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Sailor Moon OOC thread

Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Good post. Just make a Soul roll next time before suggesting that your character can sense a transformed senshi. She's not right next to you and she's out of sight, so it's not automatic.

And untransformed light warriors are not detectable. The only clue would be if you were draining their energy and you realized that that they had a lot more energy than a normal human should.

So you may want to edit that bit.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Ah, sorry about that. I was working on what I read the level of supernatural training allowed and just assumed he would of been able to sense people so close by. I'll go make some edits and I'll make sure to do a roll next time.

Edit: Believe its fixed.
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Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Supernatural Training needs to be more specifically defined, I think. In the series, it referred to things like Rei's Shinto Priestess training. Occult training would cover things like ghosts and spirit possession and devils and such things, but the Negaverse and the Warriors of Light do not perfectly align with the occult spectrum.

Another thing about Supernatural Training is that you probably need to do things like pray, prepare incense, follow a ritualized mantra, meditate, or other such things that take time and concentration in order to make those effects manifest. It's not going to be Supernatural X-ray vision that's on all the time.

If your character wants to perform a ritual and the narrative allows for it, then he can of course use his high level training for detection and ward purposes, but it needs to fit the narrative.

I'll let you get away with the detecting of Sailor Tempestas, since perhaps being surrounded by so much dark energy it helps you see the positive. (Like seeing the white coin on a large black field, your attention is drawn to the contrast.)
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Mhmm. Alright, thank you for letting it happen this time. But seeing this I think we might need to work a little bit on what Alladra's spiritual actually entails. As you just said its not likely to be of the occult spectrum, so its more likely to be more focused on his own inner power and that which surrounds him. As they are already being of the supernatural.

Ritualized mantra's and meditation would work well towards that I believe. For example of something similar I'm leaning my idea a little towards the 'Star wars' genre. Where they meditate and look out of themselves or try to find disturbances in the 'Force'. The detection and basic wards of his abilities could work in something like that manner. Chanting the mantra to use the powers for detection and during a more combat instance where he tries to use a ward towards his supernatural enemies.

There is wards to protect buildings and the like. And I think that could be done by something like carving symbols while pouring his power into them to protect the area or make it hard for those its targeted against to breach or perceive as there.

Any suggestions of your own?
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

There are spirits and demons that exist in the Negaverse. There is also spirituality in the Nega Verse as well, though it is often corrupted into a worship of the powerful. So you could easily have a variant of Shintoism.

People from the Negaverse are not necessarily supernatural beings. Some of them are and some aren't. For instance, neither Calabite nor Alladra are supernatural. They wield power, and they can live for an extremely long time, but they are still mortal. You can argue to a certain extent that the Sailor Senshi are reincarnations of light warrior spirits, and in that sense they are touched by the supernatural, but they are still normal girls (or guys in the case of Nicholas) until they transform.

Going to try to steer clear of a Star Wars explanation for things, but I'm okay with the use of carved symbols as wards and meditation to power your rituals. The more powerful the technique, the more elaborate your rituals will need to be.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I just used star wars as a reference there for the idea I had in mind, as there is hardly anyone that doesn't something about star wars nowadays. I may know one person that doesn't actually know what is, but out of everyone I know she's an exception.

Mhmm, thinking on it his choice of robes as his normal attire might work a little into the Negaverse version of shintoism. Like he tended to the shrine on his days to relax and offered his prays and the like. Working with negaverse views their shintoism is likely more tied to 'Corruption' than purification. Mhmm...I have a few ideas. I'll message you them so its easier on you.

Edit: I just realized that we, as play characters, are all using purple for our voices! I think I'll alter Alladra voice colour before we all start speaking the same~
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Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I realize that it hasn't been publicly announced yet, but the main game (Juuban land) has another PC - Sailor Shine, played by Maikochan.

For reasons, I am having her start separate from the main thread so as to not mess up the flow. When the time is right, she'll appear in the main thread with you guys.

I don't want to do this for everyone as I'd like to keep the chronology for Rathuris/xivvix/Sprig on the same page. The other thread's timeline is being kept vague.

However, it will be using names of bad guys and potential allies that are the same as in your world, so if you wanted to read that thread too for your edification, you're welcome to it.

The plan is to eventually have you all in the same thread.

-GM Blue
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Oh cool. In that case let me be the second person, after the GM, to welcome you into the setting Maiko. Welcome!
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Welcome to the game Maiko. :)
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Welcome Maikochan! :D
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Thanks for the warm welcome. Looking forward to everything ahead.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

After running the rolls in that last attack sequence, I'm starting to get a little depressed with the archaic system that we're running the game with. I appreciate all the theme, and the fact that we've made good characters, but I wish I could change the mechanics of the rolling into a more narrative-friendly system.

How do others feel about the game mechanics? To me, they don't seem to take the probability mechanics of a 2d6 system into much of an account. I've seen modern 2d6 systems handle this better, albeit a conversion to one of those systems would take some thoughtful tinkering that some of us might not be up for.

I want to keep all the work that everyone has done in creating their characters, but as I wasn't the original GM for this game, I wanted to throw the question out there to see what the players think about possibly - gradually - porting/hacking this into a better system. Thoughts?
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I wouldn't mind it. If it makes it better for you as the GM and the narrative, I would not mind changing systems.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I'm not much of a mechanics person, so if you think a change would be an improvement, then I'm okay with it. You are the one who has the most interaction with the mechanics, after all ;).
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I wouldn't have a problem with it. Only thing I am wondering myself on this change, is how much you think it would effect our characters? On the character's themselves, instead of just their powers and abilities. Oh, and wow. We did not do so well that last round.
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Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

If I were to tweak the system, the change would probably be better overall for your characters.

Right now, this is a purely roll the dice and it's either a failure or a success type of game - and since it's very rare for any beginning character to be hitting on a 7, successes come less than 50% of the time, which means you're throwing a bunch of energy into these super awesome attacks and it's not a gamble in your favor.

The game master's section attempts to fix this by suggesting that the GM throw a bonus or penalty number around based on a situation, but it's very wishy washy on how to implement this. In fact it's incredibly wishy-washy about a number of things.

I will continue to use the normal mechanics through this fight, but I will begin to seek out a better system or try a conversion mechanic. None of the actual items or skills you've got now will disappear.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Well that does sound like it will be quite the improvement for us. Mhmm, do you mind if I made a suggestion? I play a serious amount of D&D games, and rolling dice and numbers tend to happen a lot for us there. So the armour and attack idea of the first two editions, with a natural 20 being a success no matter what, and usually giving a bonus to damage as a 'crit'. And 1 being a fumble, leading to the possibility of hitting team mates, dropping weapons, tripping and going prone for a turn, or just plain failing.

Though considering our stats and abilities go up to around '12' at max. And that is being somewhere in the god powerful range for that ability. Perhaps it might be best to use a 'd10' for attack and defence.

Would you be familiar with D&D at all? To know about Thaco, armour class, and attack rolls? The game is pretty balanced for both. And usually levels increase the thaco so you have better chances to hit.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I've played enough d20 games to know that I do not like them. Far too numbers-oriented, although yes, presumably the system would be better balanced.

I've done some looking with google-fu and I've found that a conversion to other things may be more trouble than it's worth. However, I am personally a big fan of the Apocalypse World/Dungeon World genre of 2d6 games. It's primary mechanic is that results are in a pass/partial pass/failure result structure. It is also a customizable system that bases improvement off of archetypes.

So for instance, Sailor Chalbys is something of a tinkerer character, highly intelligent, so her improvements would be based on increasing her senshi abilities and creating Weird Science stuff.

Sailor Volcanis is a passionate fighter type, so her improvements would be based on increasing her senshi abilties and using flashy martial arts physical moves.

My interpretation for Tempestas is that she's something of a Storm Mage when in Senshi mode, so I'd give her a bunch of lightning effects to potentially purchase as she improves.

For Enceladus, she seems to be the dashing leader archetype, so in addition to her senshi power improvements, I'd give her options that improved her team and daring high risk maneuvers that might let her gain an advantage in combat.

Alladra is a dark warrior/conflicted knight archetype, so I might give him a separate mechanic where his abilities are fueled by either dark or light energy, but if he uses too much of one or the other, he'll lose access to opposite abilities. His ultimate abilities will require him to pick a side.

IF those interpretations sound good to you, I'll start working on it. If not, we can stick with the official rules and I'll just
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

That does sound like an improvement to me, although pass/fail systems can still cause problems. One of the issues I've seen on some forum games is the deadlocking issue, where neither side in a conflict is able to resolve it because both sides continually have bad luck with rolls. It just leads to protracted combat, and with slower paced games like this, that means a single combat can go on for months...

Although I don't have any actual experience with it, I've often thought the might work well on a message board based game. The dice essentially decide how well you succeed with an action, rather than if you do or not. It might take some of the nuance out of the game, but would ensure progress at least.

On the other hand, the system you mentioned sounds like it would work well, especially the archetype based improvement. Sine you're already familiar with it, it might be easier to work this game into, so I'm all for it if you are! :)
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

The only trouble with that system is that it'll take some work to hack it in order to make it fit our theme. It's a system designed to be custom tailored, and tons of designers have retooled it to represent everything from DnD/Space Opera/low fantasy/Spess Mehreens/Old West/Zombies etc... but apparently no one has made a magical girl variant yet. Which sucks because I'd have to do all the legwork, and I can be a lazy slime.