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Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

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Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

The rest of the trip is a blur to Eliza in her torpored state. She vaguely remembers being gently picked up and taken back to one of the rooms and the vague sense of someone watching over her almost protectively throughout the period. Finally when she begins to wonder if perhaps she is dead she feels someone gently rousing her by giving her a small amount of blood.

Eliza's eyes suddenly flicker open and she finds herself awake and in control of herself once again. The beast firmly held back as she comes out of her torpor of a few weeks. Jourdain holds out a glass for her, the contents of which she is fairly certain about and says.

"Drink this, Eliza. It should shake off the last of the effects of your torpor. Just remember to be gentle, we have a strength far greater than even most other Cainite's making the world seem far to fragile for my taste."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza's eyes fluttered open after her weeks long torpor. She groaned softly and stretched out where she was laying.

She distinctly remembered her outburst and the beast taking control. She even remembered Adria taking her down and feeding on her. Not feeding on her, killing her.

The young vampire frowned slightly where she lay and looked at the glass offered to her. Everything felt so hazy. She didn't even know where she was or what she was doing, why she was alive and for what purpose, who's purpose.

Eliza shrugged it all away and reached out to take the glass gently, being extra careful to not break it this time. She sat up and drank the liquid slowly until it was all dry and felt a little rejuvenated. When she was done, Eliza just sat and looked at Jourdain quietly. She was still disoriented and confused from everything that happened.

"Where is Adria?"
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Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

"Adria wished to speak with our grand sire, Narses, about matters before presenting us. She said I should bring you along if you came out of the torpor as she wishes to present both of us to him together if possible. I'm sorry if my actions lead to the problems of a few weeks ago. I did intend to embarrass you a little but not as much as I succeeded in doing."

Jourdain says as he walks over to a table and begins to clean his face with the wash basin sitting on it a small mirror sits behind it almost as if to mock the pair. He cleans almost obsessively but a small spot of obvious blood still remains along his chin as he finishes and turns back to her and continues.

"As soon as you are ready we can go, Eliza. We should arrive at the perfect time to be fashionably late as the Toreador put it."

Eliza's mind has cleared enough by this point to know where she must be and how long she has been in torpor. She remembers very few details of what happened after she frenzied and for that she is glad.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

"Ah I see."

Eliza shrugged. She'd grown emotionally detached from all the trauma she experienced on her first day of vampirdom. She'd been taken, saved, enthralled, and taunted. Then she was discarded like a sack of potatoes. She didn't know what to think, so she coped by not thinking about her feelings at all. If she learned anything it was that her emotions weren't to be trusted. Neither were Adria or Jourdain.

The young cainite watched as Jourdain obsessively cleaned himself. She thought back to her first time looking in the mirror and the vacuous space that stared back at her. She frowned at the thought but then shrugged and fixed her dress.

"I suppose we should go then. You've missed a spot by the way."

Eliza said quietly and waited for Jourdain to lead the way.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Jourdain wipes at his face a few more times till he finally gets the spot off his face, and opens the door. Eliza notices that he is dressed differently from the first time she had met him. His armor replaced with the simple black robe and hooded cloak of a priest and his weapon is gone. He offers her one of her own cloaks before leading the way onto the deck. A single gondola waits beside the galley and after helping her into it they are steadily poled toward the shore and a distant palace.

"I'll never be able to earn you're trust sister, at least until you learn to trust in yourself. I can at least provide you with some of the means to protect yourself though." Jourdain says as he hands Eliza a well-made ivory box.

"Go ahead and open it, it won't hurt you." The box contains a thin gold-handled dagger of perfect craftsmanship.

"It was made by a Brujah smith, it won't break like the weapon of a kine should you have need of it."

The rest of the trip Jourdain remains quiet as he looks out at the dark water beside the gondola. Arriving at shore Jourdain leads the way to the palace and after passing the guards who bow their heads as they walk by inside.

The palace easily makes her own palace in Amalfi look small and poor as Jourdain leads the way to the main chamber. Gathered in the dark chamber are at least a dozen Cainite's like herself. All of them nobles or priests with the exception of the proud smiling bishop sitting in the throne at the far end. Adria stands beside the bishop in his white silken robes speaking when they enter. Standing she turns and with a smile indicates they should both come forth.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza takes the robe and examines it before slipping it on and pulling the hood over her wintery blonde hair, a few strands still poking out on her cheeks. She followed Jourdain to the gondola quietly and got inside.

Once they were on their way, Eliza was silent, pondering and plotting a great many things until Jourdain spoke up with his ivory box. Eliza arched an eyebrow and looked at it curiously. The young cainite rolled her eyes at the suggestion that the thing might hurt her, and she pulled open the top.

When she saw the exquisite dagger inside, a faint little smile appeared on her lips before going expressionless again. She pulled the dagger out of the box and rotated it in her hand. Thinking back to a previous conversation, she looked up at Jourdain as she found a place in her robes for the dagger.

"So I may drive it into your back when the time is right I presume?"

Despite the dark comment, Eliza nodded and thanked Jourdain for the gift. After that, Eliza went silent as well, gazing out at the night-chilled waters. Once on shore, the former duchess followed Jourdain.

Approaching the palace, Eliza couldn't help but be impressed by the size and extravagance. She kept in mind, though, that she would be but a peon within its walls. That thought both lowered her enthusiasm which was already low and increased her ambition. All in good time. She thought to herself and mused ironically. A resource for which I intend to have great excess.

As they passed the guards, Eliza eyed them curiously and entered through the great big doors. In the inside, Eliza walked alongside Jourdain. When Adria motioned to them, she nods. As they approach, Eliza moves slightly closer to Jourdain and whispers so that only he could hear.

"What should I be prepared for?"
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Jourdain tilts his head slightly and speaks quietly, "Your presentation is mostly for show, a fledgling isn't expected to know much so you won't have to recite or pledge anything yet. Just be sure to show the proper respect due to your elders if anyone speaks to you."

They both continue on their way and soon find themselves standing immediately before the throne where the luxuriously dressed bishop sits. Narses appears to be about 80 years old with a kind face, though his eyes hold a strange hint of malevolence.

Jourdain nods his head slightly as if to say to do as he does and drops to one knee before the throne.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza nods to Jourdain after he whispers to her. This shouldn't be so hard. Just keep everything under control. Act natural. Hm. Maybe not so natural. Just act however a new initiate should act I suppose. She mused to herself silently, barely managing to keep from frowning in her confusion.

The young cainite walks up to the throne and stands next to Jourdain. Seeing him nod and kneel on one knee, Eliza does the same. Unsure whether she should look down or up, Eliza decided to look up at the bishop. Best not to look frightened in this company. She was prepared to dart her eyes down at the first sign of affront.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Jourdain bows his head only enough so that he can still look into the eyes of their grand sire Narses. As soon as Eliza has kneeled, Narses begins to speak what sounds like a litany or prayer in Latin to the gathered members of their clan. After he has finished he looks down at both of them and speaks eloquently to first Jourdain who he asks to recite the traditions of the dark father. Jourdain answers loud and clear with a perfect rendition of the traditions after which Narses smiles.

Turning his attention to Eliza she can feel his almost malevolent stare boring into her as though he could read her very thoughts after a few moments he turns back to the throne and sits. With a nod Adria steps forward and smiles at Eliza indicating she should rise and come stand beside her.

As soon as Eliza has risen and stands beside her, Adria concentrates for a moment and cloud of black shadow engulfs Jourdain where he kneels as she says. "Born into darkness, released into darkness. Rise now, my childe and become one of the Lasombra and all the danger that entails."

A few seconds later and Jourdain steps through the shadow, a subdued smile on his face. That seems to signal the end of the ceremony and a few minutes later a number of servants and entertainers appear making the room seem like any other noble celebration Eliza has ever seen.

Jourdain is soon accosted by several other of their clan mates already eager to test and seek allies with their newest clan mate. Leaving Eliza alone with her sire, Adria, and grand sire, Narses.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza listens silently to the bishop's litany and watches Jourdain's recitation, quietly noting in her mind what she would need to master to do well in her new society.

Feeling the grandsire's stare boring into her was a little unnerving, but she managed to hold the gaze and maintain her neutral expression. If anything, Eliza's thoughts were curious, wondering if the man had anything planned to say to her. That didn't mean she wasn't relieved when Adria nodded for her to join her though. One can only stand being stared at for so long! Eliza bowed her head to the grandsire in what she thought was a show of respect then got up to join Adria at her side.

The young cainite watched the initiation ceremony but was a little disinterested and distracted. Standing next to Adria again for the first time since the incident sparked some of her nerves. Nothing bad - she was keeping those emotions locked deep inside nowadays. Mostly she was nervous about what Adria thought of her. Even though it wasn't in her nature, she felt compelled to apologize for her actions too. Eliza would have preferred to do it in private. Narses presence was still unnerving, but she couldn't bare to stay next to Adria any longer without saying anything. She whispered quietly as she fidgeted with her robes with her fingers.

"Sire, I am sorry for... my... behavior. I plan to make amends for it if you'll permit me. I don't want there to be any barriers between us."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Adria says little at first, the expression on her face hints at pleasure in seeing either Jourdain succeed or perhaps more likely at her own success in teaching him to succeed. Finally she tilts her head and the pleased smile fades into that of a stern but loving mother as she nods her head to her own sire before leading Eliza to a more private corner of the room. She continues to look at Eliza before sitting on a cushioned bench and bidding her childe to sit with her as she says.

"No apology is necessary Eliza, for you actions were not truly your own. We all have an uncontrollable beast within us who can lash out at any moment. It is our very nature and one shouldn't apologize for what they truly are. It was nothing more than a moment of learning for you and a very important lesson at that. The beast can be used and directed to help you in your ambitions but you must first make yourself it's master."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza sat down on the bench next to Adria and clasped her hands over her own lap. Nodding studiously during her sire's explanation, Eliza felt a great weight remove from her shoulders. Knowing that she wasn't in the outs, Eliza felt more comfortable.

"Trust me, being controlled by a beast is the last thing I want. How will I learn to master it... if it is uncontrollable?"

Then Eliza scooted a little closer and lowered her voice, glancing about the chamber.

"Must I continue wearing this hood? It is kind of dreadful don't you think?"
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Adria seems glad that Eliza is listening so studiously and as she looks about the chamber herself answers.

"Of course you can remove your cloak, Jourdain likely only gave it to you to aid in your masquerade. The silence of the blood as you no doubt heard him recite to your grand sire. The traditions are one of the most important lessons you must learn in the coming years as they will help you survive amongst the kine."

She returns her gaze to Eliza and continues answering her childe's questions.

"You learn to master the beast by acting as a human would, at least for the time being. One day you may learn of other roads which will help you to control your beast in different ways. The roads are ethical and moral means similar to the religion of the kine.

The easiest road to follow is that of humanity as you already know how to be human. I realize acting human is something of a contradiction to what you have already learned of your new unlife, but you will learn through experience. You have all the time in the world to learn after all."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza considered Adria's words about the traditions of Caine and her human path. As a former duchess, schooled in the theory and practice of power, Eliza understood the traditions and the logic behind them. It was only logical that the rulers would protect their station. Eliza also knew enough to respect them. The trick was to navigate and weave through them to rise up without stepping on the wrong toes. It was just like walking the halls of any human court. Just perhaps more dangerous and bloody.

The advice to act more "human" was more of a conundrum to Eliza. She decided it was a battle of wills between herself and the beast. It would require more than mere domination and willpower but also manipulation. The trick would be to not oppress the beast to the point of uprising but to satisfy it with false gifts, to keep it satisfied under her seemingly generous rule. But it would be her rule. Eliza was determined of that.

As Eliza contemplated vampire society and her relationship with the beast, she pulled down the hood of her cloak. The cainite laced her fingers through her hair and pulled it free of her robes, letting the long wintery locks fall down her back.

When Eliza tilted her head back to Adria, her kiwi eyes shown with her former vigor and a crooked smile curled on her lip.

"Much better. And yes I believe I understand now. As a cainite, I believe I see the church's crusade in a new light. They might as well continue believing we are a myth as far as I'm concerned. Still as important as the traditions are, it would seem such a travesty to hide looks as ravishing as these under such a coarse hood."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

"I would hesitate to say the church thinks we are mere myths, there are those amongst the church who wield true faith. Hunters as they call themselves, thankfully they are often unprepared for what really lurks in the darkness.

I agree that it seems foolish to hide such beauty..." Adria seems to look away for a second as though she's pushing some thought from her mind before she continues.

"Think of it as Jourdain's little contribution to your lessons. It may not seem it but he doesn't wish to see you fail. He might have some silly ideas regarding those who naturally fall beneath him but he would rarely stick his neck out on behalf of someone who wasn't worth it and he did save your life.

My hope is that you will each bring out the best in each other as you strive and compete with each other in the future. Nothing brings out the best in one of our kind except for a true rivalry, hence why put the thought of calling him brother in your head. Siblings are often the best rivals, though we rarely refer to clan mates as such."
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza glanced toward Jourdain where he was celebrating and talking with the other cainites. When she turned back to Adria, her crooked smile remained.

"For interacting with me such a short time, you know me quite well, Sire. As one of nine children of a duke, I'm well acquainted with sibling rivalries of course. My siblings would have liked to have my duchy as well, I'm sure."

With that thought, Eliza's smile grew much wider.

"One of my aims is to get the best of this rivalry eventually too, I assure you."

Even though she'd born resentment, nervousness, and uncertainty about her sire during the journey to the palace, the young cainite felt drawn to her sire in person. She couldn't help but feel relieved, and as they sat together, Eliza laced her fingers into Adria's, taking her hand with a light squeeze.

"I'm very happy to be at your side again Adria. We could join the party... I suppose... but I personally prefer your company and would be quite content to stay right here. Unless you have other plans for me?"
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

"I have watched you for far longer than you might imagine through servants and spies. It was no coincidence that Jourdain has fought alongside your father. Jourdain knows a little about sibling rivalries as well, which is what gave me the idea to use that as a means to help my childer succeed."

Adria says in response, she tenses a little when Eliza entwines her fingers with her own though she doesn't pull away and adds. "I have no further plans for you this night, Eliza. We can stay and sit here if you wish or join the party, either way you will be by my side for a while longer."

All right, feel free to add whatever you want to your last post. Then I'll probably do your big time skip/finishing post tomorrow.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

Eliza sighed and leaned back on the bench. As she watched the fellow Lasombra mingle with one another and create their alliances, Eliza thought back to Jourdain's advice about the rampant backstabbing in their clan. They weren't true alliances of course, Eliza thought to herself as she wondered just how many daggers were pointed at Jourdain's back at this very moment, ready to strike. It would certainly not do to trust a single hair on their pretty little heads, but that didn't mean they didn't have their uses.

The young cainite leaned closer to Adria and rested her head on her sire's shoulder, keeping their hands clasped together and letting Adria support her soft form. It had been a whirlwind two week initiation to the world of vampires, and Eliza spent the vast majority of it in a torpor, a coma induced by her own sire and caused in part by Eliza's own vanity.

The land of Caine was a dangerous world indeed. The former duchess's experience made her realize more than ever that she was vulnerable. Adria was right when she said Eliza's former power was false power, tricks that she'd played on herself to boost her own ego. After all, Eliza had a duchy forced upon her when she was 13 years old and ruled it for the following nine years. Okay, so she hadn't complained, but that didn't change the fact that she was forced to...compensate... to maintain her delusions of power.

Eliza took solace in the fact that her sire was there to protect her. She felt protected, and as she leaned on her sire, she not only allowed herself to feel what it was like to be protected but showed to her sire that she accepted it. Eliza couldn't help but think of her mother, the Lombard princess Sikelgaita. She was an impressive figure too, parts warrior, politician, and philosopher, but most of all protector of her children. It'd been quite a long time since Eliza allowed herself to feel protected by anyone, even her own mother.

Watching her clan mates and resting on Adria's arm, Eliza knew that the protection would be short lived. For now, she cherished this moment, the feeling of closeness and protection by her sire. Tomorrow would be a new day, and the days ahead would bring many adventures that would test her resolve and strengthen her power. Adria, Jourdain, and perhaps a few others could help her grow, but in order to become great, Eliza would have to take the reigns of her own destiny herself, submitting fate itself to her will. She knew she was entering a new and dangerous but also magical world. Eliza was determined to make that world her world. One day, Eliza declared in her mind, all of them would bow to her, and only the few that pleased her would gain the fruits of her power. That day would not come tomorrow she knew, nor in 30 or even 100 years. The young cainite was determined that it would come though, even if she had to carefully plot and connive for a millennium. After all, Eliza had an eternity on her hands, and there was no time to waste.

Until that day came, Eliza would spend her time carefully plotting, and stealthily weaving through the tricky politics of vampire society. She would endeavor to please her sire, her elders, and her clan mates. Her brujah crafted dagger would be at the ready, prepared to strike at the first opportunity just like any other Lasombra. Eliza knew in her cold heart, though, that she was not just any Lasombra. She was Eliza Guiscard, daughter of Robert and Sikelgaita, childe of Adria, and sister or Sir Jourdain De Mont St. Michel. Eliza would live up to the name of her family and her mentors. She was determined to become great.
Re: Prologue: Eliza Guiscard.

The years after that night seem as though they go by quickly for Eliza. They return to Adria's palace near Valletta after which Jourdain soon parts ways to pursue his own interests. The first few years of Eliza's unlife are spent learning the basics of a cainite's survival: hunting, controlling the beast, using her new found powers.

On occasion she will meet others of her kind, usually other Lasombra like herself though other clans on occasion. A particular Brujah and a Toreador are frequent visitors and though Eliza is not privy to their conversations she often catches the Toreador watching her strangely. Eliza learns little of these frequent visitors as she is usually sent away to learn from other clan mates such as her grand sire, Narses.

Adria proves difficult to get along with despite Eliza's bond with her. She proves to be extremely paranoid and jealous of just about everything. She seems to trust Eliza more than the others though the paranoia and jealousy still affect their relationship on occasion.

One day Eliza's own initiation as a true Lasombra comes and it occurs much like Jourdain's. After their return to Adria's palace a few days pass before her sire asks Eliza to go to London to aid Jourdain in setting up a clan presence there. She explains that after a long period where the clan was banished from the city they have recently been allowed to return. She gives Eliza a sealed letter to give to Jourdain and arranges for transportation in one of the clan's ships to England.

A few months later and Eliza finds herself traveling up the Thames toward London from Gravesend. A short delay has made her miss the night she should have arrived and she's weary of the travel, though curious to see her new home.


A little lackluster but I just don't have it today. You're free to post in chapter 1, your ship should arrive near where Anabelle and Vezina currently are. I'll send the other info in a PM though you don't need to wait for it.
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