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Prologue - Isabella Frost

Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Raven blushes a little more. "Th-th-thanks... N-now I wish I' have brought my lapt-t-top. I have a bunch of my w-work scanned in." He says, smiling. Then he noticed a bench off to the side, at the top of a little hill overlooking the pond. "Let's sit h-here and talk." He says, starting to gently draw her over that way.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

"Maybe next time," she suggests. Taking in his demeanor, she resists making a joke about getting invited up to see his etchings, even if he would likely be serious about it, without ulterior motive. "Sounds good." She follows him over and settles on the bench with him, still keeping her fingers twined with his. She shifts a little, wanting to take in the view but, well, Raven was part of the view, too. "What's your favorite subject matter?" she asks, keeping up the conversation, and, well, good setting for talk about drawing what you see.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

"Everything." Raven says simply, smiling and looking out at the pond. "Landscapes, wildlife, impossible geometry..." He turns to look her right in the eyes. "...P-people..." he said slowly, then blushed, turning to look around once more. "I-if I can see it in my mind, I can put it to paper." He spots a sandy patch of ground by their feet. "And not j-just paper either." He says quickly, getting exited. He stand sup quickly, kicking up some of the ground and stomping it to make sure everything was broken up evenly, then smoothed it out with his foot. Then he dropped to his knees and hovered over it, blocking her view. "N-no peeking, k-k-kay?"
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

((Izzy doesn't know C'thulu or I'd say "So long as it wasn't Euclidian geometry..."))

"All right. No peeking." She smiles, curious about how he's going to pull this off. She debates closing her eyes to emphasize that fact but she wants to watch him work, even if it's just his back.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

((He meant like the square of ever-rising stairs, stuff like that :p ))

He worked fairly quickly, reaching out and grabbing a few carefully picked blades of grass and a couple pepples evey once in a while. After about a minute, he leaned back and stood, taking a pen light out of his pocket and standing past it and to the right to shine the light down so she could see. "W-well, what do y-y-you think?" He says nervously.

Sitting there, delicately detailed into the sand, is a portrait of Isabella's face, smiling gently. He made it abot halfway between flat and three-dimensional, so the light he was shining at it gave it shadows in all the right places, and there was larger pebbles for her eyes, and a couple smaller ones for the freckles. Her hair was a combination of sand lines and blades of grass, the green almost perfectly copying the highlights her own hair has. "It's n-not p-p-perfect, if I had f-finer sand..." He says, watching her face earnestly, almost trembling.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

"Not perfect? Raven, that's amazing." Her response is utterly genuine. Aside from her initial remark, she's speechless. He can see the wonder that comes to her face, both at his talent and at having something like that done for her. She lets out a very faint laugh, but it, like her smile, is nothing but delighted. Very carefully, she slides down from the bench to kneel closer to it, still shaking her head. "You even got the streak." One highlight that had turned out a little thicker than she had anticipated. Pushing herself carefully to her feet, she gingerly stepped around it to stand near him. "George Stanforth has got nothing on you," she stated with a soft laugh, there being no doubt to the admiration for his talent, and him, in her eyes.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Raven smiled broadly. "I'm g-glad you like it." He says simply. He shifts from foot to foot a little, and he leans forward a little bit, looking deeply into her eyes. He looks like he's trying to say something, but either can't find the words or can't bring himself to say them out loud...
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

She reaches out, putting a hand on his arm to steady herself a little, her own eyes turning down from his for a heartbeat before she leans in a little closer to him. "I've never had a guy I just met pay me that flattering a compliment," she murmurs close to his ear. He can feel her lips brush against his cheek as she draws back, finding his gaze again as she nibbles slightly on her lower lip.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Raven shivers a little as she whispers in his ear, standing stiff as a board out of nervousness. His eyes meet hers for a second, before dropping to her lips. Slowly, moving an inch at a time, he leans forward to kiss her, eyes watching her intently for any sign, good or bad.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

She tries to watch him as he leans in, but her eyes end up lidding the closer he gets until they finally slip closed, her lips parted just slightly as she draws in a soft breath. If he takes the plunge and follows through, he finds himself meeting a very warm returned kiss, one that's threatening to have a smile interrupt it if someone doesn't quell the few butterflies flittering around in her chest.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Raven takes it as a good sign, and their lips meet, pressing gently together for a long moment. She doesn't push him away, so he slowly slips his arms around her, one hand going to the small of her back and lightly resting there, while the other wraps around under her arm and rests between her shoulder blades.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

She shifts slightly, accommodating her body for his hold. Her one arm mirrors his, sliding around to his lower back. The other shifts upward, allowing her to comb her fingers gently through his hair, brushing lightly against the back of his neck as well.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Raven broke the kiss after another few heartbeats, resting his head on her shoulder as he hugged her gently. "T-t-thank you..." He whispered quietly into her ear.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

She stays standing as she is, her fingers perhaps sliding a little more into his hair but that's about all. Turning her head slightly, not enough to disturb where his own rests, she places a light kiss where she can reach, likely close to his ear or his cheek. "Small payment for something so flattering," she murmurs softly before relaxing in his hold once again.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Raven let out a sigh of contentment, slowly relaxing in their embrace. "I t-t-t... I think I love you..." He whispers again, quieter this time.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

That gets her to let out a soft laugh, her fingers still combing in his hair. "Why don't we try a few more nights before you come to that decision?" she replies gently. "I might wind up having some habits you can't stand." She's certainly not blowing him off, nor sounding creeped out about it, but it's definitely not something you'd expect from someone you just met. Love at first sight can be a powerful thing, and it wasn't that she couldn't believe in it, but if he did feel that way, it wouldn't be fair if she found she couldn't return his affection.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Raven just held her tighter, sounding incredibly sad. "I c-can't wait. It has to be t-tonight, or you w-won't be safe..." He says, sounding on the verge of tears.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

That made her draw back a little (or try, too, anyway). "What do you mean 'has to be tonight'? And why...wouldn't I be safe?" Holding onto her as he is, he can feel her tensing up at his words, definitely a little leery of him saying something like that.

((She's not trying to pull away from him, just draw back enough to look at him.))
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Raven put up no resistance as she pulled away some, Isabella was pretty sure that she could remove herself from his embrace anytime she wanted. He looked infinitely sad, as if he was already resigned to losing her. "Do you t-trust me?" He asks, his voice barely audible.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

"Now that's a loaded question," he hears her murmur quietly. She takes a minute to study his face, her hand coming up to rest against his cheek. "You haven't given me a reason not to."