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[Complete - Full] RJ165659 - Naedoko Demon's Ground v1.1

Oh alright then, after all that translating you really do need a rest, thats just human^^.
And i will continue to search for a translator to finish Haru uru and someday it will be fully translated!

Actually thats what i was saying. Yes the story is translated and yes you can play from the start to the end... and yes a few hscenes are untranslated (2/3) and that is what i was asking Chronomium, to translate the missing hscenes. I don't know for what reason you play h-rpgs but i don't play them to reach the end i want to enjoy the hscenes in between and don't just watch the CGs. I want to read whats going on.
You know: The journey is the reward.

I'll be honest I started playing that game you linked but stopped when I found out most of the he-scenes are untranslated. If someone could finish the remaining h-scenes it would be a complete translation and a lot more people could enjoy it, personally I can't play h-games if the scenes aren't translated or it's pointless... :/
Personally if I have to choose between having sex scenes translated or having the storyline translated I would always choose the second, mainly because I can imagine more or less what the characters are saying in the scene if I know the relation that the MC has with the character. However not gonna lie, it's true that it is always better a full translated game rather than leaving things out.
Translation is done. Next up is a full edit and re-playthrough. Editing can actually take a decent amount of time, but I'm aiming to have the patch released by the end of the next weekend (February 25th).

That's sick dude . Thanks for your efforts!
I'll be honest I started playing that game you linked but stopped when I found out most of the he-scenes are untranslated. If someone could finish the remaining h-scenes it would be a complete translation and a lot more people could enjoy it, personally I can't play h-games if the scenes aren't translated or it's pointless... :/

Yeah it was the same for me at that point. It broke my heart when the first moonrunes showed up. I just couldn't go on like this... not like this! I just couldn't...
But we must not give up hope! Someday a translator will appear and lead us to a complete translation of haru uru, i am sure of it!

DawnCry said:
Personally if I have to choose between having sex scenes translated or having the storyline translated I would always choose the second, mainly because I can imagine more or less what the characters are saying in the scene if I know the relation that the MC has with the character. However not gonna lie, it's true that it is always better a full translated game rather than leaving things out.

Well if that works for you then consider yourself lucky. But for me it's like i am in front of a rich buffet and i am only allowed to eat some dry bread although i am so hungry. D:
Updated the initial post with the editing status for each area. I'll update it as I go through the game again editing it.
Editing second pass finished! I'll be posting the patch tomorrow night (2/20) Eastern standard time.
For some fun stats, 100%ing the game (while reading all text, only fast forwarding through combat text) takes 12 hours when you know exactly where to go and how to get every item.
Oh my goodness, my body is ready!!!
it's late so going to download it and try it tomorrow. Thanks again for working on this, it looks like it's going to be fun!
This and Anzu, this year has been so great for lolis and tentacles, and it's only february.
Thank you for your works.
At last can try a translated game from Tsukinomizu Project.
Chronomium you are a saint. been waiting a long time for this game to be trans'd. once again, you are awesome
Your translations are insanely quick, whats your next translation? If you want I can buy you a fresh copy of a Hitori game.
Thank you!! This game hits every single one of my fetish's.