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Prologue: Eve Vosmus

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Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Lilith jumps a bit as though startled by Eve's sudden speaking. She blinks a few times as though she can hardly believe that she sees Eve. She hides the package as nonchalantly as she can behind her back and says.

"Eve is that you? You...you look so different, I guess I am out of a home now. Though I didn't realize you knew that."

She seems surprisingly nervous and begins to finger her gaudy necklace as though it might protect her.

That it does. And no she hasn't, though she seems a bit more evil than the first Eve which may be a good thing.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

"I came back to see the bastard pay for what he did," she gave a little chuckle. Careful, luv. she told herself, Wear th' mask, don' be th' mask. "Plus, I wanted to see what I could do to help the other girls. The Lord who picked me up turned me into something wonderful, I'm a real lady now. Why don't you come with me and see? There's good food, soft beds, and even hot baths, no need to be frightened, I swear." her yes grew a bit dreamy, but she never stopped watching Lillith to see her reactions.

Just having fun :'D She was hoping Lil wouldn't recognize her.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Lilith eyes light up a little as Eve explains why she happened to be near the bastards home. She smiles a little as she steps forward her eyes light up green with envy at the fine silk clothes and cloak that Eve is wearing.

"He...he kind of already payed for that. He didn't make it out of the house before the fire engulfed him. I suppose I could go with you if only to see thi lord and his wondrous amount of money."

That is the goal after all and sorry I didn't realize she was trying to fool her.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve smiled again and put her arm around Lillith's shoulder. "My dear, it is more wondrous than you could ever imagine." Then she leaned over to whisper in the girl's ear, "Too bad you'll never get to see it," lighting quick she bit down on the slut's neck and held her tight, prepared for a struggle.

omnomnom. She has no idea what she's doing xD
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

A brief squeal as Eve's fangs pierced into her neck was the only sound Lilith made as her mind succumbed to the kiss. Her hand slid up behind Eve's neck to press her closer as the pleasure overwhelmed both of them. Eve would have never expected such a thing to feel so pleasurable as the strangely sweet taste of blood poured down her throat. Much less would she have expected that being fed from would apparently feel so good as Lilith gave a slight moan of pleasure even as her lifeblood left her.

Eve never stopped once as she drained the girl dry and let her fall to the cobblestones in the dark alley of the city. If it weren't for the small dot of blood and the two puncture wounds on her neck she might seem as though she were sleeping. No one could have seen them in this dark alleyway and Eve was about to simply walk away when she remembered the package that Lilith had been hiding behind her back.

Or at least she didn't know until now. At least you remembered that she didn't know what she was doing.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve blinked, still a little dazed. That was... wholly unexpected. But nice. Definitely nice. She needed to ask her beloved more of what he knew abut her newfound abilities and anything else he could think of. She turned to leave, but then turned back as she remembered the package. She grabbed it and left the alley. She needed to get back to Erasmus.

The package could wait.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve returns back to the arranged meeting place only stopping a few times to view some statue or person of beauty. Perhaps something else she has to ask Erasmus about as she can't seem to help herself. Still the feeling of happiness pervades everything, she is completely free of her old life.

A few minutes after she arrives by the carriage she sees Erasmus hurrying from the docks a pleased smile on his handsome young face. He waves and begins to hurry forward eager to share his news and learn of what she has done in their brief time apart.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

"All uv my loose end 'ave been tied up." she said when they got back into the carriage. "I 'ave 'ad the strangest night though. Ev'ry little thing that was pretty seemed to catch me. I couldn' look away! Is this par' of who I am?" She was happy and confused all at the same time. The questions seemed to be bursting from her.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Erasmus practically leaped into the carriage after Eve a bright smile on his face as she explained that she had tied up the last of her loose ends. The smile never leaves his face as he says. "I found a ship leaving tomorrow that should be perfect for getting us to England. I don't think we'll have too much trouble on the trip with me to help you get fed and watch over you while you sleep during the day."

He nods his head when she mentions not being able to look away from some things and adds. "Christien mentioned that all of the Cainite's suffer from some sort of curse or weakness. He would often get distracted by beautiful things himself, such as that castle and yourself. He was almost obsessed with things of beauty, the more beautiful the more obsessed he might get. It's no wonder he simply had to have you."
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

She smiled, flattered. "Is there anythin' else ya ken tell me? He spent all this time talkin' about courts and thin's. Y've got to tell me everythin', cause it even felt... nice, when I... ate."
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Erasmus smiles in return and nods his head as he says. "It sounds like a good idea but first we need to find someplace to hold up for the day. Then I'll start teaching you everything I know about your new self."

After driving to a carriage and spending the rest of the night explaining about everything he knows Eve falls into torpor only to be awoken by the setting of the sun. Erasmus watched over her the whole night and was sitting there doing the same in the evening. They board the ship after paying for passage and the next month, though harrowing at times, goes by without a hitch and they soon find themselves on the distant shores of England.

A few years of wandering from small village to small village until the last of Christien's wealth has run out. That's when they decide to go to London having spent enough time on the lam that Erasmus thinks it would be safe to rejoin kindred society.


Kind of bleh, but I do bad with endings. I'll probably get your new thread up in a day or two so in this brief downtime feel free to bug me with any questions you might have.
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