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Request Account Deletion

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Re: Request Account Deletion

No, you can't. You made your account, and now you're stuck with us FOREVER!
Re: Request Account Deletion

Welcome to Hell where you never LEAVE!
Re: Request Account Deletion

You could always just change the password to something you won't remember and then never use it again
Re: Request Account Deletion

If it's the negative rep you're concerned with you can hide it until you have good rep.
(Edit: Oops! You can't. Just found that out. Guess the FAQ needs that bit removed.)

Of course you may have gotten negative rep from posting this thread (which, judging by your previous content is entirely possible).

Still not sure why people request account deletions. When I don't want to go back to a forum I just "don't go back". Of course this is usually due to me losing interest or forgetting that said forum actually exists. I haven't wanted to leave a forum due to a temper tantrum for quite some time now (15+ years?). Actually, even when I did have a temper tantrum I didn't request an account deletion, I just went around and deleted all my posts and threads. Now that's how you leave a forum. :)
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Re: Request Account Deletion

He should have left with style instead of weaseling out. By insulting everyone with some ridiculous remarks ;)
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