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ranger Test Thread

Re: ranger Test Thread

"Oh, is it just ending?" Revalli asked, disappointment in her voice. Refugees, the homeless, drifters, those seeking any aid that they could get... She had hoped for color, for personalities of interest, to see what civilization was really like in the theater district, but so far had been disappointed since leaving the theater in which Vala had met her friend. At least there was one show playing here. "Ahhh, well... What's playing? Perhaps we can see the next one!"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Why yes the actors are currently having a break. They should be ready in a half hour or so. We are currently doing an episodic play that stretches over multiple days. Lucky for you today is this week is the debute of part one! It is called a Knights Story." The older man coughed muttering something about a better title in the works before turning his full attention to Revalli." Would the fair lady like to the show?
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli's eyebrow rose. Not that most creative of names, by any means, but it was a performance to see at least. "Ahhh, yes! I think I would, yes... Uhh, how much is it per ticket?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

Looking to Revalli and then to Shala the man smiled. "Well for such a distinguished person to patronage our humble theater is a great honor the first show will be free." The olderman bowed before gesturing to Revalli to enter the building. If allowed the man would escort her and Shala to a private balcony seat that gave a good view of the stage. From here Revalli saw the actors and stage hands prepping the set or resting off stage. Bowing once again the man left. After a moment Shala called to her. "Mistress I shall watch the door so that you are undisturbed... I don't like the look of some of these stage hands."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Oh... Thank you!" Revalli replied, beaming. She hadn't even been thinking about money, but apparently that wasn't a concern... She would have to see if she could recommend the show to anyone important, as thanks.

Once she and Shala had been guided to a private booth, Revalli glanced somewhat scathingly at her guide. "Oh, don't be so worrying... Here, if this will make you feel better." She gave an unnecessary flick of her fingers, and a glowing image took form below her outstretched hand. It solidified into the form of a lynx, which gazed up disdainfully at the feline humanoid before going out to watch the door.

"I'll know if someone is coming to disturb us," she explained, before smiling. "Relax Shala, you've done quite well so far today, and I quite like having you around." With that, unless her assistant opted to put up a fight, Revalli would settle in to watch the show be put together and, hopefully, be put on.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli sat in her seat watching the final preparations with Shala beside her. It wasn't long before the set had been cleared and made ready for the next performance. As she watched from her heightened position Revalli could see the various masses of Endus come into the theater. After awhile however the doors leading to the main chamber closed casting the theater into darkness with the exception of the stage. Illuminated by the magic lights Revalli could see the faint outlines of the crew move them about to get the perfect illumination on stage. Once in place the curtains pulled back revealing a backdrop that depicted a castle courtyard. Its edges shimmered slightly to her trained eye, hinting at the light magic used in its creation. At one of the physical props a young woman stood in a squires outfit, hacking at the dummy. She was about average size for a woman with thick blonde hair tied up in a bun to keep her eyes free of the strands. From the right a man in armor came striding into view. He was tail his dark hair graying with a large bush mustache and beard.

They both stood still when a soft voice echoed out. "Our tale today is the story of Lady Elonora, currently a squire. Will she become a legend or will fate send her course in another direction.


The woman looked back and smiled. "Father!"

The two met with a hug that lasted a long moment before separating. "I have some good news. Your application has been accepted." Older man smiled. "You will become an apprentice of the Silver Order."

The lights dimmed and the pattern on the back display shifted to a city on flames. After a moment more narration began.

"Elonora would arrive at Lion Heart Keep the current headquarters for the Silver Order, Unaware the fate that had fallen her home and her father.
The lights came up revealing the stage full of various actors in their mock sword battles. Of importance was the older man from before, standing in the middle a foot on a defeated foe. A younger man approached his costume battle-wore.

"Sir we've been cut off from the rest of our forces!"

The older man looked off stage before speaking. "Gather who you can we will try to break out and rejoin the garrison. Be quick the enemy will surely strike soon."

A booming voice echoed from off stage. "No need Sir Bernard. I am here for you already!" All around the other actors dropped their fake swords and began to run off stage leaving Sir Bernard alone to draw his blade as a handsome man in dark steel armor stepped into the scene. Looking about he scoffed. "If only your men where half as brave as you." Turning his eyes back to Sir Bernard he smiled. "Now my old friend lets end this humm."

At once Sir Bernard dashed forward bringing his blade up in a slash only to be deflected away. Thankfully the older man was able to dodge the counter easy enough. Stepping back the two men circled each other on stage. This time the dark knight made a move. He was faster than the old knight but where youth and vigor were his friend the older man had experience. Blocking the blade with his own Sir Bernard slid in and bash the dark knight with his shoulder causing him to stumble and drop his blade. Falling back Sir Bernard pointed his blade at his foe.

"This ends now Vincent. Bringing his blade back Sir Bernard was about to strike when the dark knight laughed.

"Indeed! Indeed it dose!" Suddenly the dark knight extended his hand shooting black lighting from his finger tips striking Sir Bernard, who shuddered for a bit and fell to his knees all the while the Dark Knight laughed and the lights dimmed and the curtains began to close.

"And so the Brave Knight Bernard, Lady Elonora's father fell in battle. The news of his death would invigorate her as nothing before, her heart set for revenge out heroine would train for the fateful day she met her fathers murderer.

The lights would come on full and the cast would take their bows to some clapping and cheering. The old man from before would thank them all and inform the audience that next part would be in a weeks time.