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RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Blowing with Kag

Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

I guess what I'm really asking is if the minion dies at some point in the que before you've had them send it, are you gonna make me get another minion and send another threat.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Ambushes seem to work on 3 waves of uruks
With the actual ambushing captain showing up the third wave

It's heavily stacked in the ambusher's advantage, and the ambushed usually runs before the real fight starts.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

I will find a way to complete your death threat. You don't need a minion to death threat, and if your minion does die DUE to the death threat, I will save scum. Death Threats always go off.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Another super late update. Despite enjoying a vacation, those who are aware I'm on vacation choose to make my life difficult.

I also used a new setup for recording. Lemme know if you like it better.

I've also rearranged players who have been less active lower down the list. So I may ignore their rampant inactivity.

Muzglob the Drunk (Aust)
Zugor Beastmaster


Fmokou 94 pts (Credit: 61)
Level 4 Berserker - Mozfel Skull-Cracker

Grave 41 pts (Credit: 327)
Level 12 Warrior - Azgrom Slave Taskmaster​

Slicer 154 pts (Credit: 289)
Level 20 Warrior - Ratlug the Sadistic​

Aust 135 pts (Credit: 246)
Level 10 Warrior - Muzglob the Drunk​

XSI 16 pts (Credit: 16)
Level 20 Defender - Amug the Serpent​

Toxic 24 pts
Level 20 Hunter - Pug the Steady

Ryu 90 pts (Credit: 316)
Level 11 Berserker - Mozu the Wicked
Has died, speak to me for new uruk

Ranger 193 pts (Credit: 225)
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Tugog is now warchief forever will he chief wars isn't that great isn't everyone happy I bet everyone is happy I can't think of a meme like pug so just be happy okay I don't know what to do
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge


Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Attack the warchief!
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

This warchief seems a bit on the weak side

There would be no glory for Amug if he were to take that, so I'll have my minion train up on random uruks
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Kill Arjay.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Due to my clumsy beginning, this MIGHT be the last warchief for this test edition of Adopt an Uruk. Since the other 2 are on pedastals.

I can still allow people to acquire new uruks in a new mordor area, buuuuuut das aboot it. I am more inclined to letting this test conclude as a success until Shadow of War comes out.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

If this is the last one, it's time for Amug to take his shot
I'll change to that
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Hahaha, why not just send all the remaining PC uruks into a battle royale? The winner getting the chance to attack the warchief.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Apologies for the extended Hiatus. An update will be coming... At some point.

But I do come bearing gifts, it's that helped me decide a few things. For one, taking over control points of a fortress can be done via minions alone. Which means I can just be the cameraman again and watch as they march and fight for control. Another pleasant thing to see is more kinds of vs-uruk shenanigans. Including some odd mention of Checkpoints. Territory outisde of the fortress it seems.

As well, the loot system. (Yes, the dreaded MICROTRANSACTIONS). It's not as bad as people think. It's literally pay money to cheat. Worthless, but it does have a currency for money, which I can incorporate into the game as a way for players to have more than just an Uruk and a minion, but a collection of Uruks as well, backups and soldiers to use. (This means that you can keep minions to siege WITHOUT worrying about them randomly dying!)

Quality of life features in general. You'll have a lot more resources, options, and a much more easily foreseeable goal. All information still tentative though.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge



Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

A bit sad they didn't 1 on 1 duel

But he didn't seem to need help with the warchief either
May his eloquent speeches lead Mordor to something resembling a victory
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Nemesis Forge

Not surprising result, only way ratlug was taking the chief was with RJ's help so...
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Daycare of War

for those not checking as much as I am but still interested. The video here shows what it's like to have uruks 1v1 each other. This is basically gonna happen when/if I give you the ability to implement spies, or when you decide to butt heads with another player. This is great for me, since the camera angle is very nice for giving you guys a great view of the fight. It was implemented better than I thought it would be.

I am also unsure if both winners of AaU read this, so I plan to ask them what they'll want me to do with their uruks. Though mostly just Pug is of concern, since he'll be an enemy. If he shows up early, I will have to ask toxic if he wants to reuse Pug for Shadow of War as his main uruk or if he wants to watch me slay him.

Shadow of War will release on October 10'th, upon that day I will doubtlessly be streaming it to show me seeing what kinds of things I can do in the next edition of Adopt an Uruk. You guys can show up as well to offer suggestions.
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Adopt an Uruk: Daycare of War

To do with a Uruk?

Give him a kiss!
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Cuphead, The Best

Streaming Cuphead in a bit. Gonna alert the regulars too. Once it's done downloading, which will be very soon, the stream will begin
Re: RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Cuphead, The Best

Stream's up: