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Prologue - Ronell Landry


Dec 14, 2008
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Stocking shelves at the Sobeys after hours was boring work, but work nontheless. There were two stockers on the shift, both watched obsessively by the overly paranoid manager. The way he moved told Ronell that he was sure they were both stealing, but the amount of time he spent by the registers between visits told him that there was probably some guilt involved as well, or possibly the need for a scapegoat.

The shift started when people were still in the store, and ended only two hours after at ten PM every night. The manager was excrutiatingly careful to lock up after everything, then hopped in his care and drove off, the other worker close behind, though that one gave a wave before he hopped in his own vehicle, an old ford that had seen better days, leaving Ronell to decide whether to slake the thirst that had been building while he worked, or to just go home and get some rest.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Thinking to himself, "Jeeze my coworker's are to easy to read." With a chuckle out loud, "Especially my manager, still better than no one to read at all though."

He takes off at his normal pace, which is more like running for most people he heads for whatever bar he can find. "Need to fill my thirst for a while." With a slight shudder, "Both of them."
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

A five minute walk South brings him to the nearest bar, a pub and grill. He had been here a couple times before, and the bartender recognized him as he sat down.

"Hey there. Same as before?" The man asked. It was fairly empty inside, looks like they even sent home one of the servers early. There were a few other people around, but nobody interesting. Businessman, couple teenagers, gold digging woman he made a point of frowning at just as she got up to walk over to him. There was a guy in a booth though, kept glancing over his way. Slicked back dark hair, expensive business suit, stared at everyone like they were his next meal. They guy looked like a car salesman, but there was something wrong about it, something he couldn't place at all...
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

"Yeah the usual, scotch neat no rocks" He says as he chuckles at the golddigger sitting back in her place.

After a casual looking over of the others in the place he starts wondering about the man in the suit. "Hmm, not often a challenge like this comes along. Maybe it'll be a good night after all despite the lack of people."

He continues to watch the man, but not noticably. "After all we don't want him to act out of the ordinary, can't get a baseline that way."
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

The bartender just nods and smiles, making up up and passing it over quickly. He's a man that likes his job, and takes pride in it.

The other man seemed almost bored, alternating looking around the empty place and pulling out his cell, checking something. That feeling of oddness with him remained, and every once in a while Ronell caught himself being watched as well, with much the same discerning look he recognized in himself. The man had a drink in front of him, but he barely touched it, just moved it around every minute or two. Ronell got the feeling the man was either waiting for something, or looking for something and not finding it.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

"No way is this one getting away that easily, he's too intriguing." He thinks to himself. He picks up his drink and heads over to the man before stopping at a respectable distance. With his friendliest smile on he asks, "So what are you waiting for? If I didn't know better I would say you were waiting for me, though I don't think we've ever met."

Again thinking to himself, "sometimes you have to give them a push."
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

The man smiles knowingly, looking Ronell up and down openly. "Yourself, or someone like you. I'm Seth, have a seat, tell me about yourself." He says, sweeping his hand towards the other side of the booth.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Ronell takes the seat offered to him opposite the man, "Not really much to say about myself. Grew up in Halifax, typical family life. Joined the army realized how dark the world can be. Pretty much wandered around since then, looking for something. Though what that something may be, I don't know. How about you Seth? You said you were looking for me or someone like me?" As he asks this he makes sure to get a good look at the man hoping for something to discover.

(This is pretty much your typical bar right. Not to bright, maybe a little smoky, etc., etc.)
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

((Actually, any public building in Alberta is smoke-free, provincial law. So not so smoky, but pretty dim, yep. Other than that, it's a sports bar, so fairly nice, big TVs, that kinda look.))

Set looks to be in his mid twenties, maybe as old as thirty. Black hair, probably dyed, and focused brown eyes, with skin a couple shades too pale, like he doesn't see the sun often enough. Thin build, though the way he moves makes you suspect that he's stronger than he looks, he's delicate with things, like he's afraid they'll break. "I'm pretty simple myself. I'm a businessman in the most dangerous profession on the planet: Politics. And yes, I was looking for someone of questionable quality with a discerning eye for people, I believe the fact that you came up and began this conversation is no accident. How would you like a job, my friend?"
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

(@#$%^& stupid not being able to smoke while you drink, sorry)

"A job you say. I may be interested, but that depends what kind of a politician you are. Are you the kind that wants to change the world and make it a better place for everyone, or are you honest and you're mainly looking out for yourself?" He says with a bit of a sneer as he takes a drink.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Seth just laughed, but didn't reply right away, as he noticed the server on the way. The teeneagers had disappeared some while ago, to be replaced by some man in a biker getup that didn't really suit him.

"Either of you two need anything new?" She asks with a smile, spotting Seth's half empty glass and Ronell's mostly empty one. "I'm fine." Seth states easily, lifting a hand to wrap it around his glass, but still not drinking. The brunette just smiles, moving her gaze over to Ronell with a questioning expression.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

"Yeah I'll have another," Ronell says while checking out the newcomer at the opposite side of the bar.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

((Now now, no giving Wallpaper hints ;) ))

"Coming right up." The server says cheerfully, returning a moment later with another scotch, before smiling and heading off again, bringing the newcomer a glass of beer. The man seemed ill suited for the clothes he wore, and shifted almost imperceptably almost all the time. If Ronell had to put a word to the guy, he'd be torn between two: Restless, and Lonely.

Waiting for their server to remove herself from earshot, Seth finally answered the question. "Now where were we? Ah yes, your well worded question about my character. The politician in me refuses to answer on the grounds that either of the choices presented casts aspersions on my character, but the employer in me wishes the world to be happy and healthy, as long as me and mine can be happier and healthier. So, interested?"
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Ronny smirks at the answer before turning from the other man and saying, "You're a politician, alright. I'm interested, it's not like it's the first possibly questionable thing I've ever done for politicians. So let's skip over the boring details like what I get in return for doing the job, especially since if it's one things politicians do correctly it's take care of theirs."

He takes another drink before saying, "So what's the job?"
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

"The job," Seth says slowly. "Is something that shouldn't be spoken of in such a public place. I'll make the first thing I take care of is your tab. Do yourself a favour and go clean yourself up, I'll see you outside by my car." He stands up, leaving his glass of booze half-finished on the table, and goes to stand by the till, as the server stops talking to the other man in the bar and goes to help him.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

"Alright, I'll be out soon." He says finishing his drink.

He goes into the restroom, and after taking care of the usual he starts to wash himself up while he thinks. "I wonder what I'm getting myself into? I mean what kind of job could a politician want me to do? still it's more interesting than trying to figure out normal people." He shudders a little as he realizes what's he's been doing all this time. He exits the bathroom and after tipping the server (Just because I have few morals, doesn't make me a jerk) he takes a last look around at the bar before heading out to find Seth.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Ronell walks out after leaving his tip on their table, spotting Seth waiting by his car, a silver Lexus no more than a year old. He simply got in once he was sure Ronell had spotted him, unlocking the passenger side door.

Once he got in, Seth turned on the CD player, but no sound came out. He seemed to expect this, putting the car into gear and starting off. "Okay, this is your last chance. Once I tell you what this is all about, you're in, no backing out. Are you sure?"
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

After staring at the soundless CD player a second while he thinks. "Jeesh, what does he want me to do kill someone?"

"Yeah what have I got to lose...but my life." He says as seriously as he can.

(Ah to be ignorant)
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Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Seth lets out a chuckle. "Even that isn't as permanent as you may think..." He says enigmatically, before continuing without an explanation. "Your job will be the same thing you have been doing, watching and examining people, taking down everything you can learn about them, whether you think it can be used against them or not. Sounds simple, but the most important of these people, pretty much everyone except the new arrivals like yourself, are going to be the hardest people to read that you have ever met. Any questions so far?"
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

"The only questions that come to mind are why so secretive about this it's not like reading people is illegal and what other new arrivals?"

Looking casually out the window for a second, "I Don't mind if they're harder to read than dead bodies. I always did enjoy challenges."
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