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Prologue: Vezina

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Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina took Gyulu's hand, mixed emotions still swirling inside her, causing her own aura to flicker and change from moment to moment. Mostly she was proud and happy, and as she stepped under the night sky, she felt as though even the stars shone down upon her in deference to this august moment.

"London. Yes, the ghoul servants mention that place. The earth of my blood should be removed to that place, at least enough of it to allow myself a restful sleep. It is safe to assume that a suitable haven has been prepared for me?"
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"You will have to establish your own haven in the city as I have not had the means to procure one for you. Tarbus says there are plenty of inns till you can establish a true haven." Gyulu answers solemnly.

"Of course you will be able to return here as needed though I highly suggest establishing your own haven. Above all always remember the old ways and you will be safe. Now come you must make preparations for your journey."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"Very well. I look forward to the journey, and to the task you have set before me."

Vezina nodded to Gyulu and then went to her own chamber to prepare, taking what clothes she had, her hunting bow and arrows, and perhaps a dagger for self protection - one of her old skinning blades would do; a reminder of where she came from and what she had once been.

She would dress in her best traveling clothes, wanting to be able to seem of a higher class than just a mere peasant. And she would make certain that enough of her precious Earth would be stored with her belongings so that she could partake of its rejuvenating effects.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Gyulu smiles as he gives Vezina's hand a kiss and tells her she is always welcome and to be careful on her journey. All her precautions taken care of, Vezina mounts the horse procured by her master and sets off to begin life as a neonate.


Don't mind me, I just like to have the last word.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Nine years prior, four nights after Vezina's Embrace.

The pale, waning moon lay partially hidden behind clouds on the chill and wet spring night near the limestone caves which marked her haven. Her hunt had been fruitful, and she had done it alone, as bidden by her sire. She had stalked the land upon the back of a large wolf, the master of a nearby pack. With him as her savage steed, she had ridden many miles to an isolated farmstead, and once there had partaken of the farmer's eldest son, a strong, fair-haired boy of Saxon blood who mumbled in his sleep. A peasant, as she had been not long ago. Gyulu had suggested that she would do well to dine on finer meals, but admitted readily that quality was scarce in this foreign land. And yet, as of her rebirth, it was her land as well. She would have to learn its ways and embrace it.

Sadly, as intelligent as she was, she did not possess the ability to pick up the oddly mixed tongue of Saxon or Norman in a few short nights. It would be a long first year of inquiry and forced lessons from those captured mortals until she was ready to hunt in a civilized manner. Until then, she would walk the path of an entitled predator. Gyulu said that this was nothing to be bothered about - as she was now greater than humans, it was her right to walk into their domains and collect a tithe of blood as was her due.

The peasant boy had suited her purpose well enough. He hadn't even woken from his sleep as she bit his neck, sucking the sweet sanguine from his veins, making sure not to kill him, and to lick the wounds clean.

"Waste not of your flock," Gyulu had told her. "Keep regular meals, take care not to over-exert yourself, and you shall keep your beast at bay and your domain in good stead."

She trusted in her sire, and kept true to his advice. In life, he had been like a god unto her, and now, by unknown providence, she had been chosen to ascend and sit at his table, to share in his dark majesty. A minute did not pass in these early nights where she did not think of him, her thoughts turning to his strong, determined face, dark, knowing eyes, and warrior's physique. Even without drinking his blood, she was in total awe of him, but it did not escape her notice that an inner tug was shaping her in this night and the last, each time she had obeyed his command and lapped at his slit wrist.

His blood was binding her to him. Even if she held a momentary doubt or cynicism - particularly about the necessity for her long torture in the cave that had quite nearly driven her mad - she could barely muster the will to act upon these feelings, or even voice them. More and more, she found herself thinking upon him as her promised groom, her warrior-prince. Gladly now would she still give up her fledgling existence to prolong his, for his blood within her told her that she was truly nothing without him.

The ride back to the caves was uneventful, and the wolf she rode did not stop to bid her any form of farewell when she slid from its back and onto the rock-strewn edge of the gypsy camp. She saw the faces of the other mortals she had traveled with across the continent, noting how they averted their gazes when they saw her looking at them. Word had spread quickly. Vezina had been chosen by the master. Vezina was a strigoi, a vampire, an undead mistress that they must serve unquestioningly.

She remembered well what they were feeling. Fear and a desire to show that they were obedient. That they should be spared their insignificant lives and allowed to live like the dumb cattle that they were. They dare not speak to her. They dare not meet her gaze. To draw attention was to invite yourself into the touch of darkness. Obey the dark masters, but do not become them.

Vezina smiled. She was both damned and empowered in their eyes. Ceasing to be human. The men who had once lusted over her by the campfires, whom she had once had to fend off with a skinning knife, were especially awash with an aura of fear and kept their heads low. It would not help them. She had decided that when the mood struck her, she would visit them in turn, feeding off them to various degrees, depending on whether she enjoyed the sound of their begging.

The hulking form of Scorylo greeted her at the cave entrance. Tall, brawny, and imposing, the massive man wore a smile tonight - rare to see on him when he wasn't taking a knife or a scourge to some unfortunate welp. She had not forgotten his cruelty when he did such to her. She was certain that the fact she had been risen as his 'sister' still confused and rankled him, but tonight he seemed happy to see her.

"So you return, little one," he said, putting each of his giant hands on his hips and puffing out his chest. "The Master sent you away to ride a mangy cur because he had important business with his favored son."

"Is that so, brother? And where is Tarbus anyway?" She answered, trying to not show outward signs of concern. She had learned that a happy Scorylo usually meant impending bad news to whomever he was delivering it.

The mention of their silver-tongued sibling managed to put a momentary dent in Scorylo's smile, and he crossed his arms defensively across his bare upper body.

"I meant me, girl. Tonight, I was the first chosen to drink of Master Gyulu's blood for the third time. He says that he chose me, Scorylo, to be the first, because I am the strongest, the greatest warrior, his most prized childe."

The strong man harumphed and allowed himself to grin with mocking pride. "So much for Tarbus, that worm. He is only second chosen, and the fool almost left the camp tonight without even receiving the honor. I had to grab him and bring him before our Sire, even as he made every excuse under the stars. Had the Master, for some reason, not insisted upon bestowing him the honor as well, gladly would I have let him run off into the woods."

Vezina slowly nodded. A third drink of the blood. Her sire was binding all his childer to him. He had half-admitted as much to her, and what he had left unsaid, she had perceived in the growing obsession inside of her. The fool, Scorylo, had been easy to placate with words of honor and primacy. No doubt Tarbus had seen through it as much as Vezina did right now, and he had tried to flee, to maintain some small independence from Gyulu. But Scorylo had caught him before he left, guided by her sire's instructions. The image of Tarbus begrudgingly shackling himself to the Master amused her almost as much as did Scorylo's boasting.

"I am happy for you, brother, to hear that our sire values you so. You truly are the shield and sword of our Master." She inclined her head to him, receiving only a smirk of superiority in return. It didn't bother her that much. She saw the situation for what it was, and she was happy to have the warrior vampire underestimate her value and her capability. She had an advantage over Tarbus in this, because Scorylo had a litany of prejudices, one of which was his belief in the inferiority of her sex. That made Tarbus his number one enemy, which suited her fine.

"You know what this means, girl," he said, raising a meaty finger. "It means that what Scorylo says, is followed by you. I am first. You are last."

Vezina simply smiled and walked by him, but he grabbed her by the arm and held her fast. Her eyes narrowed.

"Say it," he said.

"Remember who fled from the fire, Scorylo," Vezina said icily. Her brother's grip tightened on her arm, but the fresh memory seemed to have a slight impact on him. "Gyulu has a purpose for each of us. In some things, you may come first, but in others you come last. So no, I do not think I shall say what you want to hear."

He snarled and put a hand around her neck.

"I could rip out your throat, peasant whore," Scorylo growled, getting that sadistic look in his eyes once again. In the limestone caves, as a mortal, she had cried and whimpered at the sight of this look, but she was a vampire now, not some little girl, and Gyulu had told her the truth of her blood, his blood, the blood of Caine.

Her skinning knife was in her hand and pressed against Scorylo's crotch in a flickering instant, and her blood began to shift inside of her, readying for a fight.

"And I could deny you the pleasure of whores for quite a long time, brother," she spat back.

"Brother, sister, I hope I'm not interrupting," Tarbus' silken voice interrupted them. He had resignation written across his face, unable to manage more than a forced smile as he regarded his two rival siblings threatening to tear each other apart. "But the Master requires Vezina in his private quarters. I am to escort her there immediately, throat intact I'm afraid."

Scorylo grunted, but did not immediately let go, his growing anger and resentment easily readable. He did not usually allow for anyone, let alone a woman, standing up to him without receiving some sort of punishment. He leaned in towards her, and his grip tightened further, testing her. She was up for it and the blade pressed upwards, threateningly.

Another blade was at Scorylo's neck, a sinister but ornate piece of craftwork in Tarbus' hands.

"I must insist about our sister's throat, the Master was specific about her unblemished health. Almost as if he had a notion you might start some trouble, dear brother. Now that I think about it though, our Sire made no mention as to the state of your manhood."

Scorylo's face scrunched in contained rage, but he abruptly let his hands unclasp from Vezina's throat and his eyes turned towards Tarbus with venom, which the latter ignored expertly.

"Thank you very much," Tarbus said, withdrawing is dagger. Vezina's knife was slower to sheath, and she may have left a tear in his breeches that the proud warrior would need to have mended before he strutted around with confidence.

They left Scorylo at the entrance to the caves, walking together down the winding tunnels, using a single lantern held at length on a pole to light their path. Tarbus was subdued and quiet, and this was just as unsettling as a happy Scorylo, but Vezina had guessed his mood by then.

"So you have had the honor of our Master's blood?" she asked, innocently.

"Indeed. Our Master is wise and powerful and not to be denied. Ever shall we serve him and gladly," he replied in a neutral tone, not sparing a glance at her. They passed by her own unfurnished chamber, which contained only the sacred pit of her blood-soaked earth and little else. With many years of excavation, perhaps it would turn into something more than a hole, but for now that was what it was. Only Gyulu's quarters, his library, and his antechamber had any sense of design or elegance at this point. Once they reached the antechamber, Tarbus gestured to the curtained archway.

"And here is where my duty with you ends, sweet sister. Do enjoy your time with the Master." He glanced at her with unmistakable condescension. While Tarbus did not make Scorylo's mistake in underestimating her, he strongly questioned why Gyulu had ever bothered giving her the gift. To him, it was insulting that a peasant girl who had not spent years as a trusted ghoul should be so freely given a reward of eternal unlife. To this, Vezina had no answer, so she offered none. Gyulu had is purpose for her and she did not question him.

She watched as the slender schemer walked back up to the exit, taking the lantern with him, leaving her in darkness, save for the glowing firelight beyond the curtain. She wondered about what it would be like, to feel Gyulu's blood within her once again. There was no denying that the first two times she had bit him were wondrous. The pleasure she had received and the pleasure she had seen upon his own face were unforgettable, intimate experiences the likes of which she had nothing at all to compare with. Each time she had felt more and more affection for him. Would drinking from him again result in her thinking of him always?

"Would it be any different than now?" She said aloud. "He is my Master. I am his bride. I should be devoted to him."

Shifting aside the curtain, she walked into the circular room, seeing her sire sitting upon his throne, dressed in the trappings of the high chieftain lineage from which he was descended. A bronze band was upon his brow, covered partially by the strands of long dark hair that he possessed. He was of a greater build than Tarbus, though much less than Scorylo. He had the bearing of a scholar-warrior, but above all else, a wild prince. Beyond this, Vezina knew that he possessed more knowledge than any mortal king, and that in the old country, he was a sorcerer of great power. She caught herself staring at him, admiring him, as if he were a dragon slaying hero stepping out of a tale and into her life.

Beside him were two goblets, streaked with crimson on the inside but otherwise emptied.

"Tonight is a night of great importance, my bride. Do you know why?"

Vezina shook her head.

"It is the spring equinox, a time of potency, a moment of balance. Spirits are strong on such nights. In the land of my sires, great works and rites would be reserved for this auspicious time. I intend to extend this tradition across the sea, to my new home, to your home."

He gestured to the smaller throne beside him and Vezina crossed the room and sat immediately beside him.

"Am I to drink of your blood, as Scorylo and Tarbus have?" she asked.

"Yes, but not in the same way or for the same purpose," Gyulu said, impassively. "My childer are an extension of myself, just as I was an extension of my own sire, and he to his sire before him, and so on, unto the Eldest. Scorylo is my strength and will to power personified. Tarbus is my elegance and my wits taken form, but you, Vezina, are different. You are to be my majesty and my knowledge, but more than that, you are to be my bride and my companion. To you will I talk and mentor and speak of the old secrets because you, even as a mortal, had the gift of perception and awareness that are necessary to comprehend me. To you and you alone, will I bare my own flesh to feed you."

He stood from his throne, and offered his hand to Vezina. She took it, instinctively, and let him draw her up.

"As your sire, I must expect absolute obedience."

"And I give it to you fr--" Vezina began, but stopped when he held up a hand.

"Of course, you obey me now, Vezina. You might even obey me for a hundred years or more. Were my own sire still walking the night, I would fight for his honor and spill blood in his name. But you do not yet understand time as a Cainite. Your mind and attitude will change. You will lose sight of the lessons learned in your mortal life, and then you will forget the lessons that even I teach you."

"No, Master I wouldn't."

Gyulu took his childe's chin between his thumb and forefinger, holding her face up to his.

"I believe that you think so, my childe. I truly do. But you cannot know what the years will do to you. Not yet. I myself have forgotten many things that I once thought were too basic to forget - because they are essential things to a human being. I have forgotten what it means to be physically tired, and what the difference in taste is of venison or forest berries. I have even forgotten what it is to desire the touch of a woman."

Vezina's brow furrowed. What was her Master saying?

"Do you not desire me, my sire?" She asked tentatively.

"Please do not take affront, Vezina. You are my bride, and what I desire of you is your obedience and your willingness to partake in this role, even if I am unable to be a mortal's expectation of a husband to you. In return for this, I give you life unending and knowledge that a precious few in this world are privy to, secrets of Clan Tzimisce that those outside of our bloodline must never know. I give you a place at my side and the right to rule the night in my name and in yours."

"I am blessed by your gifts, sire," Vezina said, her face now cupped by Gyulu's hand. "And I shall be your bride."

"Then for your promise I give you one more gift, befitting a bride of my blood," Gyulu said. "Walk with me to my chamber."

***To be continued...***
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina followed the elder vampire down the crudely made stone steps of his dais, passing the wide archway on the circular chamber's right hand side which led off to the library. Gyulu's private chamber, where he rested during the daylight hours, lay behind an old tapestry bearing the stylized T of clan Tzimisce.

He moved slowly, the long black woven coat lined at the collar with grey fox fur trailed behind his crunching footsteps. He drew back the tapestry with his pallid, dead hand, and stepped to one side, holding the pathway open for her. She acknowledged his courtesy and stepped across the threshold into his inner sanctum.

It was completely dark inside, but she knew the room well. It had not been long ago, when she was still human, that she and many others in the gypsy camp had labored under Scorylo's lash and Tarbus' direction to scrape out and expand this room into its current square shape, and to fill it with the precious earth that had been taken across Europe from their homeland. Boxes lined with animal fat and sinew, urns and vases, and a myriad sacks had been upturned to deposit their dark contents in this one chamber. Room in the caravan that could have been used for mortal food and supplies had been denied them so that so many copious mounds of soil the weight of a hundred men or more could be brought across land and sea.

Only with the lesson of three nights prior, when Gyulu had bid her sleep away from her own sacred ground, had she understood the need for all the soil. Before then, she and every other mortal servant of the elder vampire had thought it madness. Just another sick wish of their cruel masters to test them to the breaking point. But it was not madness. It was to combat the so-called curse of the Tzimisce condition - the connection to the earth spirit.

She sniffed the air in the room, taking in the familiar scent of Carpathia. In filled her with a nostalgia of a home now lost to her. But there was something else that touched her senses and she smelled again, this time opening herself up to the vampiric gift of heightened senses. There were living creatures in this room. Two distinct odors, two hearts beating fast, the tinny tell-tale scent of blood.

A lantern illuminated the space behind her as her sire entered the room. Standing beside her, he raised the lantern out into the darkness, over the hollowed out pit of earth below them, to shine its demon's light upon the base of the trench and the two pitiful creatures that huddled there.

A young couple lay there, their arms bound by rope at the wrists and wrapped around one another. Stripped naked and bearing the signs of the lash, their bodies had been tortured physically. The boy, only a couple years younger than Vezina, had defensive cuts on his hands and forearms, and the side of his face was swelling with a nasty bruise. She noted that his fingernails had been ripped out and one finger had been flayed. The girl showed less signs of spoilage, though her back was just as raw as the boy's. The most notable wound that they both share were three iron nails that had been shoved through their upper and lower lips, two entering from below and one from above, with the tips bent and curled afterward to prevent them from opening their mouths again without tearing their flesh further.

The sudden light drew their attention and their whimpering moans. The girl began to cry. The boy seemed to be trying to communicate a plea through his damaged lips, but even if he could have spoken properly, Vezina wouldn't have known what he was saying.

"I found them last night in the woods," Gyulu said calmly. "Two young lovers. They were coming from a mortal lordling's lodge, and by the manner of the clothes they were wearing, I believe the girl to be of the noble cast. The boy is a peasant, but he is a handsome one. Or was. I followed them out of curiosity and because I wished to feed from their young blood, for youth always tastes fresher and more sweet. Instead, I found myself observing them for some time. You see... I could not remember what it was like to have the passion they were showing to one another. That youthful innocence - the naive idiocy that I know to be a weakness - intrigued me. I wanted to recall it. But the more I watched, the more I realized, I had never felt what they did even as I lived. I had no mortal bride. I was a chieftain's son, a warrior, a reaver, a slayer of men, a defiler. I prayed to old gods and drank blood long before I die, and when my sire appeared to me and gave me his blood to drink, I prayed to him and his magics. Mortal passions ceased and passed me by."

He put the lantern upon a stone block shaped to hold it and stepped down into the earthen pit, turning back to offer his hand to Vezina. She took it and let him help her down. As they drew closer, the human couple shied away, but they were too weak and broken to go far. Gyulu went around the other side of them and knelt between them, pulling them each up by their necks so that they were eye level with him. The girl started to bawl, but her sire shook the poor thing sharply to silence her.

"So how then should I treat you, my bride? There is no such passion in my soul. My thoughts are devoted to the taking of blood, to the spirits of the land, and to the mastery of my new realm. But still, I yearn to discover how to fill this emptiness inside of me." He raised his dark eyes to meet the grey green of his childe.

"It is you, Vezina. You will fill this emptiness. Tonight, we will feed on these mortals and taste of their passion, making it our own. You will feel it in their blood. Beyond the fear and beyond the pain, their blood will contain the idealism of their youth. Drink with me, my bride." He caressed the two mortals, who in turn regarded him with uncomprehending terror.

Vezina lowered herself onto her hands and knees and crawled next to the boy, cradling him in her undead arms while Gyulu took a more solid hold on the girl.

"Of course, master." Vezina eyed the boy hungrily, letting her mouth slowly open and her tongue unfurl. She licked at the wounds on his mouth, whetting her appetite for what was to come. Then she let her fangs grow visibly in front of her meal. He grew wide eyed, a new fear piling on top of every other horror he had no doubt experienced in the past day and night. Behind her,the girl screamed through her half-closed mouth.

In a blur of motion, they were upon them. Fangs sunk into flesh. The blood rushed out and cascaded onto Vezina's tongue. She drank it in long draws, each moment of suction silencing the prey further until his anguish turned into ecstasy.

With a reveling sigh Vezina tossed her head back and savored the taste. Beneath the fear, just as her sire had sad, was the definite feeling of unmistakable young love. She tasted the boy's passion for this girl, his stubborness and defiance in his pursuit of her, his undeniable lust for her mixed with a protective spirit. The young fool wanted to die for her. Instead, he would have to settle for dying with her.

"You see my bride?" Gyulu said, and when she turned to look, she was startled by the change that had overcome him. The blush of life had returned to his flesh. For the first time, she saw him not as a demi-god of blood inhabiting the corpse of a long dead man, but as what he must have been while he yet lived.

His hair was a rich brown, falling down to his shoulders, his face proud and strong, his eyes cunning, cruel, and dark. He was a paradox. A barbarian lord, a savage with a code of honor, a warrior's heart but a sorcerer's caution. Where moments before he had seemed so distant even while standing beside her, now he gazed at her with an unforeseen intensity.

He pushed the girl into Vezina's arms and seized the boy, sinking his teeth into the other side of his neck. Encouraged by the sight of her master, Vezina tore into the girl, draining her blood. Listening to her gurgles of undesired pleasure die out while her heartbeat slowed.

Vezina used the blood as it entered her body, letting it suffuse her flesh, restoring the trappings of life to her form. Her skin took on the pink color of mortality, her lips reddening, her many organs being pushed by the blood back into their original states. She poured the vitae into her muscles as well, as Gyulu had suggested she learn to do. She could feel the life of these two mortals sustaining her, filling her, and with that life came the desire that her master had told her about.

Suddenly Gyulu rose above her, lifting the two dying mortals up as if they weighed nothing, and tossed them aside like ragdolls to the far side of the pit. Then, his eyes never leaving Vezina, he ripped at his coat and shrugged it off his shoulders to reveal his bare upper body - a handsome, muscular form that was true to his heritage as a wild leader of tribal men. His skin was marked with a maze of ritual brandings and symbols, the meanings of which Vezina could not begin to guess, save that they must be a part of his koldun sorcery.

"And now, Vezina, I will take you."

As he started to approach her, Vezina crouched low and backed away, a hand on her skinning knife and a smile upon her bloody lips. She was Vlach, a wild outsider. He was a reaver of men, a conqueror, a savage noble. Somehow, she knew that she was not meant to blindly submit.

"You will try!" She said, and brought the knife out of its sheath, surprising him as she slashed at the air in front of her, halting his approach.

He stared at her now in silence, and as the moments passed, she questioned her rash act. Just as she was about to recant, she saw his lips upturn in a smile and she saw him bare his fangs. She did not know how she knew it, but she was certain he was using the power of the vitae to strengthen himself, as if for battle. She took a step backward, raising the knife again.

He stepped foward. She lunged, and he stepped aside, impossibly quickly it seemed. With a lunge he was past her defenses, hand on her throat. She swung wildly from the side with her knife, but his other hand caught her by the wrist. His foot caught her by the heel and his weight pushed forward, tripping her to the ground, with his body weight following as he fell upon her. His grip on her wrist tightened and he slammed her hand painfully to the earth, forcing the knife to clatter from her grasp.

"I chose well, my defiant bride," he said with a cruel sneer. She hissed with her own fangs bared, and then in the next moment his teeth had sunk deeply into her neck. A split second of agony was replaced immediately by bliss, as she felt the stronger vampire feed off of her. Her entire body surged with roaring inner fire as the two punctures in her jugular vein wriggled and suckled and withdrew her power.

Her eyes fluttered, her back arched, she moved helplessly against him, no longer able to resist him. His fangs withdrew as his body went upright, her vitae dripping from his lips. Dizzily she met his eyes. His hands gripped her top and in swift motion ripped the dress to shreds, leaving her breasts exposed to him. She had only a moment to process this before he sank his mouth again and bit her upon the chest, feeding off of her from another area, producing a whole new series of wondrous vampiric sensations that easily dwarfed the comparatively crude human act of sex. Vezina moaned with pleasure, grateful to donate her blood to her sire in return for this bliss. Her desire for him had never been this explicit, never been this intimate or true to the notion of being a literal bride and consort to her sire. But in this moment, she discovered that she wanted him to do this to her, to sink his fangs into her again and again and make her scream in joyous pleasure as he had his way with her body and blood.

Gyulu withdrew again and Vezina weakly muttered a lewd 'thank you, master,' before he turned her about and ripped away completely the remaining clothes on her body, leaving her naked beneath him. He wrapped his arms around her from behind then, and with determined, undeniable force, drew her to him, cheek to cheek, and then without further words or explanation, kissed her full upon the lips, allowing her to taste her own blood while their tongues danced.

When their kiss finished, Gyulu held his wrist out and up to Vezina expectantly.

"You must drink of me now, my bride. Be mine for all time. Give yourself to me, the one who reshaped you and made you into a queen of blood and night."

Vezina paused, as if still unsure. Then, slowly, she took his hand in hers and kissed his wrist. Her kiss then slid further up his arm, kissing her way along tricep and bicep and shoulder. Finally, she reached her sire's neck, and with one last look up at his dark eyes, she surrendered and sank her fangs into him, drinking that long draught with a grace reserved for zealots and saints, for from that moment, she was truly his.

The hours that followed passed in a frenzy of physical exertion. Gyulu and Vezina fed from one another, back and forth, across all parts of each other's bodies. Their feeding became more and more intimate, until at last, Gyulu took her as a husband takes a wife, feeding from her as he did so. Her cries of bliss echoed down the dark limestone tunnels, and out into the mortal camp, where none knew what to make of it.

As the dawn approached, Gyulu bade Vezina to stay with him in his earth, revealing that he had taken some soil from his bride's pit and mingled it with his own, that she might have the right to lie with him as his chosen consort. No longer able to deny his wishes and with the blood confirming for her in every moment that her purpose was to love him unquestioningly, Vezina could only readily, and with much joy, consent.


In the years that followed, Vezina grew to understand the nature of her blood bond to her sire, and the trap into which she had so readily fallen. Though inside her mind she might realize the shortcomings of her master, she could not act upon these revelations, no matter how she might try. She was what the inner tug of his blood bond with her desired her to be, and that was always a dutiful and proud consort.

Their level of intimacy never repeated that initial night, though she did still symbolically share his resting earth during the day, and this regard was not lost on Scorylo and Tarbus, who realized to their dismay that their sister was now sacrosanct in the eyes of their sire.

When nine years had passed and Gyulu had released her to go to London, the bond was as strong as it was the night it had been made, and though Vezina had learned that Gyulu possessed faults, to him she could only express love and adoration and an idealistic fantasy that could only be found in the blood of mortal youth.
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