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Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

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Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Adria explains things calmly as they make their way to Eliza's chambers in the palace. Passing the throne room Eliza can see that the bodies of her guards have been cleared away, though the gore from the assassins attack still remains.

"Oh I know far more about you than you might think, my child. I have been watching and testing you ever since I first heard of you. You have the ambition which all true Lasombra possess and one day you will know how to make it more than mere ambition.

I was not afraid of the fire because I have learned to control my fear of the banes to our existence. You will learn to do so as well for in order to move amongst the kine we must learn to control the beast inside of us. We are cultured monsters, unlike what you may have heard in stories. A here we are your chambers I believe, now hurry and change. I have already had a bath prepared as well as an outfit lain out for you. Jourdain has already taken the rest of the belongings you will need to the ship."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza walked with Adria through her duchy palace hand in hand. As they walked, she gazed serenely upon the blood on the floor of the throne room. Some of that blood was perhaps her own. It felt so surreal but also invigorating. Eliza felt stronger, more aware, and most of all, a craving for more power. The revelation that she had been watched for some time drew a look from Eliza, but she remained silent, listening to her sire, absorbing her words with great interest.

She nodded to Adria, sensing that her sire had other things to do and that the time to ask questions would come later. Not that she didn't have any. Eliza's mind was practically bursting with questions, and she thought of them as she began to prepare for her bath. What were these Lasombra, perhaps a family or a cult that Adria belonged to? When had her brother returned and why? Where were they going on this ship?

Thoughts swirling in her mind, Eliza dropped her dress to the floor, revealing her pale slender naked form. She walked gracefully to the edge of her prepared bathtub and bent down to swirl her finger in the water before stepping inside and sinking her body into the warm water. Taking the bath was a good way to not just rid herself of the blood smearing her body but also all of her concerns too. Eliza closed her eyes from the world around her and sighed softly, sliding her feet up and down the floor of the tub. At least her new sire was cultured, Eliza thought to herself as she enjoyed her bath.

When she'd washed away all of her anxiety along with the blood staining her body, Eliza stepped out of the tub feeling like a woman with a new lease of life. She dried off her body and walked over to the bed where Adria had an outfit set out for her. She smoothed out her snowy blonde hair before picking up the outfit to put it on. Once she was ready, Eliza moved over to see her reflection when her mouth dropped open in horror. There was nothing but glass before her eyes. No reflection of her at all! Eliza walked up to it slowly and pressed her finger on the glass, as if to wash away a mist that might be hiding her features. No avail. It wasn't long before Eliza was quickly backing away from the mirror. She shrugged her shoulders and humphed, trying to shake the strange feeling away, dutifully avoiding looking at the offending mirror again. She went on her way to tell Adria she was ready...
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Ah good, you took care of the no reflection revelation for me. Thankfully Eliza doesn't have to shave, very thankfully actually since that would be so wrong.

Adria leaves her childe to clean and prepare for the journey, though Eliza gets the feeling she isn't far. For some reason Eliza feels a strange closeness to Adria. Something akin to love or perhaps intense loyalty, she can't really tell for sure.

Adria seems to appear as if she stepped through some shadowy portal in the wall just as Eliza steps from the room. Again taking her hand she leads Eliza back through the palace and out through the entrance to her waiting carriage. Eliza's guards seem to have fled for the courtyard is empty of all but the carriage and it's driver. Sitting down Adria smiles and straightens a few stray hairs on Eliza's head as she says.

"Please, Eliza I'm sure you are bursting with questions. It will be better to ask now while I am in such an excellent mood than to wait."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza was starting to get used to these sudden appearances by Adria and other vampires. Almost used to it enough to not get startled. Almost. She flinched and stepped back as Adria appeared from the wall, frowning a little from the sudden appearance as Adria led her through her palace halls.

Hand in hand they walked, Eliza in her new crimson halter dress. She pondered her feelings about her new sire and where they might be going. Attachment was a strange feeling for Eliza to say the least. She'd always been close enough with her father and mother, but she saw them rarely since leaving with her brother to the duchy of Amalfi. It had been some years since that time, and Eliza had occupied most of her days with disliking people since then. She wasn't sure what to make of these new feelings, but she decided to leave her ruminations for another time.

When they got in the carriage and Adria brushed her hair, Eliza smiled but flinched away slightly and self consciously brushed a finger through her long snowy hair. She was a former duchess after all not a doll! Eliza thought back to her experience with the mirror and frowned hesitantly, kiwi eyes seeming to avoid Adria.

"This is going to sound horribly strange, but am I invisible? I looked in the mirror and..." Eliza trailed off, eyes shifting side to side uncertainly.

After hearing Adria's response, Eliza had one more question.

"You keep mentioning we are Lasombra. What does that mean?"
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Adria smiles at Eliza's first question with an amused grin, "No you aren't invisible though you could always learn to be if you wish. The Cainite's of clan Lasombra cast no reflection. None of the scholar's know exactly why other than it was part of the curse put on all the clans by Caine himself long ago. Some say it was because of the eldest's vanity some say it is because of our ties with the Abyss and shadows. It can be a pain but when you are perfect in every way others will do what they can to put you down."

Hearing Eliza's other question she leans back as she continues the explanation. "I'm sure you're familiar with the story of Caine and how he committed the first murder. He is the progenitor of our kind, the vampires if you must, though I suggest you use Cainite's or kindred if amongst the lower clans. He embraced three others long since lost, who in turn embraced the 13 clan founders. Each of us are descended from one of these 13, each one different though there are many similarities. We are of clan Lasombra, by far the most perfect of all the clans and destined to lead the others even though they may not like it. We may not try to lead so openly as the Ventrue but we most certainly lead from the shadows."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza's expression grew smug as Adria continued her explanation. It made perfect sense of course. Any clan that contained Adria and herself simply had to be the most perfect. Eliza liked her sire's attitude. Adria had been watching her for a while, so her taste in companions was unquestioned. She was powerful too, easily outsmarting and slaying her attacker. Eliza couldn't imagine a better pairing. Vain thoughts of power mixed with Eliza's burgeoning attachment to Adria and brought a flamboyant but genuine smile to her face.

"You know Adria, its only been a short time, but I feel I was meant to live with you amongst the Lasombra. We'll be a pair for others to envy..."

Eliza trailed off, smile widening and growing increasingly smug as new thoughts swirled in her mind.

"The assassin who attacked me... he was a member of one these clans?"
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

"I'm already envied quite a bit, though I'm sure you will be as well, especially after my tutelage. The assassin was an Assamite, a low clan, though one you should be wary of. The Saracens are the best at what they do and assassination is their trade. If only he had known he was set up, I might be dead and you would still be the Dutchess of Amalfi."

The carriage has taken them through the city by this time and rolls to a stop at the docks. A war galley sits nearby prepared to sail, a single person stands as though waiting near the gangway.

"Ah we are here at last and Jourdain awaits us. Your new brother of sorts, my first childe. If you wish a better explanation of the other clans or our history, he has a talent for such things. Though I suggest you don't pick up to many of his habits."
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Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza grew silent at Adria's ruminations. It was one of those pesky 'what if' questions that could drive someone insane if they thought of it too much. Eliza wasn't sure what to make of it though. It was true she might have been able to just go on living her life like before, but then she wouldn't have all these new interesting powers. She found herself raising her hand that had been stabbed and gazing at it curiously as she felt a twinge of protectiveness for her new sire somewhere within her core. Her kiwi eyes narrowed, and she whispered almost to herself.

"Don't worry Adria. I shall grow strong enough to protect you from anything."

Eliza gazed curiously from the carriage at the man who was to be her new brother. A conniving smile tugged at her lips when Adria seemed to lament "his habits." She gazed back at her sire and nodded, "Your will Adria" Eliza said with a smirk before stepping out of the carriage.

Eliza slowly yet briskly walked toward the gangway to approach Jourdain. It was a gait that came naturally with years of practice at being a pretentious duchess. Her kiwi eyes appraised him as she grew closer until stopping before him. Eliza's voice was soft yet nonchalant when she addressed him.

"Hello. I am Eliza, your new sister."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Gah, why do I keep typing Erica instead of Eliza. It driving me nuts having to keep fixing the name every few seconds.

Jourdain stands a full foot taller than Eliza his sharp, thin features hint strongly of his Norman descent. His short blond hair and piercing dark brown eyes are the only other features of real note. The black chain mail under his dark tunic and the war hammer at his waist hint at his profession.

Eliza's greeting seems to take him by surprise judging from the look he gives her. The surprise on his face is quickly replaced with a look mixed between pained jealousy and quickly burgeoning contempt. His words however betray nothing of his true feelings in fact he manages to sound quite gracious, with the exception of the way he adds the word baby.

"A pleasure, baby sister. Everything our sire has said you would need is already carefully stowed away. I'm afraid the quarters will be less than you're accustomed to however as the galley is meant for war instead of comfort."

Adria seems busy with the carriage driver while her childer are meeting for the first time.
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Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Haha! Sorry about that! Not sure why. maybe an underworld thing?

Eliza gazed up at Jourdain, taking note of each of the emotions that went through his face. Eliza bristled, a hint of a scowl appearing on her lips at the man's patronizing tone, but it quickly evaporated. She assumed Adria wished her to have an amiable relationship with her brother, so she buried her true feelings deep inside. Most of them were snarks about mommy issues. Besides, it did not do to judge too quickly.

"I will be the judge of what I find comfortable brother."

Then Eliza paused, her face becoming curious. She switched from Italian to Norman.

"You are a Norman then from the looks of you? Despite spending most of my life in Italy, my father is a Norman as you can likely tell from my appearance. I personally prefer the language to Italian. The Norman culture is a bit too... dainty for my taste, however. Fortunately, my Italian mother wouldn't allow me to acquire those particular tastes."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Could be, I did see Underworld again not long ago. Oddly enough Sikelgaita as well as the other Lombards were technically German. That's being a little too nitpicky though, even for me.

The look of contempt quickly fades from Jourdain's face, to be replaced with his more typical stern but thoughtful demeanor. Adria seems to still be busy with the carriage driver, so he offers his hand to Eliza to help her up the gangplank as he responds.

"Yes, I was born in Normandy, not far from the monastery of Mont St. Michel, where I spent most of my youth. I find both cultures to be a bit dainty though I'm far more used to spending my time in either monasteries or on military campaigns. It tends to make me somewhat boorish upon first meeting people, so hopefully I'll be able to earn forgiveness."

His words ring with sincerity, though Eliza gets the feeling that he's more than likely just as practiced at manipulation and lying as she.

"I believe I fought under you're father, Robert, in the Sicilian campaign. If you are like him in any way, I'm sure we'll learn to get along well enough. It can be difficult for members of our clan to do so at times, especially when we all have our daggers pointed at each others' backs."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Hmmm.. learn something new everyday I guess! I guess I'll stick with Italian though just because that's how I've been picturing it this whole time x.x

Eliza nods and takes Jourdain's offered hand, allowing him to help her up the gangway. At the mention of her father's campaign, she smiles nostalgically.

"Ah yes the Sicilian campaign! I was subject to many a tale growing up in Apulia. I admit I may have enjoyed some of them, but between you and me, I believe my father to be fond of embellishment."

Eliza laughed quietly to herself.

"Perhaps we will Jourdain. It's been a while since I enjoyed anyone's conversation, and if what you say is true, we may each benefit from knowing we are safe from one particular dagger at least."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

I did say that would be too nitpicky even for me. The Lombards would probably have some Italian in them from intermarriage, just like the Normans had some French in them from intermarriage.

"Well, we all do our fair share of bragging. Especially we Lasombra, though thankfully we can back it up so much better than the others."

Jourdain says staring calmly out toward sea, while they wait for their sire.

"It's always nice to have one less dagger to worry about. Besides it will be more fun once you've learned how to properly put the dagger into my back. Of course the hard part is making sure you survive long enough to make a challenge. I suggest you start by not taking up many of my habits at least not around our sire."

Adria has left the carriage which rolls off quickly and is making her way up the gangplank by this point. A very satisfied smile playing across her face as she looks towards her childer.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

"I would never dream of such a thing brother."

Eliza said nonchalantly and turned toward Adria, her snowy blonde hair sliding down the back of her shoulder as she did so. She smiled serenely but a hint of vanity glimmered in her deep kiwi eyes as she inclined her head respectfully.

"Ah.. Adria.. I was just getting to know Jourdain here... learning his habits so I may avoid acquiring them per your advise."

Eliza smirked. Her voice was silky smooth.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Adria smiles, apparently pleased at her newest childe's statement. Turning for a moment she grabs the gangplank and easily pulls it on to the galley single handedly. Turning back and walking behind Jourdain she rests her hand on his shoulder.

"A good idea. Though I would try to pick up some of his good habits, he has enough ambition to make The Lord of Shadows himself jealous. The worst of his habits is probably his honesty. I hope he didn't threaten you in any way because he's very good at keeping his word."

Jourdain suddenly turns to look at his sire with a calm smirk and says.

"That reminds me, my dearest sire. It would have been nice to know why you wanted the Assassin. I would have asked Fadin if he had anyone who was expendable. It won't be easy for me to explain why one of his childer is now dead and how you have a new one."

Adria looks a bit surprised but keeps smiling as she answers him.

"I don't worry about the low clans and neither should you, Jourdain. That's the only thing worse than you're honesty, befriending animals and assassins is below your station in life. Using them is one thing but helping them is another. I suppose that's what I get embracing a prospective zealot though. Now be a good childe and have the captain set course for Venice."

Jourdain nods and heads off to speak with the captain while Adria leads Eliza to the cabin that has been prepared for them. The cabin is indeed not the most comfortable looking, lacking in both decor and furnishings. Though it looks to be very secure from sunlight, so perhaps it will do.
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Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

I was pretty sure that Adria was behind it, but Eliza had been a little deluded, heh.

Eliza has a satisfied smile at Adria's initial reaction to her words. She nods at her sire's suggestion, but she doubts in her mind that Jourdain can possibly be more ambitious than she. After all, in Eliza's vision of her ideal future, she rules everything, and Adria is about the only vampire that isn't beneath her. Little did she know that her fantasy was about to come toppling to the ground, at least for now.

Her smirk and her satisfaction evaporated immediately with Jourdain's new revelation about the assassin and his sponsor. Eliza's kiwi eyes widen in surprise and hurt. They dart toward Adria before she can reign her emotions back in to a stoic expression. The snowy blonde felt a twinge in her heart and a knot forming in her throat. The assassin had been her convenient scapegoat. She hated him for the way he looked down on her. He'd impaled her hand with a dagger, taunted her, and bit her without permission. He'd deprived her the right of being bitten by her own sire that she was starting to love. Eliza despised him. She was already building elaborate plans of revenge on the Assamite clan in her conniving little mind. It was only fair that his clan pay one thousand times over for his transgressions of course.

If he'd only been a pretentious but willing pawn of Adria, that changed everything. Already confused by her strange feeling of attachment to Adria, Eliza didn't know how to deal with her new revelation. Her sire was not the savior that Eliza imagined. Eliza knew now that she hadn't been saved but taken against her will as the result of an elaborate plot by her sire. She wasn't a companion but a pawn. Eliza couldn't pinpoint her vengeance on the Assamites anymore, but she couldn't exactly place it on Adria either. It was like her emotions were wobbling within her, and she didn't know what to do. In her confusion, she decided to blame Jourdain for providing her the offending information.

Eliza was silent as she followed Adria into her new lodgings, a small scowl tugging at the corner of her lips. The new vampire wasn't very good at hiding her feelings. She was used to venting her rage and annoyance whenever she felt it, but she was trying her best to mask her feelings. Her attempts probably weren't that successful to the trained eye, especially because her emotion this time was something she wasn't used to feeling, hurt.

The snowy blonde walked to the wall of her bare new room, nodding at the surroundings seemingly without a care to their lacking in furniture or decoration. She sat on the floor quietly.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Well Adria wasn't really trying to hide it. The lasombra are known for being a little sadistic when it comes to the embrace. Oh and I didn't quite mean it was completely empty, I should have said sparsely furnished.

Adria takes a plain wooden chair and sits down across from Eliza. The smile on her face now seems to mean so much more to Eliza. She can see that her sire is pleased with how everything has turned out on this night. The smile causes the bile she has planned for her new brother to waver back to this monster for the merest moment only to be chased away by the strange feeling of loyalty and love for her sire. Adria seems to notice Eliza's struggle and still smiling says.

"You seem overwhelmed by your emotions my childe. The blood bond holds you enthralled with me, yet you want to hate me for taking everything from you. These feelings will destroy you if you do not learn to control them. Push both of the feelings out of your cold heart and use the blackness that replaces it. Now concentrate and make our rooms darker."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza scowled in response to Adria's attempt to analyze her emotions.

"It has little to do with what was taken and more to do with who did the taking and who did not."

Even still, the young vampire was intrigued by Adria's words. Eliza recalled Adria's use of the shadows and wondered if this was what she was to learn now. Eliza was more than happy to be rid of what she thought were filthy emotions. Her ambition meant far more to her than any attachment, whether from love or hate. It also helped her to know that the love she felt for Adria was false, due to some supernatural vampire enthrall. That gave her the tools and the hope to rid herself of it when she saw fit, or at least she hoped.

"Regardless, the room will be black as night."

Eliza declared with a cold stare before closing her eyes. Using her new knowledge and her unwavering determination to become powerful, Eliza pushed away the emotions, the attachments, and the vendettas. She focused in on her core, and for the first time she really realized that her whole body was cold. She felt the coldness inside her, billowing like a gust of frigid air. At first she was hesitant, unsure what to do. Then in a sudden, jerky, and violent reaction, Eliza tried to hurl the energy out of her body in all directions like a volcano spewing dark magma. She didn't just want the room to be black, she wanted the whole world to go dark. Eliza slowly opened her eyes to see what, if anything, had happened.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Opening her eyes Eliza can see the shadows of the room have deepened making it seem darker. With a little concentration and the urging of her sire she finds herself able to move and place the existing shadows as she sees fit. Adria continues to smile pleased at her ability as she explains about the powers of obtenebration.

"Obtenebration is a closely guarded secret of our clan and you must never teach it to outsiders. As you practice and gain familiarity with the shadows you will find it one of your most useful abilities, possibly learning to walk the Abyss as I do. Even now with the little control you have over shadow they can greatly aid in stealth and intimidation."

The sound of footsteps reaches both of their ears as someone approaches the door to the cabin. Adria smiles and says.

"Excellent now you may attempt to learn of another of your new found powers. When Jourdain enters I want you to look him in the eyes and give him a clear one word command of your choice. With the aid of the shadows you have placed it may very well work."

The door opens and Jourdain steps through nodding to his sire and saying they are under way.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza smiles at the shadows, pleased with her new ability. She was already thinking of all the things she might be able to do with the shadows. For now, she was amusing herself by swirling a few shadows around her body, so that only parts of her body and her face were exposed to view.

When Adria told her to practice her dominate skill on Jourdain, she grinned wider, malevolently. She couldn't think of a better order from her sire at the moment. Her mind raced for a juicy one word command until she latched onto one.

As Jourdain came into the room, Eliza waited for him to look at her. (If he didn't, she'd say "brother" to get his attention). Her stare penetrated his eyes with her deep kiwi gaze, the swirling shadows around her form slowly receding. "Sing" was all she said. Her voice was confident as if there was nothing strange about her commanding tone.
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