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[RP Idea] Ultima Afterworld

Re: [RP Idea] Ultima Afterworld

Mage description from Ultima IV:

The Magi of Britannia gather in Moonglow, near the Lycaeum, where they can study the ancient mystical scrolls of the Library. The strictures of their profession permit Magi to wear only cloth armour and carry either a staff, dagger, or sling. Unconfirmed rumors indicate that the highest Adepts have acquired the use of arcane magical weapons. The primary weapon of the Mage is magic. As the Mage becomes more advanced, more powerful spells can be woven. Some of the greatest spells have been known to shake the earth, or raise the dead!

Moonglow, city of honesty:

On the southern end of Verity is situated the fabled town of Moonglow. The Magi of Moonglow are constantly improving their skills, being tireless in the pursuit of greater knowledge of the mystic arts. Within Moonglow, however, can be obtained the finest in mystical reagents. These herbs will help those with magical skills prepare and cast their spells.

You can also look up Mariah. The mage companion of the avatar.

Ranger description from Ultima IV:

Off the western shore of the mainland lies the fair island of the Rangers. Venturing far from their retreat at Skara Brae, they strive to improve the conditions of people throughout the realm, guided by the virtue of Spirituality. Rangers are well-versed in woods lore and fight fiercely with most weapons, but shun all but leather armour. They are also proficient magic users and faultless trackers in any wilderness.

Skara Brae, city of spirituality:

A centre for rangers, Skara Brae is a city immersed in the study of Spirituality. The city lies on the southernmost of three isles just west of Spiritwood. A gentle towne of kind, thoughtful and generous people, Skara Brae houses a fine but inexpensive inn, an excellent apothecary, and a healer who uses physical, magical and spiritual medicine. Those in need are always welcome at the Skara Brae healer, and can be healed regardless of their wealth.

Look up Shamino. The ranger companion of the avatar.

Also the capital Britain, city of compassion:

Principal towne of the Empire of Britannia, the busy seaport of Britain lies in central Britannia on Britanny Bay. The bards headquartered in this Towne of Compassion and the arts put their emphasis on hospitality. Britain has a large hotel and outstanding pubs and food. There is also an armoury wherein thou canst buy the finest bows made. Three suburbs recently sprung up around Lord British's castle and provide many of the goods and services needed by the court of Lord British. East Britanny specializes in shipbuilding and boasts a fine healer. North Britanny offers a small, rustic inn and fine stables among its several farms. West Britanny is a farming towne, supplying its own needs and those of the four surrounding settlements.

Those are all straight from the game, and should at least give you an idea to start with.
Re: [RP Idea] Ultima Afterworld

Ranger description from Ultima IV:

Off the western shore of the mainland lies the fair island of the Rangers. Venturing far from their retreat at Skara Brae, they strive to improve the conditions of people throughout the realm, guided by the virtue of Spirituality. Rangers are well-versed in woods lore and fight fiercely with most weapons, but shun all but leather armour. They are also proficient magic users and faultless trackers in any wilderness.

Ava told me I could use any armor... Up to plate mail anyway. Or maybe I misunderstood him...
Re: [RP Idea] Ultima Afterworld

As of Ultima IX ascension Shamino wore plate mail.
Re: [RP Idea] Ultima Afterworld

Yeah he's right I forgot that after the gargoyles, armor/weapon restrictions disappeared. Though most of the professions still favor the old ways as far as I know.
Re: [RP Idea] Ultima Afterworld

My character won't like heavy armor anyway... That's the kind of personality he has.
Re: [RP Idea] Ultima Afterworld

And on the contrary: Mine will wear 15 suits of full plate armor at once, each of them loaded with spikes that shoot out for 100ft in all directions when he's attacked!
Re: [RP Idea] Ultima Afterworld

Okay, but don't complain if it doesn't get repaired very often because the tinker keeps dying from blood loss because the armor thinks it's being attacked.
Re: [RP Idea] Ultima Afterworld

I await characters...
Re: [RP Idea] Ultima Afterworld

Still thinking on a background, but aside that I'm all set...
Re: [RP Idea] Ultima Afterworld

We still need the others...