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Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 72/80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant
Nerth: HP = 63, PP = 33, EP = 32, Status = Fine
Kilean: HP = 75, PP = 31, EP = 32, Status = Fine
Passiel: HP = 42, PP = 32, EP = 34, Status = Fine
Maerwyn: HP = 56, PP = 28, EP = 28, Status = Fine
Aellyse: HP = 30, PP = 40, EP = 30, Status = Fine

As the rounded tip of Nerth's member was already slick from Llæwyn's sex juices and a trace of his own, it didn't take too much effort, outside of the initial nudge, to slide it deeper into the green-haired beauty's rear orifice. Sinking her bodyweight down onto him made the rest of the trip easier, and as he hilted her, she could feel him hitting her sweet spot within. That in itself could likely make her cum again with a good session of riding, but her pleasure wasn't to end with just a cock in her ass. The horny elf leaned back and parted her legs a little wider for the entry of her second partner, who appeared all too eager to accept the invitation to her pussy.

"Hah, I knew you'd want it," boasted Kilean. "Didn't think that pollen shit would get ME so worked up too, but man... you're just a bitch in heat now, aren't ya?" He was as obnoxious as ever, and yet his aggression showed promise in that the berserker proved fully capable of giving Llæwyn the fast, deep, thorough pounding her body so craved--especially if the way he fucked her mouth was any indicator. Whether she chose to respond to his words or ignore them wouldn't change his next course of action. The rash red-haired elf took up his superior's offer, parting her pink petals with his sizable member. Afterwards, he placed his hands upon her waist, clutching it tightly, while Nerth moved his hands upwards to support her back.

The elf claiming her cunny sunk himself in deeper with a satisfied sigh, feeling her inner warmth wrap around him the further he went. "Ahhhh... fuck! I'm gonna give it to you good," declared Kilean. Given that he appeared somewhat more lucid than Nerth and even Llæwyn herself, there was a possibility that he was simply taking advantage of the situation... then again, how good he was making her feel made it hard for the one getting stuffed to complain. He didn't wait very long before establishing a rhythm of his own, spurred on by what his instincts were urging him to do--to mate with her. It wasn't the slow, methodical lovemaking that Llæwyn experienced with Fynn the other night. This session was carnal, biological desire, and the swordswoman's two partners embodied that quite well.

The duo pumped in and out of her lower holes at independent paces, with Nerth preferring a more steady and reserved pace while Kilean took on a far more hurried one, showing his desire to breed her as soon as possible. "Hnn! Hnn! Yeahh... hahh, you fuckin' like that, don't you?! Take it!" cried Kilean as he went on. If there was ever a submissive urge in the swordswoman's body, he certainly seemed intent on finding it and bringing it out. If there wasn't, he may very well just end up annoying her.

Even if he didn't succeed in such an endeavor, it would be far too difficult for her to stay quiet, at the very least. The double fucking proved far more intense than even some of the hardest and fastest ruttings that Llæwyn could remember. For each time the one beneath her struck her perineal sponge, prompting ripples of pleasure to travel throughout her entire frame, the male in front of her would slide against the sensitive spots in her pussy at least twice, sending even more waves of bliss to join the first heavenly sensations. It was enough to make her feel light-headed from being sandwiched between her subordinates in such a fashion, and it easily coaxed another small spasm or two out of her. Shared by the pair, she was essentially reduced to a vessel that they would undoubtedly fill within the next few minutes.

And so they did. It wasn't long before the pace shared by the three reached a fever pitch, and just by the buildup and the tensing of her partners' bodies against hers, Llæwyn could tell that they were about to finish soon. Faster, harder... it was just what her own body needed to reach yet another peak of its own. When she felt herself teetering on the edge, Kilean would push her right over with his own orgasm. As if to make things worse for Maerwyn, who was in the distance moving further away, the berserker was not quiet about it in the least.

"G-Gonna cum! Huu--... UWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH! UUUUUUHHHH! Yeah! Uuuhnnn! Ooohhhhhh, yeahhh... Fuck! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" His mouth agape in a stupor, Kilean's visage was the picture of pleasure. Despite him having just cum inside her mouth only minutes earlier, it wouldn't keep him from doing his best to fill her cunny with as much of his thick cum as possible. His grip upon her hips was firm, and he continued to thrust throughout the entirety of his climax, his thick girth pulsing all the while as it emptied everything it could into Llæwyn's pink tunnel, hot spunk splattering against her inner walls and upon the entrance of her womb. His muscular build shuddered as it strained to make the creampie a most productive one.

Nerth followed suit, and although he had much less to contribute, he was just as animated in giving what he did have left. The excess of both warriors' love juices came trickling down from Llæwyn's lower passages, and the volume of such a flow would double when the two panting males finally pulled out, one after the other. A brief lull would pass, where all three were finally afforded an opportunity to catch their breaths after the energetic, frenzied orgy. Unfortunately, the effects of the pollen, or whatever it was, hadn't completely subsided after that. Kilean was still hard, as was Nerth...

"H-Here!" A familiar voice came from behind, and Aellyse could be seen approaching with a canteen in her hands. Nerth was still laying on his back, gasping for air, and so she first splashed a good helping of the thin, greenish liquid into his open mouth, finding his face easier to focus on than the rest of his naked form.

She then tried to offer it to Kilean, who raised a brow at her. "The fuck is this?"

A visible blush could be seen upon the healer's face as she struggled to make a response, but after an initial bout of hesitation, she finally managed to. "Well um... you're thirsty, aren't you? It'll help."

Snatching it from her hand, he took several gulps of it, showing the thirst that he had built up from the fight and the orgy. Making a face, Kilean then handed it right back to the girl afterwards. "Kuh! Have anything besides this shitty tea?! Fuckin'... h-huh... err..." His raging erection gradually began to die down several seconds later, as did his apparent libido.

Nerth went soft as well, his lust-addled state apparently relieved by the mixture that Aellyse had put together.

Afterwards, Aellyse offered it to Llæwyn, whose mind at this point was clear enough to accept it as the wise choice, even if her body was still aroused. At least with a good gulp or two, the nagging feeling of arousal would surely subside.

The swordswoman was then given a bit of time to part herself from her two male subordinates, and perhaps get her underwear back on after a brief cleanup. Aellyse provided her with a damp cloth, and pulled her aside after the fact, trying her best to shield her own eyes from the sight of Kilean and Nerth's exposed bodies.

"I'm sorry it took me so long," she explained. "You told me not to leave so much behind, so I just kind of threw everything back in a hurry... but I was able to put together a makeshift antidote from the tanglevine remains. And this," added the healer, unfurling a small piece of paper with crushed leaves in it. "Is for um... taking care of pregnancy. I at least brought that much, somehow." She forced a smile. It was undoubtedly an incredibly awkward moment, but a necessary precaution to take, considering both Nerth and Kilean had made strong bids to impregnate her--even if it was far from a premeditated thing.

Luckily, Passiel had managed to stop Maerwyn, but they were a good hundred yards away by the time he did.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

It was a pretty simple thing for Llæwyn to slip Nerth’s cock into her ass given how well-lubed it was with their combined fluids, and with the help of gravity he was soon hilted inside of her. She let out a quiet groan of pleasure, enjoying the way he filled her up, the aphrodisiac pollen of the tanglevines helping out generously enough. It even felt like she could have gotten off without any further touching, just a bit of anal riding. That was unusual in itself, and spoke somewhat to the power of the aphrodisiac, but even so it wouldn’t be necessary; there was no way Kilean was going to pass up her offer, or rather her command to him… of course he had to shoot his mouth off while he did it, which mildly annoyed the green-haired elf despite the fact that she was well aware that he was going to give her not just what she wanted, but what she needed. Still, she grumbled "oh just shut up and fuck me" at him to voice that annoyance, as if it would do her any good.

Kilean quickly took up his position in front of her, gripping her firmly by the waist and forcing himself into her with ease despite his girth. He only took a little bit of time to mouth off before starting to thrust, thankfully, and the pace he set was just what Llæwyn wanted. Quick, almost violent, satisfying the deep primal urges within her that the pollen had brought to the surface. The only thing that detracted was the near-constant way he carried on, babbling nonsense and generally annoying her in a way that she could only forgive because of the pleasure he was giving to her. Even so, she couldn’t help but glare a dagger or two at him whenever he said something that particularly offended her sensibilities. Nerth didn’t exactly stay still himself, although he didn’t set quite the pace of his more belligerent partner, bucking his hips up into her rump about half as often as Kilean slammed himself into her from the front. That didn’t make it any less desirable, of course, and between the two of them she was getting just what she wanted.

In addition to making Llæwyn need it the aphrodisiacs were making each sensation all the more powerful, and though she had doubted so when the tanglevine had raped her before, she was beginning to realize that she could come very close to the feeling of pleasure it had given her with other elves. Of course, it made her flick her gaze over to Passiel briefly… the logistics of his joining in might be a bit difficult, at least in this position, but she couldn’t help but think about the possibility, about what it might be like to have her every hole stuffed. Just having the men in her lower holes was pretty fantastic, though, and there was no way she could keep herself quiet despite her best efforts, and the sound of her moaning began to fill the air. She couldn’t even think about how that would affect Maerwyn at the time, but she could see the effect it was having on Kilean, the smug sort of way he was looking down at her, and she kind of didn’t want to give him that sort of satisfaction.

Of course, she was giving him all sorts of satisfaction on a number of different levels, and she could practically feel it in the way both he and Nerth began to tense up against her, to speed up little by little. Llæwyn herself was beginning to tremble between the two, her legs quivering as she wrapped them around Kilean, using them to pull him in just a bit harder, though she resisted any urge to wrap her arms around him, letting them dangle back to Nerth with her fists clenched. She was getting close to another orgasm so close on the heels of the first, and she needed it so badly with the pollen clouding her mind. The green-haired warrior was more or less helpless in the face of such pleasure, a feeling that was quite rare for her… though not unpleasant.

The sensation that finally set her off was Kilean’s own climax, the throbbing and pulsing of his cock inside of her as hot cum splurted into her. While he cried out in pleasure Llæwyn found that she couldn’t, her mouth open in a silent scream as both her holes clenched around the dicks that filled them. Her legs squeezed him in as tightly as she could manage, trying to hold him inside of her, but she couldn’t stop him from thrusting away, her legs weak and quivering as her toes curled in on her feet spasmodically. Nerth wasn’t far behind, perhaps due to her reaction, and soon the green-haired elf felt wonderfully full, her lower body quite pleasantly warm. The both of them had more than enough to give her despite having already cum once, a little bit extra dribbling out down her thighs, joined with an excess of her own juices… she was only just coming down from her high when the two men pulled out of her, and she had to scoot back and sit down, panting as she tried to catch her breath. It had been quite the intense experience, and yet even this hadn’t fully satisfied the three of them. Both Nerth and Kilean were still quite hard, and Llæwyn felt more than ready to help them with that little problem, even if a growing part of her knew that there were other things she needed to be doing…

Aellyse re-entered the picture then, though, with perhaps a solution. Hopefully she had a solution, anyway, because this situation was about to devolve further without one, with no real end in sight… She had a canteen with her, and without asking she just poured some kind of green concoction into Nerth’s mouth as he panted. The healer seemed really embarrassed just to be there, to see the two men partly naked. She probably didn’t get much of that sort of view normally, given her reaction. After that she managed to convince Kilean to take a drink of whatever she had made, and from the look he gave her it was pretty disgusting… Though almost immediately both the mens’ erections began to subside. Llæwyn was just lucid enough to know what that meant about the green liquid, and to know that she wanted some for herself. It was a bitter, rather terrible drink, but she downed as much as she could stand to anyway before handing it back to Aellyse. Almost immediately she could feel her unnatural urges diminish, could feel the haze lifting from her mind, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

The healer gave Llæwyn a wet cloth to wipe herself off with, which was nice, and she took a moment to wipe the cum off her cheek and thighs with it. There was still so much… she would likely feel quite full and warm for the rest of the day. A good thing any other time, it would probably just be mildly inconvenient now. "No, thank you" she replied after listening to Aellyse, "I wouldn’t have thought to ask you to bring such a thing either. Those things have become… much more dangerous of late than they were once." Being passed the little piece of paper with crushed up leaves made her tilt her head a bit; of all the things the healer had taken it on herself to bring with her, she had brought some of that? It wasn’t actually all that awkward for the green-haired elf, though she could tell the idea of preventing a pregnancy bothered the other woman on some level, albeit not the one she expected in reality. "Ah, thank you for this as well" she replied, scooping the crushed up herb into her mouth and chewing with a grimace on her face; it was one of the most bitter things she knew of, which was why she normally took it with her tea. Still, it wouldn’t do to refuse.

Once she had caught her breath and cleaned up a bit Llæwyn walked over to fetch her crumpled up panties off the ground, shaking them off and slipping them on again under her skirt. "Alright people, gather up!" she shouted, concerned that the group had become so spread out as she picked up the rest of the gear she had shed at the end of the battle. Once they were all together she quickly said "alright, for reasons that should be obvious we aren’t going to speak of this again. We’ve still got a mission to complete, and we’ve lost a fair bit of time. Does anyone have any questions?" She looked at the group firmly, as if to say she didn’t actually want to entertain any such questions. "I do want to bring back a sample of these tanglevines, though. They were different from any I’ve ever encountered before… The pollen instead of the usual paralyzing slime. I think it’s worth studying." When everyone seemed to be ready to carry on she would set the group in motion towards Coralynth again, cursing inwardly at not just the time lost, but at the issues she felt this would likely cause her later.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 72/80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine
Nerth: HP = 63, PP = 33, EP = 32, Status = Fine
Kilean: HP = 75, PP = 31, EP = 32, Status = Fine
Passiel: HP = 42, PP = 32, EP = 34, Status = Fine
Maerwyn: HP = 56, PP = 28, EP = 28, Status = Fine
Aellyse: HP = 30, PP = 40, EP = 30, Status = Fine

Aellyse forced an awkward smile in response. It looked as though she was quite aware of the risque implications of having brought a type of herb often used to prevent pregnancies, and even without comment from Llæwyn the herbalist would proceed to explain herself regarding its presence. "It's not something I use m-myself, I just... thought it prudent to be prepared for any possibility, especially given the particularly strong pheromones the tanglevines have been emitting," she explained. "Strange how it all seemed to happen at once, isn't it? The worst, that is..."

"Huh... yeah, I normally don't have any trouble against those fucking things," added Kilean, having come back to his senses courtesy of the healer's makeshift antidote.

"The effect of their pollen is far more potent--and common--than I remember it being," Nerth chimed in, the warrior's previously lustful visage having given way to his trademark expression of stoicism. He gave Llæwyn a momentary glance, but little more after that.

As for Llæwyn herself, she was blissfully unaware of the fact that Fynn's sperm had already reached the green-haired beauty's egg and fertilized it a good while ago, rendering Nerth and Kilean's bids for fatherhood moot. It was only thanks to the herb that Llæwyn had just ingested that nothing would take root and grow inside of her. Her role right now was not that of a mother, but of a warrior.

"Yeah. That, or you're just a hornier bastard than you let on in public," scoffed Kilean towards his cohort with a teasing grin... an expression that would do well to irritate others, yet left Nerth looking largely unbothered. "Already knew Llæ was a cock-loving slut, but never actually got to hit it until now."

He turned the smug look towards the group's acting leader. "Not disappointed, though. You like getting roughed up like that, eh? We oughtta do that more often, what do ya say? Wouldn't even need Nerth in your ass if I got real serious about making your toes curl." The nerve he possessed was somewhat surreal, and yet it wasn't completely surprising in light of recent events, especially when combined with his usual level of arrogance.

Llæwyn could respond to it however she chose, and by the time Maerwyn returned, the topic was back to the primary mission at hand. Her proposal to make the subject of the ill-fated tanglevine encounter a taboo one was immediately met with firm nods of agreement from the others, save for Kilean, who could only chuckle in response. But even he stopped, at least for a moment, after Maerwyn glared daggers with unrivaled sharpness in his direction.

Her second suggestion was met with a more uniform agreement by the group: Passiel, Nerth, Maerwyn, Aellyse, and even Kilean. Naturally, Aellyse appeared the most enthusiastic about such a prospect.

"Right! I knew of this variation, but for a whole group of them to be here, and with that level of potency..." The herbalist was quick to get to work, collecting a number of sacs from the slain tanglevines' remains. The two footmen and the archer followed her lead so as to help facilitate the process, and by the time they were finished, a total of seven intact sacs had been collected between the four of them. Kilean had the most with three, swinging his finds about carelessly.

"B-Be careful with those," warned Aellyse, her eyes wide at the redhead's careless handling of the delicate specimens. "Those need to be properly diluted before they can be used for medicinal purposes... otherwise, direct exposure can lead to influence not unlike that of uhmm, the most recent instance..."

"You kiddin' me? Maybe I should bust one or two," joked the berserker. "Then you other two girls can join in this time and loosen up a bit. Wonder which one of you could take two at once like the champ herself?"

Aellyse blushed slightly in response to the lewd comment, her mouth crinkling.

"Never know when to stop, do you?!" cried Maerwyn, raising her blade and pointing it in his direction.

"Aaaaaand still can't take a damn joke. Go ahead, wound me and see how well that ends for the lot o' ya," Kilean shot back.

"Let's just hurry," interrupted Passiel, placing a hand on Maerwyn's shoulder. "I can hear other tanglevines not far from here, and you would be able to as well if you weren't so busy arguing. As Llæwyn said, we should go."

With that, the group gathered their belongings and newly acquired samples, making their way towards Coralynth once more. The group's sole archer proved himself useful as usual, loosing the occasional arrow in the direction of approaching tanglevines. Pressed for time, the group sought to evade rather than engage the plant-like monstrosities when they could. Thanks to such a strategy, combined with their recent knowledge of the tanglevines' mutations, the rest of the trip went smoother than it could have been otherwise.

Finally, they arrived at a village. A grounded one, with no gate and no apparent boundaries... Llæwyn knew it to be Coralynth, as it was one of the only settlements along this side of the wood. At its edge was a small cabin, just outside of which an elf of sorts appeared to be getting water from a well.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn chuckled a little bit as Aellyse tried to explain away the presence of the herb she had just taken, smiling at the woman. "I hadn’t considered the possibility" she replied; she would never have suspected the healer of being the type to need such an herb herself, she seemed far too shy and easily flustered, and besides it was rare enough to find an elf who slept around anyway. The rest of the party began to gather round then, talking about the tanglevines and how much stronger they had gotten just in the last little while. It was certainly worrisome, especially since the green-haired warrior had been taken by the things the last two times she had encountered them…

Kilean, of course, just couldn’t keep his mouth shut, taunting Nerth about the whole episode a bit in a way that didn’t even seem to bother the other man, though it was certainly starting to piss Llæwyn off. Especially when he turned to her and addressed her in quite the demeaning fashion… Her eyes narrowed and she began to glare daggers at him from the moment he called her a “cock-loving slut,” only getting more and more irritated as he kept speaking. She took a deep breath, visibly trying to bring herself under control before she responded. She could tell that otherwise she was going to say or do something that she might regret, if only because it might be difficult to keep the others quiet if she killed him out here. "Consider for a moment that it took the pollen of a tanglevine for me to let you ‘hit it.’ There’s a reason for that, and it’s not your lack of trying. Now drop it" she admonished in as calm a tone as she could manage, though there was still a hint of acid in her voice even so. This man… there had to be something wrong with him. Few were so bold as him, and fewer still were so seemingly oblivious to the feelings of those they were speaking to. Was it a willful blindness, or was something in his soul malformed? Perhaps it was simply the case that he hadn’t been beaten enough for his nonsense.

Whatever the case, Maerwyn returned to the group shortly after that, and the little meeting got underway. Everyone seemed pretty amenable to Llæwyn’s demand that they officially “forget” about the incident, except for Kilean having a bit of a chuckle at their expense. She didn’t bat an eye at that, though; it was the least of the things he could have said, so she was very much okay with it. Her suggestion to bring back bits of the tanglevines for study drew no such laughs, the idea seeming to get Aellyse a tad bit excited even. Which made sense, perhaps, given her background. The group quickly set to hacking apart the tanglevines, finding that the sacs that contained their pollen were relatively easy to find once you opened up the vines, and they quickly had seven of the things for those who were so inclined to study them.

Kilean, of course, was reckless with the ones he had collected, swinging them around in a manner that could cause the things to burst open with predictable results… worse results, really, considering that all of them would likely be affected. As seemed to be in his character he made a very crude joke when Aellyse expressed her concern, taking another shot at Llæwyn as he did so… which didn’t sit well with Maerwyn. The younger warrior drew her sword, pointing it at him, which made Llæwyn twitch slightly. "Put away your blade" she said firmly, giving the girl a look before turning back to Kilean. "And you, you’ve said just about enough. We need to leave… no more distractions."

There were plenty of tanglevines all around them as well, all throughout the forest, just as Passiel had said. The group had brief skirmishes with the creatures, avoiding most of the big fights as they raced towards Coralynth. The trip that would have been relatively safe a few years ago was a near constant struggle, proving just how desperate the situation was getting, how badly they needed a way to close these portals that were opening up. Just what was the cause of all this? Llæwyn couldn’t for the life of her think of anything other than subterfuge on the part of the shortears. After some time they arrived in Coralynth, or what passed for it. The village was on the ground, unlike Grenwyll, and had seemingly nothing to protect it from the outside. How it had survived the tanglevines and other voidic creatures was anyone’s guess. "Remember" the green-haired warrior said sharply as she spotted an elf near a small cabin at the edge of the village, "no trouble unless we’re given trouble" and then began to approach this elf. When close enough she would call out "hello! We hail from Grenwyll, and we need to speak with a healer on a matter of the utmost importance. If you could lead us to one it would be most appreciated."
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

"Hey, hey. Some people show their true selves after a drink or two, and others need something a little stronger!" said Kilean, unable to hide the grin that had been plastered to his face since the afterglow.

He appeared to be the only one to carry such a brand of humor, though, and was met with silent stares from the rest.

"Hoooo... so touchy, alla ya. Fine, fine," responded Kilean, seemingly unfazed by his superior's irritation. Her own defiant reactions seemed to tickle him more than anything--not that Nerth's stoic approach spared him much in the way of the more brash warrior's comments.

"I think it's you that has the problems here," uttered Maerwyn, then turning her back as if to remove herself from the situation as Llæwyn suggested.

For all of the friction that was had, Llæwyn's prompt commands would ultimately get both Maerwyn and Kilean to keep their thoughts from reaching verbal form, at least for the time being, and so they could proceed in a more businesslike manner once they reached the border of Coralynth.

Upon taking a closer look at the 'elf' that had stepped outside to gather water from the well, Llæwyn would find the young adult to have somewhat atypical features for one. It was difficult to pin down exactly, but the structure of his face was just a bit different. In addition, he spoke in a noticeable accent, a tongue of Elvish that was a touch less refined. His attire wasn't made from tree fibers but from cotton and wool. "Ah, hello..." he started, scanning over the entire group--all clearly armed and armored, save for one. The stranger couldn't help but to develop a puzzled look at the situation, but soon enough he motioned to a path leading slightly northwest. "I guess you'll be wanting to talk to Edeill. Just down this road, in the large house. You'll know when you see it," he explained.

After the group made some distance down the path, Maerwyn would take occasional glances back in the direction of the first inhabitant they came across. "I think that was..."

"A half-elf," said Nerth flatly.

"Right. But do the short-ears leave them alone? They have no place in our society, that's for sure, though I can't help but wonder now how humans see them. After all, they're just here, living on the forest floor."

"Who gives a shit?" interrupted Kilean. "Not my problem. The short-ears prolly do let 'em be though, and you can tell by how soft they are. I coulda taken that guy."

"He probably isn't even any kind of warrior," commented Maerwyn, rolling her eyes slightly. "Which would just make you a bully."

"Better a bully than the one being bullied," proclaimed the crimson-haired one proudly.

Before the girl could make an appropriate rebuttal, the party came upon their destination. A large, wooden cabin stood before them, plain in its adornments but functional. It was unlike the homes Llæwyn was used to seeing, which were typically carved into massive trees themselves. This one was so much more angular, though it would be difficult to say that it was of poor build.

An older gentleman answered the door. He looked very much like any other human, though his leather wide-brimmed hat and messy shock of silvery gray hair concealed any potential sharpness of his ears that it was difficult to tell whether he was even remotely elven. But while Llæwyn had a difficult time discerning his origin, he had no such issues identifying that of the warrior and her cohorts.

"From Grenwyll, I take it. So what are you here for now?"
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Kilean continued on in his obnoxious way for only a little bit longer before finally taking the hint and quieting down. He was clearly amused not only at his own jokes, but at the fact that the others were irritated by them. What a piece of work this guy was... It was a shame that a capable warrior like him came with such baggage attached to him. Still, the issue was put to rest for a little while at least, and they reached Coralynth without much further incident, either from Kilean's mouth or the tanglevines that infested the forest around them.

Once there, there was something that bothered Llæwyn about the elf they met, though she couldn't quite put her finger on what. Something about his face maybe... Like when an artisan got a sculpture or carving just right enough to make it obvious that there were faults with it. He spoke with an accent too, a fairly thick one, though that wasn't terribly unexpected for someone from Coralynth, and at least some of his habits were different; his clothing, while still natural, was of the more coarse materials that the shortears grew elsewhere. Regardless of all this he pointed them towards a healer without any trouble and only a slight bit of hesitation.

The group of five quickly headed down the road, though after a short time Maerwyn and Nerth spoke up and clarified just what it had been that had bothered Llæwyn. "That was... a what?" she asked, her eye developing a little bit of a twitch. She had never actually seen a half-elf before, truth be told, didn't know what they tended to look like or even if there were uniform tendencies. She just knew that they were a sin against nature and elvenhood, and a terrible one at that. How sick in the soul did an elf have to be to couple with a shortear? She was quiet while Kilean again proved himself once more to be an unrefined brute, contemplating. This place... What if both the elves and the shortears here left the half-elves alone? What if they were even accepted? Could such elves truly be her brothers and sisters if they held such aberrant beliefs?

She didn't have long to ponder before they reached a large, plain wooden cabin that could only be their destination from the description the boy from before had given. It was such an ugly thing, so...geometric. Inorganic. Artificial. And yet, it seemed sturdy enough, and certainly would have served the purpose it was intended for, aesthetics aside. Llæwyn knocked on the door of the thing, and soon got an answer from an old man, almost certainly a shortear she thought, though she couldn't be sure... his hat and his hair making it impossible to confirm. "Yesterday two citizens of Coralynth entered Grenwyll, an elven child and a shortear woman" she replied to him, "and today a mysterious illness we've not seen before is afflicting many in the village. We've brought one of our own healers here to learn what it is and how to treat it." Quick and to the point. There was little need for any pleasantries, even if he were an elf.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

The stranger gave Llæwyn a distant stare as she proceeded to explain herself, wearing a rather blank expression that hinted little heartfelt concern for the plight of this group of elves. After her brief rundown of the situation, she would find this 'Edeill' to be unresponsive for the next few seconds.

Then, with his brow furrowed ever so slightly, the old man sighed and took another glance over each of the warriors. "I... see. So you suspect it to be the human's doing, naturally. But let me ask you this--what help do you have to offer in return? The only thign we've received from Grenwyll as of late are more refugees. Not a drop of filiene nectar, or even a batch of talagal leaves. If anyone, you would be the ones with the resources to handle such an issue. I'm surprised that the lot of you would come to us for help. In fact... it's the first time in over half a century that I remember such a request being made from an elf of Grenwyll," commented Edeill. Though his elven features were still obscured, his knowledge of their goods hinted that he was most likely of Llæwyn's heritage. "We do have many problems of our own, you see. And we've received no aid from the likes of humans nor elves. Though you would dare call us a sister village, we're treated more like a forgotten acquaintance."

"And even if I did want to help you," he continued, "I know far too little about this supposed affliction, other than that it has a rather quick effect. What are the symptoms? Do you even know them?"

Maerwyn could only give a puzzled look, while Kilean appeared rather annoyed. Nerth failed to produce an answer, as did Passiel. The healer of the group, however, was able to make some kind of reply.

"A loss of senses. Lack of appetite and even thirst. Shallow breathing, strange lesions... it's difficult to describe without seeing it first-hand. Also, hallucinations, though they are far different from those induced by the consumption of mycolinae," pronounced Aellyse. "Thus far, it's only affected the young and the elderly, for the most part. Even the First has suffered its effects."

"The First..." repeated Edeill quietly. "It has been a while, hasn't it? Well, the symptoms do remind me of an affliction once experienced here long ago. One that we had to deal with ourselves, with no help from others. 'Twas a harrowing experience, really," said the man ominously.

"They do?" Aellyse's eyes lit up at even the faint promise of an answer. "But everyone here survived, didn't they? Did you discover a cure?"

"Mm, if I recall correctly it was something like that. But the ingredients for such cures come from human territory, you see, and--"

"That's a load o' shit!" Kilean blurted out. "There's nothin' in short-ear lands that our elven trees can't produce and then some!"

Edeill's expression flattened. "You'd be surprised, young elf." He then turned to Llæwyn. "But you see, we've been having some troubles here in Coralynth... and I figure you can restore some goodwill between our villages by doing us a small favor. Since you bring little in the way of supplies it seems, and more in the way of weapons, perhaps you could lend us some help in the way of force of arms?" He turned his gaze to Kilean. "As some of you seem so eager to use them..."
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

The apparent healer's behavior for some reason didn't give Llæwyn a lot of hope that he was going to do as they needed. He seemed... not even thoughtful, really. Just blank, putting on the appearance of emptiness while she explained their purpose for being there. He finally did give an answer, though, and when he did he went on a little bit of a rant, hinting at a deep dissatisfaction with Grenwyll and its people. He complained that they hadn't received any help in Coralynth for many a year, longer than Llæwyn had been alive, chastising them for not having a solution themselves with the resources they commanded. It was at least a little bit annoying to the green-haired warrior, considering that all of this was well beyond her control. She was no student of medicine, had very little, if any, influence in matters of politics or economy, and hardly could have been expected to know of the old man's concerns, much less to solve them. Still, she kept quiet long enough for him to get to the end of it and ask what the symptoms of the mystery illness were. She didn't make an effort to recall them and had little concern about doing so; that was why they had brought Aellyse with them, after all.

Once the healer had given her account of the disease Edeill indicated that he knew of it, that indeed it had been something that had affected Coralynth in the past, and that there was a cure... Apparently the ingredients came from somewhere within human territory though, somewhere in Brevnia most likely, which could well prove to be an issue. Kilean objected that such a thing was impossible, which struck Llæwyn as eminently silly. Even in her zealous hatred of the humans she didn't believe that everything useful in the world was contained just within the boundaries of their forest. While she had little real idea of the true size of the world, she didn't believe it to be that small... In any case, this old man was an interesting specimen. Judging from his knowledge, both of events in the past and of the elven way of life, he was almost certainly an elf himself, and he seemed to know the First, or at least know of him. Briefly Llæwyn wondered why it was he had come to Coralynth, why he wasn't still amongst the rest of them in Grenwyll. To be an elf and appear as old as he did he had to have been around for quite a long time indeed... His suggestion that he could help them if they would help him and his village seemed a fair one, an even enough trade, though the idea that they would have to use weapons to do him this favor somewhat worried the green-haired elf. "Perhaps" she replied in a guarded tone. "If it seems both possible and proper for us to do I wouldn't object." She wasn't terribly intent on exceeding her authority however. While he didn't seem like the type to be proposing anything too over the top she wasn't about to go to war on anyone's behalf without approval.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

"Possible and proper, hm..." mused the old elf aloud to himself. "If it weren't possible for the likes of you, I wouldn't have requested as much. But whether or not it's 'proper' is, well, perhaps a matter of perspective. You see, there has been a band of what I suspect to be marauders traveling through this side of the woods."

"We have little in the way of a standing army, but we do our best to hold our own. These ruffians don't attack the village proper. But some members of our community who live on the fringes of Coralynth have reported flash raids. Unfortunately, due to the quick and unpredictable nature of their strikes, we can never get to them in time, and it's difficult for us to overextend when Voidic abominations threaten our own southern borders. If you could find a way to drive off these raiders, it would be very much appreciated. Unfortunately I've little in the way of actual support to offer you in terms of personnel, but I see that the lot of you are rather well-equipped to begin with..."

"It's because these woods have grown less and less safe," answered Passiel.

"Grenwyll is overextending itself just by sending us here," added Maerwyn, "but the cure is necessary. It's been a perilous journey."

"Hah! Your woodsmen can't even handle a few bandits? That's fucking pathetic," scoffed Kilean. "Just saying."

"I apologize for troubling you with such, but the ingredients just so happen to come from just beyond our eastern borders anyway, where most of the brigands have struck. Perhaps you could accomplish both while there? Discourage the slavers from any further raids with whatever means possible, and acquire the ingredients for the cure afterwards."

"That's a great idea!" Aellyse chimed in. "So what do I need to be looking for?"

"Mm. Give me a moment," said Edeill, retreating into his home. A few seconds later, he emerged with a rough sketch of a plant. While it might have looked far from recognizable to Llæwyn, the healer girl squinted a little to show a vague familiarity.

"Flattershine selinus? A Brevnian plant, yes, but... does it really have medicinal properties for this particular ailment?"

"Not on its own. Bring as much as you can back to me, and I can show you how to process it."

"This better not be a scam, old man," warned Kilean.

Of course, the final word on the matter was up to Llæwyn herself, as well as the specifics on how to tackle such an issue.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn listened quietly to the old elf as he spoke his "request." It seemed that the town of Coralynth had a bandit problem, which made sense enough to her. It would be one possible explanation for how two of their number had ended up in a caravan of slaves, after all. She could also believe that a village this small would have trouble keeping up a proper military presence. He wanted their little band to address the problem with force, which was reasonable enough on the face of it. Of course, he hadn't told them anything about their numbers or where they might be except for a cardinal direction. It was also possible that he was lying entirely, though it didn't feel that way to the green-haired warrior.

Kilean, of course, was his usual obnoxious self, but the rest of the group didn't seem to mind the idea, and Aellyse seemed fairly enthused when the old man mentioned that the ingredients they needed for the cure they had come here to find in the first place were in that general area. The two healers took a few moments to confer about the plant they were looking for, something that Llæwyn hadn't seen before to her knowledge, or at least didn't know well enough to judge by the sketch the old man came up with. Aellyse did, though, and that was what counted. When the others had exhausted their talk the green-haired warrior spoke up again, saying "your request sounds reasonable enough, though I would like to have more information before I go running off to battle. Do you know anything of their numbers or arms? A more precise way to locate them?" She kept the idea that this could be a hoax in the back of her mind, though there was nothing to be done about the possibility at this. They still needed his knowledge to make the cure, and if he was lying then Grenwyll was in grave trouble anyway.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

"Mm, yes. From what I have heard, it's typical Brevnian fare--pikes, short swords, even a crossbow or two if I'm not mistaken. You might want to ask Telvin and Cyssa, who have a cabin just outside our eastern border, or Weldane, who has a ranch just south of it. They've unfortunately been getting the worst of it, and can fill you in on some details. We're really not sure as to where the bandits hail from... but their targets are the homes that you'll be visiting, regardless. Hopefully that should make it easy enough to run in with them."

"Any other questions? We've a shop in town if you need sustenance or other goods... ah, give me just a moment." Again, he would retreat to the interior of his home. It took him a bit longer this time around to find whatever it is he was looking for.

"I hope we aren't made to wait longer than a day or two," commented Maerwyn.

Kilean scoffed. "Fuck, if it takes so long maybe we can just nab the plants ourselves and just drag em back to Grenwyll or something. Who gives a shit about what happens to these guys?"

"B-But the methods by which to process these..." stammered Aellyse.

"Who cares? Let the Third figure it out, I'm sure she knows some shit. Since obviously you don't." His remark caused the healer's brow to furrow.

Before the minor exchange of words could turn into a more heated argument, Edeill emerged once more with a letter in his hand. He pushed it forward towards Llæwyn. "Present this to the cabins you visit, so they know that you have my approval."
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

The old elf made it sound like there were a fair few of these bandits from the way he talked, which worried Llæwyn a little bit. Though she didn't doubt her ability (at least against shortears) or that of her companions it would be a problem if they were outnumbered by too many. It wouldn't make for a good, quick go at the least, which was what they needed. They certainly didn't have days to piddle around in Coralynth while the village elders and children died. He claimed that the people on the edge of the village where they would be going could give them more information, giving them three names at a couple of locations to call on if they wanted. "I've no other questions" she said firmly before the healer turned back into his home, apparently fetching something else for them.

This gave Kilean the chance to give voice to his annoyance again, objecting that they ought to pick up the plants that they knew they needed and go now, and let the Third and the other healers discover how to process them for themselves. Of course, he also managed to get a jab at Aellyse in there as well. "Shut up" Llæwyn snapped, "that's possible in a pinch, but-" she was cut off by the re-emergence of Edeill. He had some sort of letter in hand, something that would prove that they were on a mission from him to any of those they contacted, so the green-haired warrior took it and briefly looked it over. "Very well. We will return with the herb as soon as practicable" she replied, turning and motioning the others to follow her at a brisk pace to the eastern border of Coralynth. There was no time to waste.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn's command for Kilean to go silent earned her a smirk from the brash redhead, who would quiet down, but only by appearing (or perhaps pretending) to lose interest when Edeill interrupted them. It was obvious that he didn't particularly care for this mysterious old elf, but then again, finding a person that Kilean did like--or someone that really liked him for that matter--was a challenge in and of itself.

Still, the pause gave Edeill enough time to speak without angry interruptions, and in turn provided Llæwyn with the window by which to give her business-like reply. When she motioned for the others to follow, they would do so, and within minutes they had left the village's limits.

"Damn," muttered Kilean. "Couldn't even stop for some food?"

"You already know we don't really have the time for that," explained Maerwyn. "Especially if we have to be there should the raiders actually strike. They could be there right now, for all we know."

"Bah. Yeah, yeah, I get it. Hurry up and wait."

Passiel kept a vigilant eye on their surroundings. While he was one of the less talkative of the group, at least today, he also proved himself as the most observant, perhaps as a result.

Meanwhile, Nerth's ears shifted slightly and outwards, as if to better take in sounds from further away. "It appears that there are far less portals on this side of the wood."

"It is rather odd, considering how many we encountered on the way here," commented Aellyse. "What makes this part of the forest so different from ours? Such a drastic change."

"I'm not complaining," huffed Maerwyn. "But I have to wonder myself why the people of Coralynth are so poorly equipped to deal with raiders. They are closer to the eastern border, after all."

"Maybe nobody wants to deal with the filthy half-breeds? Heh," answered Kilean with a chuckle.

"Says the one who wanted to deal with them only moments ago."

"Hey, I'm just hungry. Fighting and fucking all in one go gets that appetite going, know what I mean?"

The reference caused Maerwyn to frown, and she went silent for a spell.

The rest of the journey was spent with similarly light banter being exchanged between everyone else on occasion. More notably, it proved uneventful... far moreso compared to their danger-laden walk from Grenwyll to Coralynth. Several hours, at least two or three, stretched on by, but the group had encountered little outside of more harmless flora and fauna native to the wood.

Aellyse began to look more than winded at that point, with beads of sweat rolling down the sides of her face. "My feet hurt," she whined, trudging several paces behind everyone else. Passiel would stop to wait for her, keeping a keen eye towards the group's rear.


Finally, as the light peering through the canopy dimmed enough to show that day wouldn't last, they came upon a lone cabin. It was not unlike the houses of Coralynth in construction; far more angular, less ornate, and perhaps more unnatural in design than the modified trees of Grenwyll.

Two serralopes--relatively docile, grazing creatures known to be used by humans as livestock--were among the only domesticated animals left in the vicinity... at least outside the structure, as they were too large to fit through the doorway comfortably. The front door itself, upon closer inspection, wasn't fully shut. It was cracked open a few inches, though Llæwyn could make out no obvious signs of activity inside.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn led the way through the forest, trudging along quietly as she listened to Kilean and Maerwyn bicker ever so slightly. It was annoying, but not enough to get her to intervene. Instead she as well noticed what Nerth pointed out; this part of the forest was quiet in a way that the area around Grenwyll wasn't. Portals could be heard opening, of course, but only a small number of them intermittently. "I don't know what could be causing such a thing" she said, before musing "perhaps it's something to do with the energy here." All the while she felt as if she were wasting time that they didn't have... It took hours to trek through the blasted forest to their destination, and while it wasn't a hard walk (for everyone but Aellyse, of course, who seemed like she didn't get away from her books very much) it was time they could have been spending getting back to Grenwyll with a cure in hand. This old elf was starting to really annoy Llæwyn...

By the time the group reached their destination, an ugly rectangle of a cabin set alone in the woods, the sun was beginning to set through the branches. The green-haired warrior had hoped to be back in Grenwyll before nightfall, or at least before the lot of them needed to rest. She walked towards the door with a cautious eye, disdainful of the poor beasts that stood in slavery just outside the walls, munching unaware on some grass; this was probably a short-ear dwelling. Still, they needed information, and this was the place they had been pointed towards. On closer inspection the door was open ever so slightly, though it didn't seem like there was anyone there to have it cracked... Worrisome, given the problem they supposedly had. Llæwyn walked up to it and gave a few firm raps on the wall just to the side of the door frame, calling out "Telvin, Cyssa, we've come at the request of Edeill to aid you. We just need you to answer some questions for us." As she did she indicated silently to Passiel to keep watch to their rear and flanks, not sure that this wasn't a trap of some kind.
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Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Initially, silence would be all that Llæwyn would receive in response. The elf's choice not to intrude would ultimately prove polite, as her sharp ears then caught a gentle creak of the wood flooring, followed by a series of steady footsteps towards the entrance. The homeowner gave a brief peek through the gap in the door. Upon seeing Llæwyn and her group, they allowed the slight crack to widen far enough to reveal himself, enough so to show the newcomers that they were indeed welcome.

The homeowner of the 'ugly rectangle' didn't share the appearance of many short-ears that the group found themselves familiar with... for he wasn't one. With finely chiseled features, a head of short green hair, and unmistakably long and pointed ears, he was an elf, and a stunningly handsome one at that, such that it would be difficult for Llæwyn to believe that he could be 'exiled' from an elven community so easily, unless he was some sort of severe deviant...

Then, as if to answer the internal monologue of some of the band's members, the proof of the elf's deviance slipped in behind him to take a look at the group of long-eared visitors. There she was, a rather plain-looking individual with a face full of freckles, icy blue eyes and slightly unkempt brown hair, and small ears with rounded tips... a human. She put forth a slightly hesitant smile, the corners of her mouth seeming to take forever to finally reach their northern destination.

"I am Telvin, and this is my wife Cyssa," said the elf in introduction, allowing his wife to come forward and beside him, and wrapping an arm around her. The human bowed her head sheepishly.

"Um... welcome," was all that she said.

"So, Edeill sent you? I imagine you're here to help us with our raider problem, then. I'd say we've managed pretty well thus far, all things considered. But catching them is another matter. Come inside, I'll fill you in on the details."

With that, Llæ was directed to enter the structure itself, the interior of which was crafted rather shoddily by Elven standards, yet certainly high by human ones. The home was certainly not designed to accommodate a large number of guests, but they managed to fit in the main room nonetheless. Cyssa had retreated into another room for a short while as Telvin allowed them to get seated.

"So the lot of you are... Elvish, I see. Amazing, really, as we haven't seen anyone from Grenwyll in quite a while. The two of us, ah, enjoy our privacy, so to speak. But lately we've had some troublemakers afoot. They've already hit three homes in this area, taking women, children and the like--only the ones with pointed ears, if you understand. Cyssa and I have managed to get by, perhaps because they aren't interested in a human woman... but either way, there's no use just watching our neighbors being taken like this, you know? Makes it hard to sleep, especially for me, knowing that if they got less picky, everything could change in an instant. Cyssa's been urging for us to move, but I say we shouldn't give up just yet, not after all the effort we've put forth to build some kind of community here."

"Indeed," said Passiel. "Every step you yield is one given to the Brevnians. For your sake, and for ours, I would do anything but to simply let this happen."

"Right. Well, they pass by here often enough, usually at night. They've already scouted this place, as I said, and perhaps they just didn't find anything they wanted in terms of people. Horses, wagons, crossbows and swords... they enjoy their safety in numbers and come in a flash. I could show you the road they use, if you like. From inside this cabin, even Cyssa can hear when they are tromping along that path."

As he spoke, the human woman arrived with a tray full of fried, battered fruits of some sort and tarts of an inexplicably soft bread kept in wooden cups. It seemed that Telvin, while keeping many of his Elven traits, had most definitely acquired a taste for even the cuisine of the short-ears. Maerwyn looked at the fare hesitantly, as did Kilean, but the redhead was far too famished to resist for long, and made a grab at one of each.