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Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Hmm, I guess you were passed out for most of the fight, weren't you?" Vincent says, sounding vaguely amused. "And yes, into the courthouse, though we use the back door." He explains, walking around the side of the building.

For as long as Rosary didn't need to speak, she didn't need to breathe, and her vision didn't narrow, her mind didn't fuzz, no ill effects whatsoever.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary blinked at the lack of respiration. She supposed that was pretty good proof. Anyway, she needed a breath now, for talking.

"Yeah. I don't really remember much of anything from when you saved me. I do remember being bitten... then... things kinda get fuzzy."

She follows behind, gazing at the courthouse. Why a courthouse? It seemed to be an odd place, as well as a bit difficult to use. They were locked up at night, weren't they?
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"That would be a side effect of Mist feeding on you. Still, you did manage to keep your wits well enough about you." She might catch the faintest upturn at the corner of Vincent's mouth. He actually seemed to be heading around to the back of the building when his attention is drawn elsewhere. Rosary hears him mutter under his breath again. "Go ahead inside without me. Just tell Jack that I'll be along shortly."

He motions toward the back door of the building, his own attention drawn elsewhere down the street, which is where he seems to be headed.

"Remember what I told you back at the Chantry," he says by way of parting before leaving her on her own again for the time being.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"O..kay...." The newbie kindred gave a tiny wave to Vincent as he left, before she headed inside, being weary of her surroundings. She hugged the book she was given tightly against her chest.

"Hurry back..." she muttered to herself. Vincent, so far, was the only one she knew she could trust at this point. With all this new stuff being thrown at her, it only made sense she wanted to have someone reliable there.

(What was she told at the Chantry? o-o I don't remember....)
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

((Mostly about keeping an eye on the book. And if any conversations about siring come up, Rose knows who hers is, and her clan. Also, gotta get through Jack before you get in, heh.))

The door opens and Rosary finds herself staring at whom she probably managed to piece together is the "Jack" that Vincent kept talking about. He studies her for a moment before admitting her into the building.

"Be at ease," he tells her, motioning for her to walk with him down the hallway. He obviously picked up on her being skittish of her surroundings. "None are allowed to harm you while they're here. This is a safe place for us." He stops outside of a door and she can hear voices filtering through it. "Just wait in here with the others. Shouldn't be too long."

He opens the door and the voices grow louder as Jack motions for Rosary to enter the room. She finds herself staring at a mix of what, for the most part, looks like just a random gathering of people. Some talk, some listen, some lean against the wall trying not to be seen. There's a soft 'click' and Jack's closed the door behind her, leaving her the newcomer to the room.

**End of Prologue**