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Ralspot (Bunny Breeding Ritual Board Game)

Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Moving with unparalleled swiftness, Lylia dashes through the Muddy Trail in nearly half the time it took Erin to navigate it. The obstacle proves to be not one at all as the most agile of the females passes through it with ease, hurrying on through. A particularly large tanglevine in the vicinity begins to lumber towards her, its tentacles reaching forward to grab the bunnygirl, but again, she moves far too quickly for it to even be a factor this time around.

Soon afterwards, she encounters a cobblestone bridge. A Voidic humanoid gargantuan of light-blue coloration peeks his head out from underneath, and Lylia instantly recognizes him as a troll, with his odd features and distinct long nose. His brow furrows, and his large black eyes slowly scan her up... then down. And around. Afterwards, he grunts, nods, and tucks his head back underneath to return to whatever it was he was originally doing.

It seemed that for whatever reason, be it posessions or otherwise, he seems content with leaving her alone for now. She encounters no argument from him when she passes, and comes across a vast vineyard. With how big it was, there was no doubt that she would find something useful here...

Lylia rolls a 4 for Movement. Plus her +1 Movement bonus, she gets to move up to 5 spaces total.
She rolls an Evade check to pass the Tanglevine token. Rolls a 6. Success.
She passes the Tollbridge Troll with ease, as she only has 2 cards in hand, and winds up in cell 39, Burgundy Yard Cache.
She Loots successfully and adds a card to her hand.
Next up is Inna. Movement rolls have been sent to Hafnium.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

A giant beast. Fantastic. Only a few hours in and the game was already beset by distractions seemingly intent on keeping her from having her fun with the types she was really after.

There was no real decision to be made though. If that gorilla came her way it could trap her at the cache, and then she'd have to hide and hope it didn't notice her. Plus, she could hear the noise of other agitated wildlife in that direction, although they were largely muffled by the noise made by the great ape, and that might signal other creatures being driven in her direction. It was time for her to retreat the way she'd come in order to take the other path. She would hurriedly gather one last item from the cache and take a measured run back toward the even clearing, finally ending up beyond it.

(Inna moves to 24 and plays Mine, All Mine!)
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Hearing the approach of someone heading closeby, someone who she knows to not be the girls she was just with, Inna hurries back through the ancient battlefield. She makes a dash past the canyon with all of the clinglings, and the little humanoids find themselves unable to keep hold of her for long as she pushes through as far as her legs will take her. She soon finds herself just before a muddy trail, and will certainly have to be careful here to not get stuck in the mud.

Out of the corner of her eye, right before the trail, she finds something shiny sticking out from behind a tree...

Inna rolls a 4 for Movement. She moves to cell 24 and then plays:
Choose any one of the Caches to Loot without needing to move onto that cell. This counts as you having looted it. Do this only on your turn as an action.
Selecting Crimson Trail Cache to loot. She does so successfully, and adds a card to her hand.

Players by turn order:
Edgar (BlueSlime): Strong x 2, Sturdy x 3. 4 HP. 2 cards in hand. At Phalliwood Copse, cell 6.
Erin (Astarte): Strong. 1 HP. 2 cards in hand. At Rainbow Grove Cache, cell 40.
Lylia (Tassadar): Fast. 1 HP. 3 cards in hand. At Burgundy Yard Cache, cell 39.
Inna (Hafnium): Strong. 1 HP. 3 cards in hand. At cell 24.

Edgar is up. Movement roll results have been sent to BlueSlime.

23.) Barricade
Until your next turn, make the cell you are occupying impassable (no one can move into or out of it). Do this only on your turn after moving, as a free action.
Choose any one of the Caches to Loot without needing to move onto that cell. This counts as you having looted it. Do this only on your turn as an action.
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Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Edgar paused in his approach. All that noise from the Voidikong had probably startled the girls and sent them down the southern path. If he doubled back through the burrow, he could potentially cut one or two of them off.

"Worth a shot," he figured and then dashed through the underground connection. He sniffed the air as he exited the burrow, and caught the scent of a female voidbunny nearby, beyond the bridge where a troll was known to live.

"I'll just wait in that shadowy thicket there... she'll have to come out eventually. If not, I'll head in and grab her."


Edgar moves 3 spaces to space 21: Shadowy Thicket.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Erin instantly recoiled from the tentacle that burst out of the ground, head darting back and forth as she heard similar sounds in the distance. Where were all of these things coming from, showing up wherever she went? Concluding there was nothing of value to be found, anything left probably ruined by the tentacled creatures.

Backtracking to the treacherous footing of the muddy path, she spotted a full-sized tanglevine to the south, immediately causing her to change her mind about going that way. Where there was one who know how many more there were, and she didn't want to risk hanging around them. Especially with a male also prowling the area, apparently ignored by the tanglevine.

Was he hoping it would catch one of them for him? Or was he waiting for something else? Either way, the giant gorilla seemed to be wandering off, so perhaps her previous path would be safer. Maybe she could even find something good this time...

(Returning to 3, Clingling Canyon and Searching.)
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Edgar spotted a tanglevine near the entrance of the burrow. It tried its best to grab at him as he passed by, but he managed to fight off its grip without much effort at all. The scent of female pheromones grew stronger as he made his way through the underground passage--he was getting closer, he knew that much. Females of his species were often difficult to catch, but the 'prize' was always worth it...


Finding nothing of value in the beautiful grove, Erin headed back through the muddy trail and took her time with the footholds, knowing that falling in would be much more of a problem. She navigated the sludge-filled path successfully, soon finding herself once again in the Clingling Canyon, where the clinglings appeared all too happy to see her and wasted no time attempting to climb her en masse. Still, the female Void Rabbit could bat them away with relative ease at this point.


Meanwhile, Lylia had just finished acquiring her new loot when she caught the scent of a masculine Void Rabbit just over the bridge, from the thicket that she passed by to get there. He was lying in wait for her, no doubt. Would she be able to get past him unnoticed--and if she couldn't, could she fight him off?

Edgar rolled a 3 for movement and moved to Shadowy Thicket (cell 21).
He Searched and found nothing.

Erin rolled a 4 for movement and moved east and then north.
She made an Evade roll of 4 at Muddy Trail, and passes it successfully.
She ends up in Clingling Canyon (cell 3).
Erin Searches and finds nothing.

Lylia's turn.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

"Shit.... He's back there... And that troll!" Lylia said, briefly panicking and jogging in place. "Hey, I wonder where this goes..." she muttered as she spotted a narrow path hidden among some rocks. She glanced down the trail she'd come down and then simply charged down the hidden path, trailing through a narrow canyon that ended in a slide that she barely kept from tumbling down end over end. It let out at a short drop that had her freefalling... And landing practically right at Edgar's feet.

She looked up at him, her legs splayed, barely visible in the dense foliage, blinking in shocked confusion. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... Hi!" she said, and then was no her feet in less than a blink and darting around desperately, the herbs in her pack having spilled all over her and left her more hyper than ever.

(Using Ambush, which... I'll just let Taki explain this disaster.)
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Edgar heard a momentary rustling of leaves, followed by a short thud. Had the gods favored him? There she was, a long-legged doe in Lylia, having landed spread eagle in front of him as if by divine intervention.

Instead of bothering with movement, Lylia used:
17.) Ambush!
Choose an opponent at random. Instead of moving, teleport yourself to their location. Use only before rolling your movement dice this round. This card cannot be used during the first round of the game.
Assigning numbers as 1 = Edgar, 2 = Erin, 3 = Inna, she rolled... a 1. And ended up right into Edgar's cell at the Shadowy Thicket. Terrible luck.
That used up her Movement for the round, but she still had a free Action. She used:
6.) Herbal Stimulant
Target player gets an additional action this turn.

Targeting herself with the Herbal Stimulant.

She then used Search TWICE for her two actions... and found nothing.
Not looking good for her, unless she can win this combat if/when Edgar attacks her!

Lylia is down to 1 card in hand.

Inna is up next.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Wait, what? Had Inna really caught a glance of Erin coming up from her new path? She had thought the other rabbit girl was going the other way and had probably run into the giant ape. The fact that she'd doubled back toward the dangerous creature was enough to give Inna pause. Clearly, Erin knew something she didn't. So, against all reason, Inna shrugged and turned around yet again, searching the path in Clingling Canyon that she hadn't explored in order to come out on a new road entirely, toward the various wildlife she'd fled earlier.

(Inna moves to 4, no search or anything.)
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

There she was, the gods' gift to Edgar, ready for him to claim. As if by divine providence, she had landed right in front of him...

But if deities had any part in this, then they proved oddly cruel indeed. A whistle of ropestones flying through the air caught the male's ears, but just a few seconds too late, as the weapon, presumably thrown from higher up, quickly wrapped around him, binding his arms to his sides.

Players by turn order:
Edgar (BlueSlime): Strong x 2, Sturdy x 3. 4 HP. 2 cards in hand. At Shadowy Thicket, cell 21.
Erin (Astarte): Strong. 1 HP. 2 cards in hand. At Clingling Canyon, cell 3.
Lylia (Tassadar): Fast. 1 HP. 1 card in hand. At Shadowy Thicket, cell 21.
Inna (Hafnium): Strong. 1 HP. 3 cards in hand. At cell 24.

Edgar is up.
Inna uses:
15.) Ropestone
Target player can't perform actions this turn.

Targetting Edgar.

Voidikong moves 1 cell down, into the Hot Springs. He will disappear at the end of Erin's turn.

Next up is Erin.

23.) Barricade
Until your next turn, make the cell you are occupying impassable (no one can move into or out of it). Do this only on your turn after moving, as a free action.
Choose any one of the Caches to Loot without needing to move onto that cell. This counts as you having looted it. Do this only on your turn as an action.
17.) Ambush!
Choose an opponent at random. Instead of moving, teleport yourself to their location. Use only before rolling your movement dice this round. This card cannot be used during the first round of the game.
6.) Herbal Stimulant
Target player gets an additional action this turn.
15.) Ropestone
Target player can't perform actions this turn.

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Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Swatting away more of the tiny molesters, Erin climbed out of the canyon they call home and found herself tracking across what seemed to have once been the site of a battle. It would be an interesting place to look around if she had the time given her interests, but her destination lay further ahead.

"Come on, got to be something around here!" She muttered to herself as she walked. Up here was another cache... this one hopefully containing the supplies she'd need.

(Moving to Emerald Vale Cache and looting.)
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game


"Hunh? What is this? What the fuck is THIS?"

Edgar struggled angrily against the ropestone as it wrapped around him.

"Of all the bloody times!" He watched Lylia get up and start to run away.

"Hey! Get back here! Damn it! Hrrraahahhhhh!"

His muscles strained and bulged as he sought to break the ropes apart.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Erin made her way through the canyon completely this time, taking a high end which soon descended into a lush, green valley. A stream snaked through the area, and upon one of its banks she found something that could be useful.

Erin rolls a 5, moving 2 spaces northeast and stopping at the Emerald Vale Cache. She Loots it, adding a card to her hand for a total of 3.

Lylia is up.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

"Nnnn... Thanks!" Lylia shouted to whoever had thrown the ropestone, rising and trying to dart off before Edgar could escape from the binding weapon. She had to get away....

(Again, will let Taki go over the rules stuff that just happened.)
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Seeing her chance, Lylia scrambles to her feet and turns her back to flee, only to fall forward flat on her face. A look back shows her Edgar, covered in segments of rope--the unbelievably strong male had brute forced his way out of the bindings and dove forward to grab her ankle.

While she tried in vain to kick and flail at him, he was just too strong! The amount of focus and willpower he exhibited was frightening, if not impressive in its own way.

Lylia attempts to move away from the cell. First, she rolls Evade against the tanglevine. She rolls a 3. Success.

Then, she rolls to evade Edgar.
She rolls a 1. Plus her +1 Movement bonus is a total of 2.
Edgar rolls a 7. Plus his +2 Attack, a total of 9. Edgar catches her.

They enter Combat.
Erin uses:
2.) Taunt
Target player gets -1 to attack for this combat instance.
Targeting Edgar.
In response, Edgar uses:
4.) Unrivaled Focus
Target player gets +2 to attack for this combat instance.
Targeting himself. It brings his total Attack bonus to +3.

They roll off. Lylia rolls a 7.
Edgar rolls an 8. +3 = 11.
Edgar wins.
Edgar rolls a 4 and successfully fertilizes Lylia's egg(s).
Lylia is defeated and Captured.
Edgar gains one Confidence Token, which adds +1 to all of his rolls.
Edgar gains her last card and adds it to his hand.

Next up is Inna.
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Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

While at first it seemed like the right move, when she took a closer look Inna realized that she'd emerged from the canyon only to spot a forest full of waving tentacle-like vines off in the distance. Never mind then, Erin didn't actually know something that Inna didn't. Plus, she was nowhere to be spotted. The other bunnygirl must've either headed somewhere else or ran face first into a mass of writhing tentacles in some form of extreme masturbation only to become invisible beneath them all.

Well, back to the drawing board. She entered the Clingling Canyon for the third time that day, this time almost completely unaccosted by the diminutive creatures for how many she'd slapped away on her earlier trips, and came out yet again on the other side. Then, to dwindle away a few hours as she prepared to make her next move, she searched the surrounding area for more supplies.

(Inna moves to 2 and searches, unsuccessfully. I've got nothing for the Ropestone fluff from earlier.)
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Though his arms were encircled by the ropestone, his legs were still free. Edgar charged through the thicket after Lylia, determined not to let her get away. He'd not come to this Ralspot to content himself with just one of the females. He needed to have them all, and he didn't have time to let any of them get away, or his dream of being a future chieftain would be over.

"You're not... getting... away... from me!"

His arms wrenched up and the ropes frayed and snapped under the pressure of his natural voidic might. He then launched himself in a stunning leap and landed, his hand outstretching, to clasp around the swift female's delicate ankle and hold it tight.

He heard her yelping as she fell down, ensnared by him. Her body thudded against the earth and he saw that she was stunned for a moment. This was all he needed to pull himself on top of her, and he quickly pinned her underneath him. He looked down at her with a great swelling of pride and lust.

"Lylia... there's no use in struggling any more!"

With one large hand he pinned both of her wrists above her head, while his other gripped her skirt and undergarments and ripped them away in one tearing motion. He then lifted one of those long smooth, perfect legs into the air and let it fall against his shoulder.

"I won't hold myself back any longer. By the rules of Ralspot, I'm making you my woman! You'll bear me strong and fast children, Lylia! Look forward to it!"

The male void bunny pressed his erection against the females slit, her struggles at this point barely an annoyance to the athletically built brute of a male. His cock teased at her crevice for only a short while before he pressed it inside of her with a groan, sinking in inch by inch until he was fully inside of her and he could feel her body's natural reactions soaking her nethers to allow him easier access.

"Hnhgh! Now take it! Take it all!"

Edgar proceeded to ram himself down upon Lylia, thrusting wildly inside of her, quickly losing himself to the Voidic urges that coarsed through him. Soon enough he saw her eyes glaze over and the voidic lust had cascaded through her as well.

From that point on, the two of them rutted wildly on the forest floor. After she had grown more docile and accepting of her position, he turned her so that she was facing away from him, then took her by the wrists with each of his hands so that she was bent over in front of him. He thrust into her, his pelvis slapping into Lylia's backside, making it jiggle pleasantly and her breasts heave and swing forcefully back and forth with each of his mighty motions.

"Hngh! Hngh! Hngggh! This is it! Lylia! I'm gonna cum inside of you! It's a huge load... I've been saving it up. You're the first, so you'll just have to take the brunt of it. You're sure to get pregnant! Hearraaaaghhhh~~~!"

The male shuddered and loosed rope after rope of his voidic seed, until his balls twitched and tightened and he was completely spent of every drop. Only then did he guide Lylia back down to the ground and let her drop to her knees, her face in the dirt, as he slid his wet cock out of her dripping pussy.

"You did well." he huffed. "Definitely pregnant."

He bound her hands behind her back an then trussed her legs together. Finally, he finished by hogtying her and neatly leaving her beside the base of the nearest tree.

"You sit tight. I still have the others to find. I want all three of you to bear my children together."
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Inna rolled a 2 for movement.
She moves to cell 2 and Searches, but finds nothing.

Players by turn order:
Edgar (BlueSlime): Strong x 2, Sturdy x 3. 4 HP. 1 Confidence Token. 2 cards in hand. At Shadowy Thicket, cell 21.
Erin (Astarte): Strong. 1 HP. 2 cards in hand. At Clingling Canyon, cell 3.
Lylia (Tassadar): Fast. CAPTURED. At Shadowy Thicket, cell 21.
Inna (Hafnium): Strong. 1 HP. 2 cards in hand. At cell 2.

Edgar is up... after he claims his prize, of course.

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Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

"Huff... right. The others must be up this way."

Having just exerted himself on Lylia, Edgar was slow to get going, but he still strode confidently down the muddy path, following the smell of the two stronger females.

Edgar rolls a 1 (+1) for movement and moves to the Muddy Trail. His search turns up nothing.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

"Hm... nothing else here. I'd better keep moving." Making her way through the clinglings yet again, Erin headed out the ruins to the south. There was no sight of the giant gorilla any longer, so it appeared safe for the moment. Hopefully something could be found...

(Moving to 5: Abandoned Ruins and searching.)