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Rescue Sera

Re: Rescue Sera

As Vina go to her feet she brushed herself down readying her bat, she turned to swing for the other dog only to see it in mid pounce then being flung into the air by Meredith, With that Vina chases after the dog with her bat ready to finish it off, astonished at the physical prowess of Meredith. that and the accuracy of Lin killing the dog the moment it had pounced her.
Re: Rescue Sera

Meredith gets slightly irritated by the dog's dexterity and her teammates. She hadn't expected them to kill the dog that quickly. They were making her look bad! She grumbles and concentrates on killing the dog. With a quick leap, she lunges for the dog's head.

(Is there an aim equivalent for melee?)
Re: Rescue Sera

(You can take different stances in melee combat, an aggressive stance helps ensure a both successful, and powerful hit, but you'll leave yourself wide open to a counterattack. A defensive stance will help you evade an enemy's attack, but forces your action to the end of the turn while lessening the damage you do.)

As the dog regains itself after being thrown, Vina rushes up to it, swinging her bat low to the ground as she breaks the dog's jaw. The dog goes limp as it's blood soaks the ground.
Re: Rescue Sera

Lin holds still for a moment, listening, watching, making sure nothing pops out at them.
Re: Rescue Sera

Vina pauses for a moment she looks around holding her breath listening for every sound, hoping that the commotion didnt bring any attention to them, afterwards she nods to thetwo and quickly rushes towards the building, now that the dogs are gone it should be safer than standing in the street.
Re: Rescue Sera

Meredith basks in satisfaction of having killed one of these things unscathed and alone. She then wrenches her knife out of the dog and looks to her teammates for approval. She nods as if to say they should move on while feeling quite good about herself.
Re: Rescue Sera

~~~Good ol' Meredith! XD~~~

The girls quickly stride inside the pawn shop, the darkness halting any further movement.

They wait until their eyes adjust. As they begin to search the small shop, they quickly discover a pregnant, pink haired girl, matching the description of the missing Sera, laying on the floor, unconscious.
Re: Rescue Sera

Lin checked her pulse and other things, trying to wake her up.
(check condition)
Re: Rescue Sera

(First aid check)

Her pulse was slow, similar to those who are asleep, suggesting that she's in a similar condition. Her belly was round and plump, but not quite large enough to suggest that the baby is about to be born. As Lin moved her around a little to inspect her further, a little bit of cum leaked out of her pussy.
Re: Rescue Sera


"She's fine," Lin informed the other two. "but we should try and wake her up, it will be a lot easy this way."
Lin shook the girl and tried to wake her up.
Re: Rescue Sera

Lin sighed,
"Looks like she's down for good, whos gonna carry her?" Lin asked, after all Lin isn't exacally strong.
Re: Rescue Sera


I can carry her but she was probably on a mission here, lets see what supplies we can find, maybe then once we get back, whats happened to her wouldnt be in vein, theres bound to be plenty of good stuff in a pawn shop, check the back of the store for anything special, she looks stable to be carried at least.

We better be on our best guard while carrying her back I have a feeling that two dogs and those crabs isnt all we will see tonight.

((search the store with the others then Vina can carry Sera back))
Re: Rescue Sera

(Lin search also, but see if she find anything to cover Sera with, like a blankie or something, oh and I need bullets.)
Re: Rescue Sera

Meredith decides that she doesn't want to get caught off guard especially since there might be more of those foul animals nearby.


"I'll keep guard. You guys can just find what ever you need."

Her tone was somewhat sweet as she was still quite proud of herself.

(Stacy searches too?)
Re: Rescue Sera

The pawn shop was empty for the most part, but the girls look around for any loot that might still be around.

(Search check)

Vina looks all around, but doesn't find anything of interest.

Lin finds a combat knife on the floor, looters must have passed it up in favor of other things.

Meredith finds another combat knife on the other side of the store.
Re: Rescue Sera

Lin examines the knife.
(Info for it plz?)
(So no blankie to cover up Sera?)
(If not...)
Lin got up and put the knife in her pants pocket, it might come in handy.
Re: Rescue Sera

(Combat knife as in the knife I started with or the shortsqord or something different?)
Meredith grins at her find and tries to give it a quick appraisal. If it was better than what she had, well she might've just wasted money on the shortsword. She puts it into her indestructible backpack and begins to sling one of the arms of pink-haired girl over her shoulder. She intended to help her fellow survivor carry Sera.
Re: Rescue Sera

(A combat knife)

(A short sword)

~~~There is indeed a difference. :p~~~
Re: Rescue Sera

(Duh, the knife looks cooler XD)
Lin takes point, covering her teammates.