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Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

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Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"I don't think you want to help with this chore, unless you wish to feed one last time before we depart. I know how you dislike having to hurt the other petitioners."

Aubrey says as he begins moving toward the door turning as he exits, he smiles and says.

"I shan't be gone long."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn shook her head. "You're quite right. I'll be here when you get back, love." She said with a smile, moving to take her usual seat, and turning to Rebekah once Aubrey had left. "Thank you again for helping us so much." She said with an almost childlike grin.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"You are most welcome, Jocelyn. You may not believe it but I feel I should thank you as well. It's not often you find one of our kind who tries to act with kindness despite our nature. It makes me glad to have been able to help you even more."

Rebekah spends the rest of the night making pleasant conversation and trying to help Jocelyn puzzle out the small box. She doesn't mention any of what Jocelyn had overheard of the conversation with Aubrey. Little is accomplished and Aubrey soon returns looking well fed and ready to brave the passage to England. Before long it is time for them to make their way down to the docks and their passage to England. Rebekah waves one last time from the door as Aubrey and Jocelyn lug the heavy chest toward the docks.

Arriving at the ship they find the crew already making preparations to sail as they load the last of their cargo. Captain Yarborough and Beaumains welcome them aboard, though Jocelyn catches a hint of disappointment in the eyes of the young first mate at the sight of Aubrey. Still he helps Aubrey to carry the chest below decks and into their room for the voyage. Nodding his head as he heads back up to the deck and leaving them to get comfortably situated.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Well if you don't try to be a nice person, They aren't going to look favourably upon you when it comes time for you to leave." Jocelyn explained with a shrug, obviously not thinking much of it as she focused on the puzzle in front of her.

The night went by too quickly, with little progress made on the object, much to Jocelyn's chagrin. She stuffed it into the chest with the foodstuffs, saying her final farewells to Rebekah, Urchin not having made it back yet.

Once they made it to the ship, she tried looking like her and Aubrey were nothing more than travelling companions, explaining to her love why once they were left alone. She had an awful feeling that she would have to rely on the first mate at some point during the trip, and it would help if she didn't alienate the man any more than she had to...
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Beaumains does seem to perk up a little at hearing that Jocelyn and Aubrey are merely traveling companions. Still he has little time to waste with chatting and he parts ways with a nod and offer of any help she may need once they are under way.

Aubrey nods his head at Jocelyn's explanation about the first mate saying that he understands. If he is jealous of the young man he hides it well and then busies himself with making the small cabin comfortable for the voyage. They manage to get settled just as they feel the small caravel setting sail and soon after they begin to feel the drowsiness of sleep overtaking them.

Go ahead and describe how you busy yourself during the voyage since it's mostly downtime. It's a 17 day voyage so you'll both have to feed at least once. 10 crew members counting Beaumains and Captain Yarborough.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

gonna do this all OOC-like, cause my brain is still scattered to the four winds. /:

passing time: Puzzle, discreetly tossing rocks overboard to simulate eaten foodstuffs.

feeding: feed from beaumaines a little every night, starting right from the beginning. he's bee a bit woozy, but otherwise fine. let aubrey drink some from her when he gets low, since im pretty sure they're both thrice bound anyways, from the sounds of it. Math works out, but they'll be barely fed enough to control it when they hit port.

try to spend as little time with the crew as possible without arousing suspicion, try to be nice to the captain and first mate, not sure if i can think of anything else right now.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The trip to Dover aboard the tiny ship is slow and boring, though not entirely uncomfortable for the likes of Jocelyn and her sire Aubrey. While Aubrey alternates between singing softly too himself and his obsessive cleanliness, Jocelyn attempts to figure out more of from the small box she found.

She is still unable to find a way into the box or the chest though she is able to find what appears to be five different keyholes in the chest. One of which is near the pegs that she pushed to find the ebony box.

The rest of the crew pay little heed to the passengers and are more than happy to ignore them. Captain Yarborough doesn't check on the passengers all that often though he is friendly and answers any questions that they may ask during the trip. Beaumains is more than happy to speak with Jocelyn each night and Jocelyn's plan to keep them fed throughout the trip seems to be working well. The repeated feedings do seem to make the young first mate even more entranced with spending time with her throughout the trip though he does feel weakened by it.

Both Aubrey and Jocelyn are beginning to feel the beast rise by the time they reach the distant shores of England. Aubrey and Jocelyn are able to easily remove the chest once they dock in Dover and Aubrey immediately heads off to hunt as soon as he can.

Jocelyn's hunger while she waits his return is enough to drive her crazy...er, especially with Beaumains coming to say his farewell. Jocelyn is barely able to control her hunger when she see's him walking up and though she doesn't wish it. She frenzies and drains him too much from him this time, thankfully no one is around and she is able to hide the body before her Aubrey returns from his hunting.

Fearing to remain in the area Aubrey uses the last of their coin to procure a mule to take the chest with them to London. He feels they'll be safest there and Jocelyn refuses to part with the chest even when he tries to convince her otherwise. Sleeping during the day in whatever shelter they can find and traveling by night they finally see their goal in sight.


I think I covered everything, but if I missed something just ask, and feel free to jump into chapter 1 when you feel more like it.
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