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Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

"It's Canada, you know how hard it is to get your hands on a gun worth sticking someone up with? Hunting rifle, sure, but that's just awkward." She says with a laugh, finishing with his hands and moving on to his legs, using the second engine belt.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch sighs and drops his head to the ground again. The awkward position was starting to strain his neck. "Look, I don't have too much money around here. I'm bringing it to the bank every evening. So it's just today's money." True, he probably has one or two hundred dollars lying in the office, but she doesn't need to know that, does she?
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

"Calm down, I'm not here for your money." She says happily, tying his legs together and giving his ass a squeeze before rolling him over again. "Now you just wait right here, I'll be right back." She says, and starts walking back towards the garage itself.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch grunts in surprise as his ass is grabbed. Again. "Hey, would you- Hey! Hey!" Bitch gets up and leaves! What the hell is going on? Since his arms and legs are tied up, Fletch can't really go after her. He can, however, roll to the side to bend his body without tearing off his hands. After that it's fairly easy to at least sit up and try to stand. It'll be really embarrassing to hop after that woman. . . But he's not going to let her get away, damnit! He has to try, at least!
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The woman just turns around and laughs at the show he's making. "I said I'll be right back, you can hop all the way back inside and out again, or you can just wait patiently. I don't really care. You do look so cute when you're angry though." She says, and laughs again, disappearing into the garage about twenty seconds after he manages to get to his feet.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Jonas harrumphs, and he would cross his arms if he could. As it is he has no reason to trust that woman. . . but taking her on with bond hands and feet appears less and less like a good idea. Even worse, her "brother" could be around, and then shit'd really hit the fan. With an inner sigh Jonas leans against the old van and waits for the woman to return.

((Bed now.))
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The woman re-appears shortly with, of all things, a shovel. She starts sticking it in the ground every few feet, testing, before starting to dig around the driver's side of the van. "So, tell me about yourself, big boy." She says seductively, a small pile of loose dirt already forming.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch harrumphs and shifts slightly as he watches the woman dig a hole into his lot. "My name is Jonas Fletcher. People call me Fletch. Born U.S. Citizen and got out of the country after. . . stuff happened." He falls quiet after that. Let her fill the gaps with whatever the hell she wants to.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The woman stops shovelling for a moment, looking surprised. "Huh, that's better than I expected." She said before starting digging again. "Well, I guess that makes it my turn. I'm Silvia Truman, born in the netherlands, and for about the last 200 years, I've been called Mist." She says simply, letting him fill in the blanks however he wants to.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch snorts, even though that nagging thought in the back of his mind returns. "Riiiiiight. Kept yourself in good shape then, Missy. Them plastic surgeons can really do wonders these days." What the hell is she digging for, anyway? Looking for treasure in his backyard?
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

She laughs, still digging, the hole almost hip deep on her now, though not very wide, maybe two or three feet square. "Just because mankind thinks it's on top of the food chain, doesn't mean it is. Were you ever afraid of the dark as a child?"
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

nag nag nag Shut up
Fletch pushes the thought aside with all the determination he can muster. "Not as a child I wasn't. It's not until you see some messed up shit that the monsters start peering out of the closet", Fletch says in a quiet tone.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

"That would be some of the 'stuff', that happened, I take it?" She says, not waiting for a reply. "Well, I'm one of the things that go bump in the night, but this time, I'm in a hole, not a closet." She chuckles at her own joke, starting to cave a couple walls in her hole so she can widen it a bit.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

"One of the things that go bump in the night?" Fletch has to work very hard to not start grinning. This freaky woman is probably not going to take too well to a hooker joke. "So, uh. . . Just what ARE you digging for, anyway? Somebody hid a million dollars in my backyard? Didya find a treasure map with a big X in my car lot?"
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

"There's a lot of reasons." She states simply. "But the simplest answer is, its a psych evaluation. You'll understand after, but it's really quite funny." She says with a chuckle, climbing out of said hole. The thing was about four feet deep now, about as long, and maybe three feet wide. "It's a bit shallow, but I'm starting to get bored..." She says, mostly to herself.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch chuckles and shifts in his bindings again. "Getting tired, huh. So, what now?" You shouldn't ask a question if you don't want to know the answer, he thinks as he eyes the woman.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

"Now," She says with a giggle, leaning in close to his face. "You get the answer to your first question..." She smiles broadly, and Jonas can't help but notice the half-inch fangs there. "Are you scared yet?"
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

nag nag nag
Jonas eyes widen as the thought returns into his mind with a vengeance. Yes, now - now he is scared. As such it's understandable he brings his head forward to butt her into the face.
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Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Jonas did it quickly enough that Sylvia, or Mist, whatever she called herself, didn't have time to react, and he hears a crunch as his forehead connects with her nose. She topples backwards onto her ass, letting loose a hiss of mixed anger and pain. "Son of a Bitch!" She yells angrily, fixing her nose and getting back up, acting like it never happened. "You really do like it rough, don't you? Stop worrying so much, It'll be the best thing you've ever felt, I promise..." She says sweetly, but staying out of his range for the moment.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch is in all-out fight or flight mode by now. "Stay the hell away from me", he bellows as he thrashes inside his bonds, desperately trying to get his hands free so he can fucking kill that abomination or get the hell out of here, or both.