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RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games


Oct 21, 2013
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Yop ^^, i get a lot of question and ask for help about my pacher, so i decided to make my own thread about it, where i will be able to regroup and update all info :D will be more easy for me

so, let start =)

i want to hook a RPG Maker MV game with my VNR and/or chiitrans lite, but i cant make it work T_T why ?

That normal, MV game use a node browser and are writen in javascript, VNR and chiitrans will not be able to get anything from it, you can stop trying ^^

So T_T ?

we will need to workaround, and use a go-between, by using a plugin and a little tool
i will try to guide you :)

to start, you will need to prepare your game, lot of MV game are packed, we will need to unpack it

ho, mine is in one big .exe, so he is packed ?

exactly, and to unpack it, you will need a unpacker, you can find and use several

here some link :)

let see howto with the more simple one, EnigmaVBUnpacker

you have a game_boxed.exe

launch EnigmaVBUnpacker, select the game_boxed.exe, "unpack" and wait until it finish ^^

you will get a "%DEFAULT FOLDER%" directory with the game in it, you can delete the big .exe
warning : MV game realy dont like the "%" in directory name, you absolutly need to rename the directory on something without "%", or your game will not work (you will get a white page on game launch)


some game have their files arranged a little differently, and you will need to move some directory, see on case to case (another example here)

in final you need to get a directory with the game.exe and his directory www =>

if you get that and you can launch the game, you are all good =)
For Virtual Packages Extractor 1.1 :

@SFrame make a good guide here =) http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?p=905338#post905338

if you are on windows 10/8 dont forget to configure the extrator AND the game in compatibility windows xp sp3, or the extraction will not work correctly ^^

K, So now, i can install the plugin thing ?

yup ^^
get the last version of unrar it and launch it, give him the path to the game.exe and install it.

yamete kudasai, what are all those option, i dont understand them...
you are f****** bad to make a thing that understandable *_*...

yeah, i know that :p, that tool was originaly for my personal use... so i make thing like they where comming, that + as you surely see my english is not perfect + i often mix some french in thing too lol, you get a imbuvable interface

but dont worry, for the majority of game, all you have to make is "next" "next" "next" "install" "close" ^^, and you can jump at the "hook" part far below in this thread :p
but this is a howto, so let explain a few each option :


  • Timer in millisecond : that how much the plugin wait before sending any text, 200 is a good default, that fast, and that give engouh time to the plugin to get all text screen in one go, you will surely never change that option. she is here if one day we see a game where we cant configure the text to be instant draw, and need time to get all text from a sentence :x

  • WantCmdItemSeparator & CmdItemSeparator : that option is usefull to help auto-translator by adding a separator between item (that i call item are commande menu item (menu / item name / skill name / etc...)

    exemple for a menu like that :

    in place to get that :

    you will get that :

    each menu item is separated by the CmdItemSeparator (here a dot), that will greatly help auto-translator

  • ClipLogerOnStart : that option talk for herself i thinks ^^, with it, ClipLoger will start and will close following the game.exe (no need anymore to launch them separatly, just launch the game.exe)
    you can alway Open/Close ClipLoger in game with the F6 key
    (unconnected hint : with F7, you can alway ask the plugin to send again the actual screen text =))

a prety usefull option, but not so easy to use ^^

  • BloctextSeparator : will activate the block text reconition and add separator and line break between each

    with that option activated, the plugin will reconize and organize block of text in the game
    that a block of text ? simply, that text that grouped in the same drawing bitmap, even more simply, you can see them as text grouped in the same "windows"

    some example, will talk better =)


    will give :


    will give :

    usefull, by example,to a better view on menu, add separator on name where we dont have it or if 2 pnj speak in the same time in 2 different bubble

  • Choice Separator : will add a define separator in all choice windows between each choice

  • RegEX block patern.

    Ok, so this option is a little more complicated, by base, she ignore all "duplicate" block that encountered in the same screen
    but the second part of the option is the tricky one :p, she make it avaiable to force a ignore on a specific "block", by using RegEX matching patern

    Let look a example to explain : you have a game with a clock
    that spam you every second, and you want to get rid of it, nothing more simple, give to the patcher a RegEx so that he will be able to define the Block of the clock and ignore it

    for this clock we will define something like this : ^\d\d:\d\d($|.$)

    the clock is alone in his block so
    ^ -start of the string
    \d - a decimal
    \d - another decimal
    : - two points
    \d - a decimal
    \d - another decimal
    ($|.$) - end of string (with or without a "." (so that work if whenever WantCmdItemSeparator is used or not)

    this one will take care of the gold block, that apear at each zoning/exiting menu : ^[0-9]+\uFF27$

    so... if you find something in game that you dont want to get, that the option you will need to look at ^^

    all block that match the regEx you will give in the list, will be totaly ignored

  • 36a691321d.png

    allow to extract the text color code within the text





    she is usefull for the next option

  • ff9e73e888.png

    add a way to force additional separator between the name and the text. if the game dont have one but use specific color(s) for names

    usefull to get a better translation from translator

    some game use one color for all name, like イル・マーレ~溟海の女海賊達~, some use different (ex blue for guys, pink for girls, green for animal, like 人妻エルフのお留守番)

    Without it :



    With it, configured to namecolorcode #ffffa0 and 「, 」 separator :



Those two option are for now prety useless, since the appearance of the block reconition option, so you will surely never have to use them
i keep them in case we encounter a game that use color name and text in the same block, if that happen, that will be usefull again :p

  • 63484be4b6.png

    Option that will ignore all "item" (menu item/combat item/etc...) that are reapeted on multiple screen without anything else between

    for game like "RJ179039 - Succubus Frontier" that have some item text flood in battle

    note that option will just ignore repeatable item text (name/action/menu/combat/etc...) and not dialogue text

  • e786679ea3.png

    that option is usefull for game that use the YEP custom message box plugin

    this plugin draw thing 2 time... when he draw something outside the default box (like in a box name, box above pnj, choice box or some menu box)

    in fact the plugin draw the text in his custom box, and hide the original text drawing it out of the box -_-... dont ask me why, i didn't go read theyre code :p

    so this option will ignore all out of the box dialog text (not item text), no more double name/double choice/double dialog extracted on game using YEP
  • 487de76d5d.png

    That option désactivate all waiting time between any words/sentence in the texte

    like "HOO MY GOD !! (pause 2 sec) i didn't see that comming"

    the pause make it that the plugin get the sentence in 2 time... and the translator will not have time to translate the first

    désactive this option if you encounter some text that go to fast for some reason, like battle in RJ183431 ^^

desactivate those option only if you encounter problem with one of them

  • here just some external plugin that you can ask the patcher to install in the same time as my plugin

    @all credit for those plugin go to their dev :), thinks to thanks them ^^

    - Zeemu/Kira SpeedHack plugin

    Alt + numbers 1-9 to define the speed

    - Emerald Cheat Menu plugin

    Emerald said:
    I've created a plugin for RPG Maker MV that allows users to access a Cheat Menu in game. The controls are all input via the number keys [0]-[9] (not the NUMPAD).

    Open the Menu by pressing the [1] Key.
    Move menu to different positions with ` (key with tilde ~)
    Scroll between cheats with [2] and [3] Keys.
    Any [#] indicates a number key to press to cause an action.

    The menu can also be clicked.
    Edit: Controls are much move intuitive now, everything is left click and clickable elements will be highlighted on hover.

    Available Cheats Are

    [1]God Mode for any Actor (infinite hp and mp, skills shouldn't cost anything)
    [2]Set Enemy HP to 0 hp or 1 hp
    [3]Toggle No Clip
    [4]Edit Exp
    [5]Edit Stats
    [6]Edit Gold
    [7]Edit Items, Weapons, Armor
    [8]Change player movement speed
    [9]Open console with F8

    - T.Akatsuki UTA_messageSkip plugin : a plugin that activated a key to be able to skip text (default key ctrl)

    *you can ask if you want some other external plugin here*

PIOOOUUUUU, Ok, So, i have installed the plugin, when i launch the game, i see the japenesse text pop in the ClipLoger thing, now ? how i hook all that so i can get a translation ?

That will greatly depand of what you will use to hook ^^, see bellow for the tool you use

i will try to explain thing simply

- for now close vnr

1 - let look if you have correctly installed the plugin cliploger

- launch the game

if you see jap text from the game in cliploger, all ok (dont close them)

2 - launch vnr

- go in "preferences" (right clic tack bar icon, or "cog" icon in vnr)
- here go translation=>translator, and check "microsoft bing.com" and "google.com", so vnr will use those 2 translator online (offline translator need to be installed to be able to be used by vnr, like Atlas, if you want to use it in the future)
- close the preferences windows

3 - now, you need to hook vnr WITH cliploger, NOT the game

- launch the "game wizard" : task icon right clic or "magnifying glass" icon
- here, next
- "select the windows of the runnning game" => next
clic on the START button, and select CLIPLOGER (not the game) =>next => next => next => next

- here the wizard will be at the "select the text thread" step, in the dropdown list, select UTF-16
- go in the game and make something that show some text, and you will see that vnr will found 2 to 4 text thread
- look for lstrlenW "572d UTF-16" or "F8A2 UTF-16" and check it then "commit"

here normaly you have all configured, go in the game and see if you got the translation from vnr (he will translate 2 time in 2 color, one bing, one google )

next time you want to play, no need to make all that again, now vnr will know cliploger, you just have to :

- launch vnr
- launch the game

hope that will help ^^ vnr is very simple to use after you get on it, but sure the start can be triky, specialy on a MV game XD


if you have already hooked VNR on cliploger on something else than 572d or F8A2 by error, you will need change that in the text setting

- launch VNR
- launch the game.exe (ClipLoger will open and VNR will grab it)
- open "text setting"
- go in the game (make some text apear)
- 572D or F8A2 will appear in the text setting, select it as "dialog" "save"
- play


Make sure thar VNR dont play with the Clipboard, those option need to be disable :

ChiiTrans Lite
if you see the jap text in cliploger, that mean you have correctly installed the plugin

the rest is not realy hard ^^ =>

  • launch the game
  • launch chiitrans lite
  • select the "select desktop windows" option and clic on cliploger windows (not the game)


  • Connect


  • here, go back in the game, play a little to see some text in game, until you see 572D lstrlenW pop in chiitrans


  • check it, uncheck the other, and play =)
TA / TA Helper
First, if you use TA, you will not need Cliploger, so you can install the plugin with ClipLogerOnStart disable ^^

the plugin himself make the exact same works that AGTH, he will send all the text from the game to the Clipboard

so you just have to make TA get text from the Clipboard, exactly like if you where using AGTH with it, like alway =)


Q : windows #{^[\#[ up my clipboard and Cliploger/Ta didn't get the text actualy on screen T_T...

Hit F7 in game, F7 ask the game to send again to the clipboard the actual screen text, and he will gladly make it :)

Q : My cat closed cliploger... i dont find him to re launch it o_O T_T...

Hit F6 in game, F6 will Open/close Cliploger, no need to bother to search him (if you realy want, he is in the plugin directory now :p)

Q : I dont know if my Patcher is UP to date, where i can look ?

you will alway find the last version in my signature, and since, the patcher check himself if a new version is avaible on launch, he will give you the download link if that the case

Q : A @#^[@ Block of text get me mad, i want to erase him, but i dont know how to make RegEx T_T

Ask here or in the game thread, ppl dont bite =), me or some other person will gladly help without problem

Q : Is the use of your patcher/plugin is free of charge ?

ABSOLUTLY NOT !!! nothing is free in life, each time you use my patcher, you must go give a candy to one of the youngest member of your family, Dain and Haribo are the best :x

Hope all that will help *_*
dont hesitate if you need help or have question

have fun ^p^/

note de version :
RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher :
- Add option to be able to desactivate the waiting time skip option

RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher :
- correction of some separator bug

RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher :
- correction of a incompatibility with another plugin using the updateWait fonction

RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher :
- Get rid of the waittime between text (like in [アスガル騎士団] 実際のところ RJ192501)

RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher :
- Add a forcing plugins loading intallation partern for game like 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記 RJ186234 who modifie how plugins work

RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher :
- Little change on how list work 
- fignolage of one of default RegEx

RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher :
- changed default item separator 
- corrected a bug that blocked the installation of Emerald cheat menu plugin sometime 
- add French and Chinesse language (the plugin automatiquely set himself as the same of the system language) (thx kael11 for the chinese translation =)) 
- add a list of useful RegEx code, where i can stock all regEX that some game need (the plugin go look this file online)
- the patcher auto-correct a bug in the NobleMushroom plugin (game タイムクライムパラダイム - RJ191183) that caused a crash when the game set to "showFast = true" and "lineShowFast = true" (obviously my plugin set those at true... :p)

RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher :
- correction of bug with child process in Fallen Princess Lucia v1.3
- change on the default choice separator
- the select exe dialog box will now have the path of the patcher by default, not anymore the last path used 

RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher :
- correction of bug in the Choice separator fonction, making sometime disapear choice IG  
- add last update of Emerald Cheat menu plugin

RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher :
- add Choice separator and make them alterable
- little change on how Cliploger get CB hook
- add kura SpeedHack plugin
- add Emerald Cheat menu plugin
- add EnigmaVBUnpacker in the .rar

RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher :
- little code typo correction 
- change in the focus 

RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher :
- Cliploger on Login 
- F6 Key Open/close cliploger
- F7 key resend current screen text to the clipboard
- add blobk reconition option 
- add ignore repetitive block option
- add ignore matching RegEx patern block 
- add version check 
- take care of read only game files
- some bug correction 

RPGMakerMVGame patcher :
- corrected a bug that crached the plugin if the game was sending a undefined text in the drawing fonction
- revamped the UI, was started to be in need of a little more space, to much option o_O (sorry for those that liked the instant install , now you have 3 more clic )
- add a new option : IgnoreOutOfBox text

RPGMakerMVGame patcher :
- add a new option, to be able to ask the plugin to ignore repeatable item text 

RPGMakerMVGame patcher :
- updated cliploger, correcting some bug that caused him lost some text on specific occasion

RPGMakerMVGame patcher :
- correction of a bug that blocked a patched game to open correctly in maker MV (to correct a early version patched game, just reinstall the plugin on it)
- add a option to also install a Text Skip plugin, UTA_MessageSkip from T.Akatsuki (default key "control", alterable in the patcher)

[...]Lot Of thing XD[...]
RPGMakerMVGame patcher :
- corrected some bug
- make that the plugin will normaly works even on game that overwrite the drawtext
- add some option in the plugin : ShowcolorCode & ForceNameSeparator

RPGMakerMVGame patcher : 
- Auto configure/install clipboard plugin & Cliploger on a MV game

RPGMakerMVGame patcher : 
the thing is born
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Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

Thank you very much for this immensely useful utility, and your continued work on improving it, Libellule! You are truly awesome!

And it even comes with its quite comprehensive how-to/guide?! You, sir, deserve a medal! ;P

I've been using your patcher with the few MV games I've thus far encountered, with TA+TAH; has been working perfectly!

I have a question regarding something you wrote in the FAQ here:
"Q : windows #{^[\#[ up my clipboard and Cliploger/Ta didn't get the text actualy on screen T_T...
Hit F7 in game, F7 ask the game to send again to the clipboard the actual screen text, and he will gladly make it"

Been noticing that the grabbed text -as of late- has been on quite a few occassions NOT sent to clipboard. I am not talking about your patcher generally, though if people sometimes have to press F7 to resend the text to the clipboard, I think it is the same problem.
Like, I can see the ITHVNR/ITH grabbing the correct text, but TA and TAH will not do anything, since -my guess- the grabbed text was not successfully sent to the clipboard?
Sometimes it happens in 1 out of 50 lines, other times 1 out of 5 - I don't know if there is something triggering it actually. Seems to be random.

And this behaviour seems to have been only around for the past couple of weeks - at least I don't recall ITHVNR 'missing' copying to clipboard from before.
Any suggestions?
I don't know why, but my gut feeling is telling me that this newfound behaviour may be stemming from the 'Micrsoft Visual C++' redistributable packages a game -downloaded from a site whose name has the sound a cat makes in it ;P- installed alongside with it... It seems to me the problems might have started around that time (a month ago).
But if this is actually a normal thing - then my gut may be wrong.

Anyways, any ideas what may be causing this and/or how to remedy the situation? :)

TL;DR: THX for the patcher! *thumbs up*
Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

Thx for the Cheer ;), i'm happy to see my tool are aprecied and used :p

Been noticing that the grabbed text -as of late- has been on quite a few occassions NOT sent to clipboard. I am not talking about your patcher generally, though if people sometimes have to press F7 to resend the text to the clipboard, I think it is the same problem.
Anyways, any ideas what may be causing this and/or how to remedy the situation? :)
Yeah, i came up with that option because of problem like that, sometime Cliploger or TA was missing a line from the clipboard

after some investigation, i have found some direction, that cause that, but not realy a "real" coupable :x

so far, first the problem dont come from the plugin/ITH/Agth, they all send correctly the missing line in to the clipboard :/, my debug log correctly show that the plugin have grabed the text and have send it, and more importantly, the missing line IS in the clipboard..., but Cliploger/TA dont grab it from here

when we sent something to the clipboard, windows launch a "clipboard change event" to all application that listen to, the problem come from here apparently

possible cause :

  • i tested and see that if the clipboard get changed to fast, he will send one event for multiple change, and we will miss a line

    can be greatly reducted by growing up the timer used by the plugin/ITH to send the text to the clipboard (200millisecond look like a good one on my PC, but that not hurt to test to go 300/350, that will eases the clipboard if he is lost :p)

  • another application have grabed the event and didin't make it follow, when a apply listen to the event, he grab it, make the thing he want to make and make it follow to the next in line, search and kill the coupable *_*
    (i'm looking in that direction actualy with my next update of Cliploger, to see if i can hook directly the windows message queue to get priority

  • your windows is too slow, and precede too slowly at sending his event message queue
    windows have priority, and the clipboard is not the first in line :/
    he will not hesitate to delay his event, sending them sometime a bit later, to much later (upping the timer delay from 200 to 300/350 can help a few, clean a few windows if he his overcharged too)

  • another application use the clipboard in the same time ! the clipboard is used by lot of apply, and not just for text, lot of type of thing pass in it, look if you dont have a little one who use it time to time, like a appli that use it to stock a image and send a clipboard.clear() in the same time :rolleyes: (Aka : look at Puush or similar tool :p)
    dont let anyone play with the clipboard :p

  • Another some Alien coupable i didn't find yet :/... keep searching

i would realy like to find a way to not use the clipboard :/, but it's a little complicated, MV game are node browser and work in a sandbox, that hard to comunicate with another appli
- i tested the stdout stdin with a childprocess but that horrible :/
- i tested with a socket server, that to slow :/
- i tested with a file, cant be realy a real time communication :/

hope all that can be give you a few hint where to look

Edit :

Wooww :p

get my first red one \^p^/

but i'm alright with it, with some retreat the global "center" things was realy realy a bad idea and making things look bad :p, i take care of it
hope it was what who bothered, if it's about my english, i cant hardly make it better, sorry ^^
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Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

Edit :

Wooww :p

get my first red one \^p^/

but i'm alright with it, with some retreat the global "center" things was realy realy a bad idea and making things look bad :p, i take care of it
hope it was what who bothered, if it's about my english, i cant hardly make it better, sorry ^^

:D dw, it wasnt / isnt that bad ^^
Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

Hi Libellule!

Any progress report maybe, on tackling that annoying 'text won't make it to TA or the Cliploger' occurrence?

After looking into it a little bit, it indeed seems so that the missed lines make it to the clipboard, and only get lost afterwards.

i tested and see that if the clipboard get changed to fast, he will send one event for multiple change, and we will miss a line
I don't think this is the cause for me. Not skipping through the game text or anything, so the clipboard doesn't have to work very hard... ;P Like TA gets the previous line of text, I read it, and afterwards (like 2-3 seconds later, if the sentence(s) previously grabbed, were long) click in the game -> next line -> (get unlucky ->) ITHVNR grabs it, but TA doesn't translate. (TA and/or TAHelper doesn't get it from the clipboard) Seemingly completely random.

another application have grabed the event and didin't make it follow, when a apply listen to the event, he grab it, make the thing he want to make and make it follow to the next in line, search and kill the coupable *_*
(i'm looking in that direction actualy with my next update of Cliploger, to see if i can hook directly the windows message queue to get priority
I don't think that another app is actually using my clipboard -though I can't be sure-, but I tried raising the priority of TA and TAHelper to realtime to see if it could help. It didn't, unfortunately.

your windows is too slow, and precede too slowly at sending his event message queue
windows have priority, and the clipboard is not the first in line :/
he will not hesitate to delay his event, sending them sometime a bit later, to much later (upping the timer delay from 200 to 300/350 can help a few, clean a few windows if he his overcharged too)
This is basically almost like the first probable cause, right? Well, tried it with closing everything else and shooting down all applications not totally necessary from the background as well, but alas, no luck.

another application use the clipboard in the same time ! the clipboard is used by lot of apply, and not just for text, lot of type of thing pass in it, look if you dont have a little one who use it time to time, like a appli that use it to stock a image and send a clipboard.clear() in the same time (Aka : look at Puush or similar tool )
dont let anyone play with the clipboard
Can't be totally sure, but I don't think anything else is monitoring my clipboard. At least I hope nothing shady is watching from the shadows, unseen by and umbeknownst to an average user like me! lol

Btw, when you said to increase the timer for the plugin/ITH, did you mean the split time? That is the one set to 200ms as default in ITH, so I guess so, right? Could you perhaps tell me what the options in here do (the split time and the delays), if I am not too imposing, please? :)
(sorry to grab ITHVNR into your MV Game Hook thread - just hope we can somehow hunt this missing text thing down!! ;))



  • ITH_Options.jpg
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Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

I think there is an issue with your something in your code for the Choice type messages (at least for wolfzq's Cursed Armor game).

Something is causing certain types of choices to completely not display in game with the way wolfzq does some of his text choices (Not sure if hes using YEP, vanilla, or his own custom plugin for the choice textboxes). It's not all choice boxes, and its only with the WantChoiceSeparator = true (which is controlled by IgnoreRepeatableItem in the patcher).

I think the text is somehow getting deleted when you do choices_encour.length = 0; to delete the choices

I'm not totally clear on how all the text display works in RPG Maker, or how your plugin works, but I was able to solve the issue by using a bool for determining if there is a new choice instead of the length (no idea if any of my changes break shit).

I'll attach my edit to hopefully give you an idea of where to look if you decide to fix this, but I just wanted to let you know that the issue exists. (look for the commeted //BEGIN EDIT sections to see what I changed)

I also noticed that the choice text seems to still have the escape characters in them (ex. \C[1] for color), that's what the sanatizeText stuff added in is about.

Feel free to use any of this, or not.

Unrelated side note, ̶I̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶a̶c̶k̶a̶g̶e̶d̶ ̶v̶e̶r̶s̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶C̶h̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶M̶e̶n̶u̶ ̶p̶l̶u̶g̶i̶n̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶s̶t̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶s̶l̶i̶g̶h̶t̶l̶y̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶d̶a̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶d̶o̶e̶s̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶r̶e̶f̶r̶e̶s̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶n̶u̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶i̶t̶.̶
I just updated my Cheat Menu plugin (v13, no new cheats, just initializes on new game now and keypresses are only listened to without ctrl, alt, shift held down to be more compatible with your packaged speedhack), so it's for sure outdated now.

Edit2: some comments added for clarification
Text Hook Cursed Armor.zip
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Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

It's exactly as you say, the choice separator breaks stuff. In some games to the point of unplayability.

I advise turning that option off to all people for the time being, at least until libellule looks into that.
Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

i'm on it ^^, a new version will arrive soon

wanted to finish it last weekend, but i got too busy, i hope to make her online in the next weekend

Edit : Launched a mid version, not include all that i want, but she correct this annoying bug ^^
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Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

Very minor(ish) bug to report.

In pumpkin's latest RPG, 'Escape from LewDemon Forest' ( ), patching with the MVGame Hook patcher (version, the latest as of now) results in the game's "Textbox hide button" (Control key) not to function anymore.

Tried with default checkboxes checked in the patcher, with no boxes checked - always the same outcome (Control key won't work).
Textbox hide works with the boxed game and the unboxed, not yet patched version as well. So I figured it has to be the hook patcher.
Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

Very minor(ish) bug to report.

In pumpkin's latest RPG, 'Escape from LewDemon Forest' ( ), patching with the MVGame Hook patcher (version, the latest as of now) results in the game's "Textbox hide button" (Control key) not to function anymore.

Tried with default checkboxes checked in the patcher, with no boxes checked - always the same outcome (Control key won't work).
Textbox hide works with the boxed game and the unboxed, not yet patched version as well. So I figured it has to be the hook patcher.
mmmm, that strange, my plugin dont use the control key o_O

i DL the game and look at it ^^

Edit : ok, find the problem, that was a incompatibility with another plugin that use the updateWait fonction... that my bad... forgoten to forwarding the fonction after overtaking it :x
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Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

mmmm, that strange, my plugin dont use the control key o_O

i DL the game and look at it ^^

Edit : ok, find the problem, that was a incompatibility with another plugin that use the updateWait fonction... that my bad... forgoten to forwarding the fonction after overtaking it :x
Wow, thank You for the speedy bugfix! I was able to figure out that the textwindows hide would work if I 'false'-d the "Clipboard_llule" plugin in plugins.js, and that it most probably was in conflict with the "MessageWindowHidden" plugin. But other than that... lol
Didn't even know what to look for.

Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

Wow, thank You for the speedy bugfix! I was able to figure out that the textwindows hide would work if I 'false'-d the "Clipboard_llule" plugin in plugins.js, and that it most probably was in conflict with the "MessageWindowHidden" plugin. But other than that... lol
Didn't even know what to look for.

that was with "MessageWindowHidden" yes ^^

the 2 plugins overwrite the updateWait, and mine have priority because installed the last, and i forgot to give the hand to the next one... >< my stupidity, that a given to alway forward overwriten fonction... ><

but good thing alway come from bad one... i didn't know the existence of this game before that :D
Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

I don't know if I'm doing this wrong, but I haven't encountered this issue before:

"Not the right game executable, select the one in the directory containing also the \www\ directory."

I do not know what it means by that. I assume it means it hasn't been unpacked.

Okay so I tried the unpacker, and now it gives me an error saying my computer is out of memory. How much memory is required for this?
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Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

Okay so I tried the unpacker, and now it gives me an error saying my computer is out of memory. How much memory is required for this?

That means that the game is too big for the unpacker that you are using. Try using Virtual Packages Extractor.
Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

Okay so I tried the unpacker, and now it gives me an error saying my computer is out of memory. How much memory is required for this?
Like @Darthan say yes =), EnigmaVBUnpacker is limited , he hardly extract game bigger than ~1.1go

in that case, you need to use Virtual Packages Extractor, he is a little harder to use, but have no size limit ^^
look in my How to on the 1st post, you will find a link to a guide made by @SFrame at now use this one :D
Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

When I try to hook cliploger with Chiitrans i get a Text hook already initialized error, is there any fix for that?
Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

When I try to hook cliploger with Chiitrans i get a Text hook already initialized error, is there any fix for that?

mmm ?, you can only hook one instance of ith on a process, so if chiitrans say that, that because somethings else is already hooked on cliploger o_O... a old instance of chiitrans ?... maybe you have VNR loaded and he auto-hooked cliploger ?

- if it's VNR, just close him

- if its a old instance of chiitrans or other that bugged, just closed/reopen cliploger to "free him" of any hook (you can close/open cliploger with the F6 key IG ^^)


but, in fact you dont realy need to hook cliploger to chiitrans, cliploger is made so we can hook VNR on it, because VNR need a real hook to works at is full =)
but chiitrans, you can simply configure him to grab text in the clipboard, my plugin send all text to the clipboard, exactly like AGTH make it, so for TA/chitrans lite, no need to hook
Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

Every time I try using the egnigma vb unpacker I get this error "out of memory while expanding memory stream " how do I get around this?
Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

Every time I try using the egnigma vb unpacker I get this error "out of memory while expanding memory stream " how do I get around this?
Pretty sure that is a problem with trying to extract boxed games that are too big (~1GB+) for EnigmaVB.
You will have to do it with Virtual Packages Extractor v1.1. Read this post to learn how.
Re: RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

Enigma VirtualBox Unpacker was updated to v0.41a.

Full changelog:
  • Supports files larger than 2GB. Yeah!
  • Correctly recognizes EnigmaVB 7.50-7.70;
  • You can use command-line EnigmaVBUnpacker.exe /nogui [pathToFile] to unpack file, save results to !unpacker.log and close automatically.
  • NEW: fixed "Error creating temporary file"
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