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[RP] Hot Spring Zone


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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The Hot Spring Zone, a rather unique zone, only available to the latest batch of participants in The Colony! It is a relatively small area, but there are pools of varying size, from small enough to fit a single person, to large enough to be a full-blown public swimming pool! The water is always hot and bubbling, and the air weighting heavy with a thick, aromatic scent that have a relaxing effect upon all whom visits the hot springs, no matter what species they belong to!
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Kaiser murrs softly, slowly recovering from the match, his body giving a shudder every now and then as he lay on top of her, a blush on his face as she suckled on his tongue, which he wiggled a bit for her, his hands gently gliding up and down her curves. "I never did get your name, did I miss?" He asks politely, smiling.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

It's Sen. Oh, and Kaiser, if you're wondering: you did good as the first guy I've fucked. I never thought I'd get off on just sucking a guy off. I still need some practice on that, though. She says, pulling off his tongue as her orgasmic haze fades in order to talk to him. Feeling his cock still shuddering inside of her, Sen sends a hand down to massage its thoroughly cum slicked base.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

He nods. "Well... It was my pleasure to be your... partner, for your first match here, Sen. And you can feel free to practice on me anytime... That mouth of yours is amazing..." He chuckles, giving a happy sigh as her hands caress down his body, cock twitching faintly as she rubs it's base, his own hands settling on her hips and gently grabbing her rump. "What's with the tentacles, if you don't mind me asking? It doesn't seem like a typical human ability..."
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Somewhere up the line, my ancestors were the subjects of a corporate experiment to create human/plant hybrids. They figure the hybrids would eat less.My portion of the bloodline is diluted enough that I just have two fleshy vines with organs that produce a viscous nectar. 'Course the nectar somehow has become an aphrodisiac over time. I mean, just look at what a whiff did to you. So, do you wanna go see about getting our pay now or later? Sen replies, her other hand going down to caress the Dragonkin's balls as she strokes the base of the cock still embedded withing her.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Kaiser listens, nodding every now and then. "I see... And I'll assume you don't really mind it? Seems like having a couple extra appendages can be a good thing sometimes." He grins, gasping softly as her hand found his sack. "And to be fair, I got more than a whiff... A lot more. But it was wonderful. About the money... I'm sure it'll be there whenever we're ready to get it. I rather like being in your company like this." He murrs, his hands becoming a bit more firm, giving her rump a light tap.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Oh, other girls love them. They can be fucked by something that can come without needing to bother with protection. As for the company, it's good. Maybe we can start having regular duels with an unofficial cooldown match afterward. Just leave my ass alone unless you want a tentacle in yours. I've never had anything in there and I think you're a touch to big to be the first. Sen says, starting to move her hips slightly to grind against the cock inside of her.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Kaiser can't help but laugh. "You say that like it's a threat to me... I'm a slave. I've had things forced up my ass that make your tentacles look like twigs. But if you don't desire it, I won't be the first to explore yours. At least not with that." he motions down to the cock she was keeping 'trapped' within her folds. Though, one of his hands would rub closer to the center of her rump, a single finger poking at her pucker. "I make no such promises about other parts of me though..." he grins, then thinks. " I certainly wouldn't mind having regular matches... But you're quite the handful. I'll have to try really hard. :p"
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

You really don't mind? The guys back home refused to date me because of my tentacles. That's the main reason I went lez. Anyway, I may be a handful, but that just mean's I'll help you keep on your toes.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

"If I minded, I'd have let you know before we even had our match. They're part of you, and that's all there is too it. And in their own way, they're kinda cute." He grins, his tail lightly stroking over one of them. "I suppose you're right... And maybe we can work something out where instead of long matches like that last one, we just do series of shorter ones... Would that give us more money?"
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

If we did it more frequently, maybe. I think the long ones are worth more. Still, I doubt I could win much in short round: I was only ever skilled at running my partners into the ground as opposed to getting them off quickly. Sen says, the tentacle Kaiser's tale is rubbing wrapping up and around it, running itself along its scaly length. Kissing the base of Kaiser's neck repeatedly, Sen starts working his shaft harder. She starts rocking her hips with a less relaxed and more purposeful rhythm as her hands play over his exposed shaft and balls. So do all Dragonkin have your 'volume'?
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

"Mmmm... But there's no rule saying I can't lay back and let you win some of the shorter ones... And I would certainly have no problem doing that sometimes, if you asked. Just don't expect it for every match." He chuckles, tail caressing and rubbing the tendril it was twined with, the dragon nuzzling his cheek against her as she kissed his neck, cock hardening within her at all the attention.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

In a nearby hotspring, a somewhat bluer patch of water floats placidly around. Nothing distinct is visible, but despite the occasional current, it stays all in one mass.

Mmm... nice tangy warm salty water...
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

As long as you don't try to use me as an easy battle by always shortening the matches, I'm fine. Sen says, hermoving the hand from around Kaiser's shaft to move up to start stroking his wing muscles, Sen replaces it with her second tentacle to grip and writhe around the shaft. So, about you're volume?

So far, she hasn't noticed the odd water nearby, given that her face is against Kaiser's neck
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

"Heh, I wouldn't do that to a pretty one like you. Besides, I'm not exactly here by choice. My masters WANT me to win, so I get to feel rebelious if I lose sometimes..." He laughs, wing giving a faint twitch as it feels her hand caress it, his hips starting to rock gently, in and out of her folds, coaxed by the tentacle and hand. "The volume? Hmmm... Not all, no. Some are larger, some smaller. And the females don't have it at all." he teases, ears picking up the sounds of the irregular movement from the water nearby, but unable to place it, seeming to ignore it for now.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

So, do you mmmmmasters keep all of your rrrrrewards, or do you get a biiiiiiit to help yourself out wittthhhhh? There's suppoooooosed to be stuff in the sssssshhhhhhhhops to help out the contestants. Sen says, starting to moan as she speaks. Throughout this, she continues her work on the staff of dragon meat within her. Rocking in time with Kaiser, she continues to stroke his length and his tail with tentacles while she works his balls and flight muscles with her hands.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Undisturbed by splashing or odd tastes, the blue patch continues to drift about, the currents keeping it in the middle of the hot spring.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

"As I said during our match... I didn't even know... there was money involved... until you told me..." He gasps out, cock throbbing again inside of her, balls quivering at every touch, wings giving slow, gentle flaps as she continued to rub. His hips began to thrust faster, trying to sheathe every inch of his shaft within her at times, rubbing it all over inside of her, his hands griping her ass tightly, partially for support, partially just to do it. As the pleasure began to mount within him, his legs started shaking, even kicking a bit, kind of like a dog that was getting it's belly scratched, creating considerable splashing and ripples throughout the area of the hotspring they resided in.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone


Eh? Somebody's in here? I shouldn't have been dozing off like that...

Disturbed by the splashing, the patch gradually condenses, a dome rising silently from the center to resolve itself as a head of sorts. Or at least the upper half of one. Eyes blink at seeing two other beings - a human, but with a pair of tentacles? and a lizardy-dragon thing? - bobbing together at one side of the pool. Then it submerges again.

M-Maybe I'll wait for them to be done...
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Huh, welllllll you'll need sommmmmmme stuff laterrrrrrr to help make yooouuuuuuu better. We'll figure sommmmmmmething out. Sen says before withdrawing her hand and tentacle from between their legs so that the two could press completely together. Then, lifting her legs, she wraps them around Kaiser's back and pulls him all the way into her as she sends her empty hand down around his ass to gently squeeze his balls. Tickling the base of the underside of his tail with a tentacle (She's heard it's suppose to be sensative), she draws her face level with his. Fill me with another of your hot loads. She says hazily before kissing him on the lips.