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Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 22, 2010
Reputation score
Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine
NOTE: This was originally a chat RP using a different system, so the first batch of posts might be a little short and not necessarily follow DG mechanics, in terms of the first battle. I'll try my best to simply indicate successes and failures, however.

Llæwyn took a step outside of her house, letting the grand sight of her home village, Grenwyll, unfold before her. Like all of the others in this community, her wooden hut was suspended high in the trees, connected to various others through a network of finely made bridges and sturdy platforms, bordered with railings on practically every edge. The forest canopy was perhaps only a few stories above her head, with rays of sunlight peering through and providing a generally pleasant atmosphere. Grenwyll was located here thanks to humans--or rather, the elves' general distrust of them, given the history between the two races. With this collection of homes being mostly out of sight, a ground-dwelling traveler could pass through this forest without ever knowing that an elven town lurked just above them.

The green-haired beauty wasn't given much time to admire the scenery, however, as a little girl came scampering across one of the bridges and stopped right before the warrior, panting with her hands on her knees. She knew the child as Wyne, who was very much like a younger sister to her. The diminuitive elf looked up at her rolemodel with some noticeable urgency in her bright eyes.

"Big sis Llæwyn! The First Elder wants to see you... He said it was kinda important."
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn stepped out of her home into a simply beautiful day. She paused for a moment to enjoy it, looking up at the canopy of the large tree her little hut was built in, the light filtering down onto her face through the broad leaves. Unfortunately she wasn't allowed to enjoy the morning for very long, as a little girl ran across one of the bridges that led into the village, quite fast. It was Wyne, a cute young elf she treated as a younger sister. "Hey there, what's got you running so hard to see me?" the elven warrior asked, raising an eyebrow as the girl panted. There was that certain amount of youthful exuberance in Wyne, which was to be expected, but it wasn't normal for her to tire herself out so just getting here. When the girl had said her piece, the warrior scratched the side of her head, looking up at the leaves again. "The First Elder, huh? I suppose I'll just have to go see him" she said, starting to walk along the path towards the First Elder's residence at a brisk pace, curious as to why she was being sent for.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Stray, curly locks of pink hair clung to the edges of the girl's face, stuck there with traces of her sweat as she caught her breath and nodded twice in confirmation. "Yah, I was playing outside with the others when he told me to come getcha, so I did. Wonder what it is..." Wyne trailed off with a shrug.

As Llæwyn began to make her way towards the First Elder's house, which was practically across the entire village from her, she could tell that Wyne was right behind her, following her like a shadow. The younger elf saw the warrior as someone to emulate, and would often repeat catchphrases that Llæwyn used when conversing with some of her similarly-aged peers. Whether or not the green-haired woman wanted it, she had something of a little sister, at least in terms of roles if not blood, despite being an only child, herself.

"I know he's prolly gonna send you on something dangerous, since you're one of the strongest in our village. I hope it doesn't involve humans..." said Wyne with a worried look, perhaps to the older elf as much as herself.

It took quite a while to finally make it to the Elder's house. There were four officials in total, one for North, South, East, and West. The First Elder, as he was called, lived on the western side of the village, and was the oldest of them all. While each elder took care of minor issues on their respective ends of Grenwyll, it was the First who oversaw most of the important ones.

When Llæwyn arrived, she could hear some discussions being conducted from within. The door was nothing more than a few flaps of fabric woven from plant fibers, and the warrior knew that she was welcome to enter as she pleased. Grenwyll was a very collectivist community, and as such, privacy often took second fiddle to many other matters.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn was sometimes annoyed by the fact that her home was so far from the Elder's house, considering how much she dealt with him. She probably should have built her house on a slightly closer edge of the village, or maybe not on the edge of the village at all. Still, it wasn't bad to walk, right? Wyne followed along close behind her, as always, which made Llæwyn grin. Though the little girl wasn't kin, she loved her as if she were. She was the little sister the warrior had always wished she had. "So what if it does? I'll just deal with them like I always have" she replied to Wyne's worrying, flexing a muscle for the young elf following her in an exaggerated, bragging way. It probably does have to do with the filthy little small-ears Llæwyn thought, inwardly groaning despite her outward appearance. Humans had always been a problem for the elves, but it had gotten steadily worse. Once they got to the Elder's home she could hear discussion taking place inside, but didn't think much of it. She lightly rapped her knuckles against the frame where a door would normally stand and then entered a few seconds later.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

The First Elder could be seen standing next to a wooden table, looking down at a finely detailed map, and mumbling something about the spots that were marked with black circles, which were scattered about. "...these are the common origin points of the troubles I had mentioned..." he went on before looking up towards Llæwyn.

Across the table from him was Aeron, a handsome young warrior whom many considered to be Llæwyn's only equal, in terms of age to skill ratio. He was always polite to her, however, and never insulting, at least not outright. With dark green hair and calm gray eyes, he was something of a rising star amongst the village's swordsmen and admired by many, especially the women, though he hadn't been seen actually spending with any of them. Aeron acknowledged her entry with a nod while the Elder got to talking.

"Ah, Llæwyn. Good of you to join us--there was a matter that I would have you look into, today..."
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn saw that the First Elder seemed to be discussing some maps with another young warrior, Aeron. He was a handsome elf, and quite skilled as a warrior, though Llæwyn still considered herself the better fighter. When acknowledged the elf lightly clapped a fist against her breast and bowed shallowly, replying "good morning, First Elder. What am I to do for the village today?"
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Wyne remained outside, knowing that this was a discussion between adults. However, it didn't stop the child from occasionally attempting to peer through the doorway, flanked by some of the other kids.

The Elder made a small motion with his hand to invite Llæwyn to the table, then pointed to the black spots carefully marked on the rather large map, which was not only one of their village, but of nearly the entire forest, and as such the parchment was flowing off the table.

"If you would kindly take a look here, these areas... here, here, and here, are places our regional scouts have noticed strange traces of Void energy from. We suspect that they are small portals, or rather apertures leading to the realm, and it is quite worrisome. Just the other day, Lynnea's home on the southern side of the village had fallen, as the tree it was built upon had its roots eaten away, presumably by some of the creatures that may have gotten through. Worse, it may have been damaged by the portals themselves. She is fine, although many of her belongings were destroyed. Such a thing has never before occurred in Grenwyll, and I would like you to try and determine the size of these, as well as the nature of the beings that have made it through."
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn made her way to the table without delay, peering at the maps as the First Elder pointed out the markings and told her what they were for. "Portals? That could be trouble indeed. I can be ready to survey these areas within the hour if you so wish it, First Elder" she said, after a short pause.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

The silver-haired elf responded with a slow nod. "Mm, yes, please. Your assistance is always appreciated around here, Llæwyn. Feel free to help yourself to our stores of medicines, just in case. I will be sending Aeron to the eastern side, while you will check the southern edge. Due to how widespread this dilemma is, we have been running a bit thin on people to help, so unfortunately I can only send you with Lynnea, who appears eager to discover exactly what it is that caused the recent loss of her home. However, she is very willing to assist you with whatever you might need, so I would recommend meeting her near the south side's entry point."
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

"Thank you, First Elder, I will certainly do so. If you have no more instruction for me, I shall leave at once to prepare." Llæwyn replied, eager to depart. The sooner she got to the bottom of the problem, the sooner it could be dealt with. She didn't want to see more homes lost to whatever foul things might be coming out of the portals.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

The aging leader simply replied with a nod and a faint smile, followed by a brief wave of his hand. "Be safe. Aeron, Llæwyn, the two of you are dismissed. Please be sure to notify me of the situation once you discover any more information regarding the nature of these portals, as they have never appeared here, even in the hundreds of years I've lived in this wood. Their very existence is most worrisome to me. But, I won't hold you two any longer... Farewell, for now." With that, he turned his attention towards a nearby bookshelf, where he retrieved several tomes and began to make records, presumably of the situation at hand.

Aeron pledged his salute and allowed the female elf to exit in front of him. Once they were outside, he gave her a shrug before commenting, "Well, it's certainly reassuring to know that the elder seems to entrust the safety of the entire village to us alone, isn't it? Be well, Llæwyn," offered the young warrior in farewell, before heading off to handle his assigned task.

Wyne, predictably, was just outside the door, waiting for her role model. "So what are they gonna have you do now? Fight more humans?" Her eyes were downcast somewhat, but after taking a deep breath, the little girl nodded to herself. "I'm sure you'll be fine though!"
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

"I'll be certain to report back when I can" Llæwyn replied, once more clasping her fist to her breast and bowing at the First Elder before turning to leave. Aeron let her step out in front of him, making a comment the point of which she couldn't quite read. "What, you think we need any help?" she asked rhetorically, grinning as she implied that they were all the village needed anyway. She soon ran into Wyne as well, the girl seemingly worried. It was kind of cute. "No, just doing some investigating. There shouldn't be any fighting involved" the elf said, patting the little girl's head. It was kind of true, but there had to be a reason for the portals appearing, and the warrior would probably have need of her skill with the blade. Llæwyn quickly made her way back to her home, walking about as fast as she could without breaking into a jog, wanting to retrieve her sword, her armor (such as it was), and clothes that were a bit better suited to fighting than what she was wearing.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"Hah, hardly," Aeron replied confidently, before strolling off towards the north. He was sometimes difficult to read, in that the elven swordsman's sarcasm was not the most obvious to detect, though he was not actually known for making use of it often.

When it was time for the other two to part, Wyne found herself reassured by her big sister's words. "Okay... well, be careful anyway!" she replied cheerfully, smiling and making sure Llæwyn had disappeared from sight completely before returning to play outside with her other friends.

Llæwyn would return to her home and fetch her well-crafted, though somewhat worn, breastplate along with a set of gauntlets, and a set of clothes that allowed her a bit more freedom when engaging in combat, should it come to that. The sword itself was a relatively plain but sturdy blade, one that had never failed her despite the many skirmishes and battles she had been through.

As the warrior exited her home, a middle-aged elven woman had just arrived upon the platform of the tree that the structure was built on. Llæwyn knew her to be Lynnea, a widow and former housewife who lost her son and husband to the humans. She was a kind lady, one who gave up a warrior lifestyle at an early age to be with child, and one that Grenwyll generally adored and watched over, albeit perhaps as a painful reminder of the price of dealing with the other races.

There she stood, with a rather large backpack full of supplies, a short sword in one hand, and packaged lunches in the other. She looked as if she had packed for a week-long camping trip rather than a day's expedition. Must have missed the memo, but either way, she was all too kind and greeted Llæwyn with a gentle smile, making it somewhat difficult to actually stay mad at the woman.

"I hope you're hungry," she said, "...as I brought food for if we manage to catch a break down below. Unless you would like some figmels right now? They're fresh off the vine."
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn quickly put on the clothes she wore more typically when on missions, donned her armor, and fixed her sheath around her waist, ready to go after only a few minutes once she had gotten home. As she left, Lynnea was there to meet her. She was carrying a short sword, boxed lunches, and a backpack that seemed as large as she was. Llæwyn raised an eyebrow as she took in the scene; surely they wouldn't need that many supplies. "Thank you for the offer, but I ate breakfast not that long ago, and I try not to fill myself up before potential fights" she said, nodding politely at the older woman. "Maybe once we've done a bit of scouting I'll be ready for lunch. Are you ready to get going?"
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"Why, sure then," Lynnea replied calmly, seemingly cheerful for one with her particular history. "We can take the southern entry point," she added as the two began heading southbound.

As they walked, the widow softly recalled what had happened regarding the destruction of her residence. "It was truly strange, as there were no visible warnings before I saw my own home fall! We were able to retrieve many of my belongings, but... no such rumored portals, nor creatures showed up, despite what some of the scouts say. Perhaps it was because I had an armed escort at the time. Though with you there, I wouldn't be surprised if they failed to show up in that area for the next week," she offered with a slightly nervous laugh.

When the pair reached the south side, there was something of a 'bald spot' where the tree holding Lynnea's home used to be. Among the cluster of arboreal homes, it felt like something was amiss.

Not far from the platform was a larger tree, bearing some spiral stairs heading downward, which eventually led into the trunk itself and all the way down to the surface, the entrance itself a mass of vines that would automatically clear the way for Llæwyn and Lynnea, as if it recognized them as one of their own. It blended in quite well with several other vines that were naturally placed there, leaving it so that only the most skilled tracker amongst humans would be able to find such a door.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn followed along beside Lynnea on the path to the southern entry point to the village, listening quietly as the woman described what had happened. From the sound of it it was almost as if a portal had appeared under the tree for only a second, sucking away its roots and then disappearing as it fell to the ground. "I hope not. Hopefully whatever it is will underestimate me, and I'll be able to take care of it so no one else has to lose their home" she replied to Lynnea's nervous joke, probably being a bit too serious about it.

Sure enough, the tree that had once held the older woman's home was just gone, causing Llæwyn to scratch the side of her head again, running a hand through her long green hair. It wasn't far from the enormous tree that served as the southern entry point, which they would head to without delay. The first spot on the map to check wasn't far, after all.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

NPC Stats:
Lynnea: HP = 31, PP = 31, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Enemies appeared!
Tanglevine A
Tanglevine B
Tanglevine C
Tanglevine D

When they reached the bottom, it appeared peaceful enough--visibly, at least, though there were already a series of noises that were faintly echoing through the woods. Two types were readily audible to Llæwyn's sharp ears; one of rustling, and the other like a strange breeze, a wind that seemed far out of place considering the relative calmness of the air around them.

After they entered the first area of the portals' reported appearances, at least according to the map, Lynnea was just about to make a comment when the expected apertures began to appear, opening and closing with no readily discernable order about them. A strange, orange-colored horizon could be seen beyond them if Llæwyn were to look carefully.

She wasn't given a wealth of time by which to discern additional details about the world beyond the portals, as four tentacled masses of vines crawled out from these, one on each corner, which effectively left the women surrounded. Lynnea turned pale and drew her short sword, looking around and trying not to panic. "My, I didn't expect them to be so fond of you..."
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn didn't like this one bit. There were sounds coming from deeper in the forest, of a few different kinds. The most worrisome was the sound of a light breeze; the wind wasn't blowing at all around them, and it seemed terribly out of place. Her worries were confirmed when they entered the area, as the portals began to appear. They opened and closed seemingly at random, revealing an utterly bizarre horizon bathed in orange. Masses of vines had come through the portals, one at each edge of the little clearing they were in, and Llæwyn slowly drew her sword. "See that one?" she asked, tilting her head at one of the plants, "we kill that one and fight our way to the edge, so that none of them are at our back." The elf then ran at the one she had indicated, stopping just outside of what she considered to be the range of the vines for just long enough to try and draw it into attacking her before slashing at it with her blade.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

NPC Stats:
Lynnea: HP = 31, PP = 31, EP = 34, Status = Fine

(keep in mind this still wasn't using the DG system at the time, these are rough translations)
Llæwyn's attack roll (@ Tanglevine A): Success
Lynnea's attack roll (@ Tanglevine A): Success
Damage rolls: Definitely dead.
Tanglevine A killed.

Tanglevine B
Tanglevine C
Tanglevine D

The creature was surprisingly quick to react for how slow it appeared to move on the ground, shooting its green tendrils towards Llæwyn's quickly-moving form, but only managed to get one of its appendages around her arm before it was cut down. The strange being began to writhe about, as if it in agony, thrashing and flailing wildly before Lynnea followed up with a blow to its center. It took several more as panic started to form on the older woman's face; perhaps she had expected it to die long before it actually did, and half a dozen blows between the two of them were required to finally put it down.

"Hahh... hahh..." Lynnea panted, some fear visible in her eyes. "Tanglevines? I've heard of these in the stories, but..."

She was given little time to ponder their situation as the remaining three closed in on the pair, who managed to make it to one corner, huddling themselves in while the other creatures approached. Lynnea shied away from them with her back towards the trunk of a nearby tree, brandishing her blade wildly. "The Elder never said a-anything about how to close these portals...!"
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

The vine creature lashed out farther than Llæwyn had thought that it could, wrapping a tendril around her arm before she managed to slice into it with her sword. It began to writhe on the ground, thrashing until Lynnea cut at its center. It took several more cuts before the thing was finally killed, which seemed to bother Lynnea. Llæwyn had fought these kinds of things before, though, and this was just par for the course. "Don't worry about it, these things aren't that bad. And we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" the warrior said, trying to calm her middle-aged companion as she took up a defensive position, waiting to counterattack the first of the vine creatures that attacked her and got sloppy.