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Prologue: Vezina

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Re: Prologue: Vezina

"Excellent, Vezina. You were not born to wield the blood of a noble but you now have that chance and you wield it well. Do not forget my bride that the noble has many tools at his disposal, tyranny, praise, even compassion can be used to guide the inferior.

Now retrieve Scorylo from where he cowers and help him to conquer his fear of the flame. I must speak with Tarbus."

Gyulu commands breathlessly though Vezina senses that her master is proud despite the lack of emotion in his voice.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina could not recall many times in her life when she had been the recipient of a genuine compliment. She had not been the most social of girls, keeping mostly to the company of her father during the majority of her life. Her father had been a gruff and silent man, prone to long, dark moods. His liveliest times were when he was deep in his cups and it was then that he was most dangerous. He had little enough self-respect to praise himself, and thus he never found things to praise in others, not even his own girl. Silent nodding had been the indication of approval when she had learned to skin her first rabbit.

Later, when she had gone through the changes of adolescence, she had gotten a few looks from the men in the village, but she was marked as a part of her master's herd and thus shunned by most. What good was there in courting with a doomed individual? For that was what she and her father had been: walking, breathing future meals. Any boy foolish enough to show her a smile was soon informed of her error and she would never hear from him again. She had quickly grown used to the idea that she was in the lowest echelon, and would probably amount to nothing.

So when her master informed her of his pleasure with her actions, comparing her to those born of noble blood, her reaction was one of immense pride and gratitude. Though silent, her face and aura would radiate these emotions, and before she embarrassed herself further in her master's eyes, she bowed and excused herself from the room, walking swiftly to go in search Scorylo.

Down the corridor she sought him, using her newly discovered heightened senses to here the sounds of the frightened beast, skulking in the darkness. It was a curious thing her master had mentioned -- compassion. That was not a word commonly associated with the true lords of Carpathia, but somehow she thought it made sense. She could certainly see the manipulative uses for it, she was doubtful of her ability to use it. Few had showed her compassion. How then should she know how to wield it?

"Scorylo? Scorylo, where are you?" She saw him up ahead it the shadows, his large bulk hunched over.

"There you are. Fear not, Scorylo, the master has not lost faith in you. I have been instructed to teach you further. I will... help you."

She kept her distance from the giant, fearful that he might suddenly strike out in rage and frustration. She wouldn't put it past him.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Scorylo barely moves from his hunched over position in a cold dark corner of the caverns, where his mighty frame shook with anger, disappointment, maybe even fear. She knew he hadn't been the brightest of their master's ghouls though he was easily the strongest. More than capable of crushing her or Tarbus, possibly the two of them together. Finally he spoke, his voice still as angry as it had been earlier.

"How is it that the little peasant girl of my master's herd can be more brave than the mighty Scorylo. I was chosen to guard the master because of my bravery and I have done it for so ages only to be replaced by a little peasant girl and Tarbus."

He stands up from his hunched over position and towers over her though he doesn't attack.

"Tell me what is the secret to not fear the flame. Scorylo will pledge his aid to the little peasant girl if she will but help him to be brave for the master."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

For the moment, Vezina chose to ignore the peasant comments. Now wasn't the time to argue about her standing with the master. She needed to use his weakness here to bind him to herself.

"You are brave, Scorylo. Against things that you understand, you show no fear -- all the master's followers know this. But the beast that is inside of you, that is another thing entirely. It cannot be fought as though it were an intruder. It cannot be killed, only silenced. When I faced the flames in front of the master, everything in my body told me to run. I had to focus on something stronger than that desire to flee. I convinced myself that the option to run was worse than the option to stay. In convincing myself, I convinced the Other within me. For you see, mighty Scorylo, I am beginning to understand the master's words. This thing inside of us, it IS us, in a way. When we fight it, we are fighting ourselves."

She approached Scorylo and held out her hand to him.

"I will help you understand yourself, Scorylo, so that you may be the master's most trusted protector. And in return you will safeguard me from harm, as you would him. Come now, take Vezina's hand. We will return to the master's chamber and face the flames together."
Re: Prologue: Vezina


The Carpathian Basin, 15 years prior...​

It was a cloudless night. The stars in their aloof brilliance had gathered to bare witness to the chilling horrors of the night. Their meager shining was hidden from view beneath the dense forested canopy of the mountain valleys below, where in that sacred darkness, a most unholy of rites had begun under the omen of the black moon.

The vampire clans each had their own way to celebrate this auspicious time, when the shadows lengthened across the face of the moon until it was blotted out of the night sky, leaving only a dim red penumbra to mark its presence in the zodiac , appearing to all as though it were the eye of a sleeping demon.

Clan Tzimisce used this night both as a revelry and as a reminder. It was a night of bloating oneself on the blood of the kine and to exemplify the complete subjugation and right of rule reserved unto the true lords of these lands. Most of the voivoides chose to take the form of the Zulo and run amok as though they were the unchained hosts of Hell. For others, they chose to ride on the shoulders of the night creatures. Giant bats and ravens stalked the night sky, whilst the dire wolf howls echoed from the foothills to the pine-coated peaks.

So it was on this night of nights that Gyulu rode astride Dioza, his favorite hellhound, clutching his claws against the strands of its pitch black fur as it sprinted alonside its packmates through the night, following the scent of human flesh.

Upon the dire wolf to his left was Sabazios, an honored guest to Gyulu's domain, though his presence here at this time was bothersome. Gyulu was a private individual amongst his clan brethren, and had always preferred to celebrate this night in his own manner. He was not alone in this attitude, but the majority of the clan hierarchy preferred at least some show of unity once every decade or so, and the practice of them coming to his land under the pretense of neighborly tradition on the night of a revelry was suspicious to Gyulu. Furthermore, he did not care so much for this Sabazios' personality. He was a true die-hard of the Path of Metamophosis, and its philosophy was personally distasteful to Gyulu.

"They have the scent now," Sabazios said, his extended jaw with cruel, jutting teeth made him seem more a monster than the creature that he rode. "I have it as well... there is a house near here. There are kine within."

His voice was eager, his eyes brimming with sadism. Gyulu was not so much offended at the clear desire to inflict pain as he was at the thought of allowing this monster to do so against a peasant living within Gyulu's domain. Still, the nature of this night's signficance forced him to share his possessions with this kindred, and the fur trapper's hovel they were approaching was not amongst his dedicated herd.

The door splintered under the other Tzimisce's massive bulk and bone-spiked fist. This one practiced the art of Viscissitude, to which Gyulu abstained from partaking. There was nothing wrong with the form that nature alone had given him.

Inside a woman screamed. Her bleating no doubt amusing Sabazios. Gyulu entered swiftly to survey the scene. A young wench of a woman stood there, her hair disheveled and her clothes loosely thrown over her body in a fashion suggesting she had recently been unclothed. In front of her she prodded a young girl of perhaps 4 or 5 years of age. The air in the one room cottage stank of sweat and some sort of crude alcohol.

"Take her! Take her and leave me be! Leave me be, oh please!" The woman sobbed, tears and hysteria deforming what would normally be a pretty face.

"What sort of woman are you? That you would foist your child upon the altar so you would live?" Gyulu growled, his sensibilities now disgusted with this horrid, pathetic creature in front of him. The desire to feed upon her blood rose in him.

Suddenly at his side, Sabazios spoke. "And what sort of Kindred are you? That you would talk with your food? Do you reprimand rabbits and deer as well before you drain them dry?"

The insinuation that he fed from lesser animals was felt clearly upon Gyulu's pride, and he had the urge to strike out at the impudent Tzimisce. But just then the musclebound creature slammed his hand through the door of a large cupboard, punching a hole clean through it. There was a terrible, gutteral cry, cut silent as Sabazios wrenched his hand back wards, tearing the cupboard door off and revealing a young man, barely a few years older than the woman on the bed. His chest had a large gaping hole in it, through which Sabazios' hand clutched at the vicinity of his heart.

Gyulu looked at the dying man impassively, then inhaled air through his nose and once again turned to the woman. "This man's smell is not the scent of this house. He is not your mate. Nor the father of this child. Where is your true man tonight?"

The death of the young man seemed to have affected to woman deeply. She wailed and tore at her hair, shoving the little girl aside as she looked upon her dead lover. At this, Sabazios grinned and then began to feed, messily from the boy's life's blood while it was still warm. The sight of it nearly drove the horrified woman catatonic, but Gyulu stepped forward and shook her by the shoulders.

"I said, where is your man tonight?" He asked, insistent.

"Gone! Gone to sell his stupid furs and leave me here to rot with this brat! Left me here at the mercy of you demons! He wanted me to die! He wanted us to die!"

It did not take Gyulu long to put two and two together. An older husband gone from home for long spans of time. A young wife with an unwanted child. And then there was the lover. If there was one thing Gyulu could not abide, it was a faithless bride. It was all too close a thing for him, and his distant memories of a life led long ago. He tore into the adulterous woman's neck with relish, and did not stop drinking until there was nothing more to savor. Only then did he drop her body back on the bed of her recent sin.

He turned then to the small child and beheld her through the second sight that he had come to rely on. Her aura shone to him, a motley assortment of hues. Yes, there was the expected fear there, but strangely it was paired with something bordering on awe. There was even something else... a flash of feeling when the child's eyes met his. It was almost adoration. How odd...

There was no sign of loss within the child. The woman he had just fed from must have been as good a mother as she was a wife. Sabazios approached the girl from the far side of the room, but before he could reach a gnarled claw towards her, Gyulu was there in front of her, standing before her protectively.

"This one is mine, I am claiming her."

"Feh, some host you are. Though it is nice to see you haven't any scruples with dining from a kine's child. I can't fault your taste... the blood of youth has a certain sweetness that can only come from innocence."

"I am keeping her as one of my herd. She is not for tonight." Gyulu answered, curtly.

"That is against the rules of the revelry, Gyulu. This isn't the first time our clan has noted your habit of sentimentality unbecoming to a Tzimisce." Sabazios frowned and once again looked at the child hungrily.

"I said she is mine. She dwells within my domain, and her life and death is mine to choose. These laws are sacrosanct amongst our kind and you will respect them or you will no longer be my guest."

Sabazios' gaze returned to Gyulu, and there was a tense moment of poorly concealed hostility before the 'guest' backed down. "Of course, so long as this is your domain, Gyulu, the people here are yours to look after. Still, I find this sort of hunting distasteful. I shall finish this revelry at the borders of your lands."

"I think that would be best. I shall have your servants you by the crossroads before the night is done."


Dinu returned from his extended trip to the Istor River village two days after to find the front door of his cottage smashed from its hinges. He sighed. Well, it was to be expected. The merchants had whispered to him months ago of the black moon night and what it would mean. He had planned his trading trip around it for that very purpose. Best to be away and let that stupid whore have one of her young men over when the creatures of the night came to visit. Served them both right. He felt a bit sorry for his daughter, but there was no way for him to have her come with her on the trip, and besides, what was one daughter? Just a troublesome reminder of her mother. Probably would grow up to be just like the bitch too. Better she die now, he thought.

When he passed through the threshold he stood stunned to see an incredibly large wolf, easily the size of a small horse, sitting on its haunches its eyes locked with his own. In front of the wolf, sleeping with her head upon its fur, was Vezina, his young daughter, apparently still alive.

The room was coated with signs of blood and gore and most of his belongings had been torn to shreds. As he stood there gaping at the wolf, a hard shove from behind forced him fully into the room.

"Welcome home, good woodsman," said a mocking voice from behind him. Dinu spun to see a young man of about his late twenties staring back at him. "Who?"

"My name is Tarbus. I serve the true master of these lands. The one who rules through divine right and mystic powers beyond mortal ken. Take care, for his eyes watch you even now."

Dinu followed Tarbus' eyes to the wolf, shuddered and bowed his head.

"What... what do you want?"

"The master is considering if he will show you mercy and compassion. He knows that you were wronged by your wife and by her transgressing lover. As a favor to you, he has removed those problems from your life. He has also given you back the life of your daughter, whom you left defenseless and in the care of an untrustworthy woman. The master wonders though if you are worthy to care for a child, indeed whether you are fit to live in his lands at all."

"I - I swear, it was not my intention. Please... Please tell your master, I am grateful for his concern, and for the life of my daughter."

"He is aware of your gratefulness, but if you desire to live in these lands you must now commit yourself to serving him as your lord. Only your complete and unswerving loyalty will convince him that you deserve to live, for only then are you of any use to him."

"I will serve!" Dinu said this quickly, not hesitating for a second to say that which might spare his life. "I will serve."

"You and your daughter as well."

"Yes, of course. I, Dinu, and my daughter Vezina. We will serve."

"You will serve Gyulu, and through all your actions provide protection, service, and faith to him. He is your master and your god now, and your own salvation rests in his hands. You say you will serve, but you are not servants. You are not slaves. You are simply property. Your life is his to do with as he wills."

Tarbus smiled as he crossed the room to the firepit in the corner. For the first time, Dinu noticed the curling smoke and the iron brand that was stuffed into the burning embers. Tarbus removed this to reveal a heated blackened end that showed a stylized T upon a circular background.

"This is the mark you and your daughter shall bear, and when called upon, you will attend to the master's needs, for the rest of your lives. Failure at any point will mean your death. Disloyalty shall be punished by a far worse fate. Do you understand?"

Dinu looked at the wolf and then back to Tarbus, nodding his head slowly. "Yes. Just let me live -- let us live."

"Then bare your shoulder and receive his mark."

As he said this, the girl stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes to see her father removing his shirt while a strange man stood next to him with a burning brand.

"When this is done," Tarbus said slowly, and with a smile as he now gazed into the young girl's eyes. "You're going to hold your daughter still."

As the brand singed Dinu's flesh, the wolf exited the cottage, its master's will no longer commanding it to watch.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Scorylo thinks about Vezina's words for a few minutes, she can practically hear the wheels turning as the hulking guard stands there. Finally he nods and begins to walk back towards the chamber of their master without bothering to take her offered hand.

"Come Vezina, Scorylo will learn to serve his master and his new bride. Tarbus and his devious words will not stop Scorylo. I will learn to control my fear of the fire."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Allowing the large man to put on his brave face once more, she let her hand drop and walked behind and to the side of Scorylo as they headed back to the chamber where Gyulu and Tarbus awaited them.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

They walk back into their masters chamber just as Tarbus hurries from the room with little more than a smirk on his face. Gyulu still sits upon the stone throne in the chamber apparently deep in thought.

Scorylo strides to the fire just as fearfully as before without even waiting to see if Vezina follows. He stands there for several minutes without bowing to his own beast. While he stands staring into the fire several of the master's herd walk into the chambers dragging a smaller throne to sit beside the master's. Gyulu turns his and presents the seat to Vezina as if he wishes her to sit beside him.

"Come Vezina it is time for you to take your rightful place by my side, for you have much to learn."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina did stand nearby to Scorylo, though not as close to the fire as he, preferring to stand by and observe the way the brute now dealt with himself and the threatening flames. She was mildly impressed with the way he had improved in just is second effort. How much of that improvement could she take personal credit for.

"You've done well Scorylo," she told him after several minutes, and then turned back towards Gyulu and stared in elated wonder as a smaller throne was dragged into the room to rest beside the dark master.

As if in a dream, she moved towards the chair and seated herself, her arms coming to rest at her sides. She felt out of place seated like this, in a place of honor. She waited silently for some sort of indication from Gyulu, wondering what it was that he would teach her now. More truthfully, she feared to know what he would ask of her in return. Still, she had long ago passed the point of no return. All that remained now was to continue in her freefall, maintaining what grace she could muster.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"Excellent Scorylo you have learned quickly to conquer your fears. Now I have a task for your specific talents."

Gyulu spoke as Vezina took her seat beside him. Scorylo turned from the fire and moved to the thrones bowing before both the master and Vezina.

"Scorylo will is the master's to command."

Gyulu continues after this and says.

"As my former personal guard, Scorylo, you kept me safe from predations during the day. Now it is time for you to keep all of us safe once more. I order you to go and spread fear amongst the peasants of my new lands. The fear you spread will keep us safe from attack by the kine in the coming years. Now go and work on the task before you."

Scorylo stands and bows before hurrying from the room with the evil smirk on his face that Vezina remembered all to well from her days as her master's property.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina pondered the master's purpose with Scorylo, and after the brute had left the room, wearing again that same evil smirk that she remembered well from her own personal agonies at his hands, she turned to her master.

"Scorylo will bend himself well to that task, and I am certain Tarbus will ingratiate himself well with his own mission... but what need am I to fulfill?"
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Gyulu doesn't immediately answer Vezina, instead the master seems focused on something such as listening. After at most a dozen minutes he turns his head and looks down on her as he speaks.

"You my bride are to aid me in rectifying an unforeseen problem of leaving behind the homeland. It seems that the sorcerous ways of the Koldun do not work in this my new home. Though I am still powerful without this magic your brothers must not know of this, only you can help me in this task."

Pulling the sleeve of his robe back to reveal the pale flesh of his arm he draws his nail to open the vein in his wrist and holds it out to her.

"First though you must be made to be more loyal. Drink Vezina."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina was unschooled in the ways of the night and of the blood. She could not know the full extent of what her master was asking her to do. The only thought that entered her mind was the absurdity of desiring more loyalty from her. She had lived nearly her full life under his rule, accepting that he might readily request her death at any moment. She had uprooted everything she knew to follow him on a perilous journey across the continent and across the seas, losing her father on the journey. Upon reaching this place where they had settled, she had been separated from her friends in the caravan, isolated in a cave, told to dig her own death pit, as it was the will of her master - and she had done so. It had driven her half insane, but she had done it. Long ago she had accepted that she was a tool of this man, this creature, this god living amongst his human flock. And now her master had told her she was to be his bride, to be elevated above all others and to be taught his wisdom. By fear, by brutality, by compassion, and by awe she was already ruled by Gyulu.

She drank from his wrist readily, tasting immediately the condensed power that flowed from within his black veins. The sanguine taste was rich and thick and sweeter still than when she had first fed. She had not imagined that it would get better. As she gulped the second and third swallows down she rose her eyes to gaze up at her master, feeling now a kinship with him that had not been there before. She knew instinctively that there was powerful magic in this, for now she gazed at him involuntarily with an adoration that suggested years of companionship.

At last she withdrew her mouth, her lips still dribbling with dark ruby rivulets down to her chin. She felt a stirring within her her. To describe it as sexual would be a disservice to the true desire that flowed through her empowered veins. It was more an addiction. Here was a being that could fill her with his blood, and she would be able to feel his power, his personality, his dark soul swimming through her with every drink of his precious vitae.

"You will not find a more loyal subject, master," she told him. She did not understand why she wanted him to believe this so much.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Silly me, Gyulu already gave you blood this night when he embraced Vezina. Ah well, it doesn't hurt anything at least.

Gyulu smiled down on Vezina as he closed the wound on his wrist with his own tongue. Standing he indicated she should follow him and began walking further back into the caves speaking as he walked.

"Yes my bride you shall be the most loyal subject of mine forever, my vitae will insure that. One day perhaps you will understand why I must insure your loyalty. It is difficult to understand such things when one is but a fledgling, even Tarbus and Scorylo understand more than you my bride. Soon though you will be even better than they."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Clasping her hands in front of her waist, she followed Gyulu obediently, trailing behind him by a step.

"I will try to understand, master. Your blood, your vitae, it is different from the blood of mortals. It is stronger, more... potent. And it calls to me. It's as if I can feel you. Feel closer to you than I've ever felt to anyone. But know that even without this blood, I am already yours, Master. My life has been bound to you since that night... the night when I was but a child. I remember it now as clearly as if it were yesterday. Do you remember, Master?"

Inside, a feeling of adoration was playing upon her. Never before could she remember feeling romantic about Gyulu - at least not in the sense of a bride to her husband to be. Yet now after tasting of his vitae, she felt the desire to show him affection, and hoped for some sign of it in return.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"Yes I remember that night well. I remember the look of awe in your eyes as you stared up at me, of course there was fear but even then you had control over your fear. It was adoration the likes of which I have never seen before, even from the most loyal revenant."

Gyulu leads her back into the same cavern that held her grave, the kine from her master's herd had already been taken away. Kneeling beside her grave he grabs a handful of dirt and lets it sift through his fingers back onto her grave.

"The Tzimisce are bound to the dirt of their graves without we become weak and powerless. It is because of the blood I have shed into the Carpathians as master and defender that I am still bound to that dirt even now. This is your dirt to master and defend. A ruler must be connected to his land, it's people, it's blood. So too must you, Vezina."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Pleased and touched by the way her master remembered and commented upon the distant memory, Vezina felt her pride swelling to be the focus of praise and attention given to her by her master. This was a man, no, a god-like being that had ruled over the land of her birth. To be considered first above all his servants was a grand honor. She was certain that she must be favored over the likes of Tarbus and Scorylo, and she would work to keep it so.

As they entered the site of her grave, Vezina noticed the lack of a body. Already the master's servants had taken care of its disposal. Once again she had to take a moment to be in awe of how deadened her old emotions were. She had killed a woman, whom had been something of a friend to her, in a rage of hunger.

It was a solemn thing to take the life of one who was not an enemy. But then again, Vezina was no longer human. Was she not to look upon mortals in the same manner as she had looked upon the woodland animals she had skinned all her life? She supposed it must be so. To continue to consider the kine as her equals would be folly, and likely driver her insane with guilt. Even now, with the hunger long since sated, she felt the absence of pity and knew that the humanity still within her dictated she should be sorrowful. In a way she supposed she was. She was not heartless, for all that she was. The woman who had been her first meal as a god had done so out of loyalty and duty. Her sacrifice was to be honored, and those dear to her should be protected in return for her loyalty.

Yes. An exchange. Vezina realized now that there would be a price to pay for her dark gifts. If she was to rule these people, she must show consideration and kindness -- giving even as she received. That friend of hers had had a little brother, Gregor. She must seek him out after these initial lessons were over. He deserved the truth. And when her master showed her how, she would reward the boy for his sister's deed.

The master's words about the significance of her grave soil roused her from her inner thoughts. She paid him heed, and understood immediately how much her master must have sacrificed by leaving his homeland. That invading king she had heard tale of in the caravan would have much to answer for. Him and any powers behind his throne.

"I understand, Master. This is why you had us load the wagons with earth instead of using the space for other things we had thought were necessities. We did not realize its significance. The earth we brought with us is your grave. Your blood is in it, just as mine has been spilled here."

She paused, and then a sadness and remorse entered her. For those days when she had dug and redug this pit, she had bordered upon hatred for Gyulu, and only now did she fully comprehend the power he was instilling in her, through a connection with this earth. She wished she could cry, but no tears came. Instead she dropped to one knee and placed her forehead against the master's leg, clutching at his robes.

"Oh master, forgive me. I did not understand! I thought I was being punished when you had me dig this grave. You bade your servants to cut me and lash me over it. I was so confused! I had never been so close to losing my faith in you as well. But I swear to you, I gave in. I became yours here in this spot. I hated this earth so much that I began to love it, and now I see what a gift it truly is! Please forgive me for my doubts. I was weak against the pain. I will not be so again!"
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Re: Prologue: Vezina

"There is no need to be forgiven, Vezina. The hatred you felt must have been similar to the very same I felt ages ago when my master did the same to me. Yes, I had a master long ago, who gave his blood protecting the homeland from the Ventrue under the guise of Roman conquerors, much like his sire before him. Even now the Ventrue continue to fail in their attempts to take the homeland from us only now in the form of the Magyar conquerors."

Vezina can sense the anger in her master as he mentions the Ventrue, though she doesn't quite comprehend what they are yet. He stands offering his hand to help her up as he does so and leads her back through the caves as he continues.

"The first thing we must teach you is how to use your powers and then you will learn how to hunt. My herd is much thinned since leaving the homeland and it will be necessary that we occasionally hunt as I did in my youth."

He leads her back through the caves to one of the many entrances in the hill side. She could feel the fresh air of her new homeland as she stepped from the cave with Gyulu to look up at the sky and see the black moon, the same black moon that she remembered from that night so long ago.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina pondered this new revelation. She knew of course that there were others like her master, but it had never occurred to her that he had once been mortal like her. There were many stories about the origins of the rulers over the night. She had never known what was true and what wasn't. It made sense though, now that she took it all in. The master was immortal, but he had only received that gift from another before him, just as she had now received it from Gyulu himself.

She had many questions but she decided to keep them to herself for the moment. The master would share in his own time. She followed him back through the tunnel network until at last they emerged to the sight of the night sky and the stars above. The moon was black, just as it had been on that night long ago, with only the dull red glow of the penumbra to suggest its location.

"It's beautiful. Just like that night... terrifying but exhilarating just the same."

She held her silence for a short moment before gazing up at Gyulu.

"Teach me, Master. I want to learn everything."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"It is the Omen of the Black Moon, all Cainite's celebrate this night in some fashion. As the truest nobility among the Cainite clans, we the Tzimisce, choose to use this night as a reminder of this very fact by taking the blood of the kine that belongs to us. I was embraced on such a night just as my sire was and his sire before him."

Taking a moment to allow the importance of the night sink in he stood looking up at the black moon in the sky. Suddenly he looked up into the sky and howled loudly into the sky, emulating the call of the wolf expertly. The silence of the forest was broken as his call was returned by a pair of very large wolves who quickly came crashing through the woods as though bidden by her master, who turned and urged her to do the same.

"Your first lesson Vezina, the control of the lesser beasts of the world. Look into one of the wolves eyes and bind it to your will. For we must have mounts on this night of revelry."

After saying this he demonstrates on the larger of the wolves, first locking eyes with the creature than calling to it as if he were a wolf himself. The wolf growls back but after only a few seconds it comes to Gyulu and lays at his feet.
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