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Well, my hope is to start off with MTL and then give them proper translations. Anyways, while I can't find the text for the H-scenes in ROBFEOY I have been able to find them in ROBF; so I think I'm going to translate those ones first and then try again with this game at a later date.
If you're gonna properly translate them anyway why bother with machine translating them in the first place? Seems like a waste of effort if the mtl is going to be replaced by a proper tl anyway. It's not like we're going insane waiting or anything it's been like a decade already we can wait another couple weeks or months.
no robf has been fully translated (including h scenes) via a patch robfeoy and robfsf4u are yhe ones who have only partial translated
no robf has been fully translated (including h scenes) via a patch robfeoy and robfsf4u are yhe ones who have only partial translated
You got a link to that? All the translations I've seen of it left most of the H-scenes untranslated
no robf has been fully translated (including h scenes) via a patch robfeoy and robfsf4u are yhe ones who have only partial translated
Oh yeah? Well prove it since we can't ask for links post a screenshot of the Orc Queen's translated H-scene dialogue. To be extra clear I'm talking about the actual loss scene and not the mid battle dialogue.
It's time to either get back on-topic or stop posting. Consider this an official warning.
Would anyone here still have access to the translated EOY 2.0? PM me please!
Do not ask for a game for ANY reason. Asking for or alluding to links to game downloads is prohibited. Permanent ban.
could anybody share the game in jap?
This thread is for translation discussion only.
anyone knows the password?
Offtopic Discussion - Game discussion in Translation section
it's the name of your master if i remember it's something like : "アルケミス" but you have to write in japanese (no copy paste).