyes catch the cloaked man as he suddenly stops in the middle of the street before simply continuing on past her. She catches a few more furtive glances as the man hurries past. Her ruse had worked almost too well but now her shadow could himself be shadowed. Though that could be rather dangerous to her and Ulrich if he lead them into a trap.

10/14 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][]. Not that you need to worry about this, I just keep forgetting to track everyone else.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Hmmm, I see. I do hope I am not lumped in the same category as they are simply because of my time of arrival." Lexwyn continued on, after their stalker. Ulrich seemed to content to follow, and in an almost humorous thought she wondered if he would even notice if she took them someplace strange. She kept back a good distance, too, even though it might mean losing their target, just in case she needed a bit more reaction time.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Her hunter turned prey was certainly not stupid as he glanced back only once to note if her were now being followed. Still he continued on down the street ducking in and out of crowds as he had done while following her. Still Lexwyn was able to keep a casual pace and keep track of the quarry while her companion remained oblivious to his surroundings. The thought occurred that maybe Ulrich had been setting her up all along but she shook it off. He would have no reason to wish her harm having just met her. Finally he ducked quickly down the upcoming alley to the left.

Ulrich nodded jovially as they continued on saying. "I suppose it depends on who you ask. I'm sure some would lump you in amongst the other newcomers, though I doubt any would consider you to be a coterie or the like. Though the coterie is not an idea without merit for the younger kindred of the city. I myself do no lump you in with them for they are not nearly as interesting."

10/14 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][].
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Mmmm, why thank you Ulrich." Truth be told, his current behavior was a bit odd. More so because he seemed to be flattering her so much. Was she really so impressive compared to the usual lot to warrant such attention? Not that Lexwyn would mind a compliment, but it made her lament even more for the state of her fellow cursed.

Stopping at the alley for a second, Lexwyn pretended to "play dumb", in an attempt to keep Ulrich calm, but also continue the pursuit. "Hmmm, what is this way? A short cut perhaps? Have we been this way before?" Lexwyn started down the alley before really giving Ulrich a chance to reply.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Ulrich looked up with a momentary hint of surprise at Lexwyn's question before smiling and following. "Despite your many attributes you still lack a knowledge of your surroundings. Surely you remember this alley from earlier and the warehouse across the street. Though it does please me to know that my method of preventing them from following seems to work."

The jolly and fat Malkavian practically beamed as he followed her down the alley way seemingly oblivious to her tricks. The alleyway was indeed the the one they had hidden in after traveling across the rooftops to her companions unfortunate breakdown. The ladder they had descended stood empty and the far end of the dark alley gaped like the abyss of some monster waiting to devour them ahead.

10/14 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][].
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn scowled a bit, part for show, part because she was annoyed at herself for failing to notice such a detail. Nevertheless, she walked up to the ladder anyway. Well, close to it anyway, she actually gestured for Ulrich to go first now. "Oh, is that so? Is this your ladder then, or part of the surrounding features naturally. What makes this place so special, hmm?" Meaningless conversation really, but this close to where the target had disappeared, either they find their follower without any misfortune, they find nothing and she would suffer a slight embarrassment, which would be fine if not disappointing, or Ulrich would spring whatever was in store, which would be less bad than Lexwyn herself stumbling into any such trickery.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Ulrich looked up the ladder before shrugging his shoulders and beginning the climb upwards. Despite his rotund appearance he was still quite capable of such endeavors it seemed, though Lexwyn wondered if he would be of any use in an actual fight.

His jovial mood continued as he said. "I did have the ladder put in so you could say it is mine. I do own several properties in the area thanks to my mercantile abilities. Money is as true a path to power as being born a noble, one day everyone will know this to be true even the supposedly true Scions of our kind."

10/14 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][].
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Yes... we can get a better look from up there. Show me why don't you?" Lexwyn raised an eyebrow, half expecting that to have sprung whatever lay in wait. No matter, Ulrich was still first, and there were many more things they could see from up high. After earlier, they could probably dash and catch whoever it was that had been following them, too.

"Perhaps you are right, though I do fear for the world if such a thing comes to be. Power without knowledge is a frightful thing indeed." Ulrich's clarity was actually quite... thought provoking. Lexwyn was actually a bit annoyed to be chasing this mysterious figure around now. London no doubt had a great repository of books somewhere, and it would be great to browse the selection, but business came first, and for someone like her, work was never done...
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

So what is it we are looking for now, might I as...." Ulrich had begun to respond as he climbed but it was as though all sound had suddenly disappeared. It was wholly unnatural and Lexwyn immediately felt herself tense at the sight of the horror on Ulrich's face as he looked down at her from the ladder shouting. Though no sound came from the rotund man's mouth the entire time.

The assassin dropped from above Ulrich seeming to appear as from nowhere and slashed 2 thin daggers across the rotund Cainite's gut before landing beside Lexwyn and spin kicking her legs from beneath her. All of this occurred without a sound as Lexwyn looked up to see her companion falling beside her his face wracked with pain as he held the wound on his stomach.

An assassin and a Cainite at that, Lexwyn wondered even as she began to move.

10/14 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][].
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn opened her mouth to curse this vile fiend. She knew better, of course, but some reactions just happened. She would wager that half of Ulrich's expression was from shock. She could deal with that later, or maybe the flighty Malkavian would actually shape up into something of a fighter and join her counter sooner, rather than later, though Lexwyn doubted it.

She immediately drew her old trusty dagger, which had not seen use in quite some time. It was more of a memento than anything. In one quick swing she aimed to lodge it right in the attackers belly, a bit of poetic justice for the attack on Ulrich. In a second move she aimed to grab the attacker by the neck. Of course strangling did not work against their kind, but such a grab would help her do one thing, punch this damned clown right in the face! Lexwyn was not yet to a state of murderous rage just yet, but she was pretty mad. She would give quarter, but not before teaching this idiot a thing or two about picking targets carefully.

(Celerity for one extra action. Dagger attack, then punch to the face, assuming Potence for both attacks of course)
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn had good reason to doubt that her companion would join her as the anguished cry she had first expected suddenly came. She could tell he was likely in an extreme amount of pain as whatever the assassin had used on their blade was bubbling and eating at the wound even as she watched.

The assassin barely dodged back from the blade as it slashed towards it's midsection. However he was not quick enough to escape her grasp despite his best attempt. Lexwyn had him by the cloak and they would have likely escaped had he not seemed intent on causing further harm to Ulrich. A glob of what looked like spit flew from under the hood and hit Ulrich in the face where it too began to bubble.

His unearthly howls of pain only doubled as the attacker tried to free itself from her steel grip.

10/14 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][]. Don't forget you get extra dodge if you choose not to take the extra attack and the potence is always on so you only need to mention it when you try not to use it.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Holy shit!" Ulrich did have people after him! Maybe he wasn't even as much of a fool as her first appeared. Lexwyn shook the assassin again and attempted to punch the danger into his face. This suddenly became no time to play around. She tried to put herself between the attacker and Ulrich, if possible, but didn't know if that would work or not.

(Dagger to the face)

Yeah, I'm just used to online RPs where I have to remind people of everything. Even seasoned vets sometimes make a mistake, too, after all, and it's helpful if everything's nice neat and in a row.
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