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ranger Test Thread

Re: ranger Test Thread

After splinting the angel's wing and magically healing it as much as she was able, Revalli sighed and leaned against a tree adjacent to the one that she'd left the wounded woman lying against. Lying her head against it, the elf rested for a moment before sighing and opening her mind to examine the view of her summoned creature. It had caught and delivered a deer to those that it was supposed to protect, which was good, and so she closed her eyes and took full control of the creature briefly. It walked into the chamber containing the woman, her brother, and the children she had rescued. The cat paused for a moment before speaking in the elf's own voice; "Vara... Don't be alarmed, I've rescued the people from the village, but there were... Complications. I'll be sending them back shortly, but for now, I need to summon something in order to help me carry someone. To do that, I need to release this one. The orcs are all dead, so you shouldn't have anything more to worry about in the immediate future. I'll be back soon."

With that, Revalli dispelled the cat, summoned another bear to replace it so that she could carry the wounded angel, and then returned to the villagers. To them, she simply said; "I'm back. Here's an angel. Take care of her, make sure that she doesn't fall off, and get back to the village as soon as you can. Vara's there, she'll look after you, I'm going to go and find that orc that I shot down and make sure that he won't be coming back. Ever. I'll get back to you as soon as I can." And with that she was off again, heading into the woods in the direction of the place where the orc should have fallen to the earth.

Summon another bear, a 4th level nature spell. It'll be identical to the other one, and she'll have it cart the angel and all of her shit back to the villagers and tell them to go back to town, and then go off with Fluffems and the other bear to find the orc.
Assuming of course that no crisis mysteriously develop.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Vara did indeed looked shocked but simply nodded at the suddenly speaking cat the shock clearly stealing her tongue for a moment. Dismissing the cat Revalli summoned another bear that looked exactly like the other one and in fact when they met the two spirit bears looked at each other confused for a moment before moving away from each other. When Revalli entered the former orc camp she could see the villagers had been very industrious indeed everything of value that could be salvaged and take had been and a few of the men folk even took a few of the rifles the orcs had been using. Making her presence know again Revalli soon got swarmed with thankful townspeople again their bodies pressing closer to their savior thankfully before they trampled her the medivac bear with the angel came into view. This got the villagers attention and drew it away from Revalli as they soon clustered around the bear the massive beast still inspiring fear even though the Revalli had assured them it was not hostile. It was probably good for the angel as well sense being injured and then sudden surrounded after a fight if she woke up things might get ugly. Issuing her orders to the villagers at which they quickly followed Revalli was able to make her way to the sight of the downed orc. It didn't as long as it had with the angel to find the orc after all he had made a very large impression as he fell to the earth. Seeing the corpse Revalli knew the beast was dead after all most things don't survive gaping chest holes that you can see through. Satisfied that this orc at lest wasn't going to terrorize anyone anytime soon Revalli could make her way to the village if she so chose.

1 angels feather
200 denari reward from the villagers once she gets back (choice of looted orc gear if she so desires)
8 xp for being a clever planner, not nuking everything that moves, and not letting me get away with bad guy escape shenanigans
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Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli stared down at the dead orc and pondered for a moment, wondering if she had really done the right thing. At her feet lay the ruins of a glorious specimen; thick bone and powerful muscle and pure, masculine strength combined with dedicated martial skill and metaphysical strength born of a dragon's soul. Now it was a twisted ruin of mangled flesh, a hole blasted in its chest and its limbs shattered and bent. A life claimed, stolen by a bent piece of her very own essence, and again Revalli wondered at her choice to come out here and join the fight against the orcs. She had executed her plan extremely well, and had it not been for the angel's interference she might have been able to kill the entire camp without any of them ever realizing that she was there.

"It's too late now..." she muttered quietly, and then sighed and scooped up the warrior's sword as a trophy if she could find it. After that, she headed back to the orc's camp in search of the villagers, keeping her two summoned allies with her until she had caught up to them and all of them were back in the town, safe as they could be in a place so badly scarred by war. Only when she was sure that there would be no further attacks did she dismiss her various magics, releasing the spell to enhance her perception and allowing the spirits of her summoned animals to return to the aether. Then, she sought out the only one that she knew of as a leader of this particular community, Vara, and addressed her; "I'd there anyplace for the wounded? We, uh... Found a hurt dove that needs tending." Revalli gestured towards the angel with the broken wings as she delivered her poorly worded attempt at making her find sound dramatic.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Vera looked stunned and so did the children though soon things where a buzz with activity. Many of the adults ran to their waiting children though some of the poor kids simply cried and clung to Vera their parents obviously not among the survivors. Still things seemed somewhat settled and with reunions done the peasants set about making room to sleep none to willing to check out the damage to the town just yet.

Revalli felt the mood around the area change it no longer seemed to be filled with such gloom. Sure a tragedy had occurred but with her direct intervention a bigger one was averted at lest for now. There was no way to tell if the townsfolk would survive the winter but that was hardly her concern. It wasn't long before the ruckus of her return to settle down and quiet began to fill the inn/pub when Vera caught her attention. "Revalli theirs not alot of room especially with the guest you brought with you but we saved you a room of your own it the best we can do for you at the moment and I know its not much but the sheets are clean and the bed is soft."

You may recharge and spend xp if you so desire
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli kept herself apart from the civilians as they had their reunion, glad at what she had done while simultaneously unhappy that this had happened at all. When Vera came up to her, Revalli offered the woman a wan smile and replied; "Thank you Vera, but I have a little bit of strength left. If you could tell me where your brother and the angel were taken to, I'd like to check on them before I turn in." Once she was sure that her two charges were recovering properly from their injuries, only then would Revalli go to her own room and take her nightly rest.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Of course Revalli this way." Vera lead the girl to upper floor where she pointed out three rooms. "This one we set aside for you. Me and my brother will be in the one down at the end of the hall and the angel is across from yours. I will go tend to the villagers and make sure we have someone on watch tonight." Vera headed down stairs leaving Revalli to do as she wished. Checking on the Angel who was closest she found her still resting though she was tossing and turning a little in her sleep. Checking on the knight Revali found he was awake and resting. He smiled at Revalli as she opened the door to take a peak and beside being a little pale looked none the worse for ware.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Thank you Vera," Revalli said after taking a peek into each room, "Your brother is already awake, so I'll just make sure that he recovers quickly and then go and see my other patient." Stepping inside and offering a hesitant smile back at the man, the first human that she'd ever met, Revalli strode over to him and began her healing. As she worked her magics, restoring his body's vitality and hopefully ensuring that he would be up and about the very next day, Revalli said; "Hello... You were pretty banged up when I found you... What happened to you out there? It's been so crazy today... I don't think I ever caught your name, did I? I've met your sister, Vera, and I went out to rescue your neighbors..."

After she was finished with Vera's brother, Revalli bid him and his sister good night before heading over to the angel's room. She did what she could to make the woman winged comfortable in her bed and ease her wounds. The angel's broken wings were an unknown quantity, but she hoped that she'd set them properly and that her healing magic would cause them to knit together as they would for any other bone. Once she had expended all of her magical energies for the day, Revalli stumbled her way into her room, stripped out of her boots and traveling clothes, and climbed into her bed. The elf was asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow, and she slept the sleep of the dead even as nightmares of violence threatened her, the pain that she'd inflicted on the orcs buried beneath all the effort she'd spent on healing perhaps, but hardly absolved completely. Still, her exhaustion kept the guilt at bay admirably, and she awoke well rested the next day unless something acted to change that.

I spent my 8 exp on the Healer Talent. Thought it might be appropriate.
Re: ranger Test Thread

The knight smiled at Revalli brilliant white teeth showing that he was indeed from a fine pedigree. "Im Samuel Bladeborn." He smiled again meeting Revalli's eyes. "I want to thank you for all your help and for rescuing the towns people. I would give you a proper greeting but I seemed to have taken an orc spear to my chest." He chuckled lightly seemingly brushing off his close call with death. "I hear that you are to thank for that as well. As for what happened today my small contingent of knights where sent from the Temple of Justice in Endus to retrieve a holy relic. Instead we found an orc raiding party. I lost many good men today." It seemed with that the conversation died. Revalli finished up her healing and made to leave when Sir Bladeborn spoke again. "My lady I never did get your name. I will need to know who to reward and praise for saving my life and the freedom of the townsfolk." It was up to Revalli to give out that information if she wanted to or not either way she would see to the angel and call it a night.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli couldn't help but smile back at the wounded knight after his compliments, a slight color even coming across her cheeks. "You needn't thank me... I don't think I could have done any less. I just wish that I could have saved more, or kept this from happening at all!" the elven maiden replied softly, and then fell into contemplation regarding the knight's quest. She thought to ask what he'd been searching for, but decided that it was a secret better left for later, and finished her healing in relative silence. When she turned to leave, and he asked for her name, Revalli glanced over her shoulder and replied; "Revalli."

With that, she went over to the angel, did whatever she could for the winged women, and then went to bed.
Re: ranger Test Thread

The morning was soon upon her as the pale fall light entered her room. It seemed the storm from the night before had passed. The distant sound of a hammer echoed into Revalli's ears but it could be ignored easily enough if she wanted to. It seemed however that a pair of eyes where watching her from the foot of her bed. It seemed one of the children from the town was staring at her.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli slowly opened her eyes and stretched, yawning, as pale sunlight streamed into the room. Wiping the blurriness from her eyes and still not fully awake, the elven witch pushed the covers aside, leaving her covered in nothing but her underclothes, and almost climbed out of bed before spotting the eyes staring at her. Giving a startled gasp, Revalli quickly covered herself up and shouted; "What are you doing in here?!"
Re: ranger Test Thread

It looked to be a little girl with hazel eyes and red hair. Her face was dirty and her cloths ragged but she was openly staring at Revalli. As if to answer the witches question the little girl simply looked right into her eyes and spoke. "You feel funny." And like that she was off running away from the tired mage.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Feel... Funny? Hey!" Revalli said, confused by the little girl's statement, and she almost went tearing off after the child in her underclothes as she went running out of the room. Grumbling a number of fairly inconsiderate things under her breath, Revalli dressed in the same slightly worn garments that she'd worn the previous day, frowning and shivering as the damp clothes clung to her flesh. After she was dressed, the elf started off the day by checking on her two patients, starting with Vera's brother, Samuel.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli headed for the door and opened it only to get a surprise. It seemed Sir Bladeborn was in the middle of changing cloths when Revalli entered. Though for the brife moment of shock she could clearly see that Samual was well endowed. Covering himself up and blushing Samual made for a privacy screen. "Sorry sorry Lady Revalli I didn't know you where coming in I...." There was a stumble and a short ow as the privacy screen shook a little before Samual spoke again. "Im okay Im okay just tripped." What ever Revalli made of that situation was up to her.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli froze in place after opening the door, her face instantly turning bright red as her eyes widened to the point that she had a deer-in-the-headlights sort of look on her face. Her gaze swept over the mostly naked human man in the brief moment before he managed to recover from the shock and cover up, taking in his muscular body and impressive package as quickly as she could. It was her first time seeing a man naked in light that would allow her to actually see, and a small primal part of her certainly seemed to like what it saw given the sudden flutter in her belly, but mostly she was just surprised and embarrassed.

"Uhhh... S... Sorry!" she stuttered loudly, carefully closing the door behind herself while retaining her blush. "Uhm... I was just... Just looking in... To make sure that you're fine.... Uh! I mean... Make sure that you're... Alright... Haha." Pausing after her nervous laugh, Revalli winced as she heard him stumble, and before she could stop herself or think better of the idea, she rushed around the screen to ensure that he hadn't reopened any of the wounds that she'd healed. "Are you sure you're okay? You didn't open up any of your wounds did you?" she asked urgently, checking him over for wounds. She was so preoccupied that she stumbled herself, tilting forward and likely ending up sprawled out on top of him if he hadn't recovered enough to catch her.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli tripped sending her self tumbling into Samuel who didn't have the time to fully recover from his own stumble. Both of them hit the floor with Revalli on top. This had two effects one Revalli could see that Samuel was as much embarrassed as Revalli and two her was also slightly aroused which Revalli could feel threw her own cloths. Trying to keep his composure and reaching for a sheet Samuel spoke. "Im sorry my Lady I should have locked the door. Im afraid Ive shamed us both." His hand finally found the sheet and began to pull it close so he could cover himself once Revalli got up that is if she wanted to.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli laid out on top of Samuel, frozen in place as her face burned with embarrassment. She budged an inch just before she felt something stiffen and twitch against her clothed stomach, and glanced down to see the knight's previously impressive (not that she'd actually know that) package hardening, which somehow caused her to grow even redder than she'd been before. He broke the tension first by reaching for a sheet with which to cover himself, and Revalli pressed her hands against his chest and awkwardly pushed herself up, though for a moment it might have seemed like she was trying to push him down, that she might crawl on top of him.

"Oh, no! It was my fault entirely!" the elven mage replied quickly and breathlessly, her face still crimson as she dusted herself off and stared down at Samuel's prone form. And stared. And stared. Without moving, for several seconds or until he covered his nudity once again, after which she cleared her throat and stepped away, her eyes still glued to the naked human as she muttered, "I, uhhh, should have knocked... It wasn't... Y.. Your fault at all, sir Bladeborn! Completely my fault! I'll just... Get out of your way!" She hurried out of the room and shut the door behind herself without looking back, but then slumped against the wall and sighed.

'You're an idiot... Should have knocked first....' she thought to herself, but then shook her head and sighed again. 'No point sitting around out here...' Wiping the nervous sweat from her forehead, Revalli climbed back to her feet and proceeded to the room in which she had left the wounded angel to rest, hoping to find her well.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Lady Revalli...." Samuels voice was drowned out by the door closing and Revalli scolding herself. Collecting her composure she soon opened the angels door. Upon entering Revalli could see the angel had indeed awoke and in fact was looking out of the now open window. In the light of day Revalli could see the angel clearly. She had hair the color of molten silver and icy blue eyes. Her skin had a slight tan to it from long hours spent under the sun. Her white wings shown brilliantly in the sunlight and the tips of them looked to have been dipped into the same molten silver as her hair. The bandages that where on the woman's wings the night before where discarded next to a washbasin full of bloody water. "I see you rescued the villigers thank you for that. Also I would like to thank you for tending to my wounds. You have a healers touch." The angle turned away from the window and went to the side of the bed and began collecting her gear waiting for any questions Revalli may have if any.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli stood in the doorway, frowning slightly but not interrupting as the angel gave her thanks. When given an opportunity to question the woman, she said; "I didn't do it for you... But, uhh, you're welcome. Are you sure you're alright? I didn't have a chance to look at your wings before you unwrapped them..." Revalli trailed off and glanced aside for a moment before looking back at the angel and continuing; "What were you doing out there? I thought that angels weren't supposed to directly involve themselves in mortal combat."

'That's what my parents always told me...' she thought to herself, frowning. After a moment the elf added; "What will you do now? I'm sorry I didn't collect your armor, but I could barely move you without it... It's probably still lying where you fell. I could go with you to retrieve it, I think I might be able to find my way out there... Or call for someone who can."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"I will be alright thanks to your efforts." The angel spread her wings filling the room with their span. "My wings are as good as new a little sore but that is to be expected." After folding her wings back to rest the angel turned about and looked at Revalli. "Is that so? Sadly I have had no contact with my kin so I do not know their feelings on the matter. As for what I was doing out there its a personal matter that I do not wish to share but I thank you for healing me." The angel looked at Revallii seemingly staring into her soul. "I will continue with my mission of course and if you would guide me to my armor or find someone willing to I would be most appreciative."