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Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

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Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Jourdain stood looking out over the water from the bow of the ship as Anabelle made her way on deck. The handful of sailors on deck were busy with preparations to dock the galley.

The sun was completely below the horizon though the full moon provided more than enough light to see by. The sea was calm as the galley made it's way toward the shore. Their target seemed to be the small city on a jutting promontory with two forested peninsulas opposite each side of it.

The place barely qualified for a city from it's looks, the ancient crumbling walls looked to be of little use in repelling much of anything. The white cross on black that Jourdain wore flew over what looked to be the early construction of a fort.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Backing away from the side sailings, Anabelle moved to the bow and stood beside Jourdain, looking out across the sea at the city. She crossed her arms over her chest and stood in silence for a few moments.

"How long is this going to take?" she asked, not bothering to look at her companion as she spoke.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

"I'm not sure exactly, though I doubt if your role in the court will last for more than a few minutes. After that you can leave whenever you like, I've already given the captain orders to deliver you as soon as you return. You'll be in France within two days at most I would say."

Jourdain answers as he continues to stare out at the water calmly, he seems far more relaxed than normal. Not long after they have landed Jourdain leads her through the quiet streets of the small city to a small church. Jourdain's nervousness seems to have returned as he leads the way up the steps.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

As Jourdain's nervousness comes back to him, Anabelle feels her own starting to rise. For the first time since this new adventure had begun, she was truly walking into the serpent's nest. If her heart still worked it would be pounding right now.

Forcing a breath she tried to calm herself, and keep her hands away from the hilt of her blade. It wouldn't do to appear threatening, who knew what kind of power was within the walls of this place.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

He stops just before entering the door and turns before reaching his hand out to offer a small chain with a rather ornate looking key on it. His eyes still dart to the various shadows nervously as he says.

"Since we probably won't see each other again, I feel I should wish you good luck and god speed. I have no idea what this key might go to but it was sitting amongst the junk on that merchant's table. I thought perhaps you might want it as a reminder to try and keep the beast in check at all times. It's about the only advice I can really give that might help you in your travels."
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Looking down at the offered key for a moment, Anabelle slowly extended her hand and took the item. She closed it in her fist, remembering the feeling of tearing into the man's throat, dashing his head against the wall as she fed upon him.

Slipping the chain around her neck she tucked the key under her chain mail and looked towards the door.

"Thank you. For everything,"
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Jourdain simply nods before leading the way into the small church. He quickly genuflects as he passes the altar before leading the way into the back rooms. A young priest looks up at them as they enter, though he seems unconcerned with their arrival as he returns to his chores. Jourdain stops at a strong wooden door and whispers.

"When you are called in take three paces and turn to face your right. Than it is just a matter of answering the judges questions as best you can. I hope you aren't afraid of the dark."

With that Jourdain opens the door to a room of utter pitch blackness much like the cloud she remembered from the night of the shipwreck. Closing the door behind him as he calmly steps into the blackness. A mere 45 minutes passes before the door finally opens and Jourdain steps out, nodding his head for Anabelle to enter.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Anabelle paced back and forth as she waited, not sure what to expect. Her gaze was locked down on the floor, her attention never really on anything, until the doors opened.

Clutching at the key beneath her chainmail for a moment, Anabelle stepped into the room, taking three paces, and turning to her right. She tried to look into the darkness, tried to find something to grasp onto, as she waited for the questions.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

The dark cloud of cold cloying shadow fades as Anabelle steps through the doorway dulling even her now keener vampire senses. It's strange almost frightening as she takes the three paces and turns as Jourdain had told her to do. The coldness passes after the first step fading into the normal darkness of the night. A single taper to one side of the room casts wild shadows everywhere as though the room were alive.

She stands there staring into the shadowy darkness for what seems to be eternity before a gruff older voice speaks from the shadows. Anabelle can barely make out the source as the featureless judges look down on her from the bench. Their forms little more than the soft shadows that play about the room seem to fill her with a feeling of being watched.

"Anabelle of clan Gangrel you have been called before this Court of Blood to bear witness to the veracity of the claims made by Jourdain of Normandy. As you were present at the execution of one Idris of Damascus, tell us what you saw so that we may pass judgement."
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Fighting back her fear, Anabelle tried to stand up straight. She was a daughter of Scotland, a soldier in the holy army to take back the most holy of cities.

"I saw Jourdain, and my sire Dracen, fighting with Idris while I was still a kine. Draven staked Idris in the heart, then I died. When I was reborn, Jourdain was the one to cut the head from Idris," Anabelle said, forgetting to speak gruffly to disguise her gender, her accent coming through stronger as a result.

She stood still after she finished speaking, not daring to move, thankful she no longer even had to breathe.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

The judges do not respond immediately as they weigh her statements. Finally a younger female voice comes from the bench, her words showing an obvious disgust. "You say this Dracen, your sire, aided Jourdain in subduing Idris. Did it appear that Jourdain could have defeated Idris alone?" Anabelle can almost sense several of the judges lean forward eagerly and can feel their eyes staring at her.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Anabelle felt fear pulse through her, wondering if she had just condemned the man who had helped her. The tone of voice in those words, who were these people?

"I cannot say for certain. I could not see overly well," Anabelle said, wanting to look for Jourdain but not daring to move her head. She wanted to let him know she was sorry, she didn't know how it would be.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Annabelle can sense the judges watching and eagerly listening to her words for any hint or sign of what they sought to find at this strange trial. Another voice rang out far more powerful and deeper than the others. It came from higher than the others as though he sat in supreme judgement over even the other judges.

"Jourdain was never required to defeat Idris in single combat by this court of blood. He merely sought to remove a rival who had erred in his ways, which Idris had. That is why he was granted permission of destruction rather than diablerie."

The other judges seem to dislike the harsh words of this judge though none dare to challenge his words as he continues.

"Annabelle of clan Gangrel we have one final question and then you will be free to go. You have stated that Idris was staked before he met final death, was the stake removed and Idris aware of his situation?"
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

That memory was all too clear in Anabelle's mind.

"Aye. The stake was removed, and Idris was told of what was happening, and why. Then his head was removed and he turned to ash," Anabelle said, letting her eyes trail up higher, where she thought that new voice was coming from.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Anabelle can see little of the judge as he seems to be made of almost pure shadow with only the whites of his eyes showing. He seems to look at her for a second before speaking again.

"Go now Anabelle of clan Gangrel, we have enough information to pass judgement."

Anabelle hurries from the room wondering what exactly she had just seen. She finds no one as she makes her way through the church on her to leave. The streets of the small city are empty as she continues back to the ship and before long finds herself staring out at the moonlit waters alone for the first time since her embrace. The next few nights go quickly and she soon finds herself leaving the city of Nice, heading north for her homeland.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Having taken bits of cloth from the ship to make a ragged cloak that would conceal her armour, sword, and her nature for the most part, Anabelle began the journey north.

She didn't know how long it would take, or even what she would do once she got there. All she knew was that she wanted to go home. Back to the highlands of Scotland.

Perhaps even just to live in peace.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Anabelle journeys through the lands of France by night, feeding her hunger when the beast begins to call. She avoids the larger settlements for the most part sticking to the forests and hamlets of the lands. She learns to find shelter from the deadly sun and how to survive as she feels the others of her clan must. Always moving onward for the mountains of her homeland she pays little attention to passage of time. On the rare occasions when she feels lonesomeness creep up on her she wonders what Jourdain is up to sometimes even her sire Dracen.

Eventually she finds herself at the English Channel and after securing passage across it finds herself in the kingdom of England. Her journey northward resumes through more familiar lands. On rare occasions she'll run into another member of her clan in the wilderness, always they pose the same question of how many moons. Anabelle never seems to have the answer they seek to their question and they soon part for their own paths. Eventually Anabelle makes her way through the wilds of Northumbria to the lowlands of Alba. She finds much changed in her homeland though life amongst the peasants still remains much the same as it always had.

One day she finds herself traveling down a familiar path towards the village she left so long ago. She hurries quickly down the overgrown path to find her home all but gone. She wanders through the abandoned houses now fallen and overgrown with weeds, the fields overtaken by the forest and weeds. Eventually she comes to the small church and do little but stare at the multitude of graves, a few of which she remembers. The majority seem to have died within a few years of when she would have returned home from the crusade.


Feel free to add on if you wish. Chapter 1 should be up soon.
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