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Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

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Nov 10, 2008
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1109 AD; Bordeaux, Kingdom of England.

Jocelyn sat in the corner at a table, her lover and sire Aubrey sat beside her as she surveyed the place. Aubrey sat continuously wiping the table as if there were some unseen speck of dirt that he could rid himself of. Besides the burly tavern keep and the sole serving wench in the place there was only one other patron on this cold, foggy night.

The other patron was a large man who looked to be in his forties, he wore leathers as though he had been traveling for quite some ways. Not entirely unusual as they were currently in one of the port cities of the Duchy of Aquitaine. She and her sire had traveled here after they had escaped from her father's barony. Jocelyn got the feeling that the man was keeping a furtive eye on both her and Aubrey, or perhaps it was that voice that kept telling her that he was watching them. She couldn't be truly any more as the voice didn't always seem to tell the truth.
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Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

He's a devil, watching us, just waiting for when we're weakest! You need to get him first!
He's just another petitioner here, wary of strangers, just like us. You leave him alone, he'll leave us alone. Just like a honeybee.
Look at him! The man looks like a blacksmith with a mean streak! He'll snap Aubrey like a twig and come for you next. He's a devil for sure!
He's drinking mead, evil devils don't drink mead, just look away and pretend he's not there, everyone can get on with their night...

Jocelyn did her best to not look nervous, trying to smooth some ruffles out of her dress before looking down at the table she was seated at and carefully examining an old mug stain. The circle reminded her of the ones that used to be all around her, dancing to her hands, and...

But that was gone now, replaced by Aubrey. She had missed him all those years, but now he had found his way to her again, and they were off to London, or Paris, or somewhere equally big and impressive, she couldn't quite remember. Maybe if she found the other half... But that could wait, it wouldn't be in purgatory with her, not yet...

Leaning over to Aubrey again, she watched him clean the table once more, stealing a glance over at the other man again. Eventually, she spoke up. "Where are we going again?" she asked simply, quietly.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The man continued to sip his mead at the table seemingly oblivious to Jocelyn's nervousness as he ordered another mug from the serving wench. He didn't seem at all interested in any other services she could provide so the wench hurried off to fetch him more mead.

Brey stopped wiping the table briefly as Jocelyn asked her question, before he resumed his cleaning of the spot before him. She knew he wouldn't be able to stop cleaning the spot for as long as they sat there. Though it should be fine as no one seemed to notice it.

"I think we need to find a way to London. We tried to get to Paris last time but your father's bounty hunters were expecting that. The question is how do we do that, our condition prevents us from traveling to openly. Not that we could afford ship fare anyways, our gold is running low. Perhaps we could sneak onto a ship as it leaves and stay hidden but the risks are still great if we get caught."
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Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn nods slowly, thinking about it and trying her hardest to ignore the other voices, who were still arguing over whether or not the other petitioner was going to try and kill the two of them.

"Maybe... How long is the boat ride over? I was there once, but I slept on the trip, so I don't know. Could we maybe find a boat small enough to use ourselves, just us two? Then we could find a way to cover it up and take as long as we wanted to cross, land wherever we wanted..."

Oh no, I heard that. I don't even want to start on the ways that could go wrong!
At least she's thinking of something, instead of sitting there and complaining! What have you come up with so far?
That's not the point! If she's going to last long enough to redeem herself, she's gotta learn to b~

Jocelyn shifted in her seat a little and shrugged a bit. She leaned forward and placed her elbow on top of the mug stain from earlier. If her Aubrey spotted it, it may be hard to convince him to leave, when the time came. "Cut it out you two, I'm getting a headache." She mumbled quietly...
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Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Aubrey keeps rubbing the spot as he thinks about her question for a moment. He seems to try and pull himself away from the spot as he answers her in a shaky voice.

"I'm not really sure how far it is but I don't think a small boat would work, if we were still further north near your father's lands it might work. Unfortunately I wasn't thinking when we originally fled and now we're stuck too far south. Perhaps we could flee south to Aragon but it could be dangerous with the wars...."

His will can't seem to hold out any longer and he goes back to wiping the spot unable to continue. As Brey goes back to wiping the table the stranger in the tavern finishes his last drink and quickly pushes himself away from the table. His spurs clank across the floorboard as he hurries out the door leaving the pair alone.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

See? Like a bumblebee.

"Well, a larger ship then. We could hide in a hold during the day, or something. Do the ones that cross have holds that don't see daylight? Maybe we could put ourselves in boxes..." She said slowly, mostly thinking out loud.

"How far is it to the port you were thinking of? Should we head there now, or find somewhere her to bunker down for the day?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Aubrey Keeps rubbing the spot on the table, though he does manage to pull himself away to look around the room as he answers.

"I don't really know. I've never been on a ship but I think you're father might stop chasing us after crossing the sea. The port is just down the hill from here but we should feed before we try to get on a ship...where is everyone at. There were people here before weren't there?"

While Jocelyn's sire had been speaking the tavern keeper and the server had left through a back door to the tavern leaving the two vampires alone.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Ookay, yes we should, and yes there was..." Jocelyn answers slowly, looking around for the missing people.

They were devils, and they're going to get more to come and finish the two of you off!
That's ridiculous, why didn't they leave earlier then?
Maybe they stuck around so they could see what we were about first. Why do you think they left.
Well, maybe they had somewhere to be, more than at their jobs...
Yeah, we should leave. Now!

Jocelyn nodded her head, starting to usher Aubrey out of his seat. "I think we're in trouble Love, we should go." She said in a slightly panicked tone, starting to shove him gently to get him to move a little faster...
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Aubrey only takes a little shoving before he's able to break away from the spot on the table. He stares at it for a few more seconds before turning his attention to their situation in his own strange fashion, speaking more to himself than she, as he does so.

"I was too focused on the dirt on the table, I don't know what could be going on. Is it her father's men or did we hurt someone again? No there isn't any blood so it must be the hunters. We should get out of here as fast as possible but which way. Just focus Aubrey you can do it, focus and save your love like the hero you are. Like some great knight rescuing his lady, yes. Rescue her like you did before."

While Aubrey is talking to himself, Jocelyn is able to look around the small room and think about a plan. The front door is off to her left where the stranger left. There's a back door behind the bar to the right, where the others presumably left from. The only other possible escape would be through the chimney opposite her, but the blazing fire is so frightening that she can't even look at it for long. Outside she thinks she can hear the neigh of horses but she's not sure, no sounds from the back.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn did her best to survey the scene as well, quickly looking back and forth between the two possible exits. The chimney was right out, there was no way she was going anywhere near that hellfire, no way.

There's too many out front, we need to slip out the back. The waitress and bartender may be there, but we should be able to get by them at least.
No, that's what they're expecting! They'll have extra men back there to catch us unawares, we should hide in here and sneak by the front group once they charge in. They wont be expecting us to get by the main group.
What about the horses? If it's truly devils outside, the horses may be just as bad themselves?

Jocelyn shook her head a little, then took hold of Aubrey's arm and tried to lead him to the side of the door. "Shh, dear. We'll hide here, and sneak around them after they come inside." She explained quietly, finding the darkest place to stand in. She still wasn't terribly good with the extra abilities she had learned in this horrible place, and hoped it would be enough to get them by once more...

Going out on a limb here and assuming we get one point in each, as before. if so, obfuscate 1, if not, just plain hiding.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Aubrey lets himself be pulled into the shadows by Jocelyn somewhat reluctantly as he tries to formulate his own plan. Holding perfectly still they watch as the front door bursts open, two thugs rapidly entering and looking around the room. They look almost directly at the two vampires but don't seem to notice either of them.

While one stays and looks around the main room the other rushes to the far door and throws it open. Jocelyn can hear the other thug crashing up some steps in search of something.

Aubrey slowly puts his finger to his lips to tell Jocelyn to keep quiet while he starts moving forward quietly. The remaining thug doesn't seem to notice Brey moving but he's been here longer than she has and his powers are likely stronger than hers.

you can either take 1, 1, 1 or you could have 2, 1, 0 for you clan disciplines. Though you'll most likely get another point by the end of your prologue, so it likely won't matter much.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The devils barged in, and Jocelyn was immediately assaulted with images of demonic wings and the smells of brimstone and death. she stood there in the shadows, completely unwilling to move. Even the voices were silent for once, holding their collective breaths and waiting to see what would happen. She would have jumped for joy at that fact alone, had she not been so terrified.

Aubrey motioned for her to stay put, and she was quite compliant, even putting herself a bit further into the shadows, if such a thing was even possible. She watched him sneak up on the remaining devil in the room, pretty sure she knew what he was up to. She couldn't do it herself, couldnt even imagine what such a beast would taste like...

1,1,1 it is then, balanced is best.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The devil keeps standing in the center of the room, oblivious to the fact that he may soon be sent back to hell by Jocelyn's sire. Just as he is about to strike the boots of the stranger come stomping back into the room causing Aubrey to shrink back behind the stranger.

The stranger scowls at the thug as he walks up to him looking about the room angrily. He grabs the smaller thug by the hair and practically spits in his face as he growls out

"I told you to get in here sooner, if they get away from me I'll have your head cut off and stuck on a pike in front of the local church."

The thug tries to push away from the stranger but is interrupted as the other returns from upstairs a worried look on his face as he stutters out to the stranger.

"T-they aren't upstairs, Ivo. It's like they just disappeared from thin air, t-they must be witches just like you said."

While they have been talking Aubrey has slowly been making his way to the open door. He glances toward Jocelyn and nods his head towards the port as if saying to head that way. Without waiting for a response he ducks out the door and a few seconds later she can hear a commotion outside involving the horses. The stranger drops the thug as the three hastily run from the bar shouting to get after them all at once.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn stay perfectly still until after the devils have run out, then rushes to the door after them. She hesitates for a second, peeking out the door to see what was going on, before making a break for it when she felt there was an opening to do so, running alongside the building instead of cutting out into the street immediately.

She runs all the way until the port came into sight, then ducks down a back alley and collapses against a wall. Her heart felt like it would beat out of her chest, even though it didn't give a shudder at the run all the way there. She felt so strange these days...
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

As Jocelyn peeks out the door she can see the three men tearing down the street after the horses, which run as though Satan himself were chasing them. Aubrey is no where to be seen but whatever he did to the horses seems to have distracted the devils enough for her to escape.

The streets were relatively empty until she reached the dock areas of the town which were much more lively. Sailors both drunk and sober wandered the muddy lane which served as a street as they went from bar to brothel to ship. She almost tripped over one of them passed out from his revelries as she ducked into a back alley.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn gave a small gasp and jumped back a bit when she bumped into the passed-out sailor, ready to run away again until she realized the man was not going to wake up.

Aubrey did say that we should feed before we try the trip...
No wings, no halo, this poor man is just another petitioner, do you really want to do that to him?
Gotta do it to someone. Remember the last time we tried starving?
That's not... Well, maybe. But not too much!

Her course of action decided, Jocelyn takes a look around to make sure she wouldn't be seen as she leaned in close to the man, trying to make it look like... cuddling, or something else inconspicuous, just in case.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The drunken sailor barely stirs as Jocelyn decides on her course of action, no one seems to notice as she creeps closer to the man and lowers her mouth to his throat. His eyes flicker open briefly as her fangs pierce the soft flesh of his throat but close almost immediately as though he were blissfully dreaming. No sound escapes from his lips other than a slight increase in his breathing as his lifeblood flows down Jocelyn's throat.

Something about this blood seems different from the other times she has fed. Even as Jocelyn is lost in the same euphoric feeling she recalls from the other times she has fed she realizes something is different. Her mind and body feels more sluggish than normal even after she pulls herself away from her victim, who returns to his drunken sleep.

Moving deeper into the alley she remembers feeling this way once before she had found herself in this horrid place. She remembers the taste of wine and the happiness she felt when she first met her dear Aubrey before the circles had stopped dancing to her hands.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

See, that wasn't so bad, was it?
Just, keep moving, ya gotta... Gotta...

The voices trailed off, leaving the thin madwoman to her thoughts for the second time that evening. Her senses felt dulled, and her hands seemed... Further away, than normal. Maybe she could finally reach again...

Having wandered further down the alleyway during her musings, Jocelyn conveiniently found a spot with enough space to stick her arms out fully in any direction. Slowly, she started moving them in the old ritual she had found for herself to call the circles once upon a time, flicking her wrists just so and tapping the air at seemingly random spots around her, looking like nothing other than a rather elaborate dance. None of the callings worked, however, as always.

Jocelyn was heartbroken, slumping down to the ground to sit on her knees in the dirt. "It's supposed to work..." She moaned to herself. "They were always there, the big one, with the smaller ones inside of it, and..." She ranted, using her fingers to draw the designs in the dirt around her.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn sat for what seemed like ages to her dulled senses drawing the circles in the dirt. She was so distracted by her vain attempts to call the circles to her that she didn't notice the hooded figure step from a doorway along the alley wall and approach where she knelt in the dirt.

The figure had already reached Jocelyn and had begun to bend down towards her with an outstretched hand when she suddenly felt the figure's presence as it stood over her. As she reacted to it's presence the figure took a single step back, though it kept it's hand outstretched as if to assure her that she was safe. From under the hood she could swear that she saw a strange glow as the figure looked towards her.
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Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

It took the drunken kindred far too long to notice the approaching figure, but when she finally did, Jocelyn was vocal about it. "Don't! Step on the lines." She said hurriedly, pointing to the figures feet. She then chose to stare up at the interloper with a scrutinizing glare, taking notice of the glow seeming to emanate from them, and furrowing her brow at it.
" ...'Coulda done that..." She says after a minute, moving her hands over the design she was drawing. "Tap twice there, turn that halfway counter-clockwise, set those to face forward. 'Course, then the light would be somewhere between purple and blue..." She mumbled, pantomiming the motions as she spoke them and seemingly ignoring the figure once again.
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