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Sakura (plmnko)

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura may well be capable of flight but she definitely had no practice with them, and flapping them mostly just made her stumble at the moment. Fortunately they were swamp harpy wings so water didn't prevent her from flying.

"Pretty much. They turn red because you're a demon.," says Martin as they walk along the tunnel.

Vear looks flatly at Sakura as she introduces herself, before tentacles like those of a squids lash out of the water and grab onto Sakura, tracing over her womb. "Don't play dumb, Sakura. You think I can't sense the mark of a demon lord on you? That you don't reek of his taint? I can feel it, you weren't lying about being new to being a demon, but you went into that temple."

The angry looking demoness rises up out of the water, revealing her lower body is that of a serpent, with 6 squid like tentacles emerging from the sides of her hips that are holding Sakura up.

"You corrupted the boy I raised, you bore the demon lord a new body, weakening the seal dramatically faster, and now you come to me to ask for help? Give me a good reason I shouldn't tear the soul from your body before I undo the damage you did to my friends.," hisses the demoness angrily, as Martin looks alarmed, but seems unable to move or speak, frozen by some sort of magic.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Just some few attempts to fly made the young demoness to decide take it easy and dont try it for the moment, certainly after have that nice talk with Miss Vear she could find the time to learn how to fly.

Heh, i know it, not than they get red because be a demon, but than they work as a welcome bell, maybe when we end this you can teach me more of runes.


With so many kind words to describe Vear and how kind Martin was who she raised, Sakura never expected how the demon witch reacted, but even then her body move instinctively to try to protect her loved one Ah! Please wait, dont hurt them She manage to mutter between her struggles when the tentacles tried to reach her womb, the attempts to get free and calm the black haired stop when Martin corruption come out Vear words.

Sakura wide open her eyes shaking her head. No! I would never hurt him or corrupt him, we love each other... from this last night than we meet... is my fault than that thing and the temple dissapear...but, no... i completely love Martin Tears and sobs invaded her, the truth hurted her more than any wound in the past or thing than could Vear do, her struggle ended when she turn for maybe the last time to see him.

Im sorry, it was not my intention do all these terrible things. If you think than this is the only way to pay for my mistakes, then i accept it... At least, im glad than all what i caused can be solved, thanks Miss Vear Sakura said trying to fight the fear than invade her, trying to remember the good times than she had with the few friends than she have, most of the images were of Martin, maybe her eyes were closed by fear and trying to dont cause any disconfort to Vear, but even then she tried to smile and be brave for all specialy for Martin in her last moments.
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Vear glares at Sakura, before a voice calls out from behind Martin. "Mistress! Leave mistress alone!"

Vel suddenly sprang out from the dark towards the demoness, before being yanked short, gagging as she claws at a leash on her collar. Stepping out and holding the leash is an imposing figure, a 12 foot tall humanoid wearing heavy golden armor with a mask of a demonic snarling visage.

"Let her go, Demon Witch. I've investigated her. She;s innocent, a simple girl who has been infused with a darkness she does not know how to control.," says the armored figure in a deep androgynous voice.

Vear looks surprised, before giving Sakura a hard look before sighing and setting her down by the golden figure, who crouches down and looks Sakura in the eyes. Sakura could feel the waves of energy coming off the woman. Purity, golden and bright. It was repulsive to the demonic parts of her, yet a draw to the human parts in turn.

"Lady Sakura, I am the Head Inquisitor of this region. I know you are not a demon cultist and had no intention to do what you did. But it is vitally important you tell me everything that you saw and did while inside the temple. I have no intention to harm you or your familiar, so please, answer me honestly and throughly. Any detail could be vital." says the Inquisitor.

Vear meanwhile has slithered over to Martin, hissing a bit tiredly. "Oh Martin. I always warned you that demons were not to be trusted, and now look where it got you..."

"Cut the theatrics, Vear. We both know he's fine, just under a bad influence. Something that can be easily solved by training Sakura who's under the same. But first we need to know what happened in that temple. A High Priestess is less important than the possibility of a demon lord running loose, it could mean a new Demon War."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura was at Vear mercy, her nude bondaged dressed body white in fear but she was bitting her lip, her white fangs softly getting out hurting herself softly to remain without move with the remain of her courage, if she hurted who she love then maybe there was not a chance for her. Her eyes closed with trials of teardrops on her cheeks, with her mind trying to have some daydreams with the cute moments of her life here, it was all what she could as she wait the bitter end.

The clain to her make her shiver expecting for just an instant than Vear has given her lethal sould drain with her tendrils, but after that terrible moment Sakura wide open her eyes and turn to where that voice has come. Vel!? Get away, please, its dangerous! She shout with maybe some effect on her voice after so sad moment, then something gag the poor imp. Vel what is going on? Are you fine? Some of her courage return as her familiar was damaged, she wanted to get free and help her, but then someone more appear and for a little of time she was not sure if was an ally or a foe by how this newcomer has Vel controlled.

The blue haired demoness just remain specheless with the words from this gold armored figure, she suppose than maybe was female and at least she was maybe giving her a chance, it feels as a long time from the time than someone think as her as just a simple girl, her body placed close the figure, quickly trying to hug Vel to try her best to protect her and get some confort in this place. She wanted to talk with Vel about what has happened but, her body get fully focused by the pain and calm by the aura of the gold dressed.

It may be painful, but i will say all what i know, thanks for this chance. Sakura said with words half cut, Vear words make her feel even worse, now she also get incrusted the idea than she betray Martin and his family. Please train me, i dont want to hurt anyone else anymore, i beg to both of you. She ask still at her resting at her rear and kness.

She maybe needed a moment to get herself what she could to endure the agony to remember all. An old adventurer told me than a genie, angel or demon would grant a wish to who end the maze in the forest, all in the town know about it and said me than i will be fine, as no one dies there... But what i found was just darkness, the candles fade as i get inside, so after the firsts doors i was sure than i couldnt escape. There was a statue of a woman with some words and candles, when the candles fade this smog thing get embedded in my body and from there plants, insects, beasts and even a hell dog... many beat and take me, i was close to give up and turn at theur permanent toy. Sakura said as resume of what happened, not going into detail until the dog and the barrier.

There was a barrier and a small statue when i face the hell dog, i dont remember to break it, but after the thing ended with me i was alone and get up the last stairs...

That thing was waiting for me and played with my mind and body in that battle. He said than he wanted complete freedom to this world and if i wanted to stop him i should go to the Debauched Wastes, where he moved the temple where he is still bound.

...that Vralxi, if i remember right, beat him could be the only way to break this curse... but go there is what he is expecting so, i wanted to live normaly... but yesterday i heard than all was slowly getting worse... That is all what i remember now, please sorry if it dont helps too much. Sakura said feeling a huge anger when she named his name, enough to dont feels terrible as the memory of the many rapes, she wait for the others to say something as she tried to hug Vel, as a self act to feels some protection.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Vel snuggles into Sakura's arms, mumbling quietly, seeming relieved to cuddle her mistress.

The Inquisitor listens carefully then nods a bit as it stands back up. "You're right. He does want you to go to him. You're the key to his full escape. He did to you what you did to Martin. But a demon lord's mark is far more potent. You're marked as a demonic High Priestess, one who can bare forth a demon lord."

Vear glances over and cuts in as she looks over Martin, her voice tired sounding. "Vralxi isn't free yet. His new body let him draw enough power to relocate the temple back to the Demon Wastes. He needs to be reborn one more time from a powerful high priestess for true freedom. You're a gamble. If you reach him and have embraced your demonic self entirely and seek out the same ideals you'd happily free him. However by the same token you're the only one who can really get close enough to harm him, as you're immune to demonic barriers as a High Priestess. That's how you and Martin could cross my runes safely. Normally demons would implode crossing it."

The inquisitor nods at Vear's words before looking to Sakura again. "Even if he's not freed, he has enough power to rally his generals eventually on his own. It might take a few years but sooner or later he'll get loose. Even now his presence is stirring the cultists and various other dormant dark forces..."

It sighs and looks at Sakura. "You've a few choices. You can ignore this. Or you can deal with it on one side or another. Vear can teach you how to wield your demonic nature, hopefully without being consumed by it. I can teach you to shackle your demonic self in the garb of an Inquisitor and channel it in a disciplined manner. We do this freely as your path is your own. You don't have to decide immediately. Also, Vear, Apologise."

Vear gives a bit of an indignant squwk before looking huffy, then a bit ashamed before answering "I'm sorry for scaring you. I raised Martin myself and tried to protect him from demonic influence. Especially my own. I overreacted, I knew you weren't completly converted but I saw him, saw your mark and... Yeah..."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura continue rubbing at her pussycat, loving how Vel maybe even could start to purr with some more affective touches, she heard the answer of the inquisitor with a sight and nod than alone said "I know it" when the dark lord plan to escape using her come out.

However she never expected so vile trap from vear, she wide open her eyes turning to her. Ouch Miss Vear, that is terrible, you really must hate demons. Sakura still tried to give the chance to Vear to explain herself of that trap, just thinking what could had happened to her and Martin was just terrible to imagine.

Sakura was thinking than maybe would be better never go to face it if she had the chance, after all he couldnt use her if she remain far away and maybe with a training she could get full control of herself as Vear, but that idea soon fade when the Inquisitor continued and placed the ossibility than the demon lord could escape anyway.

Hm, i cant ignore this after heard than he would be a problem anyway, i cant let his darkness reach the ones than i love, out of this fear and confusion... i want to fight for them and any possible future than i can have with them. Sakura said shivering a little and at the end turning for a moment where Martin was stunned, she was having problems looking at his loved one after know than she has placed corruption on him.

I could need to know more about what mean be an inquisitor and talk a little with Vear to find out which to choice, how much time i have to make my choice? Sakura answer before turn concerned for Vear words. Almost aloud at the start she start but her words turned friendly later. You dont have annything to appologize Miss Vear! I... m with love with... Martin and i would had acted like you with me... well im not sure if i could be so rude... but im the one than need to apologize with you and Martin...

Before do anything else, can you please say me how to help him? To make him be his old self? I want to talk with him too
The young woman wanted to get a right answer from her loved one, how different he is from the one than she has given her all.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Vel purrs indeed and cuddles up close to her mistress, rumbling happily, and nussling into her, though her snake headed tail loops about and gives a playful nibble at Sakura's breasts, the lusty demoness being affectionate, it seeming to calm her down.

Vear grunts a bit at hearing Sakura's shock. "You've met a demon lord, but I suppose it was only briefly. While exceptions exist, your majority of demons simply lack the self control or desire to consider anyone else's desires. Moreover most refuse any idea of anything like consent or opposing views. They're as bad as the inquisitors. Well. Most of them."

"I see. I'm glad you are willing to help. You can take as long as you need to decide, and I'm sure we'll both answer any questions you have. But the basics are fairly simple. Vear can teach you better control of your demon side. How to control it, how to wield it, how to control it without letting it consume you and be as bad as those you fight. You'll continue on as a demon, but you'll be able to control it better without succumbing to the darker part of you that wants to make you something else. I however can make you an Ascended Demon, an Inquisitor. You will shackle the demon within you in holy bonds, and make it a weapon to call upon. You'd be safe from it's urges. Though if the corruption overwhelms you it could come loose and cause some trouble."

Vear sighs and looks to Martin. "Demonic influence is not easily excised. Usually necromancers are quite resistant to that sort of thing but you clearly had a large build up after the demon lord and it all just rushed out into him. One method is to have him undertake the Ritual of Undying Breath, to end his life and become a lich. The undead are not easily corrupted by any demon, except by a high priestess or demon lord. The ritual would call upon a minor Reaper, who could cleanse him of darkness in the process. But he;d cease to live and thus cease to be the Guardian. Another method would be to have him become an Inquisitor as well. That however is rather unlikely. The best option is to teach you how to control yourself and thus you can grant him that free will. Regardless of either path, we can teach you to handle it in one way or another. His will is ultimately yours to grant or revoke now, though as long as you are untried your corruption will control him just as much."

Vel hums and then answers. "Ooo, oo! Or you can give him to me, and I can control him for you, mistress!"

Vear glances over and sighs. "And imp, hm? Well then, that does make some of this easier. Vel is a portion of your inner demon, Sakura. She's formed from the darkness in your soul. When you used the scroll, she was made. As your corruption grows, so shall she. If you fall, she will take your place. I can teach you how to nurture and tend to her so she'll be an asset to you. Or the Head Inquisitor can teach you to bind her to you in a close but safe manner."

"Wh-wha?! Mistress, please don't bind me up! I'll be good, please! I'll service you and obey and take all the mutations and everything! I'm totally dependent on you, Mistress, helping you helps me too! I want you to be a strong powerful demon, so I can be one too by your side! So please, please be a good demon, don't shut me out, mistress! I just want to work toghether and do whats best for us both!"
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Hearing her familiar purr help her and made her smile, yet suddenly the snake part played a little more of what the new demoness expected. Sakura gasped, but she dont tried to stop the neko to show her happiness. Ouh... not here... i also missed you. She softly said to the neko, as she dont wanted to disturb the ones than wanted to help her now to get a path than could stop her of falling more.

Sakura nods, looking down a little before look back to Vear. I know... i always believe than there is nothing worst than a demon and after meet him, that idea just grow...but then i meet Vel and heard about you from Martin and his family, from then i was so confused and that is why i wanted to meet you... I supposed the same for the inquisitors, but you are right, being something dont make you directly bad or good. The young one said looking at the end to the inquisitor which name she still dont know.

Said unknown person in gold armor started to give something more of information about both paths. So, both possibilities have theirs risks... It would be hard but im sure than i could get an answer soon, i cant let than the demon inside me cause more damage to another inocent. She then turn to her loved one, she wanted to do all to save him, she was ready to risk herself in any path if that would directly put it out of danger, but Vear soon made her get worse in the way than she looks herself. Lets forget that ritual, i would never forget myself if by my mistake Martin needs to lost his life, i will do anything to cure him, even risk my own life. Sakura get tensed, she wanted so baddly just punish the dark side of herself and tie it eternaly inside her as an inquisitor.

Then Vear suddenly add more when the little neko tried to take charge of the guardian, the mistress of the familiar quickly said a weak no, in part she wanted Martin for just herself and dont share it even with Vel, possible effect of her dark side or she really was slighty jealous with the idea of another woman controling him. The revelation then come of what was Vel, the blue haired girl remain specheless for a moment and then look to Vel before could say something. But... she know a lot of things than i never heard... I never expected than she is part of what was placed inside me by him. Yes, Sakura could be worried for herself and her friendship with her minnion, the idea than some day Vel could backstab her never was in her mind, Vel was indirectly what caused the damage in Martin and is each second pushing the adventurer to a void of darkness.

But out of all this she instead hug the neko with all the love than she could show in her affliction, some more tears drop and she press harder, but not enough to hurt Vel. She remain like this for a moment, maybe a pair of minutes.

Both are amazing and an honor... im sure than any of you would teach me the enough to fight this, but i had tried to avoid this enough. Please Miss Vear, teach me how to control this like you, all that kidness and love than you used to raise Martin, is what i need to protect the ones than are around me, between them Vel, she maybe is a demon, but i create her and is my responsability guide her.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The pair listen to Sakura and nod as she makes her choice. "Sakura, this will mean accepting your darkside and in turn using and restraining it, not as a seperate part but by using self control on yourself. You will be that demon, but you will train yourself to be better than the others.," nods Vear.

The inquisitor nods, "Well it;s your choice. I'll stick around and help out for a bit. After all I can still teach you lot's of other more mundane things. Plus not often I get to hang out with my favorite demigoddess haha."

The inquistor reaches up and removes it's helmet, revealing the face of Kaitlyn beneath it. "Ah, that's better. You sure gave me a start, Sakura. Running out of the Brothel like that, I thought someone had attacked you. I went up to check, and well, your imp is a touch on the cowardly side, she spilled quickly enough. I probably would have never found you if not for Vel. The link let's her beeline straight to you. Glad you're alright. Anyways if it helps, I'm a demon too you know."

Kaitlyn concentrates and her demonic looking armor dissipates into golden smoke, engulfing her, before leaving Kaitlyn as a good 12 feet tall, and heavily musculer with golden tinted skin. She has two horns coming from her forehead and slight sharp tusks from her lower jaw. "She's an Oni. They are a type of demonic spirit that possess hedonists of mortal species, bonding permanently to them. Her type bonds to humans, making them large potent, if hedonistic slightly demonic versions of themselves.," says Vear with a shrug.

Vel in the meantime has stayed cuddled against her mistress, nussling in. "Thank you mistress! I'll help guide you too! You'll be the greatest demoness ever! Ooo, we should celebrate meeting up with an orgy! Everyone sexing everyone, you and your cultists and me and your teachers and, and, maybe some giant snakes... Mmm..."

Vear muses a bit, before shrugging. "That's actually not a bad idea. We need to teach you self control as much as acceptance. This will help do both. So call upon those you have corrupted to date and strip down. We're in for quite a... Long party."

Kaitlyn laughs with a grin, "Haven't had a good demon orgy in awhile. And I'm not so easily corrupted. If Sakura is up for it, why not. She gets some more demonic energy, has to learn to handle it, and well, she's marked as a breeder, so she probably is wetting at the thought of having some more kids added to that big bundle of life in her."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Uhm yes, i may still hate the idea of be a demon or be called as one, but i cant just ignore this part of myself and hurt again by mistake the ones than i love Sakura said nodding and then frown slighty red still having clear her goal to cure Martin and have a long normal family with him after end this.

She continued lovely rubbing her minion to calm the poor Vel and in just a moment the inquisitor talk showiwng its opinion about her choice. The blue haired demoness smile as she turn to the gold figure who would stay close her, but before she could say anything this started to remove its helm and also talked about a demigoddness what bring more questions and also a revelation moment when Kaitlyn reveal herself

Miss Kaitlyn!? But how? She said before the information given by not only the inquisitor but also Vear, the transformation to her oni form was so much to let the demoness focus to talk back but do it before Vel could add something. Ahm, i was not expecting than you could be more than just another adventurer. im so sorry, watch Vel and that man was too much for my first time looking at a male human, i was thinking on just reduce my stress with my axe before return with Vel, but then a lot of things happened, i was scared in the swamp when i found Martin and he was so kind... Sakura stop as she brush happily by have in mind so lovely moment, it make her daydream with him until Vel come with her special demon orgy idea what made Sakura awake in surprise shaking her head nerviously before then Vear and Kaitlyn accept too.

Eh? I have Cultists? Well, i have some friends than i dont know how i can know where they are, i dunno how i know than i can call them too, but they love this kind of things and there is Flaenya too, but only Martin can summon her. Sakura said nerviously not sure than have a huge orgy would be right, but suddenly all looks to think than it is the best for her, so she tried to call her nurse harpy girls.

Uhm is safe call them? I mean the runes will dont do anything to them right? She ask to Vear before Kaitlyn suddenly said than she was marked as a breeder, something than she never expected as she look to her two marks and softly placed her hand on her not so huge belly after share her weight with the guardian. Her face iluminate as she turn to Vear and Martin. Can Martin join us? I mean, he must summon our guardian and i want to talk with him among others things. She then noticed than she has been all the time naked what make her feel a little strange to had forgot about it for so long, so she turn everywhere for a good place to start, she would enjoy another sesion with her favorite cultist minion and have Vear too would fortify their bond.

With this in mind she get closer to Vear who was still at side of her lover, for any mean Sakura wanted to have a friendhip or something more with her new teacher, so she eat her fear of be hurted and walked to them, hoding theirs hands after softly let Vel to rest on the pillows. Miss Vear. Can we start again? Maybe you dont believe in me and i do not blame you, as many times i had failed to see what im or where i should go, but now than i have Martin and all of you i will always try my best and never give up. Sakura blushed and cough softly as she tried to get close Vear to hug her, but if she see than it was not the time, she will just point to the many pillows at the room and where maybe Vell still wait for them. I feel like i could give birth soon, so i need so baddly to have Martin at my side and... you know, i dont feel complete after give to Flaenya some of ours childrens to take care of them until they born.

If possible then she will lead them both and point to Kaitlyn to the bed, she was not sure how all will get sattled in an rgy as most of them are female, but as long she have most of the time Martin's huge member inside her all would be fine. Placing him to rest face up, she will pasionately undress him, slowly as she kiss each place than get revealed as the clothes are removed, her warm kiss bath would follow with her nude and wet slime tainted aroused body rubbing at his body and crotch, making him ready for her, as she turn to Vear and and nods to her before softly rubs the demon's witch body, as Sakura use her fingers to reveal her own holes, leaving to Vear to decide what she want to do with the young demones. Of course than if Vear dont take this chance, Sakura will make Martin to hold her and fuck her hard in her needed pussy. I...i will make you a good boy, Martin! Let me fill these lands with ours childrens~ She manage to say between moans as she blush for not be alone with him

If the harpy girls manage to reach this place without problems, Sakura will let them fuck anyone than they want, mostly Vel and Kaitlyn this last could also jump to the bed with them, but as Sakura was not sure if the inquisitor could have anything like a member, she just let her second teacher to decide.

Miss...Vear. Teach me please, what should i do now? i want to be better on this, please. The young blue haired demoness ask as she try to cast a spell on the water to help her to pleasure Vear and the rest as she has done at her fight with the harpies.
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"You'll have to get used to it. It is what you are Sakura and if you intend to embrace it that means taking the bad with the good. You are a sexual creature. You will lie with many entities and you will reproduce many times. Your body will transform often and you will have a large family. It is what you are. You just need to learn to embrace it and learn to moderate it at once.," says Vear simply.

Kaitlyn grinned at Sakura's surprise, chuckling and giving her a clap on the back. "Hey don't worry about it. You clearly got over it pretty quick heh. See, best way to stop being scared of something is exposure, and jumping into it. Least that's what I do, but then, I'm the secret demon lady, eh? Hope that it doesn't bug you, many of us inquisitors are actually demons who rejected our nature, mostly. People wouldn't trust us to be on their side if they knew what we were though so we wear those armors to hide it."

"Cultists are anyone you've imbued sufficient levels of your corruption into. They are basically fledgling demons and servents in a sense. While they've not actively become demons yet, they are subservient and reliant on sources of demonic energy. Thus in order to sate their cravings for it, which will eventually transform them, they aid and summon demonic entities. There's very few ways to cease the corruption that are known, but a kinder demon can ensure they've a proper energy level to remain sane and their free will. Inevitably they will transform into demons themselves, but you'll always have a fair bit of control over them. Demon Lords emerge from this part of demonic nature. Anyways, cultists are not demons yet, so the runes will do nothing to them. It's how my own come and go. And of course he can."

Vear glanced over as Sakura approached but blinked in surprise as Sakura hugged against the larger woman, as she sighed a bit, and smiling in a bit of tender amusement, coiling her serpent tail and tentacles around Sakura in a gentle hug. "I was upset. But of course we can start again. We'll train you well to be a proud, responsible demoness. Now go get settled, we wouldn't want to keep you untended. Under-sexed demons get a little crazy after all."

With all said, Martin, released from the spell, Follows Sakura to Vears large pillow mass that qualified as a bed for the large demoness. The harpies arrive soon enough and Flaeyna is summoned up as well. With all the members arrived, things began to kick off.

Sakura prepared Martin, applyingher arousing slime to him, then Vear who has shed what clothing she had, shivering in pleasure as the slime absorbed into her. When Sakura offered her body, Vear smirked a bit, before answering. "Mmm, such a kind offering. Your lesson right now sweety is simply to get used to this. To revel in the pleasure and to stop feeling so self conscious about it. To worry about not about whether what you're offending someone and simply worry about making everyone feel good. In otherwords, just work to ensure everyone is enjoying themselves, including yourself. we'll work on the right kind of self control once we get you used to being a demon."

With that said, Vear's tentacles promptly dart out, applying the suction cups to Sakura's nipples, latching and suckling on, as one darts around, and using Sakura's slime as a lubricant, slid up into her behind. She leans Sakura back against her chest, giving Martin access to Sakura's slit, which he sinks his large member into.

As Sakura began to be rutted, Vel squeaks as she smiles and hops up, surprisingly light as she mounts her leg's over Sakura's shoulders, like she was getting a piggy back. Except Vel was on the wrong side and her hot puffy slit was up against Sakura's mouth, Vel looking at her mistress with big hopeful eyes. Though she gives a squeak as Kaitlyn grasps her snake tail, pressing it against her own slit, handling all three harpies, one on each arm and tending the last with her mouth. Flaeyna meanwhile seemed to be molested by ghostly tentacles from Vear's back.

"Tap into your instincts, Sakura. Sex, breeding, your body craves it. Just seek it out, use your instincts. We're all corrupt here in one way or another. You don;t have to hold back. Kaitlyn is too strong for you to overwhelm, so just savor and do what comes natural...," murmurs Vear into Sakura's ear, before gasping as the corrupt water tentacles dive into her mouth and part her hidden vent in her tail and plunge into it.

Sakura could sense it all, so much corruption from all of these, though she couldn't grasp at Kaitlyn's, some sort of barrier there. But there was plenty to revel in here. So much food, so much pleasure. Pity they didn;t have the equipment to breed her with, but then again maybe she could use her powers to fix that if she saw fit.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Ahm... yes, i-i will do my best to accept all and use it under control. She answer to her future teacher, her dark red tone in part of her face inbue more charm as it mix with her beautiful face and large blue hair inbued with the almost translucid slime. Talking about have offspring, these inside me would have powers similars to the ones at Martin, i want them to help all of you to have this place in harmony. Sakura said with full hope than her whole childrens could help every corner and so she should have a lot of them, most of them with Martin and the ones protecting this world from the demons and theirs corrupting darkness.

Soon Kaitlyn answered after the young demoness said what has happened to her after leave the brothel, the clap at her bared back made her breasts softly bounce when these continued being teased by Vel and also softly arouse her a little more of how she was already Uhm, no... i dont see you as a scary person, Miss Kaitlyn. You has show yourself as a kind personand anything said from yourself come from that kindness to the others, so i will accept and follow any advise coming from you. A-also is good to know another good demon, it dont matter if you are an inquisitor at all, Miss Kaitlyn. The blue haired girl was having problems to control her worries at her tone, all were trusting in her now and shouldnt be so aroused after have all that sex at the last hours, she just tried to calm her mind from all this arousal and fear to accept all that darkness than she never expected to have.

Vear then answer her questions, about the cultists and also heard than they could turn into true demons or worse made the young one get more interest in find a way to dont pull down Martin or anyone else to that path. Then i must learn to completely have that control... that demon lord was terrible, this cant be the fate of anyoone else than i know. She then turn to Martin before get close him and her Vear. The hug between them warm her soul and her demon side loved the touch of all these fertile members rubbing her in friendship, maybe soon these will go more intrusive at her body.

Sakura soon nods to her Teacher and taking her hand too as how she do to Martin, she prepare herself to sattle her demon side even more, there should be a way to sattle a demon and she suppose than she was close. Her sluty cunt gush as she was taken by both holes, shivering in ecstasys by being taken by her mate charming's cock and once again a tentacle in her back was just deep touching her inner insides, easily she could just let both make her cum and breed more childrens from her owner, but Vel squeak awaken her of her trance and placed her needed pussy on Sakura's face.

Vel?... but why now? Sakura mutters, her worries than her dark side was loving this so much was alarming for her, she was not sure if go more as this was going, all that sex around her and delicious corruption surrounding her, she was scared to fall too much, but her pussy and rear entrance were charmed as they get thrusted eagerly by her partners.

It was then than Vear words made some sense, maybe if she focus in pleasure the others and not at her fear or pleasure, maybe then she and all would be fine. Kaitlyn also said it before at the brothel and both were so kind and good demons, she nods to herself and tried to focus on give the pleasure to all than she could, even Vel who was really so turned on and they were just starting. Her tongue get out and tried to pleasure the strange neko's pussy, one of her hands pressing at the imp butt closer to reach easier and her other in Martin's chest to rub at him and have some balance as she continue riding him.

I... i cant love them all, not like this...if only i had a way to share more pleasure and...life. Sakura ponder as the orgy increase in lust, she wanted a dick or something to be used by another of them, but then her gazed mind than loved that tentacle inside and her breasts sucking her warm milk make her wish to be as Vear who easily was loving her Guardian.

She tried then to focus and take that corruption from Vear, she wanted to have many tentacles than could sproud from her back or maybe some of her wings could turn into the useful appendages, in any case she wanted that corruption join her body and then share all this blessing to her four female cultists, so then all of them could fuck each other and fill every hole with their fertile warm seed. Make this orgy so pleasurable than all of the females of them could end impregnated without know who was the owner of the warm baby cream.

Ooops, it ended to be very large this post, you can just skip all and just continue the smut until this end if you want
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura calmed her fears and worries and accepted her role in the orgy, setting her worries aside to simply revel in hers and her friends and lovers pleasure. She drew upon Vear who was sinking her tentacles into her, Sakura feeling a tingle as she grew tentacles of her own as she desired to be like her teacher. The wriggling fertile limbs grew from along her back, 8 in all, able to easily wrap around herself to act as lewd clothing or reach out to work others.

Sakura then reached out to share it with her hand maidens, the wraith and harpies growing tentacles of their own as many new limbs joined into the fray to spread Vear and Sakura's special brand of breeding.

Tentacles sinking into and thrusting and writhing into holes and spots, it was difficult to track who was breeding who at a given time. And really, did it matter? Everyone was going to come out of this with young and sharing the greatest pleasures and joys of new life, crossing demonic strains and producing.

Partners switch often. Sakura at anytime has herself filled from both ends, sucking harpy tentacles while Kaitlyn eats out her filled slit, or is having her tentacles deepthroated by Vel's snake tail while Flaeyna moves inside her and tentacle fucks her backwards from the inside out. Sakura is well intimate with everyone by the end, and when she finally collapses she feels well and truly blissful.

When she comes too, she's wrapped up in the tentacles and coils of Vear, Martin leaning against her and Vel curled up on top of her. The harpies are passed out in a pile to the side. The sounds of cooking can be heard as Flaeyna and Kaitlyn are cooking a hearty breakfast for everyone. Everyone but Martin has a rounded tummy, likely full of growing life, and Sakura's stomach has gotten truely massive, full of so much life.

Sakura could feel them, her children were ready to be born whenever she decided she felt like bringing them into this world, to meet their many parents. It'd be a fun adventure to see who impregnated who after the orgy, and how many were sired from her brand new tentacles.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Her eyes almost roll up by the new feelings of her added appendages, she could sense them almost as if she always has have them, the pressure of each hole where her tentacless get inside to lay her seed and corruption.

Completely lost in the pleasure and share of this, she remain specheless, moaning softly and muffed, as always her mouth was working something, her senses over filled with pleasure and corruption to taste anything else. Her tentacles sow her seed in any womb than they could find, she needed so baddly to share this fluid full of life, love and hope at this world in danger.

Her body arch in full pleasure each time than she placed a load in her maidens or female friends and of course also when her womb get filled with a each time more huge mix of fertile seed placed by all who could penetrate her. Actually she couldnt remember most of what happened around her in this orgy when she awakened, her eyes were focused on her partners than taken turns with her more of a time. After a long orgy sesion, Sakura's councious fade in a last potent orgasm, what not stoped her body to act alone and pleasure her lovers for a little longer until they notice her sleeping state.


Sakura strech softly herself and slowly opened her eyes, she was really confortable resting there with her beloved Martin, Vear and Vel...above her, if she werent so sattled and full in bliss she could maybe think in move the neko imp to another place.

All this bliss was in part unknown until her eyes get placed in her very huge pregnant belly, her mouth made a smirk fully in delight without she even dont notice it and she could not stop to cooed when her hands and tentacles rub at her fully filled belly.

It was sublime, maybe her weight could be too much to move or even get up, she dont wanted to do it, just lay there with her mates until they awake and pamper her, close her eyes and feel the moves inside her... then as if were writed in her genes and mind, she notice than the time to give birth to her bloodline has come.

Sakura tried to whimper, her human side wanted to take the control ask for help and wish than nothing bad would happen.

"giggle" Its time~ Guys look me, they will born, the babies will come out~♥ Certainly she dont wanted to say that when her mouth opened, even less be so happy for it, she should be worried and really her only time giving birth before was to that dark lord, but this was so different, her whole being was so gazed with happiness and hope... how could she love and dont care of how they would look, she only wanted to know if the seed of all had made changes on the lizard beings inside her or if something with all the talents shared would come.

No matter what would get out, she wanted to take it with her tentacles and embrance it, kiss the creature and make it feed of her milk than already was flowing softly in needs to be taken by her childrens
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

With Sakura stirring and beginning her birthing, the others stir to awakeness as well, her cultists and Vel first as they snuggle close to rub her tummy as sharp pulses of intense pleasure run through Sakura, like she's orgasming with each contraction.

Her massive tummy jiggles and pulses with squirming life, as she pushes her young out. One after another she can feel her disgorge her young in an intense climax, her stomach slowly deflating until she finds herself slim and empty once more.

As she recovers from her daze, her young are brought to her nipples to feed and suckle her milk. They're odd creatures, having some resemblance to Vear. Tentacles from their backs, covered head to tow in scales but with humanish upper bodies with feathered wings and a ghostly pallor. Their tails replace their legs, and have an almost ethereal glow to their hair. They feed hungrily from their mother, snuggling close.

"Congratulations on baring your first demonic brood.," says Vear with a smile, "The first of many most likely."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

With each contraction, Sakura's couldnt do more than moan aloud by the incredible pleasure, screaming aloud how her birth moment and how good it make her be giving new life to this world, it was so natural and painless, her body just rejoice with the fruit of the corruption and seeds placed on her naughty cunny.

Her tentacles soon react by the kind touch of her cultists, coiling at theirs arms gently until reach theirs lips where she softly pokes at the harpies and Vel mouths, as they were so aroused with the birth than softly teardrops of cum were coming out. The remain of tentacles helped the hands at her belly to rub herself and incite the contractions.

Oh its so good, my...my body giving birth feels so good... Sakura manage to say finally after so intense lust growing with each push until finally she get an intense climax than caused her wings arch and move softly behind her body, her round belly who was getting lovely rubs by all slowly returned to her normal state. Loved and cared by all, Sakura could only focus on moan in full bliss and then slowly fall on the bed below her, with a lust wide smile where her fangs show her demoness inner self satisfaction, both sides filled with joy and hopes for what she has giving life, her eyes open then when the touch of her childrens placed on her take her dazed mind attention again to this world, out of how odd they were she only could see perfection and the shape of all who she loved to bring them here.

Thanks. Answer to Vear as she blush smiling, her breasts who in the climax let flow some of her milk creating white trails at her chest were now used by her babies what make her continue the bliss and grace of some minutes ago. I never expected than it could feel like this... But i cant just give birth to precious creatures like these little ones...we should continue the training after our meal, im starting to feel hungry myself by the smell of that cooking. As she talk and caress the cheek of the others, she also tried to cuddle with her childrens, using her hands and tentacles to confort them as they drink from her.

So, girls. Please help me to feed and take care of my childrens, when the time come i will do the same for each of you, like a huge family. With a little giggle she tried to then get confortable and feed all the babies than she could until the meal was ready, helping to Martin to remain close and look to them. W-would be fine if we teach them to be good necromancers? Im sure than with our help we will raise them to be protectors of this land... She ask to Vear, as the young demoness goal was do her best to protect what she could and maybe make a better world for all if she could beat that Demon Lord.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The harpies take up the hatchlings to help feed them as Sakura does the same, the little creatures feeding hungrily. Soon they are sated as Martin and Vear look at each other at Sakura's question.

"I suppose a new guardian will need to take my place given my... Status.," says Martin, "And they are of the blood. Sort of." "It will take time but we'll see if we can do such. I managed it after all though I am of unique nature.," muses Vear.

Vel giggles and inspects them with her many sets of eyes. "Ooo, this ones my favorite! No, wait, this ones my favorite! Ooo, no this one!"

Kaitlyn chuckles then turns, bringing over some fresh fried fish and some cooked hashbrowns and pancakes. "Alright, alright, give Sakura some room, she;s gotta eat up after all, get her strength back. Technically demons don't have to eat, but it helps for some things. Breeder demons like you especially need it to help them produce better nutrients to feed others. Anyhow once you feel like you're up to it we can start on teaching you some more stuff."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The harpies soon got the thanks and nods of approval from their mistress, Sakura was so proud of how they had changed to help others instead try to rape them, also see them all four of them have tentacles than could help them with multiple tasks was a charm on her handmaids.

We should have hope on them Miss Vear, after all they are Martin's childrens too. Said to the first before turn to smile to her male, until theirs eyes connected and she look down blushing with some of her tentacles poking the end of others of her tentacles. I will do my best to make you able to be a necromancer again, Martin... and then if you accept it i could help you to increase the number of your people... Sakura squeak softly in shame for herself after had been able to say finaly that out. If Martin dont said something back she will just try to calm down as she end to feed the babies.

Why dont you just say than all of them are your favorite in different ways? Sakura said smiling to Vel, softly caressing the ones on her arms. For me all are unique and i love them the same, a lot because they have the blood of a lot of people than are special for me. The young demoness could feel a bond at her first brood, motherly instincts and corruption helping her to have a strong love to the creatuers at her care. She continued looking for them until bring some food for her what made the moment just better for the blue haired demoness.

Thanks, Miss Kaitlyn. All looks so delicious~ Sakura then help to place the remain new born creatures in a confortable place so she could eat for a moment. Actually, there is too much to learn now and i want to learn quickly a lot from both of you, so is good than i dont need to sleep. But, i dont think than i could get used to dont eat, so i will continue doing it as usual. Sakura said already close to droll for have a tasty new dish than she could enjoy and one of her loves was eat new dishes, so need it for be a good breeder was a great plus to enjoy her hobby.

As expected, Sakura take her time to taste everything cooked to her and then once ended she stand up and tried to use her tentacles as clothes, that added to her smoke harness just made her looks more slutty, even when she was not trying that and was only trying to cover herself a little.

Very well, my teachers what we learn now?i hope than we dont need to make another orgy, not than i have something against them, the last one was great. But i was thinking than we should focus on me dont fall easily at my dark side... or something like that.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Martin smiles a bit as he looks at Sakura. "Miss Sakura, I ain't mad at you. It was a risk and all. And yeah maybe y' went a bit overboard but well, I rather help y' get a grip on y' nature than go complainin' about somethin' that already happened." He smiles a bit, chuckling with a bit of a blush as Sakura offers to bare a horde of children for him.

Vel beams up at Sakura, "But where's the fun in that? Plus, I need to make sure my kids can bond with your kids, right! Need to make sure they all have cute little servants like you do!"

Once Sakura was up, and barely dressed in her tentacles and shadows, Kaitlyn chuckles amusedly at Sakura's question. "Sakura, only you can really do that. You simply need to get the confidence and self control to keep a handle. Otherwise it will take that control away. It means meeting half way with it. Being, well, slutty, without letting it make a monster of you."

"Indeed. Rather, now that your broods been evicted from your body, we can teach you a few things more... Physically. Kaitlyn could teach you to fight more physically. Or I can teach you to harness your corruption as a weapon essentially and learn to fight as a demon."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

In middle of her shame, Sakura's heart got soon excited by heard than Martin was not angry with her and his chuckles only could mean than they could maybe have a future later, her lips and cheeks get softly colored and it was not for just lust than her body was almost charmed by the necromancer. Martin... thanks to accept to be close me, we will work together... then when this end... Sakura's body then just tried to be close him, she just in a quick delicate move hug the cultist and kiss his cheek, with all the orgy and birth pleasure this only show her devotion to him, she softly leave sure than Martin could understand her feelings without the need of mate again or say it.

Now more calm and with a goal more clear, Sakura turn her attention to Vel, the little imp. Of course than they can bond with them and i will have a lot of childrens, so you will have many choices when the time than you give birth come, Vel. Maybe, in what we should focus must be their education and growth... Sakura quickly answer to her minion, she was not sure what kind of plan have Vel, maybe she only want power, but the blue haired demoness needed to trust in her, after all Vel was part of her and demons could be goods like Miss Vear. You are very creative Vel, im sure than you will be the best to prepare a name list for all the babies, please it will be fun and i count on you. She continue trying to place all that energy on the imp in something productive than would take time.

Both teachers soon give theirs opinion about her training and question about it, Sakura could not be able to avoid to feel herself confused by Kaitlyn reaction and answer, it was like they were expecting more of her after all the sex and dirty events these last two days. She let them end giving soft nods and then muffed whine to clean her throat. I get it... more slutty but not a monster... Well, the problem is... than i was protecting myself until a pair of days ago of any touch of a male until find the right one...also from where i come we are very prune. So, im not exactly sure what is normally slutty and how slutty a should be demons. The young demoness softly turned to martin and blushed in the part where she said than she was waiting someone to give her flower, of course than Martin was not the first for miles, but she suppose than with him choiced and marked she could relax herself and have fun having a lot of babies.

As she continued she turn to Vear and asked. I could need others demons as reference... Miss Vear can i ask you how many times, you know, that... with someone or alone? Or we must do it when we feel than we need it?

Ahm, maybe this is very private to say... sorry, i dont ask anything, im just so confused... But i will be more confidence and filled with self control.
Finally Sakura stop to get each time more red, all were nude and she dont care or pay attention until now, they were impregnated with her seed and the baby cream of all, this was just so naughty for her old self but now all was normal and she was pleased too, maybe deep inside she was worried than slowly she get so slutty and depraved than anything would be normal for her.

Sakura softly cough and then crossed her arms, to ponder a moment at her two options. Uhm, so i can use the corruption as a weapon? I think than in the last fight i mix my corruption with my magic, that or im suddenly really talented because some days ago i could only burn things... yes sound fun try that of the corruption, it could be a warm up before train with Miss Kaitlyn. Not like Sakura have a favoritism now, mostly her mind still have clear than just a moment ago she give birth and has just eaten, so she dont wanted to lost her breakfast or dinner... now as a demoness it was hard to find out if it was night or day without see the sky.