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Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Alexander just dropped his head and shook it slowly. "I am truly sorry, I would have saved you this fate if I could have..." He says sadly.
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

She sniffed loudly and then sighed, "Alright. I can't mope about this now. What do I need to know to avoid a faux pas? I don't want to make any mistakes, and I want to know everything i can about... us."
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Alexander nodded approvingly, and answered her question. "There's far too much to tell you in this one trip, but most will be forgiven of a neonate like yourself. The most important one to remember, is that we call ourselves Kindred, and the mortals Kine. Apart from that, if you just picture it as a medievil court, you'll do well enough. New Kindred like youself are called Neonates, ones that are self-responsible and not beholden to another are Ancilla, one that hold a position are usually referred to as the position, such as Prince, or Sheriff, though many use their names as well. Anyone without a position but of great age are Elders. Neonates and Ancilla are called such by those older than them usually, and call someone above them by their title or name, whichever the elder prefers."

They had nearly reached the courthouse now, so Alexander went back to general information. "Just, remember to be respectful, and know that as it stands, you have no protection here, save what little I can offer. Do you have any last questions? I might not be able to remain and wait with you, the three that did this to you are still on the loose."
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

"You mentioned the Sabbat..." she said slowly, "What are we?"
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Alexander blinked, looking surprised. "Oh, I did miss that, didn't I? We're called the Camarilla, Dear. There's also the Anarchs, which are a third, mostly neutral group. And a few clans are independant, roaming between none or all sects." He explains, walking around the back of the building and down some steps, knocking on a back door. A man opens it and Alexander speaks up immediately. "Have you heard what's going on?"
"Yeah, Cody called me a half hour ago, I've already had one Neonate wander in. This another?"
"Yes, treat her with care, would you kindly?"
"This is Elysium, and I am its Keeper. You wouldn't be insinuating-"
"Of course not." Alexander replies snippily, finally turning back to Eve. "Eve dear, I have to go continue to hunt down those three. This is Jack, he'll find you a place to wait, alright?" The man named jack made an exagerated hat-tipping gesture, despite the fact that he had no hat, a broad smile on his face.
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

"Camarilla..." she mused quietly, "It's a pleasure to meet you Jack," she said looking up at him, "Though I can't say I'm pleased at the circumstances. Thank you Mr. Alexander for everything." she grimaced, and then after being brought inside she asked, "He mentioned something about clans, what was he talking about?"
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Jack answered quickly, walking along the hall and expecting Eve to keep up, without looking back to see if she was. "They're the types of Kindred, most of them based on when they became truly different, around the third generation of us. I'm Brujah, and your friend Alexander is Toreador, just to name a couple. You wouldn't happen to know who the one that sired you was, do you? The one that drained you, then fed you their own blood to make you a Kindred?"
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Eve shook her head, "The man that Mr. Alexander is going after bit me, and I think Mr. Alexander is the one that fed me." she wrinkled her nose, "What does that make me? Am I a..." she thought for a minute, trying to remember the word, "Sabbat? Or am I a Toreador, like Mr. Alexander?" she had to nearly run to keep up with Jack.
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Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Jack stopped in mid-stride, and turned to face her, studying her face intently. After a moment, he speaks up. "I would never speak that aloud again, or even voice it in your head, if I were you. If that's true, then Alexander would die if word were to get to the Prince, do you understand me?" He says seriously.
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

"So I should just say it was Mr. Alexander?" she said quietly, looking up at him her mouth set in a grim line.
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

"No!" Jack says, surprised. "He said there was three of them, right? Everyone else has only seen two, the third might be his cover. That one changed you, and Alexander arrived after to chase them off, alright?"
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

She nodded slowly, "So I don't know who it was who changed me. Got it, never saw them." she took a deep breath, "I hope I don't make too many mistakes. Thank you for helping me."
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Jack shrugged, stopping in front of a door. "You'd be fine either way, it's not your fault. Alexander's a friend though, I'm covering his ass. There's a handful of fresh Neonates coming in today, wait in here till everyone is in, then you'll all go see the prince at once." He says, motioning her in and closing the door behind her.

*******End of Prologue********

((Go ahead and start in Chapter one after Keylo's had a chance to post. Luna did arrive first, after all ;) ))