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Prologue: Lexwyn

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Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"I figured she was one of the artistes, a Toreador in the woods. A fire may be stoked, but if left unattended it may destroy what it once warmed." Morgaina said as a grin spread across her face. She nodded her head to the woman and said to Lexwyn.

"Tell her that it is quite alright for her to stay a few days, though should she disregard the traditions Morgaina of clan Brujah will find her and teach her to not forget such things."
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn composed her reply first, the names continued to be tricky. Plus, at this stage, wouldn't it be lovely if she accidentally misstepped and caused a fight from poor wording? She refocused on Lady Clio and carefully conveyed the warning.

"This is the domain of Morgaina of Clan Brujah. You will be allowed to stay, so long as you observe our rules and customs." Her French actually came out pretty well, if she did say so herself. Nice and official sounding.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Clio nods her agreement to Morgaina likely guessing that she is the more important of the two Brujah, before they both take their leave of each other. Morgaina keeps her eye on the other kindred while she returns to the inn before plunging back into the snow and scrub to return to the heart of the forest.

Morgaina takes her time on the trip back through the forest though she says nothing unless questioned by her childe.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn followed slightly behind her sire. She found she didn't like the silence. Tonight had been very educational, but now she also had even more questions. At first she was quiet too, unable to decide what questions she really wanted to ask. Many she was sure she would learn in time, so eventually she decided to try her luck at understanding the incident with the blonde.

"Does that kind of thing happen often? How many of us are there? I did not expect to run into any more for some time..." Lexwyn had to stop herself from bubbling out too many questions too fast. She thought of even more as she asked, such as asking about the other clans. She sighed... so much to learn, so much time to learn it in, but Lexwyn for once was getting too excited to be held back by her normal patience.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"In the larger cities you will likely come across many of our kind, though it is a bit unusual in our current location. We are as varied as the mortals from which we draw blood, though that should be no surprise as we were all mortals at one time. There are 13 clans in all and numerous bloodlines as well each of us descended from one of the antediluvians." Morgaina responded in answer to Lexwyn's question.

"We all have the beast inside of us and we all must feed from the same source so it is wise to try and get along with the others. Which is why the princes and lords of our kind follow the traditions as set down by Caine in the first city." She adds and further goes on to explain each of the 5 traditions in turn. Almost as an afterthought she adds the 6th tradition saying that she has never lived in a domain that enforces such though it is common in the larger cities.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"Hmmm, reasonable. All societies have rules...." Lexwyn was indeed well aware, considering the sheer volume of etiquette she had to learn at court. In truth though, this just gave her more questions. The type she would mull over to herself though. Even one that seemed so forgiving like Morgaina would probably have an answer reminiscent of 'You'll understand when you're older' if she questioned ancient traditions too much. Lexwyn would actually admit that that might be the correct answer as well. She would remain silent the rest of the way back, thinking. After all, she had all the time in the world now...

Took a bit long there x.x, my internet was out for pretty much 24 hours
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

The rest of the trip back to the hut within the forest primeval went without word from either sire or childe. The rest of the evening was spent in making sure Lexwyn understood the traditions, before further tales of the utopia that had been Carthage.

This same pattern went on for at least 8 more years as Lexwyn learned many things about everything that her sire could possibly teach her regarding not only Cainite's but also history and politics in general. So many things did Lexwyn learn that she feared she had forgotten half of it by the time she had finished. The day that her sire woke her and said that they must prepare for a journey to the east.


That sounds like a rather crappy birthday. On the bright side your prologue is done though. So if you have any questions now is a good time to get them out of the way in a PM or OOC before I get started on your arrival in the main game.
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