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Sailor Moon OOC thread

Re: Bishoujou Senshi Sailor....... SLUTS!?

I'm pretty happy with how Sailor Nyx is right now, even without the points for her extra defects. Really, I had a hard time finding places to put the bonus points from the background. Maybe I'll just set the extra points aside for use later, if that's allowed.

My super-secret other character, on the other hand, I have been struggling for points with.
Re: Bishoujou Senshi Sailor....... SLUTS!?

I was merely asking, but since it seems everyone is doing alright with their points as it is for the most part then that's cool with me. Although I haven't used any of the bonus background points yet since I thought Tenta was supposed to give those based on how detailed their backgrounds were supposed to be and all, so that's probably why I've been lacking in those last couple to dish out for a neutral attribute or two.

I'll have to remedy that soon and write up a background for Valerie to have and all.
Re: Bishoujou Senshi Sailor....... SLUTS!?

What the heck, might as well post my sheets here, so people can have a look if they want. The second one would probably be the one most other people would be interacting with, if at all.

There's some placeholder bits in there, like Yumeko's birth year and the name of the guy that summoned Kigakari and the name of the school.

Sailor Nyx/Yoruno Yumeko ("Dream child of the Night")
Element of Influence: Dreams
Age: 17
Birth Date: June 3rd, (17 years from the start year of the game)
Sign: Gemini
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 104lb
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: Reading, Jewelry making
Favorite Colour: White
Favorite Gemstone: Onyx
Favorite Food: White Rice
Least Favorite Food: Anything spicy
Favorite School Subject: Art
Least Favorite School Subject: Phys.Ed
Strengths: Creativity, honesty
Weaknesses: Low Self-esteem, recurrent nightmares

Body: 3
Mind: 6 (2+4)
Soul: 10 (7+3)

HP: 85 (65+20)
EP: 80
Attack Value: 6 (8 for Senshi Attack)
Defense Value: 4 (6 for Senshi Attack)

Character points spent: 23
Unspent Points: 5

Attributes and sub-attributes:
Level	Name				Cost
1	Senshi Powers			4
2	Senshi Attack			8pp	Eternal Nightmare (20EP)
1	Environment Control		4pp	Nightmare Terrain (5EP)
2	Rejuvination			2pp
2	Heightened Senshi Power		2
3	Appearance			3
1	Acrobatics			1
3	Strong Soul			3
2	Focused Combat (Senshi Attack)	2
2	Supernatural Training		2
4	Powerful Mind			4
2	Damn Healthy!			2

Character defects:
BP	Name
1	Attack Restriction (Innocents and friends)
2	Powered after Transformation
2	Recurring Nightmares
2	Taint of the Negaverse
1	Transformation loss
2	Phobia (Men and Dogs, minor)

Eternal Nightmare
Sailor Nyx often clutches her head before using this attack as it causes great stress for her as she pulls her own nightmares to the surface and pushes them on her foe. She'll often shout the name of the attack, but this is mostly due to the stress and not because she needs to. The attack manifests visually as an inky black field that forms around her head (though not obscuring her features in any way) before being thrown at the enemy (or simply launched if her arms are restrained). Should the attack connect, the enemy's perceptions become overwhelmed by nightmarish sights and sounds. Nyx doesn't have enough control (yet) to specify exactly what the subject perceives, but it is always terrifying. The nightmare images overlay the real world, hiding attackers or other threats while also making it hard to navigate.
Targets defend at +2, attack does no damage. See Mercury Bubble Spray for an analogous power and effect.
EP cost: 20

Nightmare Terrain
Where Eternal Nightmare causes hallucinations in a single enemy, Nightmare Terrain actually physically alters the world around Nyx. The area around Nyx out to 30 yards/meters becomes a twisted reflection of reality. Lights often flicker or go out all together, walls become twisted and covered with unidentifiable growths, water runs black and the sun is blotted out, leaving the area in the same light level as during a solar eclipse. Shadows don't follow the actions of those that cast them, often moving out of the corner of one's eye. Wispy fog swirls around the area as well. Additionally, colours become muted in the area.
Those standing outside of the affected area see only a strange fog around the area until they step inside. Once the effect ends, everything returns to normal with no lasting effect as a result of the change.
Nyx can actively use this power simply by willing it, but it will also activate spontaneously if she is in great stress (combat or using Eternal Nightmare isn't sufficient). Nyx isn't really sure exactly how best to use this power, with the only use she currently has for it being to hide an area from outside view, usually to prevent bystanders from getting in the way of a battle. The changes unnerve Nyx just as much as everyone else, so she tries not to use it often.
EP: 5

Transformation Locket:
After one particularly terrifying nightmare, Yumeko awoke to find this tarnished silver locket hanging by a chain around her neck. No matter what she does, the silver never takes a polish and the locket has proven impossible to open. The locket is required for her to transform and she keeps it around her neck at all times.
Transformation Words: Nyx Transformation Power

Yumeko is a pretty, if fairly average looking girl with shoulder-length black hair and pale skin. She has a slight frame and a delicate look about her, like a china doll. Outside of her school uniform, she typically dresses in muted colours and tries to avoid drawing attention to herself. She finds it hard to smile and has a generally melancholic look about her. Though slight of build, she stays fit and active by being on the school's swim team where she is an average performer, though constantly being told she could be better if she believed in herself.

When transformed into the haunted warrior Sailor Nyx, the majority of her outfit is white (like most), but the trims are black. Her outfit includes knee-high boots that match the trim of her outfit, and similar gloves.
Yumeko: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=268&pictureid=14107

Yumeko is very quiet, her voice rarely reaching above the volume of a loud whisper when she talks, which isn't often. She's very humble to the point of self-debasing and has pretty much no self-confidence. This clashes with her role as a protector as Sailor Nyx, something she has trouble reconciling, positive that whatever decision it was to make her a guardian was a mistake. Yumeko is easily startled, often being lost in her own thoughts.

She has an intense fear of dogs and a slightly less intense fear of men, particularly older, outgoing men. However, she finds herself strangely attracted to the objects of her fears, unconsciously putting herself in situations where she'd be likely to encounter them (Though she hasn't spoken with one, a psychologist might suggest that this is her trying to get herself to overcome her fears).

When transformed, Nyx is only slightly more outgoing. Though still quiet, she becomes more aggressive and has a noticeably darker personality, though she still takes pains to avoid harming innocents.

Yumeko is plagued by nightmares and her subconscious has a great deal of material in her past to draw on for inspiration. Born to an alcoholic mother and abusive father, life was very hard for her. Their small apartment also didn't give her many places to run away to. School became her haven and books her escape.

When she was eight, her mother died of alcohol poisoning. Yumeko came home from school to find her mother slumped over a table, already dead. Her father took his grief out on her when he found out and when she returned to school, her arm was in a cast. Though she insisted it was due to her falling, some workers at the school started to look more closely into her family life. For some time, nothing came of this, neither Yumeko nor her father would admit to any form of abuse taking place.

At the age of fourteen, Yumeko decided to take a roundabout route home from school. The path took her through a quiet park, but before she could even start to appreciate the greenery, she heard a growl. That was all the warning she had before a large dog rushed at her, quickly knocking the small girl to the ground. She rolled over to try to crawl away, but felt two things that stopped her. First, the dog's jaws around her neck, and second, something pushing against her panties. Too scared to try to escape, Yumeko held perfectly still until the dog finally found its way past her underwear. Having never had sex before, the experience was painful, but any movement on her part was met with a tightening around her neck. After enduring what seemed like hours of pain and humiliation, the dog knotted her and she felt something warm spreading throughout her lower body. For some reason she found this sensation to be strangely pleasurable, and when the dog released his jaws from around her neck, she felt relief, but it took several minutes of further degradation before the dog's knot deflated enough that she could part from him.

Not long after her encounter with the dog, her father started mentioning that it was about time for her to start earning her room. She wasn't sure how she would go about doing that, but when he grabbed her and threw her face-down onto the floor, she felt a strange familiarity, and some dread accompanying it. Her father noticed her lack of hymen and then the more familiar pain started. This became a routine for her, she'd return from school to be raped by her father.

Yumeko endured this hell for years before she found the courage to open up to the school nurse during a routine checkup. She was quickly taken into protective custody and her father was locked up.
After this she found her way into foster care since she was still a minor. The family that took her in was kind, but also distant. It didn't help that she had been scarred by her previous sixteen years and found it very hard to trust anyone. Nevertheless, she felt a great weight lifted from her when she really started to believe that she could come home and not suffer pain and humiliation.

The nightmares remained, however, and a few nights before starting at a new school, she awoke to find a strange locket around her neck. Still unsure of its purpose, she still felt a need to keep it constantly on her person. Over the next few nights, her nightmares were filled with images of her fighting shapeless horrors, but wearing a strange outfit.

Yumeko hasn't had any proper supernatural training, but her attunement to the darker forces gives her a feeling when supernatural events or beings are near.
She hasn't transformed as of the starting of the game, but she has all the knowledge required of her. Instead of a friendly animal companion though, this knowledge was imparted by rather unpleasant dreams.
She's joined the school's swim team.
Yumeko likes making jewelry out of whatever she can, and wants to open her own jewelry store once she's able to.

And Kigakari. Like I said, this'll be the one that'll be moving around a lot. Think of her as kind of like a Knight, showing up to help (or sex), but very un-Knightly in origin. Simply put, she's a monster/Youmu that decided to make love instead of war.
Name: Kigakari
Alias: Marissa LeBlanc
Position: Outcast/Traitor
Duties: Hiding and Protecting
Age: Old
Birth Date: Long ago
Height: Youmu: 5'7" Human: 5'4"
Weight: Youmu: 146lb Human: 124lb
Blood Type: AB
Hobbies: Sleeping, sex, giving massages
Life Goals: To live and have as many experiences as possible
Favorite Colour: Silver
Favorite Food: Chicken
Least Favorite Food: Bell Peppers
Sources of Power: Sexual Energy
Personal Philosophy: Live free but don't harm others if they don't intend to harm you.
Strengths: Knowledge of bad guys, magic
Weaknesses: Probably not trusted once her secret is out, also slutty. The negaverse will be after her once they find her working against them.

Body: 8 (5+3)
Mind: 3
Soul: 4

HP: 60
EP: 35
Attack Value: 8
Defense Value: 6
(+1 to initiative)

Character points spent: 27
Unspent Points: 0

Attributes and sub-attributes:
Level	Name				Cost
1	Negaverse Powers		5
2	Mind Control			4pp
1	Negaverse Magic			2pp
2	Energy Drain			2pp
3	Negaverse Attack		12pp	15EP
5	Acrobatic			5
4	Appearance			4
1	Art of Distraction		(free)
1	Heightened Senses (Hearing)	1
3	Speed				3
3	Fortified Body			3
3	Combat Mastery			6

Character defects:
BP	Name
2	Touched by Positive Energy
2	Unique Character Defect (Hunted by Negaverse)
2	Special Requirement (Sexual Energy, Daily)
1	Unique Defect(Amensia)
1	Easily Distracted(Sex)
1	Attack Restriction(Fighting to defend herself or others only)

Dark Magic Spells:
Kigakari can change her form into any humanoid form of roughly the same size. While she can change her gender with this spell, she finds male bodies to be 'boring'. The change is a physical one and not an illusion.
When excited, her animal ears and tail will sometimes appear spontaneously, but these are often overlooked as simply being a 'kemonomimi mode', an apparently common enough occurrence to not draw attention.

Dark Armory:
This spell conjures weapons into Kigakari's hands. The weapons are solid, made of materials normal in their construction, but if they lose contact with Kigakari for even an instant, they dissipate back into nothingness. The weapons are mundane, but can only be made if Kigakari has knowledge of their construction. Thus she can conjure swords, spears and bows (despite the fact that any arrows fired would dissipate upon leaving the bowstring), but not modern-day firearms or even collapsible batons. Despite being functionally identical to their normal counterparts, the weapons conjured by this spell have a dark tint to them and clearly look unnatural.

Dark Wardrobe:
Like Dark Armory, this spell conjures clothing for Kigakari. The clothes are mundane in every way otherwise, though like Dark Armory, any part separated from contact with Kigakari dissipates. The spell can't make armor of any kind. Otherwise, Kigakari can dictate how the garment looks, what colours it has, what material it's made out of and so on. Unlike Dark Armory, clothes made with this spell are impossible to distinguish from mundane garments (unless Kigakari decides to make them so). The clothes can be summoned directly onto Kigakari's body and dismissed at will. She can't change the clothes once they've been conjured, so any changes require dismissing the outfit and summoning a new one.

Kigakari, in her natural form appears as a voluptuous, dark-skinned, white-haired fox-girl. Using her magic she can take nearly any humanoid form of roughly the same size as her natural form. She currently uses one particular form for blending in. That form is a blond-haired, tanned girl of slightly more modest proportions, while still retaining sex appeal.

Kigakari sees clothing as being optional and has no problems shedding clothes if she feels as though they're inconveniencing her. She's curbed this practice somewhat after realizing such behavior wasn't looked on kindly by most humans. When she does wear clothes in her natural form, they're often of an otherworldly style, clearly not from any point in human history or culture. These clothes also tend to emphasize her breasts.
When wearing clothes in a human form, she picks clothes that will allow her to fit in, while still drawing appreciating looks.

Natural form: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=268&pictureid=14106, http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=268&pictureid=14105
Current Disguise: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=268&pictureid=14104

Kigakari has a flighty personality, her mind skipping around various thoughts, rarely settling on any one thing for long. She's usually cheerful and outgoing, perhaps a bit too much at times. She's learning the customs of humans in Japan, but still makes many mistakes. Luckily she can pass this off as simply being 'gaijin ignorance' if she's in a non-japanese disguise, which she is usually for this reason. She's very free with herself, not thinking of consequences to her actions and having little regard for laws (though she doesn't go out of her way to break them, she just doesn't concern herself with them).

Due to her break from her former masters, she needs to collect her own energy from humans to survive. She finds the easiest (and most pleasurable) way to do this is through sex. While she can drain energy at a rate that can quickly incapacitate a normal person, she doesn't actually need all that much energy to survive and can subsist on draining such minuscule amounts of energy that her partner simply attributes their fatigue to the sex they just had. This is only part of the reason why she enjoys sex so much, however; The most polite term for her would probably be 'slut'. She enjoys sex so much that if she has nothing else she has to do, that is her first choice of something to do. She has no problems bedding a woman, but finds sex with men (or at the very least involving a dick) to be much more satisfying.

Kigakari doesn't remember much of her time in the Negaverse. It's all foggy and dark when she tries to remember anything. The first clear memories she has is of being summoned by (some bad guy) to steal energy from humans. He orders her to disguise herself as a masseuse and steal energy from her clients, but she quickly decides she doesn't want to prey on humans. She's not sure why she finds it hard to see humans as prey, but she's convinced that the reasons are buried in her forgotten past. Regardless, rather than carrying out (bad guy)'s wishes, she fled into the dark of the city night.

After spending some time watching humans and learning about their ways, she felt herself feeling an odd sensation, something akin to hunger. She realized she had been 'cut off' from the Negaforce and would now need to gather energy for herself or die. She was a little hesitant at first, when she snuck into a salaryman's bedroom, but when she noticed him sleeping naked, she felt a different kind of urge. After fucking the man in his sleep, she realized that this was an easy and relatively harmless way of gathering enough energy to live off of.

After spending a few days of stalking around the city at night and finding sleeping men to 'feed' on, she found herself feeling lonely and a little bored. Sure the sex was nice, but it was starting to become routine for her and she found herself craving variety. Watching some schoolgirls playing, she figured that was a good way to experience many different things, while also teaching her about this world she was quickly becoming attached to.
Disguising herself as an exchange student from Canada (she found a map and blindly stabbed her finger at it. The first choice was somewhere in the pacific ocean) she enrolled in (school name)'s next school year. She's eager to make some of these new things called 'friends'. She's not quite sure what that entails, but she's hoping it involves a lot of sex.

She's unaware of any Sailor Senshi at the moment, and, so far as she knows, the forces of the negaverse have mostly forgotten about her. She still has nagging feelings that there's some evil force out there preying on humans and feels a desire to protect them, but isn't really sure where to start.

Misc Notes:
Kigakari isn't exactly unintelligent, she just finds it hard to focus on any one topic, leading her to poor marks in school, not that her complete lack of knowledge of Earth history was helping in the first place. Still, she can offer insightful comments at times, often to the shock of those around her.
She's an expert masseuse, the knowledge being imparted to her so that she could carry out (bad guy)'s plot. While she ended up doing something different, the knowledge stayed.
Re: Bishoujou Senshi Sailor....... SLUTS!?

Eh, I went for it. Liked the opportunities some of the less usual flaws gave, and used the points to round out the skills i wanted to get. most of my progression should now be improving what I have already, instead of picking up new things.
Re: Bishoujou Senshi Sailor....... SLUTS!?

Derpgen, you say.

Name: Ueno Kasumi, Sailor Polaris
Body 12 (6+6)
Mind 3 (2+1)
Soul 5 (4+2)

Senshi Powers 2 - 20 PP - 8 CP
- Transformation
- Telepathic Link

- Senshi Attack 3 - Hokuto Hundred Crack Fist (ACV) - 12 pp
--- 60 damage! Defense is +3 penalty.

- Senshi Attack 2 - Hokuto Void Slash (ACV) - 1 pp
--- Paralyze/stuns an enemy I guess. Defense is +2 penalty.
--- A flying kick!

- Elemental Control (FIST) (Soul) 2 - 6 pp
--- I am seriously going to use this to make badguys punch themselves in the face.

- Rejuvenation 2 (Soul) - 2pp
--- 20 HP/EP healed when stressful situation/presence of coolguy.

- Combined Attack 1 (usu. Soul or ACV) - 1pp
--- Share EP/mix attacks with 1 dude

Heightened Senshi Power 1 - 1 cp
- +2 pp

Acrobatics 1 (Body) - 1 cp
- Basic Shit!

Focused Combat (Unarmed) 1 (CV) - 1 cp
- CV +1 when punchan.

Extra Attacks 1 - 4 cp
- +1 attack & defense per round

Fortified Body 6
Powerful Mind 1
Strong Soul 1

Speed 3 (free, body 12)
- 4x faster than human adult; +1 Init

Defects: 8/8

Attack Restriction - 1 BP
- Other Sailor Scouts/Knights

Powered After Transformation - 1 BP
- 1-2 powers while untransformed (FIST Control, Rejuvenation)

Attack Gesture - 2 BP
- DBZ-tier power ups and yelling before every attack
- If attack disrupted, fails, and EP lost.

Attack Words - 2 BP

Marked - 1 BP
- Big Dipper constellation of 7 huge gouged-out scars on front of body.

Special Requirement 1 - 1 BP
- Need to be barechested to transform

(Planned: Omae wa mou shindeiru - ? cp
- Can apply damage dealt this turn, NEXT turn all at once, armor counting only once.)

Element of Influence: FIST.
Age: 17
Birth Date: March 7th, 19xx
Sign: Pisces
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 147 lbs
Blood Type: Hot
Hobbies: Punching stuff, ridiculous training montages
Favorite Manga: Hajime no Ippo; DBZ
Favorite Movie: Roadhouse;
Favorite Song: Take a guess












Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

And my own character, kinda sorta not really an exchange student, heh.

Sailor Tethys

Name: Michelle Conway
Age: 18
Element of Influence: Water, Motion
Sign: Aquarius
Height: 5'10

Body: 5 (9)
Mind: 3
Soul: 4 (6)

HP: 75
EP: 45
Attack Value: 8 (9)
Defense Value: 6 (7)

Character points:

Attributes and sub-attributes: level (cost)
Senshi powers: 1 (4)
Elemental Control (Water) 1 (3pp)
Elemental Control (gravity) 1 (3pp)
Senshi Attack 1 (4pp)

Acrobatics 1 (1)
Combat Mastery 2 (4)
Extra Attacks 1 (4)
Focused Combat (H2H) 1 (1)
Fortified Body 4 (4)
Massive Damage 1 (2)
Speed 1 (1)
Strong Soul 2 (2)

Character defects:
Attack Gesture (-2)
Easily Distracted (Food) (-1)
Powered After Transformation (-2)
Transformation Loss (-1)
Marked (-1)
Phobia (Thunder) (-1)

Senshi Attack: Ice Crystal Storm
Sailor Tethys strikes a pose, making a hand motion to seemingly pull an ice shard out of thin air, the first of many sent towards her opponent as she flings it their way, a rain of crystalline ice shards following the first.
Targets defend at +1, 10 damage, 4EP cost

Appearance: Tall and lean compared to her japanese classmates, Michelle has an athletic build offset by her long brown hair and piercing stare. She has the practiced movements of a dancer, or a fighter, smooth motion and natural grace. She's taken to wearing local clothing when not in her school uniform, though her fashion sense could not be called perfect by any means.

(Marked)Michelle has a pair of tattoos, one on each arm, just below the shoulder. Left is the head of a snarling wolf viewed from the side, facing forward, and on the right is what appears to be a series of stylized gouges, eight pointing down and partially overlapping. They're a remnant of her time on the street, and quite recognizable.


Backstory: Michelle may not be loud, but she is certainly confident. Having lived on the street for four years before being remanded into the foster system, the girl quickly learned how to handle herself. Once reintroduced to school life and a stable home, she finds her challenges somewhat easier than she's used to, leading to a certain swagger about her. Her foster parents moved to Tokyo with her (They live in the Akihabara district) in the hopes that separating her from the familiar sights of her past would help her even out and focus on her schooling more. She's made many impressions but few friends since.

Little changed when she became a senshi, the sudden responsibility and challenge forcing her to adapt once again. She still acts the same as she goes through her classes, but remains on her guard for when she's needed. She struggles in most of her classes, but loves her P.E. class. She's also on the swim and basketball teams, where she excels.

After school, she tends to hang around and roam, originally to explore, now to patrol. What little pocket change she has is from a weekly allowance, odd for someone her age, but she doesn't mind.

As a senshi, she favours hand-to-hand attacks over her newfound powers, though it has seemed more than adequate so far. She takes her duty very seriously, refusing to back down even when she seems to be losing.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Im still tinkering with bad guys, npcs and plot stoofs. Ill try to at least get a character sheet thread and other stuff oût tonight when i get out of work.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Posted out stats for knight, and first two main big bads, as well as adde locations from the book. Once I get to where I can do so Ill add flavor text deacriptions as well as some basic rules and such for any newcomers we might possibly get. But a quick question for those already signed up: How much if any interaction/appearance(s) would you like from original Scouts? I have chewed on prospect of guest appearances.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Almost zero. Should be a new age so to say. Though I wouldn't have issue with it if it did happen.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I wouldn't mind guest appearances and possibly them coming in to save our characters if they get beaten and are about to get captured or something. But maybe they're older now and like... I dunno, parents themselves or something for our characters generation to be the front line warriors/scouts. Doesn't really matter to me though honestly.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I am fine with guest appearances.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I'm ambivalent to the idea. If they do appear, I'd think it should be in a manner similar to Tuxedo Mask in the series, that is, there to distract the enemy long enough for the main characters to finish them off.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

So um, if I wanted to try, just for the heck of things, to play this. Would it be possible to join the semi-serious game?
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Yeah, thats cool slime. Just pm me a charCter sheet n then post it up here.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

If Blue is referring to Tethys and Nyx's thread, Shrike and I are both cool with him joining us.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

If you've got some free time and want to see something funny done with classic Sailor Moon, watch this:
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I think the Tethys and Nyx thread might be a bit more serious than what I'm going for. I'd like a middle of the road approach. One that includes humor and ero/smut, but not to the point that those override or detract from an actual story. I don't want Sailor Ceres to suddenly be facing rape orcs and tentacles everywhere, but if a Negaverse villain puts it in his mind that he wants to not merely defeat her but keep as his sailor concubine upon his victory, then that's cool with me.

However, I'd like the story itself to still have traces of the light and happy sailor moon series, in that we're not dealing with Sailor Nothings, or people wanting to cut themselves... I don't want a sailor moon game written by Alan Moore.

And finally, I've left it open that my character could fit into a sailor moon universe with the original scouts, but I'm totally fine with doing an alternate history version of things or even a setting where the dynamic is completely different. The only things I've assumed is that she is associated with a heavenly body and an element. and that there is a negaverse of evil.

Edit: After a cursory google search, I notice that there are technically already some manga-based sailor senshis of the same name as Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta. However, they are minor characters, and if my character were to be included with the original scouts living in the same world, then we'd just have to scrub these minor personalities from existence.
Last edited:
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

You could come and go in my thread if you wanted. I figured on having a solo and "team" version of my character as it was.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Thanks Freeko, but I'm gonna do a thread with Maiko.

Maybe I'll make a dark warrior to go and make your life fun, though.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Door is always open :)