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ranger Test Thread

Re: ranger Test Thread

"Sure, I should be able to handle that," Revalli replied to Vala's suggestion, practicing guiding Night around with her knees.
Re: ranger Test Thread

The ride around town was peaceful and indeed it was strange to tower above some of the villagers now. Many waived at her as they went about rebuilding. Vala of course lead them along various ground from the hard dirt path leading into the village to the small cobble stone near the center and even a somewhat muddy abandoned field. All the while Vala spoke to Revalli about riding offering her little tips when she had and difficulty with the route. In the end it was safe to say that she could ride Night fairly well though her butt was a little sore from the sitting on the firm saddle.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli let herself relax and enjoy the ride, waving back to the townsfolk as she passed. She followed Vala's lead and her instructions, and as good a study as she was took in every tidbit of information the more experienced rider gave her. Even when she got a little sore, she didn't complain, knowing she would have to get used to it. A little stretching and some healing magic would probably help with that, but she also wanted to acclimate a bit naturally to it as well. "How long have you been riding Vala?" She asked, trying to fill for time while she got used to riding Night.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Oh about four years or so. Sam on the other hand been riding for about 12. Of course he was destined to be a knight me no so much." Vala led Surgar closer to Night so the two woman could talk easier. "In fact hes the one who taught me to ride."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Really? I'll be playing catch up for the entire trip... Oh well, at least I'll have good teachers. How did he... You know... Find his calling? Were you born into a noble house? And what makes you say you're not just as cut out for it?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"I wouldn't worry Revalli your a natural." Vala smiled at Revalli before turning her head and speaking on the other mater. "Samuel was born into the nobility and myself well lets just say my mother was a professional of another sort." If Revalli didn't seem to catch her drift Vala would simply say it. "She was a courtesan at the silken princess. Our father was a rambunctious youth when he met my mother. From what I heard from my mother was their love making was the stuff of legends." Vala smirked "She was a free spirit so much like the nymphs she admired and tried to emulate. Anyway when my fathers family heard of the scandal they made him claim witchcraft or sorcery had ensnared him to commit such acts. I assume that most woman would break down in tears over such a betrayal but not my mother. She laughed it off like a game or joke. Maybe it was her long life that let her see that it would all pass." Vala shrugged. "Anyway my younger brother Samuel was born too as his family called it a proper woman and for the most part they seemed happy. Anyway I won't bore you with all the details but eventually it all came to a head. I promised my father I would watch over and assist Sam and well here I am.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli only looked puzzled, having been fairly sheltered by her parents, necessitating Vara's added explanation. She looked shocked, initially, but then simply nodded and let the matter drop. It was easy for her to forget that Vara was half elf, indeed for her thinking about someone as human was the odd notion for her given how rarely she'd been exposed to her people's more short lived neighbors out in her parents' secluded tower. "She wounds like quite a woman.... Your mother."

"How long a ride is it to the city again?" She asked curiously, after a moment's silence.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Vara smiled sadly "She was.. she was." Turning her head away a moment she spoke again. "Well we still need to gather some supplies but if we don't rush the horses or encounter any trouble it should take about a fortnight, but sense we don't have to worry about heavy armor we could take a more direct path saving us about five days or so. I planned to go over it with Sam before deciding."

Leading the horses back to the stable Vara dismounted and helped Revalli down. "Don't worry the shakiness will pass as you get more accustomed to riding. Ill go talk to Sam about the various routes you can come along if you wish."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli didn't miss the implication, but let it pass by, not wishing to open old wounds relating to Vala's mother. "Okay," She replied, "Well, I'm sure you two will come to a decision. I don't know these parts very well, so I'm afraid that any input on my part would be rather useless! If there's an issue with rough terrain though, I can help with that. Magic does have some benefits~"

When they were done with her first riding lesson, Revalli winced slightly as she got back to her feet, and ended up walking slightly awkwardly. "Uhhh, sure, I'll come with. Anyway, I'm sure I'll get used to it... So long as I'm riding you or your brother, anyway." Revalli completely missed her own suggestive faux-pas caused by an omitted word, unless Vala pointed it out anyway.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Vala only raised an eyebrow letting a slight smirk touch her lips before helping to steady Revalli. "Yeah it took me a while to get used to riding as well. I think it has to do with eleven hips and large animals." Helping her along till she caught her feet again Vala would lead them back to Sam who seemed to have finished his story for the children as we was alone sitting on a log looking over the peasant still at work. As they approached Vala spoke up causing Samuel to turn and wave at her but look at Revalli directly. "Hey none of that now Sam I need you in the here and now to go over the maps. I know we took the old fort road to get here but I was thinking sense its just me and Revalli we could take the shorter path threw the highlands." This seemed to break Sam out of his longing look and back to Vala who had pulled a map out of one of her bags.

Looking over it herself Revalli found it not as detailed as some of her fathers maps but close enough that it made for decent enough navigation. From what she could see of the map Reavlli saw the Old Fort road as Vala called it followed a wide path around a minor mountain range before curving sharply back to a road marked as the northern trade route. The other route which Vala traced with her finger didn't seem to have a road at all but lead threw a hilly terrain but brought them to the northern trade route much faster than the other.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Maybe..." Revalli lapsed into the silence, gradually recovering from her first riding session and getting her legs properly back under her. When they rejoined Samuel, Revalli would smile at him but let Vala keep him on topic, and observed the route they planned with a thoughtful frown. "The hills shouldn't be a problem... I grew up in the mountains back West, and I can help make the terrain more manageable where it proves troublesome. I've never traveled by horse before, but you two should be able to keep them out of trouble given your experience with them."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Vala nodded at Revalli's addition. "Aye it shouldn't be an issue as long as we don't run into a swamp or the like. I know that beavers in the area like to block streams." Sam grunted nearby "I would be more worried about bandits. Im still in no condition to fight which would leave you and Lady Revalli having to engage anything dangerous." Both warriors looked at the map with some concern leaving Revalli room to speak on the subject if she wanted.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"A swamp would be no issue for me. We'd have to move slowly, and it would be taxing, but I could get us through one. As for bandits, those I think we could probably handle... They can't be worse than orcs, right? And as for your injuries... Well, hold still a moment, let me see what I can do," She leaned toward him and made to brush a hand over his chest, using a minor cantrip to carefully check for his remaining injuries. Magic could only speed healing so much, but if she could hasten things any further or make him any more comfortable, she would do so.

(Diagnose from Body, possibly followed by Healing Grasp from Nature.)
Re: ranger Test Thread

Casting her magic and examining the knight Revalli found that he was mostly healed. The only lingering effects was the swelling associated with the bodies own healing nature. In fact the man would see full recovery which was a source of pride for the young witch. More healing magic wouldn't speed it along as the body needed time to cope in its own way. Though it was clear that Samuel could travel if he wanted too.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"You're alright," Revalli said proudly, "The aches you've still got are mostly just residual and from your body's natural healing. Magic won't speed that up any further."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Excellent then I will of course come with you." Turning to his sister he smiled. "Your plan is sound and with Lady Revalli with us I'm sure any issues we encounter should be minor." Vala nodded an rolled up the map. "So what one more day maybe two to wrap any unfinished business and to get one more riding lesson in for Revalli if she wants it?" Turning to her Vala spoke again. "Of course we can leave tomorrow morning if you want as well Revalli. What do you think?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Well, I'm not in any hurry, but I don't think I have anything unfinished to take care of here either, and getting this town some more significant help would probably be better sooner rather than later. You both have a better idea of the terrain and the need than I do, and I wouldn't mind the riding practice if you want to wait... But I think, if we can and you both feel ready, we should try and leave as soon as possible."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Having settled the plan the trio retired to their various activities of the night and for once Revealli was able to get a full nights rest. No strange children to annoy her or spirits to disturb her peace and even the weather was cooperating. The cool night quickly descended letting her tend to her sleep as she wished.

In the morning she found Vala readying the horses as well as checking over their rations. Sir Samuel was speaking with the acting Village council their conversation easy to hear. It seemed that he was leaving instructions while he was away and letting them know he would return with his house and retainers to bolster the town's defenses. For the most part they seemed pleased that he was willing to return and take charge of the settlement after all the previous lord had passed in battle with the orcs at the end of the last major battle. As soon as he had finished up with them her mounted his massive horse and waited for Revalli and Vala to get their own mounts set.

With a few goodbyes and the gaggle of orphans chasing after Vala crying the trio managed to slip away onto the paths leading from town. The would go cross country for awhile before meeting a road again but Revalli had learned a few of these paths already thanks to her nature magic and certain fairy who made sure that her own sack was packed with cookies made by a certain little girl.

For the most part the rough country wasn't too bad though at times a bit rough on Revallie's backside but with the thickness of the trees and other flora they had to walk their mounts a fair bit. Still once they breached the woods and made it past the swampy ground they where on the grasslands again. Already the hints of winter swirled in the air as ducks and other birds fled south for the warmer and more abundant feeding grounds of the south. It was here the first little mishap occurred with Samuel's tent catching fire from embers blown by the strong northern wind. This left a rather uncomfortable and cramped sleeping situation with all three of them sharing a tent. Revalli of course learned a few things the first few nights. One Samuel slept like a board and once asleep he was out. Two Vala gets touchy.. intimately so. It was fine when they had the space to sleep apart but with all three in one tent space was at a premium.

Still with that being the only major issue that occurred the trio made good time and made it to the trade road and turned south. Thankfully small towns and outpost dotted the road and restocking provisions and other items was easy todo and fairly cheap as outfitters and general store owners attempted to clear out as much old stock as possible to make room for preserves and other winter necessities. Afew storms did roll threw causing the trio to hunker in town for a few days but all in all they made it too Endus only half a week later than they had planned. As the trio approached the city they could see the charred remains of demon and men outside the gates. Stopping for some news Revalli heard that a new Lord Mayor has been selected and a demon/mercenary arm was defeated. Looking on Vala pulled up to Revalli and smiled. "Thats home sorry about the smell but after the damage done by the invaders the city's graveyard has been unaccessable. Though by the sounds of things it seems to be that things will start getting back to normal. Now Lady Revalli a few words of caution. Endus is a large city with a large element of crime. If you stick with me and Samuel you should be safe though. Now lets see... a few things you should know. One the city is run by a Lord Mayor and a council of guild representatives. The four major guilds are the Entertainment Guild, The Mercenary Council, The TriArch trading company, and the Merchant association. Not to mention the Temple of Justice, and the Eminent Mage's Tower. These groups and their subordinate guilds and factions run just about everything in Endus. Let me know if you have more questions about them. So any thoughts yet?"

Hearing Vala Revalli instead took in what she could of the outside of the city. Walls towering well over one hundred feet where adorned with large flags no doubt put out in celebration of their victory. Hundreds of banners lined the walls some chained together while others took up dozens of feet. The largest of these was a simple blue banner with a black Wolf or Warg head in profile. It lay over the gate that welcomed the travelers in. The gate itself was well made of reinforced stone with an iron portcullis resting behind the thick steel reinforced oaken doors. Outside the walls and ignoring the corpses piles of junk and shacks rested. They seemed abandoned now as if a refugee crisis had just ended. A moment later Samuel returned. "It seems that they are taking extra precautions after the battle so we will have to wait a moment before we are let in. Ive sent word to the temple of Justice and hopefully we will get a rush on our entrance.
Re: ranger Test Thread

The early morning preparations went smoothly, Samuel speaking to the village council while Vala got the horses ready, which Revalli would move to help her with. They were off quickly enough, and didn't run into any problems early on. She smiled when she noticed the sudden influx of freshly baked cookies, giving the helpful pixie a grateful nod if she ever spotted her directly, but otherwise continued on.

There was one minor disaster later, an unfortunate gust of wind carrying sparks to Samuel's tent and setting it alight. She quickly summoned water to extinguish it, but the damage was done and fixing the burnt hole was beyond her magical abilities or her physical ones, at least without materials to work with. Unfortunately, that left them all sharing a tent, and while Samuel she could put up with given how heavily he slept - even if it meant sleeping mostly clothed - but Vala's cuddliness was distinctly uncomfortable. Revalli had never had to deal with anything of the sort, and it became especially awkward when her pawing turned to outright groping.

Revalli put up with two days of that before she opted to sleep outside, using magic to form a temporary tent out of living plants for herself that night and deciding to just buy another tent at the next outpost that they stopped at.

After a few largely uneventful days of travel, they arrived at Endus, and Revalli looked upon the larger settlement with some trepidation as it loomed closer. She had been raised in scholarly isolation, had rarely had anyone else to speak with besides her parents and the occasional visitor or local faerie. The sight of charred, twisted corpses made her blanche and cover her nose, but even as she mostly averted her eyes Revalli noted the features on some of them. They were no natural mortals, some too small and some others sporting bony horns and wings and the like. Demons? Here? Why? How?

She was broken from her pondering by Vala, who opted to introduce her to the various parties involved in local politics. The young elf had no idea how to feel about the sudden rush of names and titles, all of it so far beyond her experience that she couldn't immediately hold all of the concepts. "What happened to block off the graveyard!?" She asked first, once Vala had finished.

"So there's a lot of... Crime. The guilds you mentioned don't do anything about it?"

She looked again to the walls, towering bastions of stone, no doubt warded to prevent someone like her from simply opening a hole in them with magic. They were adorned with numerous flags, one of the largest a blue banner with a black wolf's head on it, but as she examined them Samuel returned and explained that the recent battle had inspired some precautions from the people of the city. "Alright," she replied, "what are we doing first? Going to this... Temple? Did you find out what happened here?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

Vala blushed clearly not meaning to overwhelm Revalli with such detail. "Well when the invaders came as with most cities they fell from the sky. Initially the Endus guard was overwhelmed but the invaders chew off more than they knew." Vala pointed to the various banners on the walls. "Given its location Endus is a magnet for mercenary groups from all over the lands. In return for being host for such a contentious lot the mercenary companies are required to defend Endus during times of war. It was the only reason they city survived. It was still a close battle and in the end as the Mayor lead the counter offensive threw out the city one of the massive invaders ships struck the city with a magical beam. Any in the immediate effect where incinerated. However the mage's where able to shield a good portion of the city. The rest is in ruin and filled with left overs and monsters that have moved in." Vala sighed looking at the various banners. It was then Samuel spoke up. "Aye we lost alot of good folk that day but the city survived. Of course the influx of refugees has been alot to contend with. The city guard only being a shell of its self cannot police everyone and everything and the mercenary companies are only required to defend Endus no police it. Though the Black Wargs often do that in the section of the city they hold. Nodding at the large banner Samuel turned to answer the next set of questions. "Apparently one of the outcast companies run by one of the syndicates in the city tried to ally themselves with a demon. Needless to say such alliances usual end poorly. They surprised the city and attacked trying to wrest control from the council but once again as all invaders find out, Endus dose not roll over and die easily. I hear a wandering hero managed to defeat the leaders of the forces while the mercenaries kept the demon army at the walls. Looks like it happened just as we left for here. Once we get our summons we should be allowed into the temple.