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Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

(The groups trapped in low ground. The higher you get, the closer you get to the enemy.)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva, filled with self morale, drew her sword, and pointed it in the direction of the Orc slavers in front of them, "We push our way through!" she announced to the group, "We mustn't let them surround us! We must charge forward, defeat the four in the front, then vanquish the ones that come from behind!"

Sword in hand, Shiva snarls at the Orcs in front with malicious intent, ready to lead the charge forward at the Orcs.

( Shiva is positioned at the front, ready to charge at their foes. )
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Lilliana starts swinging her head back and forth, looking at at the orcs surrounding them. "Uhh which ways north again?" she asks, and then sticks her finger in her mouth, and holds it up to the wind. "Ahh got it," she says, "I'll stay back." She then draws an arrow and readies herself to shoot at the first enemy to come within range.

(Position: Middle of the group)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

"sigh...Orc slavers, looks like we need to beat them to proceed" Celes advanced, with her sword in hand

front of the group
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Kaye enters a fighting stance when she realizes the orcs have the group surrounded. "Orcs are creatures of evil. We must defeat them without quarter."

(front of the group)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

The orcs from the front and back advance down into the valley a short distance, moving cautiously and blocking off either escape route.

(Orcs A-D are 40 feet to the North, Orcs E-H are 40 feet to the South. The party has the initiative. Kaye, Celes, and Shiva stand in front while Lilliana stands in the middle at the bottom and Siehydra stands at the back. I'm still working on the map idea.)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Lilliana readies an arrow, drawing it back very slowly and prepares to fire as soon as any orc moves into her range. "Their evil right," she asks no one in particular. "Okay then i guess its okay to fight then," she replies to her own question.

(Action: Attack as soon as there is a target in range)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Siehydra readied two throwing pins in her hands and decided that the one that was yelling was right. They had to break through the middle so they wouldn't be surrounded. She did say to Shiva even though her back was turned to her, "Welllllll someone's excited." Even though if you looked at the elf it probably looked like she was excited as well with her fierce smile....

(Double attack one's in front)
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Kaye shuffles forward slowly, not wanting to get too far ahead of the others. She was confident in her martial abilities, but not enough to risk fighting four orcs at once. She maintains a ready fighting pose, one foot forward, the other planted and ready to launch her forward in an attack, while her hands hover in front of her, ready to defend and counterattack if necessary.

(not exactly sure how combat works. move north 10 feet, attack if one gets close, otherwise defend)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva held her sword steady in both of her hands, and advanced with her group, on the defensive until they reach the Orcs in front of them.

( Stay with group moving up the hill towards the Orcs, and attack when in range )
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Celes stay with group moving up the hill towards the Orcs, and attack when in range
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

(Note on roll transparency: As is, I show all the rolls for combat in my posts so players can tell me when I make a mistake. I may look confusing, but here's how it works: Roll [whatever I get off of the dice] + Stat Modifier [If there's more than one, I just put the total here] + Misc Bonuses [Total, come from spell effects and such. May be negative.] = Total vs The same for the enemy == result. If you don't want to see the rolls, just let me know. Also, damage is just totaled.)

The orcs in front and back rush into the valley, seeing the group attempt to move toward the other end of the ravine. The close range fighters in the group meet the forward orcs in combat, as the ranged fighters open fire on them as well.

Siehydra: 9+47-2 = 54 vs 38+10 = 48 == hit. 12 damage, spread between Orcs A and B. Gains 8 Armor until next round.
Shiva: 33+20+4 = 58 vs 20+10 = 30 == hit. 15 damage on Orc A. Gains 5 Armor until next round.
Kaye: 4+26+4 = 34 vs 37+10 =47 == miss.
Celes: 16+33+5 = 55 vs 42+10 = 52 == hit. 11 damage on Orc B. Gains 19 Armor until next round.
Lilliana: 29+32+3 = 64 vs 50+10 = 60 == hit. 10 damage on Orc A. Gains 14 Armor until next round.

(Innocent Mischief you forgot to add your bow and arrows to your character sheet. You get either a patched short bow or a stick and string long bow, you pick, though for this round you only get your d6+bonuses damage. Also, you hit him when he had a roll of 50 with a 29. Blarg.)

The fighters cut into the orcs, two of those charging in from the front taking needles from Siehydra, and one of those taking an arrow from Lilliana, but both just grunt and keep coming, not even bothering to pull the projectiles out. As they close into melee range with the advancing warriors, Shiva cuts into the lead orc, he falls to the dirt, out of the fight. Celes gives the orc with just the needle a nasty gash, but he shrugs it off.

The orcs from the South advance down unhindered, preparing to attack Siehydra and Lilliana. The orcs from the North prepare to engage the warriors that just killed one of them.

(If you want the blood toned down, just ask.)
(Orc B has 17 damage. Orcs B-D gain 7 Armor until next round, Orcs E-H gain 3 Armor until next round.)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

(Going with the stick and string long bow, Thanks)

Lilliana smiles as her arrow hits her target. Quickly drawing another one, she prepares to shoot again, then stops. Suddenly spinning around when she notices the orcs approaching from behind, she quickly adjusts her aim and lets an arrow fly.

(Action: Attack an orc from the South.)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Kaye uses the momentum from her missed attack to launch into another vicious strike on a different orc. After finishing that strike, she rushes forward yet again, releasing a "KI-YAH!" as her foot flies towards the monster.

(2 attacks on Orc C)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Seeing that the orcs up ahead where in close range with her comrades she didn't want to hit them with her needles on accident. Turning her attention to to the advancing orcs on her and the archer she faced the same direction as the archer and threw two more needles at those orcs.

(Attack two orcs from the same direction as Liliana)

(( Only thing I'm curious about is why minus 2 to my attack but I'm guessing that's because I double attacked XD ))
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Celes send a second attack to the orc B, trying to reduce the amount of opponents

(action attack orc B)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

(Needles give -2 to attacks.)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva notices some of her comrades attacking the orcs in the back, and tries to rally them, while trying to keep the fight up right where she was with another orc, "Don't falter!" she shouts, "We mustn't let them box us in! Destroy one side, then focus on the other!" Shiva joins Celes' attack against the Orc, trying to overwhelm the monster with team work.

( Shiva attacks Orc B )
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Siehydra: 47+47-2 = 82 vs 14+10+3 = 27 == hit. 10 damage on Orc E. Gains 8 armor until next round.
Shiva: 15+20+4 = 39 vs 9+10+7 = 26 == hit. 12 damage on Orc B. Gains 11 Armor.
Kaye: 49+26+4 = 79 vs 8+10+3 = 21 == hit. 7 damage on Orc C. Gains 1 Armor.
Celes: 1+33+1 = 39 vs 39+10+7 = 56 == miss.
Lilliana: 14+32-3 = 43 vs 12+10 = 22 == hit. 6 damage on Orc E. Gains 14 armor.

The warriors continue to batter at the orcs, though none of them fall, an orc dodging Celes attack completely. And now the enemy was closing on all sides.......

Orc B: 40+12 = 52 vs 21+20+11 = 52 == missed Shiva with his net.
Orc C: 9+12 = 21 vs 24+20+11 = 55 == missed Shiva with his net.
Orc D: 41+12 = 53 vs 5+25 = 30 == 23 grapple points on Celes with net. Gains 5 armor.

Orc E: 18+12 = 30 vs 37+15+9 = 61 == missed Lilliana with net.
Orc F: 35+12 = 47 vs 16+15+9 = 40 == 7 grapple points on Lilliana with net.
Orc G: 47+12 = 59 vs 49+22+8 = 79 == missed Siehydra with net.
Orc H: 46+12 = 58 vs 24+22+8 = 54 == 4 grapple points with net on Siehydra.

The orcs throw their nets, thinking the cramped quarters would allow them to easily snare their prey. The orcs particularly wanted to take the troublesome Shiva out of the fight, who had killed one of their number and brought a second to the brink of death. They were to be mostly denied, however, as Shiva dodged both of the nets thrown at her. Lilliana and Siehydra were unable to avoid the orcs nets, however, and both were entangled by the orcs nets, though both were just barely contained. Celes overbalance from her missed swing allowed one orc to cover her fully in its net.

(Orc B is down to 1 hp. Orc E has taken 16 damage and Orc C has taken 7. Celes, Siehydra, and Lilliana are all grappled.)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Siehydra claws at her bounds. Her smile turned goofy again instead of fierce. "Well, this can't be good. At least they didn't knock my favorite needle out of my mouth..." She said as she was trying to escape. Briefly making sure it was still in her mouth with her lips she continues to try to crawl out of her net.

(Attempt escape)