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Purple Demon Knight


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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Just a little piece of Eva fanfiction I'm doing. It gets better/worse, I promise. Pardon the errors, I haven't run it through a spell check yet.

The following has been rewritten and expanded.

This was the best moment of Shinji’s young life. He was lying in bed late in the night after his birthday. It dark, the only light coming through the opened blinds from a street light. His cello was leaning against the door of his closet, forgoten in favour of the company he had over for the night. She straddled over him, laying down to press her body against his, her face meeting his.

Their lips softly pressed together, her tongue slowly tracing its way around his mouth as his own swirled around to mirror hers. She had given him instructions on what to do, and he took it as fact that since they had spend so long making out that had done well. He really liked licking her tongue, and he could tell she liked what he was doing.

Slow enough to not upset him, pulled up and sat straight, holding her pelvis to his. She was wearing a chastity belt, metal panties, but she was careful not to make him feel uncomfortable. Her breathing was just as heavy as his, as did her tamed expression. Then she smiled at him, somehow a predatory and wicked smile that filled him with warmth.

He gazed at her through lust addled eyes, admiring her form barely illuminated by horrizontal bars of light. Bouncy yellow curls framed her round face and rolled down her shoulders and back. A backless leather halter top held her ample breasts in check. A gold chain with a saphire gem was around her esposed mid drift, right above her leather skirt.

"All of me?" she asked in a her soft sultry tone, continuing a conversation he had forgoten about earlier that evening. He simply nodded in response. Suddenly, the shadows behind her deepened as two black leathery wing unfolded from her back. They spread out and hung over them like a protective shell. Shinji wasn't afraid; she said she would do this, and he had seen them before. He also felt something snake down around his left leg and give him a light squeeze. 'Her tail,' he realized.

She reached behind her neck with one hand and behind her back with the other. He heard two clicks, and her halter top fall from her. He stared in awe as her ample breasts came free, the plump mounds sagging down under their own weight very much the most erotic thing he had seen yet. He completely missed him her telling him to touch... when he fainted.
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Chapter 1, Scene 1

It was sunset, the brilliant orange ball of light just laying down on the horizon, and the edges of the sky were red. The haunting sorrow of cello could be heard through the window, of which the blinds were down and open. The player, little more than a boy, was using the instrument to empty himself of pain and sadness while sitting on his bed, letting his feelings flow out into the room. And with a long draw on a high note, he was done.

Ikari, Shinji.

He had a lot more emotion to draw out this day. He skipped his studies, eating and chores to play all afternoon. He hadn't even gotten out of his school uniform. His fingers and arms ached just a bit more than normal. But at least he didn't feel sad anymore. Just sort of blue.

It was almost pleasant how he felt in that instant of silence. The lights of his room were out, but the horizontal lines of red light let him see clearly enough. Not that he wanted to look at anything in particular. Or think of anything. Soon the warm glow of sunset would become the pale gloom of twilight, which he always liked.

“Beautiful. Play another,” the voice of a young woman pleaded. Shinji nearly jumped despite her soft tone; he didn’t know she had come back, but there she was sitting in the middle of his room.


He didn’t know how long she had been listening; he gone into a sort of trance. He didn’t feel the need to play anymore, but her gentle smile and soft eyes compelled him to close his own eyes and draw the bow across the strings of his cello once again. This girl wanted him to play, so he couldn’t stop.

The deep hum of the cello once again filled the room as he played the song he started with, but unlike when he played before, he felt almost happy when he was done.

When he opened his eyes again, he noticed she had moved closer. She was smiling at him, her half-lidded eyes shimmering, her head tilted forward.

A girl he just met yesterday, on his worst birthday yet. At least she was something nice that came from it. She had wide yellow eyes that shimmered in the gloom, and light freckles. Bouncy straw-yellow hair framed her round face, rolling down her shoulders and back. She wore a high-cut blue halter top that exposed her midriff, of which around was wrapped a thin gold chain with a hanging sapphire. A leather skirt was covered her long legs. Her supple arms were supporting her weight as she leaned forward. She was a beautiful creature.

He gulped. There was a pretty girl in his room, and he was making her smile. It took all his self control to avoid ogling her.

Then his stomach growled, and she covered covered her mouth and giggled. "Sounds like you're hungry. You should go eat."

"Uh, y-yeah," he stuttered in agreement, barely a whisper. "Would you like something..." he trailed off, realizing what he was asking.

"I'm all right. Why don't you go have something without me?" She continued to smile at him.

With that he nodded, put his cello away, and left his room. He suspected she'd be gone when he came back, and that suited him just fine. It was nice of her to visit.


His guardian and teacher was at the dining table, reading an old newspaper when shinji came out of his room. They had a short conversation about Shinji's musical technique and mentioned something about always striving to improve, and another thing about his studies. Then a slight comment on how the boy hadn't done any chores, but he could get away with it today. Shinji quickly made himself a bowl of noodles, since it was so late, and his teacher decided to go to bed.

Like far too often, Shinji ate alone in silence. When he was done, he quickly cleaned up the kitchen, then took a shower.

He felt a drained. Yesterday had been a nightmare, and today was another he had put up with. But that was his life. He didn't expect it to get better.


The sun had dropped, leaving only the pale blue of twilight to illuminate his room.

He didn't expect Alice to still be in his room waiting for him. He had already closed the door and took a few steps in before he noticed her, then froze. She was sitting on the end of his bed, her hands resting on her knees. She was still smiling, but her eyes were nearly closed as she looked into his. She was blushing.

His mouth dried, and he swallowed. "I've decided to stay," she breathily whispered, tilting her head forward slightly but keeping eye contact. He blushed heavily. He knew what it meant, and what would happen next. What she wanted. He barely heard her say, "Come here," over the pounding in his ears.

He didn’t deserve her, or the experience she was going to give him. He couldn't contain his nervousness as he approached and his hand spasmed. He never even hoped for better in his life, and this was too much... wasn’t it?

She motioned for him to sit next to her, and he complied, but blushed and looked away as he sat down. He squeaked a whimper as he felt her hand take his, and the bed shift as she shuffled closer to him. He couldn't help but notice how much bigger than him she was.

"Relax," she slowly cooed into his ear. "There's no need to rush. So we won't." She pressed her shoulder up against his, and he started shaking. She squeezed his hand, and he flinched back. "Why don't you start by leaning up against me. Just breathe."

He was still nervous, but obeyed. He leaned back into her, letting his head rest against her shoulder, and closed his eyes. He inhaled slowly, trying to control his breathing. He hadn’t done anything like this before, and he wasn’t sure what to do. But like she asked, he was relaxing. Little by little, with each breath, he became more accustomed to her presence.

He threw his eyes open as her other hand cupped his chin and turned his to face her. He inhaled sharply, expecting her to suddenly kiss him, but instead she gently brushed her forehead up against his. "Not yet," she whispered. "I said we'll take it slow."

He stared at her, the short distance warping his vision. Despite that, He found it strangely comforting. He noticed her calm smile showing off her teeth. He couldn't help but smile back as he closed his eyes and relaxed. It was very nice, just sitting there with her, touching. He could feel her breath, and he knew he was tickling her with his as well.

He wasn't sure how long they sat there, but he had the growing urge to do more. Why was he so nervous again? His doubts had somehow melted away while he sat there right in her presence. She was offering him to... No. She had offered to do this with him before, but he had politely declined. Now she wanted him.

Which is why he leaned in just a bit more and kissed her. She gasped, and then giggled before kissing him back. This went back and forth a few times, and Shinji started giggling as well.

Slowly, she stood up and move in front of him, all without letting her lips straw out of reach of his. She put her hands on his shoulders and gently pushed him back, still trading gentle kisses with him. When she got him lying down, she leaned lower to whisper right into his ear, while pressing her breasts to his chest. She took one of his hands in hers, and placed a small metal object in his care. “This key opens the gate to heaven. It is one of a kind.” He stared at the ceiling in confusion as he brought the tiny key into his view. It was very small and silvery, though it had a slight purple tint to it. The bow held a tiny sapphire.

He was admiring how elaborate the key was when she gently nibbled on his earlobe, getting back his attention. He squeaked, then she whispered, “Now we’re going to use our tongues.”

Shinji gasped. He could almost feel his face burn as it flushed with embarrassment, but his soon to be lover’s soft voice reassured him as she carefully explained what to do next. Then she told him what she was going to do after, and his breathing became ragged. She giggled at his response, before humming into his ear and rubbing her body against his. “Relax...” she began to quietly chant to him and occasionally kissing his neck.

Convinced he was ready, she traced her lips from his ear, across his cheek and back to his lips, before giving them a quick lick. He tried to lick back, but she quickly retreated and giggled. He whimpered a bit before she grabbed his hands and brought them to her waist. Then she lowered her face back down, and they began.


It dark, and late, the only light coming through the open blinds from a street light. Their lips softly pressed together, her tongue slowly tracing its way around his mouth as his own swirled around to mirror hers. She had given him instructions on what to do, and he took it as fact that since they had spent so long making out that he had done well. He really liked what he did, and he could tell she liked what he was doing.

Slow enough to not upset him, she pulled away and straightened up, kneeling above him. Her heavy panting mirrored his, as did her tamed expression. Then she somehow gave him a predatory and wicked smile that filled him with warmth.

He gazed at her through lust addled eyes, admiring her forme barely illuminated by pale yellow horizontal bars of light. He took a good look at the curve of her wide hips, how her shirt was filled by her breasts, and how her hair complimented her curvy figure. One of the bars of light landed right on her eyes, and they shimmered between her eyelashes at him.

"Ready?" she asked in a soft sultry tone. He simply nodded in response, having completely forgotten what he was supposed to be ready for. The shadows behind her deepened as two black leathery wing unfolded from her back. They spread out and hung over the two of them like a protective shell. Shinji wasn't afraid; he had seen them before, and she had said she would do this. He also felt something snake down around his left leg and give him a light squeeze. 'Her tail,' he realized.

She reached behind her neck with one hand and behind her back with the other. He heard two clicks, and her halter top fall from her. He stared in awe as her ample breasts came free, the plump mounds hanging there very much the most erotic thing he had seen yet. He completely missed him her telling him to touch... when he fainted.
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