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Ralspot (Bunny Breeding Ritual Board Game)

Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

"Huh-wha-aaaaaggh!" Lylia grunted as she felt Edgar's hand on her wrist. She lost her balance, her other leg already risen, and tumbled forward face first. "Ooof!"

The wind passed from her lungs as she hit the dirt, not falling quite cleanly as her head cracked painfully against the hard dirt. Her vision was spotty for a few seconds, and that proved a few seconds too long as Edgar pounded atop her. Lylia's legs moved in sudden panic, and for a few seconds she thrashed wildly, trying to kick at anything that felt soft enough to hurt in a desperate effort to get away.

It was all for naught, unfortunately, and after only a moment he caught one and lifted it over her shoulder. "Nnn, no! Stop!" she grunted desperately, but it didn't seem to dissuade the much stronger male in the slightest. Her lower clothes, what little they were, were torn away, revealing her finely sculpted rump and the delicate slit between her legs. Her position made her sex perfectly vulnerable, and even the revulsion at the prospect and her continued feeble struggles didn't prevent Edgar from easily lining himself up.

"No! Please!" she begged, "I don't... Want to be your woman!" Again, however, no amount of pleading would save her. She felt him begin to enter her, tears welling up in her eyes, pain and a bit of pleasure rising from her delicates causing her entire frame to tense lightly. What little strength she had weakened, lest he truly ravish her uncaring for the damage he might cause her youthful body, untouched at that point by any hand but her own despite the foul and insidious spread by (Inna) some.

Even despite her mind's desires, however, Lylia's own voidic nature quickly caught up with her. This was Ralspot, the most important game of her people, and it was indeed a contest that spoke to their very nature. Edgar was strong, and would give her strong and worthy children, and like it or not her body was willing to provide him just that. Her natural secretions increasingly lubricated their union, allowing him to jab his ever deeper into her with ever rising force and ferocity. After a few moments he drew her first moans of pleasure from her, little more than tiny gasps and grunts as some part of her continued her struggle to deny this, but her physical fight was ended and he took the opportunity to change positions so that he could truly rut her.

Bent over, her arms tugged over her head and her body raised, Lylia could only tense up as her body attempted to and receive him. As he rutted her harder, however, she found something changing inside of her, something causing her honey to truly flow as his plunging length plowed her waiting depths over and over and over. After a few moments, flame welled up inside of her, and Lylia's eyes widened as the pleasure suddenly became overwhelming. Her entire frame began to shake wildly, and her hips actually began to roll back into Edgar's thrusts as moans erupted from her throat.

She had gone into heat, signaled first by her sudden change in demeanor and more subtly by the two small twinges she felt, one on either side of her abdomen as her body primed itself to receive his seed for the first of what might be many times. Edgar found himself able to truly rut her then, a fertile and willing doe bent to his will, and when his seed finally fountained into her Lylia her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her inner walls clamping around him tightly and trying to work every drop he had to give into herself.

When he released her, Lylia simply collapsed, panting heavily with her eyes shut tightly. She could feel his warmth running down her legs, out of her freshly used cunny, but already it was doing its work inside of her surely, giving her the first of his children... The first of many of his children that she would surely have. Would it really be so bad?

(There is a smut here.)
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Oh, look. That was a male coming at her from the muddy path she'd decided to return to. A very large male. One that looked like he wrestled with wildlife for fun. Beyond not being her general type, she also didn't imagine that she was going to stand up well to him in a straight up brawl. But, Inna wasn't completely without wile or quick thinking in the face of an alpha built like a gorilla approaching to breed her. In the most convincing act she could muster, she quickly looked to the male's left and shouted "Spring the trap now, girls!"

And the moment his focus was broken, Inna literally sprinted back through the canyon for the fourth time that day, accidentally stomping on a resting clingling along the way, and through the first path she found which eventually led her into the ancient ruins just outside of the tentacled forest. She knew she couldn't rest for too long though, not with a would-be alpha that powerful on her tail if she wanted to be more than some harem plaything. The moment she was done panting from her retreat she went searching through the ruins for anything which might lend her an edge in defending herself or further escaping the male.

(Inna moves to 5 and searches, successfully. She also plays Look Who's Over There! on Edgar to move him into 40, along with other cards which were discussed but I'll let Taki fluff 'cos again I have no idea how to go about this one.)
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Edgar found himself slightly winded, stopping right before the Muddy Trail to catch his breath. Perhaps he had exerted himself pounding the luscious Lylia?

Meanwhile, Erin and Inna made their way to some abandoned ruins, in desperate search of something useful to give them an advantage against the male who had most likely caught their teammate by now. But only Inna found something that could be of use...

For a moment, Edgar thought he heard the voice of a female pointing out the location of some of her companions--not very far from him at all! His instincts tug at him to follow. Perhaps he could dominate them too, before taking out their leader? He carefully crossed the muddy trail, heading west. But the male soon found himself in a colorful grove, ultimately finding nothing in the way of suitable does. Had his senses fooled him?

Edgar rolls a 1 for movement.
He moves north two spaces to the Muddy Trail (cell 23).
He Searches, but fails to find anything.

Erin rolls a 5 for movement.
She moves to the Abandoned Ruins.
She Searches, but fails to find anything.

Inna rolls a 4 for movement.
She moves to the Abandoned Ruins.
She plays:
22.) Look Who’s Over There!
Move target opponent 1 space in any direction. If they land on a cell occupied by another player, they automatically enter combat with them. Do this only on your turn as a free action.
Targeting Edgar to attempt to move him to the Rainbow Grove Cache. He rolls an 8 and makes it into the Rainbow Grove Cache.

Inna then Searches and rolls a 9 for success. Loots a card successfully, but then--

Edgar plays:
12.) Sleight of Hand
When target player successfully loots via Cache or Search, you receive their card instead.

In response, Inna plays:
45.) Countermove
Negate the effects of target card as it is being played.

She receives a card and adds it to her hand.

Players by turn order:
Edgar (BlueSlime): Strong x 2, Sturdy x 3. 4 HP. 1 Confidence Token. 1 card in hand. At Rainbow Grove Cache, cell 40.
Erin (Astarte): Strong. 1 HP. 2 cards in hand. At Abandoned Ruins, cell 5.
Lylia (Tassadar): Fast. CAPTURED. At Shadowy Thicket, cell 21.
Inna (Hafnium): Strong. 1 HP. 1 card in hand. At Abandoned Ruins, cell 5.

Edgar is up. He can make it into the Muddy Trail no problem, but if he wants to make it out of there, he'll need to make an Evade check of 4 or higher, since he does not have Smart or Fast.

Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

After getting sidetracked down the wrong path, Edgar found himself slowly trodding through the mud again, still feeling spent from his efforts with Lylia.

"This is ridiculous. I've really got to get a move on, or I'll never catch them."

Move two, to space 22. Search fails.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

"There he is." Erin glanced briefly at Inna, who had also stopped by the ruins, motioning towards the male who was on their trail. Now that she'd gotten a good look at him, he was actually quite an impressive specimen, though he seemed to be having trouble keeping up with them. He certainly looked strong though, very well built... she realized after a few moments she'd been staring and shook herself out of it.

He looked like he could be exactly what she was after... but she had to be certain. That meant he'd have to earn it. "Guess we'd better get going then." And with that she was gone, following the path to the east and away from him. She'd give him a hunt...

She came across another tanglevine along her path but it was effortlessly avoided, the bunnygirl knocking away probing tentacles as she ran past. Unfortunately there were many more past it. Vines hung down from the canopy above, vines she quickly realized were eager to try to drag her up to join them. She managed to avoid the worst patches though, winding a trail that finally ended on a hill overlooking a wonderful set of natural springs.

Casting an eye out over the horizon for signs of pursuit and finding none nearby, Erin decided to risk a quick dip. She could use it after all this running around, a chance to let herself relax a little and deal with those minor aches she was starting to feel...

(Moving to 10, the Hot Springs to gain +1 HP. Then searching.)
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Lylia felt several warm clumps of her violator's seed slide out from between her slick petals... followed by a few more. He had released no small amount into her and brought her into heat as a result of their wild coupling. Only to leave her tied up and alone in the shadowy thicket? She was horny now, and her urge to continue to mate, to be inseminated with any number of males' seed, was nearly maddening...

Then she heard it. A squelching noise from nearby. The Tanglevine from before had found her, and while it was slow, almost painfully so, she was in no position herself to move very far, given that she was hogtied. Perhaps ironic in its own way that such a fast rabbit like herself would be left in a position to be molested by one of the slower-moving creatures.

Slowly, but surely, it approached, and while its actual methods of locomotion were not the quickest, its tentacles could still reach her in a timely manner, and so they did, coiling around her body any which way. Then, she felt the bulbous tips of its tendrils prodding at her soaked pussy, and her instincts screamed for her to push her hips toward the invading members if she could. But they granted the lewd wish made by her lust-addled mind soon enough, and Lylia felt a deeply satisfying wave of relief wash over her as the tanglevine finally penetrated her.

It slid itself in deep, pumping itself in and out slowly, and while it didn't move quite as fast as Edgar did during their energetic romp, it was still steady and consistent enough to bring her already heated form to yet another climax. When she did cum, she felt several more tentacles coil around her body, massaging her breasts and rump, covering her in their slime all the while. One of the appendages forced its way into her mouth, while the other probed her rear passage before easing itself in, which didn't prove as difficult as expected thanks to the natural lubrication that the creature seemed to be covered in.

And thus Lylia found herself repeatedly ravished by the tanglevine that Edgar left her in the thicket with. It was hard to argue with all of the pleasure it treated her senses to, and it triggered orgasm after orgasm from the bunnygirl in heat, seeming to feed on her continued and ever-increasing arousal.

She could hear Edgar nearby...

Meanwhile, Edgar himself could hear the muffled moans of his latest mate.
Edgar rolls a 1 for movement. For a total of 2 with his Confidence token.
He attempts to make it past the Muddy Trail. He rolls a 4 for a total of 5 with his Confidence token and succeeds.
He then moves to cell 22 and Searches, finding nothing.

Erin rolls a 5 for movement.
She makes her way to the Hot Springs, rolling an 8 and then a 9, evading both the tanglevine and the tentaclevine canopy. She lands on the Hot Springs (cell 10) and gains +1 HP for a new total of 2.
She searches and succeeds. She adds 1 card to her hand.

Inna rolls a 2 for movement.
She moves to cell 4 and searches, finding nothing.

Players by turn order:
Edgar (BlueSlime): Strong x 2, Sturdy x 3. 4 HP. 1 Confidence Token. 1 card in hand. At cell 22.
Erin (Astarte): Strong. 2 HP. 3 cards in hand. At Hot Springs, cell 10.
Lylia (Tassadar): Fast. CAPTURED. At Shadowy Thicket, cell 21.
Inna (Hafnium): Strong. 1 HP. 1 card in hand. At cell 4.

Edgar is up.

Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Although Edgar doesn't make it as far as he would have liked, perhaps due to the speed of the females or his own lack thereof, he catches their familiar scent as he exits out the other side of the underground passage. This little chase has undoubtedly left them running in circles, but hopefully for him it will come to an end soon enough... when he has the other two sharing his bed along with Lylia.

Edgar rolled a 2 for movement. He can move up to 3 spaces. He moves to Burrow Entrance B (cell 7) and Searches, finding nothing.
Erin's turn.
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Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Edgar had doubled back to the burrow, figuring that at the slow pace he was going, it was his only shot at catching up with the females, whose scent was getting fainter and fainter.

Ironic that as soon as he had caught the fastest of them, his speed through these woods had slowed to a crawl. He hoped he found his second wind soon. Ralspot was already half over and he wasn't going to be chief with just one female to his name.

He passed by Lylia, in the thicket, who seemed happy enough with her tanglevine companion. Well, if worse comes to worst, he thought, Lylia would make for an energetic wife, perhaps enough to satisfy him.

But he dismissed those complacent thoughts. He wanted more. He would get more!


Edgar rolls 2 +1 = 3 movement. Goes to Burrow B square. Fails search roll again.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

"Huh? How'd he get here so quickly?" Erin scrambled to grab her clothes from nearby, her brief but relaxing bath having been interrupted by the sound of someone climbing out of the nearby burrows.

Unfortunately it took her longer than she'd have liked to get out of the springs, not having expected him to catch up so soon, and where she found herself next was a little disconcerting. She was passing through a cave, but the floor was oddly slick, and she could here odd noised echoing through the cavern.

She was wary about what was lurking here, but she didn't waste the chance to search the place on her way though. If her was going to catch up to her, she was going to be ready to fight.

(Rolled a 1 move, so just moving south to Slime Lair and searching.)
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

"Nnnnph... Nnnn... Nooo.... Please... Come... Back," Lylia panted weakly, her body thrashing in its bods as Edgar wandered off. She was left lying facedown in the dirt, hogtied, her entire body feeling like it was on fire with raw lust but no relief in sight. After a few moments she started begging aloud, anything for relief. Edgar, one of the girls, anyone... She would have taken any number of males just to have some relief.

Fortune smiled on her in a most cruel manner, however, as it wasn't Edgar who came across her, nor one of the other girls, or even another member of their tribe. It was a tanglevine, one of the most common dangers in the void, and it had obviously heard or spotted her. However they detected their prey.

She thrashed in her bonds, though it was hard to say if it was towards it or away, and all too soon it hardly mattered. Lifted up, Lylia had to wait no time at all before one of its tendrils pressing against her sex, causing the mewling voidbunny to weakly push her hips back against it, and it responded predictably by easily filling her tight depths to the brim. Her entire body tensed and spasmed, an orgasm washing over her again from only then, but it wasn't done with just one of her holes. Her moans were soon muffled by a mouthful of vine tentacle, and her virgin ass took a prodding soon followed by a filling.

Her body thrashed eagerly at every new depravity, soon glistening with a mixture of sweat and foul slime. Less than an hour earlier she would have been horrified at the idea of falling into a tanglevine's clutches, but now she couldn't have been happier, would have accepted anything to satiate her burning heat. Climax after climax rolled through her lithe frame, every one of them stronger than the last, and it hardly mattered that the creature violating her in every orifice was something that she would never have willingly chosen to satisfy her suddenly insatiable needs.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Erin notices the approach of this apparently persistent male a little too late, and grabs her clothes as fast as she can, her hair still drying as she tries her best to get away. She finds herself in a lair full of reddish slime creatures... which appear to be distracted at the moment, but she will need to get past them somehow if she wishes to continue in a direction moving away from her would-be suitor.

The bunnygirl finds something of interest out of the corner, partially obscured by undergrowth. It appears to be the broken remnants of a ropestone... perhaps some part of it could be salvaged? But upon taking a closer look, she finds that the flower it was lurking under moves, facing her, and spraying her face with a cloud of pollen. She can't help but to inhale a notable amount in surprise, and already its effects are obvious. Erin is overcome with the immediate need to find sexual relief. The slimes are one thing... and her hands are another. Would she resort to either of those? Or would she wait for the approach of the male? The situation looked more and more dire with each passing moment as a noticeable deep red blush spread over her cheeks. It wasn't completely overpowering, just yet, but it was most certainly distracting.

Erin rolls a 1. She moves down to Slime Lair and Searches.
She gets something! But...
31.) Distracting Pollen
TRAP - When you draw this card, you give in to your immediate urges to find sexual relief on your own; you are Stunned. Skip your next turn.
Erin is Stunned and must skip her next turn. She can still defend herself, but she won't be able to move or take actions next round.
Inna is up next.
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Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Inna moves on, away from the telltale scent and noise that hints her pursuer's position, and hopefully towards a cache of something useful. She finds herself at the muddy trail once again, but fails to find anything that might help her.

Inna rolls a 4. She moves to Muddy Trail (cell 23) and Searches, but finds nothing.

Players by turn order:
Edgar (BlueSlime): Strong x 2, Sturdy x 3. 4 HP. 1 Confidence Token. 1 card in hand. At Burrow Entrance B (cell 7).
Erin (Astarte): Strong. 2 HP. 3 cards in hand. At Slime Lair, cell 11. Stunned.
Lylia (Tassadar): Fast. CAPTURED. At Shadowy Thicket (cell 21).
Inna (Hafnium): Strong. 1 HP. 1 card in hand. At Muddy Trail (cell 23).

Edgar is up.

Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Edgar finds himself making better distance for once as strength returns to his legs.

He finds traces of Erin, and follows her tracks south, to the nearby the Slime Lair. And there she was, distracted by... either her own heat, or something having induced it. It makes no difference--she's his now, as far as he's concerned.

While the girl is strong, she seems weakened, and Edgar is no slouch himself. He proves himself the stronger in their fight, thus earning him some degree of breeding rights over her...

Edgar rolls a 4 for movement. He heads down to the Slime Lair.
He enters Combat with Erin.
Edgar plays:
1.) Adrenaline Rush
Target player gets +1 to attack for this combat instance.

They roll off.
Edgar rolls a 4. Plus modifiers (+1 from Adrenaline Rush, +2 from Strong x 2, +1 from Confidence Token, that's 8.)

Erin rolls a 2 + 1 = 3.
Edgar wins. Erin loses 1 HP.

Inna is up.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Suddenly the female's scent grew stronger, heightened by what means he could not know, only that his quarry was now soaking and with a surge of adrenaline he sprang into action, leaping across the high rocks, splooshing through the hot spring and launching himself headlong into the slime lair where her scent was emanating from.

His voidic senses had not steered him wrong, as his sudden leap landed him right next to the crouched female.

"Erin, wasn't it? I've heard you talk tough before. Let's see if you can back it up!"

He lunged for her, slapping her raised arm out of the way and tackling her body beneath him into the slick, goo covered ground.

"Surprisingly easy. Maybe you've just been playing hard to get? You're already gushing down there. I could smell you from halfway across these woods."

He swiftly tugged aside Erin's clothing, revealing her pert round breasts and glistening crevice. His own member stood stiff before her before being pressed against her stomach and moved slightly downwards to tease at her sex.

"Let's not waste any more time! You'll be my second wife today. Now just, surrender and take my seed!"

With animalistic grunting, Edgar feel upon Erin, licking her soft, smooth skin as his body pinned hers unrelentingly to the earth. Then, with one powerful arm underneath her back, he rose her hips to be in line with his cock and with a powerful thrust, penetrated the fit, nubile female - the second doe of the day.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

As Edgar laid his claim to the struggling Erin amongst the slimes, Inna heard the sounds of struggle in the distance. She needed to hurry, and so she did, avoiding the muck with ease. However, she spots her former teammate, Lylia, in full heat, being violated every which way by a tanglevine. Normally, such a creature would be distracted in such a state... but it seems to notice Inna, and releases its hold on the long-legged doe to reach out for some new flesh in the tan-skinned one.

But Inna proves too capable to be bested by a simple tanglevine in such a manner, and dispatches it easily.

Inna rolls a 3 for Movement.
Inna rolls a 10 to pass the mud. Success.
Inna rolls a 1 to pass the tanglevine. Fail.
She enters Combat automatically with the tanglevine.
Inna rolls an 8, +1 = 9 total.
Tanglevine rolls a 1. Tanglevine is dead.

She's stopped here, but can still Search. Inna Searches, but finds nothing.

Players by turn order:
Edgar (BlueSlime): Strong x 2, Sturdy x 3. 4 HP. 1 Confidence Token. 0 cards in hand. At Slime Lair (cell 11).
Erin (Astarte): Strong. 1 HP. 3 cards in hand. At Slime Lair (cell 11).
Lylia (Tassadar): Fast. CAPTURED. At Shadowy Thicket (cell 21).
Inna (Hafnium): Strong. 1 HP. 1 card in hand. At Shadowy Thicket (cell 21).

Edgar is up.

Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Erin didn't notice something was wrong until the last moment, kneeling down to examine the damaged weapon in the grass. In doing so she unwittingly put herself in the perfect position to receive a facefull of the hidden flower's pollen. She recoiled at the last moment, but it was too late. The unnatural lust hit almost immediately, the bunnygirl having to try desperately to keep enough control not to just throw herself at the nearest creature, like the slimes infesting this place.

She managed to drag herself over to a dark corner, hoping to hide until she could deal with this need herself. She bit her lip to try to keep from making too much noise as she desperately plunged her own fingers between her sopping wet lower lips. As much as she tried though, it just wasn't enough, wasn't what her body was craving... And then she heard something else approaching.

She barely managed to regain enough control to push herself unsteadily to her feet before the male was upon her, and at a distinct advantage given her state. She barely even put up a fight, a shameful display for one who valued strength as much as she did, but it was as if all strength had simply left her muscles.

"That flower, damn it... I can't lose like this!" Despite her words though, she could do nothing as he tore her clothes from her body, her skin still glistening with a mixture of sweat and water from the springs.

"No! Ahhhh!" She couldn't hold back a lewd moan as he lifted her hops and plunged inside of her, claiming what she'd been saving for the one that she would finally be willing to submit to. It wasn't supposed to be like this! Maybe he was strong enough, he certainly seemed it now from her position... but she'd wanted to fight him at her best!

She couldn't help but feel it though, the pollen having evoked what was all too much like her heat. Before long she was moaning along with his thrusts, the pollen ensuring she was relishing the feeling of being dominated so thoroughly and so powerfully. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad... maybe she could convince him to have that fight later, after all this was finished...
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Edgar's session with Erin stretches on, and despite her best struggles, she has little choice but to give in to him, becoming his second catch of this event.

Edgar chooses to stay where he is, opting out of his Movement Roll.
For his Action, he enters Combat with Erin.
He rolls a 9, +3 = 12.
Erin rolls a 1 + 1 = 2.
Edgar wins. Erin is depleted to 0 HP and is Captured.
He may take a card of his choice from her hand.

Inna's turn.
Inna rolled a 3 for Movement and moved 2 spaces to the Burgundy Yard Cache.
She Loots and adds 1 card to her hand.

Edgar (BlueSlime): Strong x 2, Sturdy x 3. 4 HP. 2 Confidence Tokens. 1 cards in hand. At Slime Lair (cell 11).
Erin (Astarte): Strong. CAPTURED. At Slime Lair.
Lylia (Tassadar): Fast. CAPTURED. At Shadowy Thicket.
Inna (Hafnium): Strong. 1 HP. 1 card in hand. At Burgundy Yard Cache (cell 39).

Edgar is up.
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Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

(This text is re. Inna's move into the thicket and tanglevine fight.)
By the time Inna had come upon the thicket, she was already irritated. Night had fallen and she'd not hunted at all. Instead, she'd run through a canyon several times in a row and thoroughly mapped out one-tenth of the forest. She should've taken Erin when she'd had the chance, she realized. The other woman wasn't really her type, or so she'd thought. Before Ralspot, Inna would've never considered a partner that wasn't unarguably weaker than her, so that she could be sure she was the alpha in their relationship. Erin, though, she wished she'd made an exception for. It would've been satisfying to test her strength against that one, and to put the other woman in her place from Inna's spot as her new alpha.

But she hadn't. At first because she had been more interested in finding cute, weaker males and females to make into her toys, and then because that male had arrived. Was she really so nervous about him that she'd give up a prime opportunity to ambush a prime female like Erin? She'd even decided to split away from the other woman so that he couldn't catch them both. Ugh, that frustrated her more. He might be all bark and no bite. And yet, when Inna spotted Lylia in her predicament, she knew it wasn't true. The smells were too heavy in the air. Sex and sweat were both heavy in her nostrils, but the scent of the alpha's residual musk had her legs quivering. The tanglevine hadn't caught Lylia, it had only taken sloppy seconds after she'd been fucked into a puddle.

And so the cycle continued, with Inna growing more frustrated and moving to leave the tied Lylia to her fate. But then, when the tanglevine made the grave error of grabbing Inna instead of being satisfied with its prize, she snapped. By the time she was done, she'd torn each of its tentacles off and discarded them to the side. Then, she turned her irritation and concerns on the defenseless Lylia.

"You airheaded slut!" She shouted at the top of her lungs at the poor woman, who had honestly done nothing to earn her ire other than to be unlucky and in the wrong place at the wrong time. "I bet you bent over for him, didn't you? I bet he didn't have to take you at all. I bet you just saw a thick cock coming after you and gave it up!" Inna insisted, as if the addled void rabbit would answer affirmatively and assuage her fears that the male hunting them might be a true alpha rather than some pretender, a male strong enough to see all of the women in their part of the forest in his harem. "Fine! I'll take something of his! I'll take you!"

She roughly turned the hogtied girl onto her back and promptly plopped down onto the woman's face, setting her sex against the woman's lips. "Lick me! Satisfy your superior!" Inna refused to take no for an answer, bucking herself against the other woman's chin hard enough that it would eventually begin to hurt until she complied. "That's it, right there. Harder, slut!" The strong void rabbit felt no need to vary or be particularly creative. Her taking of Lylia was only meant to reestablish Inna's dominance, both to the defeated female and herself. Already aroused from all the smells and sights she'd experienced just walking into the shadowy thicket, it wouldn't take long before whatever tongue work the faster rabbit offered brought Inna to a satisfying, reassuring orgasm, which prompted a long, satisfied groan from the stronger woman.

She remained atop the likely uncomfortable female for several long minutes in her afterglow before dismounting. Then, in a final act of cruelty toward her already abused former comrade, Inna would reposition and roughly jam her fingers into Lylia's depths. She violated the more voluptuous female with all the roughness she imagined that the male had displayed when he'd claimed her, working to bring the bunnygirl-in-heat ever closer to her orgasm. And then, just as the telltale signs of the other woman's release became evident, Inna pulled her fingers out completely, leaving the bound woman with no stimulation at all. She stood up, but a second later bent low to wipe Lylia's juices on the hogtied rabbit's own face. With an ungentle nudge from her foot, she rolled Lylia back onto her belly, briefly knelt one last time to give her a smack on the ass as a parting gift, and then left on her way to loot some of the remaining caches. A free ride on the other bunnygirl was just what she needed to regain her confidence and recollect herself for the last remaining hours of Ralspot.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Edgar had enjoyed the extended session with Erin. There had been a brief moment, after his first orgasm inside of her, when she'd aimed a kick at him and tried to scramble away, but he'd seen it coming, having known what a fiesty female she was back at the village. He caught her foot mid-strike, and in one motion had spun her by it into a different position. Splaying her legs apart he quickly reached down to her neck and seized it firmly, but without going so far as to choke her.

"Forget it." He told her sternly. "You're in no condition to fight me. It's tough luck for you. I've seen you in the female's training yard. You're not bad. Worthy to be my wife for sure. But this fight here is over. You're mine. Got it?"

He brought his fingers down to her sex and started to stroke them slowly over her clit. Just the barest touch, made her body arch and a moan escape her lips.

"See? You're already in heat. There's no way you can resist now. Better to give in to the pleasure. You'll feel better that way."

With the pollen's help, Erin became docile in short order. Edgar's fingers went from simple stroking to invading her slit with quick jabs that soon had the girl melting into him, the fight gone from her eyes and her surrender assured.

She become more than eager to bounce her cute little ass in time with his thrusts, her moans adding a nice backdrop to their mutual pleasure as he once again positioned her onto his length. She was so tight and her muscles clamped down on him so hard that it was impossible for him to not swiftly lose himself in a powerful rut that had the girl bouncing frantically on him.

"Hngh! Damn, Erin... you feel great! You don't jiggle and squeal as much as Lylia, but you're tight and when you clamp down... hmm! It's out of this world. Wish I could stay to see how long we could go on like this... but there's still that one other girl out there. A future chief like me has to have a full harem."

He flopped the exhausted bunnygirl over and took out the spare length of rope. With deft efficiency, he trussed Erin up just as he'd done with Lylia, and gave her ass a playful smack as he left her, bunnytail high in the air above her with the nearby slimes.

"Right. Two down... one more to go. Inna, you won't escape me!"
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Finding something that just might be of use in the vineyard, Inna looks back towards the bridge. Her long, sharp ears can hear something from the other end of the burrow. She'll have to move and act quick if she wants to avoid combat--or, perhaps, as one of the stronger females, that's what she's planning?

Edgar rolls a 2 for movement. + 2 = 4 total.
Edgar moves to Burrow Entrance B (cell 7) and Searches, but finds nothing.

Inna is up.
