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Researchers Labs (BF69)

Re: Researchers Labs (BF69)

Damn, I'll just have to move fast. Sen thinks as she tries to quickly scramble down along the vent until she reaches a cross section. Her main plan is to angle around and try to get to her labs through the vents. Given the fact that most of the ventilation outside of the test rooms themselves is connected, she should hopefully be able to get to her lab from here.
Re: Researchers Labs (BF69)

As Sen makes her way through the ventilation shaft, twisting and turning in its seemingly never ending corridors she'd notice that the alarms were getting quieter and quieter, as if she was entering an area where the alarms were not functioning. Sen would also not hear the sound of the communal room door bursting off its hinges, though eventually she'd hear the mad barking and scrabbling noises of the dog-beasts trying to find her, tracking Sen by her scent.
Re: Researchers Labs (BF69)

Fuck, of all the... Why the hell did they give tracking beasts a high libedo anyway? Sen wonders as she crawls with one hand and her legs while the other slides the speed injector into her pocket before fumbling around to retrieve a slow injector. Pulling the vial of serum out of the injector, she tosses it behind her to break in the vent and hopefully cover her scent, or at least slow down the creatures looking for her. Meanwhile, she makes sure to grip the speed injector again, in case she needed to inject herself to counteract the slow's effect.
Re: Researchers Labs (BF69)

As the injector smashes the fumes from the serum slowly fill the air, Sen herself would feel a slight slowdown, though nowhere near as it would be if she actually injected it into herself. The sounds of the wolf-beasts get closer, slowly gaining on Sen.
Re: Researchers Labs (BF69)

Pressing the speed injector against her neck and hitting it to cancel the effects of the slow and slightly boost her perceptions, Sen continues on. Hopefully, the tracking beasts would get a stronger exposure as they would not only walk through it, but have more sensitive noses. Worst comes to worse, she could always use the siren serum, but since that wasn't that well tested Sen would prefer to hold off on that.
Re: Researchers Labs (BF69)

As Sen felt the effects of the speed serum the hounds were beginning to feel the effects of the slow serum as they made their way closer to Sen, though she was moving just fast enough to keep out of their range. But it was only a matter of time before both serums ran out, and it would most likely be a while yet before Sen finds her lab in the labyrinth of the vents.
Re: Researchers Labs (BF69)

Fucking damn it! They're going to have to make me use the siren serum and the stuff hasn't been well tested enough yet. Not to mention that if I use it to start singing while in the vents, just about everyone near a vent will hear me and get at least slightly affected. Well, either that or they'll vomit. That actually happens about half the time someone uses the serum and tries to lull a subject to sleep. Sen thinks vigorously to herself as she reaches into the case in her pocket and starts bring out injectors one by one until she finds the siren injector to keep available. Unfortunately, while fun to use on test subjects, neither the lactation nor the lust serums would be useful here. Hell, lust would make things worse.

All the while she keeps moving, trying to keep away from the tracking beasts.
Re: Researchers Labs (BF69)

The hounds continue to chase after Sen, albeit slowly due to the effects of the Slow Serum. Though now a smoke-like substance occasionally floats into the vent system, dissapating almost as soon as it enters.
Re: Researchers Labs (BF69)

Damn it, I can't seem to out pace the damn thing. Fuck, I'll probably regret doing this after this is all over, but... Sen thinks before halting her movement long enough to press the siren injector to her neck. After it injects, she places the injector back into her pocket as the chemicals start altering the portion of her brain that controls speech. Once it finishes, she would temporarily loose the ability to speak, but would be able to hum or sing tones that could induce sleep or a variety of other emotions in others... hopefully.
Re: Researchers Labs (BF69)

The dogs pause as Sen injects herself with the serum, then as the serum begins to take effect they begin to back off once she starts to sing. The vent however starts to fill up with more mist, this time though it takes longer for it to dissapate.
Re: Researchers Labs (BF69)

Sen continues to hurry towards where her labs are. Careful not to cover her mouth enough to completely muffle her temporary new voice, she pulls her shirt collar up slightly to try and shield her mouth and nose at least partially from whatever the mist is. She doesn't want to risk it being some sort of chemical that would jeopardizes her escape.
Re: Researchers Labs (BF69)

Below her Sen would hear the faint sounds of another person, presumably lost in the mist. Whether it was someone who would be able to help her or not would remain unknown until the affects of the Siren serum ran out and she could call out to the person. The wolf-beasts however have backed off completely, though the mist has filled up the vent so much now that is almost completely obscuring Sen's vision.
Re: Researchers Labs (BF69)

Taking the opportunity of the beasts having temporarily left, Sen fully covers her mouth with her shirt, trying to keep from breathing in whatever is in the mist. She does not, however, stop to try and investigate the person as her most pressing matter, currently, is to get to her lab to pick up enough serums to protect herself with.
Re: Researchers Labs (BF69)

As Sen continues down the vent the sounds of the other person get louder and louder, until it appears as if she is right above the person. Then, quite suddenly the vent is struck, presumably by whatever was making the person below Sen panic. The vent is struck repeatedly until, finally, the vent itself breaks, sending Sen tumbling into the area below her.

((wait for my post in the Complex thread before posting))