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Prologue - Isabella Frost

Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

"O-okay..." Raven says slowly, getting up and walking back out of the ponds with her, holding her hand. She notices that he feels a lot warmer than he did before. "How about we were t-turned by a s-single one, dressed in l-l-leather, like a biker. He s-said we'd make a p-p-pretty c-couple, together f-f-forever." He said, squeezing her hand a little.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

((Poor Charles!))

"Hold on a second," she says quietly, before they start to walk away. She fishes her phone out of her pocket and carefully crouches down in front of the bench, angling it carefully. There's a soft "shutter" sound and she stands back up, tucking it away, and sliding her hand into his as they make their way out.

"I can't quite imagine a biker saying that," she says with a soft laugh. She subtly changes her hold on his hand to something a little more...like she's gripping her lifeline, which isn't all that far off. "Maybe...we were somewhere a little private, away from the crowd, and we heard someone say it, but we didn't see who? Then we don't have to worry about details. And it's not...all that far off from what really happened."
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

"Oh, y-you mean like at the b-bar." Raven says. "T-that would work. S-so we didn't see w-who attacked us then?"
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

"Yeah. If we didn't see them in the first place, we won't have to worry about remembering made-up details later on. Just the grabbing and the biting and the waking up with fangs."
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Raven nods, and they make their way to the Vat without any problems. On the bright side, the band seems to have finished for the night. on the downside, there's just as many people, making Raven very nervous. Fortunately, less than five minutes pass before someone bumps them, ushering the pair to a quieter corner of the place. It was a woman, in a black dress, with long drown curls. She seemed completely out of place, but nobody seemed to pay any mind to her being here. "I hope you two aren't here to make trouble." She says, loudly enough to be heard over the background din.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

((Stupid work. Keeping me from posting.))

Isabella stays close to him, knowing that he doesn't like the crowd and also trying to do as he suggested and play up the nervousness. As they follow the woman, she glances at him, a bit of askance in her gaze and confusion that she doesn't have to feign.

"What makes you think we're here to cause trouble?" she asks, a little hesitancy in the question. She slips her fingers between Raven's giving his hand a subtle squeeze.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

The woman gives her a don't-be-coy look before answering. "I don't. But this is my bar, and I'll be damned twice if Kindred don't show up every night to try and mess with my customers." She says in an irate tone. Raven chooses this moment to speak up. "K-k-kindred?" He says hesitatingly. The woman leans forward and glares at him for a moment, like she was trying to find a bug on his face, then sat back, seemingly surprised by what she saw.

"You two... Have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Isabella shakes her head. "No," she replies fairly quietly. "What did you mean...they mess with the customers?" Time to help with the alibi.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

The woman let out an exasperated sigh, and pulled out a cell phone. "Doesn't matter, and you wouldn't understand anyways..." She said as she dialed, then turned halfway around to have her phone conversation.

"Hello, yeah I've got a couple fresh Kindred that just wandered in... Oh, really? Alright, I'll send them over then." She says, then hangs up and turns back to the pair. "Do either of you know where the old courthouse is?"
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

If it mattered enough for her to pull them aside, Izzy reasoned, it shouldn't be something she dismissed so readily, especially if they were confused, but she kept quiet on those thoughts for now, especially as the woman took her attention off of them.

Given what she was picking up on this end, Izzy tried to catch the other half of the conversation. With the din of the bar, though, it proved too difficult, even if the woman was on a cell. At her question, she nodded. "I think so." She gave the address she thought it was, only knowing that particular area by from casual conversation and passing through.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

"Close." The woman replied. "Just head east out of here until you hit Gaetz North, the main street through town, and head North. It's on the right after a few blocks. Go there and knock on the back door, they'll get you sorted out." She says, saying it like it was a dismissal. Raven just looked at Isabella, unsure of what to do.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Filing away the woman's directions, Izzy nodded. "Around the back. Okay." Wherever she was directing them to seemed a little better than staying here, especially with the woman's attitude telling her they clearly weren't welcome. Given Raven's hand a squeeze, she lead them back out of the club and into the quiet again, crossing the street and starting to walk, following the woman's directions. "You know, I always wondered who owned that place. Now I'm sorry I was ever curious," she mutters. "Do you have any idea what she meant by getting us sorted out?"
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Raven nodded. "Introduce us to the Prince, g-get us s-settled into our u-u-unlives, we should be f-fine." He says, looking relieved to be out of the club.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

"That...sounds simple enough. I was going to ask you what you meant by 'Prince' but don't tell me. I'm not supposed to know yet." She chuckles softly, giving him a wink. Walking with him, everything from earlier just seemed like a surreal sort of dream. Strolling along, she imagined that anyone looking at them would just see a perfectly normal couple out for a moonlight walk. With all the myth and stories that were wrapped around vampires, was this all it is? Were the ones that had them pegged as just trying to fit in with normal society the closest to the truth? Well, probably not, given what he'd said about the others, the ones he was protecting her from. She hoped some of those questions might get answered by the Prince when the time came. For now, she pushed them into the back of her mind and decided to just enjoy the walk.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

"A-alright." Raven says softly, walking along beside her. The rest of the walk went by in companionable silence, and when they reached the door, Raven turned to her. "Y-y-you knock, I'm n-no good at t-talking..."
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Before doing so, she turned to face him, giving him a gentle smile. "I think you do just fine." She actually takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly, not realizing that was probably the most full her lungs had been all evening. Raising her hand, she gave the door a few good raps.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

The door opens after a short pause, wide enough to admit a face. It looks at the two of them a moment before speaking. "You must be the two from the Vat, right?"
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

She nods, replying, "We are." She casts another look at Raven, then turns back to the face in the door. "Must make this the right place then."
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

"Indeed i'tis." The man said, opening the doorfully and leading them inside. "I'm Jack. You two are some of the last of the freshones to come in, Vincent almost has the ones that did this to all of you cornered, last I heard. Come on then, I'll show you to the waiting room." He says, a friendly smile on his face. Raven doesn't say anything, just follows Isabella closely, looking around as if he expected something to jump out at them. Jack didn't seem to notice, just lead them down to the end of the hall and opened a door, revealing a few other Kindred talking. "Won't be too long now, everyone's waiting in here." Jack says, ushering them through and closing the door.

**********End of Prologue***********

((Joly good show, but now I have an NPC in Chapter 1, drats XD ))
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

((Quite! Isn't it fun when they take on lives of their own? I enjoyed it, though. And now, into the green room...))