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[RP] Mountain Zone

Pheonix Alugere

New member
Former Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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The mountain zone is a large area filled with one large central mountain. pine trees cover the gentle slopes with small clearings and low cliffs offering a view from the sides. Up near the peak, the mountain is bald, having only a covering of soft grasses and affording a grand view of the nearby zones. Many small humps rise from the side of the mountain as miniature peaks that people can go to if they don't want to make the full climb.
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

Sitting down to rest in the grass atop the peak, a young looking woman sits as she looks out over the surrounding lands. Smiling softly to herself, she looks about hopefully to see if anyone else is either on the peak or reaching it.
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

A flash of bright blue in a clearing near the base draws the woman's attention. A closer look reveals something odd... an entirely blue woman seems to be wandering upslope, periodically bending down to look at flowers and whatnot. From the way she walks, it seems fortunate that the mountain's not very steep... she doesn't seem to be too steady on her feet.
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

Standing up, Nillien looks over towards the blue woman. You need a little help up here? You look a bit worn out. She offers, moving towards the woman.
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

Melusine looks up, startled, as a voice comes drifting down from the peak. She looks up, spotting the source... a pale, white-haired woman standing near the top. Sucking in a big breath of air, Mel does her best to call back to her.

"Oh! Um... no, I'm okay! Just not used to walking very much!"

It isn't a proper shout, but the words make it up clearly. And with a more obvious goal to head for, Mel turns and starts heading straight up the mountain.

(Um. Mountain, yes? Peak -> base at least a couple hundred feet altitude, and way more than that horizontally for it to be a "gentle" slope? Give Mel a few minutes to make her way up - Nillien can sit and enjoy the breeze.)
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

Alright, Nillien calls before moving back to lie down on the grass and watch the clouds. As she does this, she realizes that most of the clouds seem to be suspiciously phallic in nature... The owners of the coloney were likely responsible for that.

(I was figuring you meant at the base of the grassy area around the summit, but, ok)
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

Some minutes pass while Melusine makes her way up the mountain. Eventually, though, she gets up to the peak, stopping next to the white woman and cautiously letting herself sit.

"Hi... I'm Melusine... I thought I'd go exploring for a bit, but this walking is hard work!"

(A mountain that's only a couple hundred feet high, and grassy... *snrk* That would barely count as a hill around here. :D)
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

Ah, so my company has finally arrived. Want to enjoy the view... Nillien says as she leans over to the woman, Or have some other fun? She asks, licking the goo girl's cheek.
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

Melusine jumped as the woman leaned across and tickled her cheek.

"Squeak! Er, um, well... I, um, haven't seen you around before... and this is my first time up all this way... so maybe enjoy the view for a bit? And you can tell me your name?"

She can't blush... but she'd obviously be red if she could, hastily looking out into the distance, by coincidence back towards the hotsprings.
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

It's Nillien, or Nill for short. Anyway, you sure you just want to see the view? I can show you a better time you know. Nill says as she slides around behind Mel. Leaning in to whisper the last part in her ear before making a playful nip at it.
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

(Geez, horny much, Nill? :p)

"Ah, oh, um... well, um, Nill, I suppose I could do my looking later..."

This accompanied with a grin as she twisted to face Nillien and quickly reached up and brushed her nose with a finger and a giggle.
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

Kissing Mel lightly, Nill replies First to three orgasms then, Ms.? It should be fun for the both of us. She grins adding a few light caresses along Mel's body.

(You want to make the thread or should I? Also, Nill's an immortal essentially, she doesn't have anything better to do than be horny.)
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

(Eh, I'll make the thread, but then Nill gets first action. First-game bonus. :p)

Mel shivers under the caress, but then gives a wave up at the sky, drawing the attention of the monitoring system.

"Sure, sounds good. And it's Melusine, or Mel for short."
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

Lying half submerged in the goo girl's body as the cameras start to move off, Nill speaks up. That was fun. I'm glad I decided to come to this colony for a while. She finishes as her cock fades back into energy within her body.
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

Mel is not terribly coherent, head lolling back as her arms slump. Still, she gurgles out a reply.

"Oog... glad you liked it..."

She recovers enough to punctuate this with a quick peck on Nill's cheek. Her body remains soft where Nill's legs have pressed into it, though - letting Nillien choose whether to pull away or cuddle for a while.
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

Nillien continues to just lie in Mel's body wriggling about slightly on occasion to give a little stimulation to her nipples and breasts, but mostly content to bask in her post orgasmic bliss. I'm guessing you had fun as well?
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

"Ooh, yeah... you're very, very... very... overwhelming..."

She reaches up to idly run a hand along Nill's back.

"Er, so you stay up here usually?"
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

I do like being up here a bit, but I don't really know yet. I just got here recently. I've been meaning to explore the other zones as well. I've only really been to this one and the information one. Where do you spend the most time? Nillien asks Mel as she lazes about in the woman's body.
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

"Ooh, the Hot Springs zone. Warm water, tasty minerals... quite a few people go there, but the zone's big enough you don't have to encounter anybody if you don't want."
Re: [RP] Mountain Zone

Hmmm... I'll probably check that out later, then. So, if you don't mind me asking, what race are you anyway? Nillien asks, not recognizing what Mel is.