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Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

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Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

Something pointy is suddenly jabbed into his side as he hears the clink of armored footprints nearby and someone speaks in a harsh commanding tone. He doesn't understand the language but the commanding tone's meaning is unmistakable.

Looking up he can see a mere handful of soldiers standing near by, much like the ones he remembers from the previous night. At least he thinks it was last night, for some reason much of his memory from the previous evening seems faulty. The soldier jabs at him again with a spear and seems to be urging him to stand and come with them.
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

Mikaelis groans as he stands, looking around dizzily for his horse, which has most of his possessions with it. As he is prodded to move along with them, however, he focuses on walking as straight as possible, though he was still a bit dizzy.
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

The soldiers seem to be using Mikalis' horse to carry what looks like a suit of knight's mail and several weapons. It seems as if they are several members smaller as they prod Mikalis ever forward with spear point and harsh command. They walk for what must be a few miles towards the same castle that Mikalis remembers seeing in the distance before dusk fell the previous night.

The castles gates sit open as the handful of soldiers pushes him through the gate. Another soldier binds his hands as he gets through the gate and he is lead into the castle proper. Down some stairs he is taken deeper into the dungeons of the keep.

As he is lead through a narrow damp corridor the smell and the sounds begin to fill him with ever more dread. Finally he is shoved roughly into a cell where he lands on his face with his hands still tied behind his back.
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

Mikaelis scowls as he sees that his horse is being used as a pack animal, though he complies with whatever harse command the soldier is uttering, staring in awe at the magnificent castle before him as he approaches the gates. When his arms are bound, he struggles slightly to try and free himself until he is flung to the earth on his face in the cell.

Struggling, he manages to roll on his side and then sit up, though the ropes cut into his arms as he tries to use them. As he looks about at the cell, he wonders what is going to become of him now.
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

A small lantern outside of his cell allows Mikalis to look around the cell, though movement is difficult with his arms bound. His cell is little more than a thin covering of hay on the stone floor and the cold stone walls with it's iron bars. To one side he can see into another cell which holds another prisoner.

Mikalis blinks several times but the young woman lying on the floor seemingly asleep is more beautiful than he could imagine a person being. Like one of the angels he tried so painstakingly to recreate back in the monastery of his homeland. She didn't seem to stir at all, in fact she wasn't even breathing as far as he could tell.
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

Mikaelis struggles furthermore, standing and walking to the bars to his cell, sticking his face up against them to look at the woman in the other cell, a sudden sense of dread filling him as he realized she might very well be dead. When that realization hit he, he stumbled back and fell on his hindquarters, suddenly praying to the Lord that he was back home, with his few friends and family, and the old priest, and his crowning achievement in the monastery.

As loneliness began to set in, he fell over on his side and curled up as best he could, knowledge that he might very well die making him regret leaving home.
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

Mikalis drifted in and out of sleep the rest of the day, the intense pain in his joints and head refusing to go away. During his fitful sleep he had dreams of the night before, dreadful dreams of huge monstrous wolves who walked like men tearing people apart. Finally he awakened with a start and looked about his darkened cell feverishly.

At some point the lantern had gone out which did nothing to make him feel any better about his current situation. He hadn't even received any food throughout the day and was beginning to feel pangs of hunger. Suddenly a rich voice drifted to him from somewhere in the next cell. The voice of an angel called out sending chills down his spine but that woman had been dead. Was he hallucinating, perhaps he was dead and now suffered in perdition for some misdeed in his life.

"Hello are you awake, dear sir?"
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

Mikaelis rouses from his sleep, groaning as he uncurls his cramped muscles "Yes. Yes I'm awake. Am I.......Am I dead?" he asks, praying that the next thing he sees is not a ghost suddenly leaping into his cell to haunt him.
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

No ghost jumps into his cell to haunt him, instead the angelic voice continues after a little light-hearted laughter.

"You certainly don't appear to be dead, good sir. Though if half the stories about Count Jaromir are true you may soon wish you were. I imagine he will be dealing with us soon now that night has fallen. Why were you thrown into the dungeons? Actually a better question is who are you? You certainly weren't here a few days ago.
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

Mikaelis remains where he is. "Mikaelis. I'm....Something of an artist." he says, then remembers what had happened the night before. "I stopped at a caravan of gypsies. They gave me food, and told me a story. Then, they came under attack....." Mikaelis stops as he stretches his legs and then continues. "By the same people who brought me here. I've done nothing wrong, so why have they imprisoned me?"
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

The beautiful voice gets very excited suddenly after hearing his name. "Oh, an artist you say. I so love art in all it's forms especially the mosaics I saw in Byzantium. If only they had artists like that in London I could be happy for eternity."

Mikalis can hear whoever the person is move in their cell before they continue. "Won't you please come closer, Mikalis, I think you said. The bindings that Count Jaromir's men put on you are cutting into your wrists and I wouldn't want such harm to come to any artist."
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

Mikaelis manages to sit up and turn away from the voice, scooting himself across the hay towards her "Mosaics? Did you happen to see one in the monastery there?" he asks, before he collides with the wall in the dark, grunting as he leans forward. "As for this London place, I think that was where I was headed. before, well, this."
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

As Mikalis backs into the cell bars separating him from the mysterious owner of the voice in the next cage. His mysterious friend doesn't immediately speak as he feels a soft hand brush against his while it feels for the bindings on his arms. Despite the darkness they seem to have no problem in untying the knots that hold his arms behind his back.

The rope suddenly releases his arms as the knot is untied and he feels an immediate relief from the pain in his arms. Then the voice answers him breathlessly inches away from his head.

"Which monastery do you mean? I've had plenty of time to visit many different sites of mosaics."
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

Mikalis stretches his arms out in relief as they are released, sighing before the voice asks him which monastery. "A little monastery just outside of Athens. There is a beautiful mosaic there. And one which I am quite proud of." he states, before leaning back against the bars in relief. "And who are you? I've told you so much about me, yet I know nearly nothing about you." he says, his expression turning to a slight grin in the dark, as he begins to forget his predicament, focusing only on the fact that there was a lover of art in his presence..
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

The voice continues on now that Mikalis has relaxed against the bars, in it's soft well-spoken manner. It seems a little strange that she is so obsessed with art in her current predicament. Though his thoughts often drifted to his love of art as well when in bad situations, so not entirely strange.

"No, unfortunately I have never made it that far south into the Empire of the Latins. Though I did have hopes of visiting more one day, unfortunately my capture here will probably end similarly to your own. That is unless some means of escape from our current predicament can be found.

I am the Lady Constance DuBois, currently of London though I have lived in far more places than that. To truly appreciate art you have to travel the world i believe.
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

Mikalis frowns when he finds that the woman hasn't seen his masterpiece, though he does brighten when she speaks of travelling the world. "I was intending to travel the world to refine my own skills as an artist. Though I fear now my fate is to waste away here."
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

"I doubt if you'll be allowed to just rot here, knowing what I do of you're captor that is. I do so hate of thinking of an artist dying at the count's hand though. Perhaps I could help you to escape though for now we need to work on surviving the guards are coming. Just do as they say for now, Mikalis."

Mikalis doesn't hear anything at all as the lady says this, then a few minutes later he finally hears the steps of iron boots and the lights of an approcahing guard. Unlocking the cell he gives another command in his foreign tongue which seems to mean to come with him.
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

Mikalis listens to the woman, before the room goes silent and he hears the guards approaching. When he is given the command in a foreign language, he stands and walks towards the guard, opting to follow him and do whatever he seems to be asking in that strange tongue.
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

The guard leads Mikalis back up the stairs into the castle proper and into a grand throne room. Sitting on the throne is a regal looking older man who stares at the artist intensely as he is led closer by the guard.

Sitting in the hands of older man is the helmet of a knight which reminds Mikalis of the knight he had seen the previous evening. Mikalis is led to within a few feet of the man who stands. The helmet is tossed at Mikalis feet angrily and he seems to demand something in his foreign tongue.
Re: Prologue: Mikalis Von Daphni

Mikalis follows the guard into the throne room, though when the helmet is thrown at him, he instantly drops to both his knees and bows his head low, speaking in his own language, praying it wouldn't earn him a place on a chopping block. "I am sorry, sir. But I cannot understand you." he says in a very cowardly voice, scared for his own life in the presence of what he can only surmise is a very angry king.
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