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Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

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Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Interesting choice but it works, you can also disguise a single word command within a sentence to make it less obvious. Oh and if you use the power in the game try to underline the command or at least make sure I know you're using the power in some way.

Jourdain catches Eliza's eye as she calls him and immediately starts to sing in his baritone voice. He actually seems to be very good at it and doesn't seem to be embarrassed judging from the smile he gives Eliza.

"Adeste fideles laeti triumphantes,
Venite, venite in Bethlehem.
Natum videte Regem angelorum.
Venite adoremus
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza smirks and laughs, happy and amused that her technique worked.

"C'est magnifique!"

She exclaims though unclear how genuine she's being. Probably not very. Eliza tilts her head toward Adria and smiles triumphantly.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Jourdain continues with the tune while Eliza tilts her head to their sire triumphantly. As she turns her head though Jourdain suddenly stops and Eliza is suddenly aware of the dagger held at the back of her neck by a wisp of shadow as Jourdain explains.

"You should be careful, dear sister. Often times a smart Cainite will play along with an attempt at domination to spring a trap." The wisp of shadow pulls the dagger away and returns it to the table near their sire. "If our sire hasn't yet mentioned it the powers of dominate have no effect on a Cainite of lower generation."

Adria continues watching calmly from her chair while Jourdain explains this. The pleased smile remains on her face though it seems to be directed toward Jourdain as she says.

"Well done Jourdain, you have learned something from me after all. I think you will do well when we speak with your grand sire in Venice. Hopefully your sister will receive the same honor some day."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza's laughter stops short as she feels the dagger pointed behind her neck. Her features are already pale, so there's not really any noticeable change except the emotionless expression on her face.

When Eliza turns to face Jourdain again, feeling the dagger removed, she scowls vehemently.

"It would seem you're right about one thing brother. There are many daggers to worry about around here, your's included."

Eliza's scowl grows worse as she listens to her sire complement this annoying man in front of her, quickly falling back into her general distaste for human beings, vampire or not.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

"I promised you wouldn't have to worry about my dagger until you were ready for it, Eliza. Think of that little trick as my way of helping you to learn how deadly our society is. If that had been any other's dagger you wouldn't be around to scowl any more. Besides I would think you would be happy that I'm soon going to be out of your hair." Jourdain says.

Adria looks at Eliza and smiles at her before indicating she should sit and looks to Jourdain to say.

"Yes, you have intuited correctly my childe. You are to be released soon and we will now have a small celebration to both of your futures. Please retrieve the bottle in my room, Jourdain and three glasses."

Jourdain bows and leaves them for a few minutes.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza just scowled at Jourdain, kiwi eyes smoldering coldly but sat back down with a small huff at Adria's request. She stayed silent as she sat in the chair, stewing in her embarrassment and anger.

As she sat in silence, Eliza decided to practice her obtenebration again. She sighed and pushed the emotions out of her cold body again, feeling the coldness in her heart and slowly manipulating the shadows around her. She pulled the shadows around herself like a dark blanket, trying to totally obscure her body as if she wanted to be hidden from view.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Obtenebration actually lasts for the scene or until you dismiss the power, so you don't have to do it again actually. Plus don't forget that it uses blood pretty quickly.

Adria's smile fades somewhat to a more serious, almost business-like facade. She's very difficult to read, even more so than Jourdain, though she does seem genuinely pleased at how matters are playing out. She watches Eliza continue to play with the shadows and draw them around herself when she says.

"If Jourdain really made such a promise, he will hold to it. It's probably the most exploitable chink in his armor, if you can get him to make one that is. I sense you don't wish to hear his name though so we'll speak of other things.

Be careful of overuse obtenebration. It is a powerful magic but the drawback is that it burns vitae rather quickly. It's unwise and embarrassing to fall to the beast, if you can help it."

Returning Jourdain places three glasses on the table and hands the dusty old bottle to his sire. She pours out a glass of what appears to be blood for each of them. Raising her glass she indicates that both her childer should as well.

"A powerful vintage, given to me by my great grand-sire Constantius after my release. May you both show your worth as his progeny, one day."

Jourdain raises his own, managing to look somewhat awed at the vitae filling his glass.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza sighed in exasperation but slowly let the shadows dissipate and along with it her only shield for her embarrassment. She brooded silently in her chair feeling intense jealousy and frustration.

When Jourdain arrived with the bottle, and Adria poured what looked like blood into the chalices, Eliza couldn't help but show her distaste. She was still a new vampire after all and hadn't quite grown accustomed to their exotic tastes. Eliza frowned uncertainly at the glass. She wasn't in a celebratory mood, and most of all she wanted to leave the room to be by herself. Still, Eliza managed to swallow her pride and pick up the glass between her fingers, lifting it up. Eliza shrugged nonchalantly and brushed the fingers of her free hand through her long hair. Her face was emotionless and her voice cold.

"May Jourdain wake up tomorrow night with a charlie horse and stub his toes against an iron post."

She said before drinking the liquid.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

I should have thought of this idea sooner, siblings make for great role playing. Though I do feel like I'm picking on you a little.

Jourdain merely smiles unfazed by Eliza's toast while he raises his own glass to his lips. Unfortunately Eliza still not used to her prodigious strength crushes the crystal goblet in her hands as she goes to bring it to her mouth. The blood spills on to her hands and the table as Jourdain simply tilts his head back and drinks his own with a smile before setting the glass carefully back onto the table.

Adria having listened mirthfully to Eliza's toast drinks her glass ath the same time as her childer. Upon seeing the blood spill from Eliza's crushed goblet though her face seems to twist in sudden fury and her own goblet is soon crushed in her hand. Standing and looking down at Eliza with a look that could curdle milk she growls.

"How dare you spill the blood of your elder! You silly, careless childe. Even Jourdain had the sense to control himself the first time he drank of our blood of my elder."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza cringes and stares in surprise at the shattering goblet in her hand. Her other hand shot forward to try to save it, but there wasn't anything she could do. It was already crushed into dozens of shards by her soft hand. She had no idea she was so strong! Her kiwi eyes widened in surprise and confusion. It wasn't like Eliza to be apologetic, but she didn't mean to break the glass after all...

"Ohhh.... I'm-"

Her voice cut off at Adria's angry response. Eliza looked down to stare at the blood soaked table, her cheeks turning a vibrant shade of vermillion. The blonde vampire's embarrassment from before hadn't even worn off yet, and now it compounded a thousand fold. She hadn't felt this humiliated in the entirety of her short life, but when Adria mentioned Jourdain, Eliza finally snapped. The slender young vampire bolted out of her chair, knocking it down in a fit of rage and embarrassment. Her voice rose to a shrill pitch.

"Why don't you just keep Jourdain then if he's so god damned wonderful!"

Eliza had a hurt frown, surprised at her own outburst as she turned to storm out of the room.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Unexpected but brilliant because it gives me a couple ideas, one of which you'll probably like. You just frenzied from humiliation. The beast will remain in control until you either remove the source of the shame and any witnesses or you're incapacitated. I'll walk you through it as best as I can.

Adria's face contorts even more at the outburst from Eliza and she immediately takes off after her. Eliza soon finds herself on the deck of the ship her mind barely in control of her actions. The few sailors on deck quickly scatter below decks at the sight of her as though afraid for their very lives. Eliza simply can't control herself as the shame at her sudden reckless actions builds within her.

Finally she feels her own mind shoved aside as the beast exerts it's control, allowing her to watch helplessly from within her own mind. The thought of removing her shame is all that the beast can think about and Eliza watches from the prison of her own mind as the beast turns to confront Adria and Jourdain as they rush after her.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Beast mode it is! I figured the beast knows how to use the obtenebration powers even if Eliza is still learning.

Eliza storms out of the room and onto the main deck of the ship. Mind reeling from her humiliation, she stumbles to the ground. All the emotions that had been stewing and swirling within her finally came to a point. Panting and gasping on all fours, Eliza felt the beast stirring and growing inside her, waiting for a chance to pounce. She didn't even have a chance to resist.

When the beast took control, Eliza looked up again, eyes burning with rage. She was like a predator, smoldering kiwi eyes darting about. She saw the sailors running for cover. She could taste their fear, and she knew that she could easily devour them if she wanted. They weren't her concern right now though.

Eliza pushed herself to her feet and stared venomously at Jourdain and Adria as they approached her. She bared her fangs and hissed threateningly. Then the beast reached inside and pulled forth a cluster of shadow tentacles. A couple of the tentacles wrapped themselves around Eliza's body protectively and the others lashed out at the sources of her humiliation. The beast was hissing viciously, and Eliza's eyes burned with hate. It knew that these two were responsible for her mortal emotional wounds, and it had to get rid of them or at least subdue them and make them submit to her at all costs. The shadowy tentacles whipped at the two vampires, trying to bludgeon them, subdue them, and bind them.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

The beast knows how to do all the powers that Eliza knows how to use i.e. observance of the spoken word, shadow play, and potence. So you can't yet attack with shadow tentacles though you can use the shadows to distract, hide, or intimidate foes. It also becomes harder for a frenzied character to be dominated while the ability to dominate others is stronger. You also feel no pain even if you are crippled nothing hurts till the frenzy passes. Normally you could use a willpower point to resist frenzy temporarily but Eliza hasn't learned that yet.

The shadowy wisps and tendrils sent at Jourdain seem to distract him temporarily. The smile on Jourdain's face has been replaced with a grim countenance as he looses the war hammer from it's sling and waits for the attack he knows is sure to follow.

Adria is bothered little by the shadows as she gives off her own hiss and bares her fags in a deadly manner. She stands for a moment as though concentrating and a thick cloying cloud of blackness envelops her. The cloud feels slightly warm and blocks the vision of the frenzied Cainite, even sound seems to be muffled within it's grasp.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Oh okay gotcha. Using the spoken word power here

Eliza stepped back from the black cloud, hissing at it. The beast within her was wary of it, and even though it was supremely confident, it knew that Adria was a formidable foe. That's why Eliza's eyes suddenly darted to Jourdain. Her voice was low and commanding but also had a hint of desperation to it as if the beast knew she was cornered and needed a distraction. The shadow tendrils still wrapped around Eliza, swirling about her and obscuring much of her from view. Her green eyes seems to glow through the darkness.

"Help me."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Jourdain attempts to turn away before he can be commanded. He stands for a few seconds as his will attempts to fight off the will of the monster currently in control of Eliza. Eventually his stoic gaze shifts to Adria and he charges bringing with the hammer held in both hands. The hammer flies at their sire's chest and would have likely crushed even her if she hadn't simply stepped calmly into a shadow. The force of the missed blow sends Jourdain tumbling off to the side.

The shadowy cloud remains behind the beast in control of Eliza as she desperately looks around for the more powerful Cainite. Jourdain takes a few seconds before he recovers and looks around to protectively. Adria is now where to be seen in the chaos on the deck.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

The beast inside Eliza grinned at her success, her smile growing as she watched Jourdain turn to attack the treacherous sire. There was something ironic about the conspirators attacking each other that pleased the beast in Eliza.

When Adria disappeared, the beast growled in frustration. She suddenly felt uncomfortable, not knowing where the more powerful vampire hid. Eliza stepped away from the cloud behind her, eyes darting around. She circled the deck like a predator looking for its prey... or was it prey hiding from the predator? Either way, the beast wasn't happy about Adria's disappearance, and wanted to find her and avoid her at the same time.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Told ya, I would think of something.

Adria doesn't remain hidden for long stepping from a shadow on the far side of the deck from her two childer. Too far for either Eliza or Jourdain to reach quickly. The powerful Cainite smiles grimly and reaches back into the shadow she departed. Before Eliza can react she feels herself pulled backwards through her own shadow and soon finds herself held firmly to the deck by Adria. Struggle though the beast might Adria is far too strong to break free from as she growls.

"It's a shame Eliza, that you should receive the amaranth so soon. I had such high hopes for you."

Baring her fangs Adria's head thrust forward for Eliza's throat and the familiar feeling of being fed from fills Eliza's body. Even the beast falls back against the wondrous feeling of her sire feeding from her.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Yay! This is great! Oh and I interpreted it like the bite turned off the frenzy. Is that right or is Eliza still in frenzy mode?

Still scanning the boat for any sign of Adria, the beast in Eliza growls lowly. Suddenly, Eliza falls back into her own shadow shrieking and writhing, reaching out for something to save herself. Nothing was there. Before her or the beast even knows what happened, Eliza finds herself pinned to the ground by her sire. The beast inside her thrashes and hisses wildly trying desperately to break free. Adria was so strong though that she couldn't move much except to flop her arms and legs uselessly. Eliza hissed violently and tried to bite Adria, but her head was pinned. She couldn't do anything to stop those fangs from descending to her neck. She was totally at Adria's mercy.

Eliza gasped sharply, her voice going soft and fluttery like silk almost instantly. Her body went limp, and her kiwi eyes fluttered, seeming to flicker to life. She'd been watching the scene helplessly, trapped in the cage of her own mind as the beast went on its rampage. Now the beast seemed to recede. In its place was a tidal wave of pleasure that rocked her body and kept her still. Even though her sire was holding her down, Eliza wasn't resisting anymore. She just lay, sprawled on her back beneath Adria, hands splayed out next to her head. If anything, she felt herself drawn even closer to her sire by the fangs' penetration, leaning into the embrace ever so slightly.

Staring up at the dark night sky, Eliza's body twitched and writhed in Adria's embrace. The stars seemed to twinkle next to her sire's cheek and raven black hair as she guzzled on Eliza's delicate flesh. Eliza had no idea what her sire planned to do with her or the beast, whether she would live or die, but at that very moment she didn't care. Her sire's embrace felt so wonderful. She wished it would go on for eternity.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

She's still technically in frenzy, but for dramatic purposes the kiss has pretty much overcome the beast. Also, Cainite's normally get a chance to resist the kiss but the prologue is more about drama than game. The Amaranth is diablerie, basically it's Cainite cannibalism.

The feeling does indeed seem to go on forever as Adria seems intent on draining every last drop of blood from her childe. Eliza feels herself losing the ability to struggle even as she stops trying to fight the wondrous feeling. Somewhere deep inside her mind she realizes that she is going to die this night after all. Her sire has decided to take back her gift though Eliza is too far gone into the rapturous feeling to care and the part of her that does care can't stop it anyways.

Eliza feels her body slip into a coma-like state though Adria doesn't seem to stop feeding. She is still vaguely aware of the things happening around her and she begins to hope that she might receive a second chance at pleasing her sire. She knows there is nothing she can do to stop her rapidly approaching final death.

Eliza is suddenly aware of someone begging her sire vehemently for a second chance. She wonders at first why Jourdain would be asking for a second chance when it occurs that he's begging for a second chance for her. Adria seems to stop and argues back with him about sparing Eliza. Finally Adria seems to agree to some bargain and Eliza realizes she is going to have another chance. though she can't seem to will herself from this strange coma.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

No matter how weak Eliza got, she still couldn't help but feel the overwhelming sensation that the fangs in her neck forced into her body. Somewhere deep in her mind, she could feel herself slipping away, but there wasn't anything she could do.

It got so bad that she didn't even know what was happening anymore. It was just a haze of emotions and strange voices and arguing. She vaguely recognized that Adria was indeed trying to kill her and had to be argued out of it, but she didn't think anything about it. Everything was too blurry and unclear. She wasn't even sure if she was awake or asleep, alive or dead, or somewhere in between. She was just... there, emotionless and indifferent about everything around her as she lay in what seemed to be some kind of undead purgatory.
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