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Sanctuary Based RP

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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OK, so as previously mentioned in the Warehouse 13 threads, I'm going to cancel that one and focus on a more Sanctuary based theme as more people seem to have a better idea of what it is about.

Background History:

Unbeknownst to most people, we share the earth with creatures not quite human, or even completely inhuman. Most, if not all of these strange creatures possess intriquing inhuman abilities. While all of these creatures are labeled as "abnormals", not all of them are entirely peaceful, and some are outright dangerous and lethal to humans. Since the beginning of time we have shared the earth with them, even at times peacefully coexisted with them. However, times change, as do entire species, and for many centuries these creatures became lost to us, relegated to urban myths and legends, completely forgotten.

However, these strange and interesting creatures did not just vanish or die out, they simply went into hiding. Why exactly this happened is unknown, although many now suspect it may have something to do with the end of the human - vampire wars. Whatever the reason, all contact with these creatures was lost for centuries, up until the 1800's.

((The following is a derivative of what I believe to be the closest to the true line of Sanctuary. The years are purely guesswork and may not be correct in conjunction with canon facts of the series. This is partially due to my not having the information at the time of this post, and partially to make this more unique and less exact to the real series.))

1847: Dr. Gregory Magnus, eventual father of Helen Magnus discovers that he possesses the rare life lengthening genetics of a long lived abnormal not long after discovering the existence of such creatures. While he makes the discovery of these creatures known to his government, he hides from them his own genetic abnormalities.

1848: The current government of England decides they can't afford to let these abnormal creatures, some of whom have proven to be violent continue to live, and advise the armies of every other nation to begin killing them all.

1850: The war against the abnormals has begun to take a horrific turn for the worse as the creatures, even the peaceful ones, begin to fight back with a vengeance, killing many in retribution, and for survival. At this time, Dr. Gregory Magnus makes a proposal to end the war, and construct facilities designed to house these creatures in safety, and to contain the violent ones so they are no threat to humans. His proposal is adamantly refused at this time. However, secretly Dr. Magnus meets with the leaders of several peaceful tribes willing to listen to him and grant him safe passage through their lands, and they agree if humans are ever willing to end the bloodshed, that this plan is one they could agree to.

1852: Helen Magnus, who will later become the head of the entire global Sanctuary network is born. It is unknown who her mother was, however her father is Dr. Gregory Magnus. At this time, world governments are in a state of panic as they begin to realize they can not hope to defeat every abnormal. They devise new tactics in the hopes that these will fare better.

1863: Helen Magnus, now 11, curious about her father's strange, private work, finally confronts him and demands to be let in on it. Realizing his daughter is too strong willed to be denied, he finally relents, telling her "you must never speak of this to anyone, and once you enter my world, you can never turn back." The young woman eagerly agrees, and is soon captivated by this strange new world. World governments now begin to realize that despite their best efforts, they are losing a war they started close to 15 years ago.

1868: Helen Magnus, now 16 stands by her father as he is summoned to an audience with several leaders of various countries. Gregory Magnus reveals to them that he has included his daughter in secret affairs for over 5 years now, teaching her what he knows of them. He also reveals the long hidden truth of his dealings with peaceful abnormals, a fact that does not go over well. However, at the end of the day, the world leaders present are forced to agree their tactics have ultimately proven futile, and give Dr. Magnus full authority to begin training people to capture these dangerous beings, and begin construction of the proper facilities to hold them based off his designs.

1873: The first Sanctuary, formed in London is completed and opens for 'business'. Helen Magnus, now 21 begins English studies at London University while helping her father on the side with daily activities in the Sanctuary. Within six months she has become one of the foremost trackers the young network has.

1881: The Sanctuary network now comprises of seven structures spaced around the globe, under the direction of Dr. Gregory Magnus. His daughter, Helen Magnus, now 29 begins dating a young man by the name of John Druitt, who also becomes involved in the network later on. At this time, Nikola Tesla, a bright scientist is brought on board to help in the construction of further buildings, as the resounding success of the network has made waves amongst every nation on the globe. At this time now, all public information regarding abnormals is closed, and quickly begins to become just a rumor again.

1886: Dr. Helen Magnus, now 34 and her fiance John Druitt manage to acquire a very rare sample of ancient, untainted, vampire blood. They meet with Nikola Tesla, Nigel Griffin and Dr. James Watson to begin an experiment. The intent is to inject the blood into themselves and see what kind of transformation occurs. The belief is that this blood will awaken the dormant abnormal in humans, and if this proves true, then Helen's father has already agreed to ensure the remaining samples of blood are either hidden so that only his daughter and comrades might ever find it again, or destroyed. The test confirms their suspicions in the late stages of testing. Helen ultimately gains the same extremely long life that her father naturally possesses. Nigel Griffin's skin becomes highly photo-sensitive allowing him the ability to become invisible, and while they do not know it at the time, this trait becomes hereditary. Dr. Watson's intelligence and mind becomes extremely enhanced and he later becomes the basis for the mysterious 'Sherlock Holmes'. John Druitt garners the ability to teleport wherever he pleases, provided he knows something of his intended destination and has a place in mind. Nikola Tesla's reaction however is the most severe, as he becomes a literal half vampire of the long dead 'Sanguine Vampirus' species. He also appears to gain some kind of control over electrical properties, perhaps due to him being at the time on the verge of a major break through in that field. With these results, Dr. Gregory Magnus takes in every sample of Source Blood, and is believed to hide only one, destroying the rest. Of the one hidden sample, he ensures that only the group who conducted the experiment, forever known as "The Five", can gain access to it, and even then only by using their combined abilities in concert with one another. No single one of them can gain access, only by working together will they be able to find it.

1888: Helen Magnus begins to suspect something is wrong with her soon to be husband John. This suspicion leads to mistrust, and their eventual split. However, this split does not occur before Helen becomes pregnant with John's child, a fact she will not realize for nearly six months. When she becomes aware, in a panic, not knowing what their child will be like now that John appears to be going insane, she manages to convince her father to use technology they have discovered to cryogenically freeze the embryo, in effect aborting the pregnancy without killing their unborn child, intending someday to perhaps allow their child, who will be a female, to be born.

1891: Helen's worst fears about John are confirmed as she learns he is in fact the source of all the "Jack the Ripper" murders. Hoping to end them, she confronts him as he prepares to kill a victim by holding him at gunpoint, however before she can shoot him he slits the other woman's throat and teleports away. It will be another 55 years before Helen is able to track him down again and get remotely close.

1945: Dr. Helen Magnus attends the signing of the treaties signifying the end of World War Two. As she later makes mention, she only attends because she was personally asked by the president of the United States, with whom she has begun building a professional relationship with in the hopes of opening more Sanctuaries, this time within the States themselves. Her attendance here to ensure smooth transitions, and her actions to save several delegates from a rouge hostile abnormal seal the fates of what will eventually become the first U.S based Sanctuary, which will be built in upstate New York.

1946: Dr. Magnus is confronted by a sick and dying John Druitt, who demands samples of her blood. He claims he needs stabilization, and that her blood holds the key to this. Left without any choice, she reluctantly gives him several samples of her blood, and he leaves without incident. She tracks him down three months later, but he again teleports before she can kill him or apprehend him. This time however, he completely vanishes off the global 'radar', and she is left to assume he is biding his time. It won't be until after the turn of the century before she learns anything of his fate.

1949: The Shadowy organization known as the Cabal forms, mostly from left over escapees of Hitler's personal guard. Their focus is to enslave abnormals for their own gain and rise to world dominance, but quietly until they have enough power that no one can stop them. While aware of the Sanctuary network, they allow it to exist deeming it no threat to them at the present time.

1971: While on his way to Los Angeles, California to attend the opening of the fifth U.S based Sanctuary, (the others in New York, Miami, Dallas and Seattle), Dr. Gregory Magnus abruptly vanishes, and is believed to have been killed when the vehicle he was in is later found in several pieces outside what is presently Norman, Oklahoma. His body however, is never found.

1983: The mysterious Christopher Andrews is born. He will later become a MAJOR player in the lives of every man and woman involved in both the Sanctuary and Cabal networks. At the same time, Dr. Helen Magnus finally thaws out the embryo of the child she froze so long ago and allows her to finally be born, naming her Ashley Magnus.

2006: Christopher Andrews, now 23 manages to beat out both a Sanctuary team AND a Cabal recovery team in reaching a sample of source blood uncovered in a massive South American earthquake. While the earthquake is later revealed to be the responsibility of a large creature known as "Big Bertha", she is later captured by the Sanctuary team and is presumed to be killed. Meanwhile, the Cabal soldiers determine they did in fact beat the Sanctuary teams to the location of the source blood, and the identity of the man who beat them all to it, and begin a massive manhunt for him. Christopher Andrews, now only going by the name "Chris", is eventually cornered by the Cabal with no way out. Sensing he is in trouble, he willingly injects the entire sample of Source Blood into his body. When the Cabal soldiers close in and finally confront him, he has already transformed into a super-abnormal, possessing powers similar to both John Druitt and Nikola Tesla. In a display of raw power, he slaughters the ill prepared soldiers without mercy and escapes.

2007: At the very beginning of the new year, Dr. Helen Magnus learns of the intense slaughter of soldiers in Chicago, Illinois. Sending a team there, they eventually conclude that only a 'Sanguine Vampirus' could have inflicted so much carnage and not ever been touched. Worried that Nikola Tesla has begun experiments again, Helen Magnus contacts him, and while he admits he's had thoughts of continuing reviving the race, he begrudgingly concedes that he has no knowledge of the events in Chicago, and is completely surprised. He vows to search for answers and inform her of what he finds, but never follows through, instead returning to his work, in the hopes of creating a vampiric army to counter such a new and powerful threat.

2008: The hunt for Christopher Andrews, known only to the Sanctuary Network as 'The Chicago Massacrist' comes to a sudden end when he shows up at the Main Sanctuary in Calgary, Canada. His ability to teleport directly through all the Sanctuary Defenses, coupled with the sudden reappearance of John Druitt is enough to convince Helen Magnus that she must come up with a solution to keep them both from being able to teleport in and out at will. Christopher eventually comes to trust her, and helps her to devise a method capable of killing either him, or John in the event they should teleport in with the field active, however he is unaware at this time of John, or Nikola Tesla.

The Cabal in the meantime realize the Sanctuary has the man they have hunted for years now, and plans are set in motion to capture him. However, before these plans can be set in motion, the Sanctuary inadvertently steals several abnormals from Cabal territory. The Cabal attack the Sanctuary in Calgary, and take back their 'property', but are unable to acquire Christopher as he is not there. The soldiers leave with the original intended cargo, and the organization once again loses all track of their other target, never knowing he has become a new recruit at the Sanctuary they just left.

2009: Christopher Andrews becomes a full fledged member of the Sanctuary Team under Dr. Helen Magnus, who has now been appointed head of the global Sanctuary network.

While conducting tests, Helen Magnus can find no trace of abnormalacies in Christopher's blood, despite his ability to teleport at will. However they both notice that he has never returned to his vampiric state, leading them both to believe that he must feel overwhelmingly threatened to be able to transform into a vampire. They both agree that this is probably for the best, and agree to seal any details regarding his seemingly dormant vampiric side.

The Sanctuary team learn more of the Cabal and what they have planned, and agree at some point they must be stopped, but not until they have more information. They also come across Helen's father, Gregory Magnus, who has been brainwashed into working for the Cabal. Eventually they free him from this, and he returns to the London Sanctuary, where he immerses himself in work to undo the damages he unwillingly has caused.

Present Day: The tides of war are beginning to stir. A deadly virus has begun to spread out from the Himilaya's. What will this mean in the grand scheme of things? Only time will tell.

Looking for interest right now, the next post will contain information about how each player character will enter this world. And yes, my character will be Christopher Andrews, however for the most part he will be attempting to hide his true powers from the PC's for as long as he possibly can.
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I will allow for Erotic parts to the RP, however be advised that you are in a world where things can move very quickly, and you must be able to pick and choose your timing carefully with any relationships.

I would prefer that new relationships take a little time to build up appropriately, however I am not opposed to allowing people to bring in a relationship that has been pre-established (I have ideas for Christopher and Ashely, however don't expect it to last for them). You may also, however create your own species that requires an NPC to mate with at certain times of the year (the Big Guy has to mate I believe every five years in order to survive?).

Just keep it within reason for the species is all, and no forcing upon other characters if they don't want a part of it. Otherwise I see no problem with it at all.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Alright, I think I'm in as well. I have an idea shamelessly based off a book series I read as a child. Should be fun!
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Characters from the Warehouse allowed to be ported? I see veins of the same and I figured rewinding Sarah would work from that point? ^^;
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Sure, why not. And Sarah would probably find more to do here anyway come to think of it.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Potential interest. I can't say whether I want to play or not given the current amount of information. I'll wait until some info about the situation of PCs will be revealed.

By the way, Himalayas are a weird place to start a plague. It might work, but it's still pretty damn stupid if you ask me. Not a good climate to evolve a virus naturally, and there are better targets for artificially engineered diseases. Were the Tibetan Muslims trying to kill Tibetan Buddhists?
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

OK, enough interest shown to put more info up.

PC situations:

Players come into the fold starting with several options before they actually are introduced.

Firstly, depending on how many players we have, I may allow for a few players to become "Heads of House" at one of the U.S Based Sanctuaries. Responsibilities for these include day to day running of the Sanctuary, responses to the detection of abnormals within their responsibility grid, responsibility to aid another Sanctuary requesting help and many others. I will decide upon this at a later time.

Players coming in may choose one of the following starting scenarios.

1. The player is a human with no known abnormal abilities who ...
A: Has no prior knowledge of the Sanctuary Network, OR Abnormal existences and will need to be recruited, or ...
B: Already knows of the Sanctuary Network and Abnormal Existences and is currently a part of the Network, either working directly at the Main Sanctuary or one of the others (will leave that up to the player, however for ease of travel, if at another you may wish to consider being at one in the United States.)

2: The player is an Abnormal themselves who ....
A: Already is part of the Sanctuary Network, working towards the common goal of preserving life and understanding it, or
B: Needs to be brought into the fold of the Sanctuary Network somehow.

Players may choose from the following pre-established races, or create one of their own, however Vampires will not be allowed

given the race is supposed to be extinct. The only two known current vamps are Christopher and Nikola, and they are not pure vamps. The pure bred vampire race is extinct.

Humans: Self Explanatory.

Medusae: Most are physically attractive specimens, they can be either male or female. Their defining features are of course snakes for hair, however they appear to have blind human eyes. This however is something of a trick, they can see far better than any human ever could, and the extra senses their snakes give to them make their senses almost as sharp as what a vampire's would have been. They are susceptible however to specific harmonic frequency attacks, and can be rendered paralyzed for a time if struck with the right frequency. They are able to hide amongst humans well enough by wearing special
hats and playing off as blind people.

Yeti: This is the species of "The Big Guy". Yeti have extremely tough skin that can't be penetrated by bullets, and are substantially stronger than a normal human. It is difficult for them to hide out in the public unless they are clad in baggy coats hiding their inhuman features and long hair. On the plus side, the only known way of actually knocking out a Yeti is with gaseous vapors such as a general anethesia in this form. Physically tough, the Yeti is a being who you do not want to anger and get into close quarters combat with, their strength is believed to be a match even for a vampire.

Pixie: A small winged species, they are difficult to attack given their small size, but the trade off is that at best they are a mere annoyance themselves in combat, with no real abilities to fight anything larger than them effectively.

Vaylari: This recently discovered species naturally appear to be bald humans. However, they are capable of some limited shape-shifting, able to mimic human form perfectly. Beyond this however, they can't shape shift much further, as their abilities seem to have been developed solely to mingle unknown within a human population. Only a specific instrument designed by the Sanctuary or Cabal networks can tell a Vaylari apart from a human.

This should give a basis, and of course you can name your own species and their abnormal ability(s). Again, no vampires, and while you can have a mermaid type character, do keep things real with it. Mermaids are aquatic creatures, do not expect to have one capable of walking like a human and waltzing into a bar or something.

If you have any questions on if an ability or being will be allowed, please ask.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Potential interest shown, so I'll post a race that I want to play as (Taken from the Ben 10 universe);

Osmosian; Human-like in appearance these beings can absorb the mass and properties of physical materials and grow an armor-like outer skin as durable as the material used to make it and by extention proportionately increase the Osmosian's strength and durability to even higher levels. While absorbing the matter, the Osmosian can also momentarily merge with the actual matter and alter its form. Also, by temporaily absorbing extra matter, the Osmosian can increase its density to shapeshift its limbs into various forms.

I'll most likely play as a character who, while he's afraid of the damage he can do with his powers he'll use them when needed to. I'll also wait until a character sheet example is posted before making any final decisions.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Sample Character Sheet:

Name: Christopher Andrews.
Age: 26 (Soon to be 27)
Height: 6 feet 4 inches.
Weight: 227 Pounds.
Place of Birth: United States.
Species: Abnormal (was once human but was changed due to exposure to the source blood).

Known Biological Facts: Chris was once human before he intentionally injected a massive amount of the source blood into his own body, causing him to become an extremely powerful super-abnormal. It is believed that he is more than a match for any one single member of the original five given his knowledge of abnormals, and his tactical mind. Paired with an ability to teleport himself anywhere at anytime he chooses, he is widely considered to be one of the foremost threats to any hostile abnormal or entity that wishes harm upon humans or his allies at the sanctuary.

Powers: It is widely known that Chris is capable of teleporting. However his mind does appear to be significantly sharper than most other abnormals, and he displays a remarkable ability to learn and understand even the most complex of things in a very short period of time. He considers this to be both a blessing, and a curse.

The rest of this subjects file for abilities is sealed by order of the Global Sanctuary Network Leaders.

Light Background History: Chris was once a human who sought to understand the world of abnormals after a chance encounter at the age of twelve with a Yeti. He later would discover this Yeti was in fact the "Big Guy" at the Calgary Sanctuary, though not for many years. Eventually he managed to trace the source of all abnormal life to a specific strain of blood, and sought to acquire it and learn from it. Four years ago he managed to track down a sample of this blood, which was revealed after a massive earthquake rocked South America. However in reaching his goal, he drew the anger of a shadow network known as
the Cabal. Hunted until he was cornered, Chris willingly injected the blood into himself, knowing it would cause him to change, and that it was his only chance of surviving. The details of what happened after this have been sealed from all records, but rumor still persists that he single handedly took out over fifty armed Cabal soldiers, leaving not a single survivor before vanishing. Eventually he came to the Sanctuary after learning of it's existence, and after several months, became close friends with Dr. Helen Magnus. He has now become a mainstay at the Calgary Sanctuary, working for the greater good, realizing his life long
dream of making a difference where it matters.

Miscilaneous Facts: None as of yet.

This is Chris's sheet and a sample of what one should look like. In his case, there is an official seal on part of his abilities from the character's point of view, however no other characters will have this. I shall likely make sheets for each of the mainstay NPC characters as well, however it will take some time to compile these, and some characters may change over the course of the RP, or simply vanish.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Liked the concept of the show, I'd be interested.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Name: Przemysław Ptak
Age: 21
Height: 1,80 m
Weight: 65 kg
Place of Birth: Poland
Species: Abnormal - Ghoul

Known Biological Facts: A particularly unusual species, ghouls in their original form are small, spider-like creatures that are a minor threat. However, they possess the ability to invade the body of any animal or human, merging with them completely and turning them into powerful beings. They seem to avoid other abnormals for unknown reasons. They usually ambush their victims while they're asleep and attack the spine, merging with the nervous system before spreading further. Ghouls gain the ability to regenerate, which allows them to overcome the natural limiter that makes living beings use only a small part of their full power - they can survive using 100% of their muscle power all the time, become very agile and durable, and generally heal much faster - they can also recover from damage that would leave anyone else crippled, altough it takes more time. They can regenerate internal organs only to a limited degree - damaging their vitals badly enough is fatal, just like with normal creatures. Of course, they do take more damage than normal creatures before going down. Ghouls also possess enhanced senses and sharp instincts, a limited ability to alter their physical structure and adapt, as well as voracious appetites - they're ultimate predators. Unfortunately, transformed animals become horribly aggressive. Humans, on the other hand, have a chance of surviving the process without losing reason or intelligence, but may become dangerous when hungry or provoked. For some reason, they have an intense fear of Yeti, which seems to be genetic. While all ghouls can mate with normal members of their species, only female ghouls can lay eggs from which new parasites can hatch. Male ghouls can't impregnate other creatures. Due to the fact that they were often tracked down and killed, ghouls usually live only in places that are not inhabited by humans.

Powers: Przemek is a rather typical ghoul, except a lot more sane - he still has much of his humanity left, even if he tends to be a seething ball of rage on a really bad day. Physically, he can compete with the best among sportsmen without breaking a sweat and should be considered superhuman - due to the fact that he poses a big danger should he throw a tantrum, he was forced to take mandatory anger managment classes and therapy. He can quickly recover from minor and major injuries, regenerate lost limbs, and survive things that would kill a human. He can also see in the dark - all of his senses are superior to those of a human being, including senses like smell or even balance. His teeth have been replaced by a set of durable, sharp fangs that suit a predator. Furthermore, Przemek occasionally displayed the ability to turn his fingers into sharp claws that are capable of cutting and tearing flesh. Mentally, he is very similiar to a human - certain differences exist because his instincts force him to view himself as a predator (and occasionally, act like one), so he even has trouble remembering that he was a human not long ago. Altough he learned to restrain himself and coexist peacefully, he still has a rather "unfriendly" temper, anti-social tendencies and seems to enjoy using violent force a lot. When in extreme danger or suffering from intense hunger, Przemek may temporarily abandon all restraints, though he doesn't lose his reason. He requires much more food than regular humans and spends a lot of his time eating, displaying a habit of feeding even when full. In fact, he can eat constantly, unless he's asleep. Like all ghouls, he is afraid of Yeti - especially the Big Guy. So far, any attempts to get an explanation out of him were met with failure.

Background History: Przemek was an ordinary human who had no contact with abnormals prior to the incident that turned him into one. During a trip to Germany, he went to explore the mountains near (Data Expunged) and found himself in the middle of a fight between a female ghoul (wolf) who was defending a lone egg, and a group of Sanctuary agents sent to capture it. The creature did not survive the confrontation, but managed to severely injure the young man. In this condition, he could not escape the hatchling and was transformed. Secured by the agents, he was transported to (Classified). Initially he displayed little interest in cooperating - after a few months, his attitude began to change. Right now, he seems content to work for the Sanctuary, usually by lending his physical strenght when necessary. Currently resides at Calgary Sanctuary.

Miscilaneous Facts: Przemek is a skilled gamer. While he doesn't trust new people easily, playing a couple of online matches with him is a good way of breaking the ice. Another way is feeding him - anything that contains a lot of meat is a good choice. Salads, on the other hand... He also likes board games, card games, puzzles and literature. Fan of Transformers and heavy metal. Occasionally attempted to get over his fear of Yeti. Does not react well whenever someone inquires about the results. Recently began to display signs of mild depression.
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Would a damphir be acceptable? Like Alucard from Castlevania?
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Name: Zaleia Meheaven
age: 20
height: 5'5"
weight: 150 lbs
place of birth: United States
Race: Abnormal - Race unknown

Known Biological facts: little can be said to be known about her as she has remained on the run and has very little encounters with anyone. She has not stayed in a single place to deal with any one person for longer then a week.

Powers: Zaleia possess the ability to control electricity and shift her body into a form of electrical current. Her ability to control electricity allows her a great deal of control and flexibility of it as she can draw energy from any man-made device that is powered, contains, or generates an electrical charge. She can also draw electricity from the enviroment around her given enough potential for a charge exists such as storm clouds brewing above she can draw the powerful electrical charge down to where she wishes it in effect calling a lightning strike from above. Her ability to shift her body into that of an electric charge allows her access to travel through any electircal network granting her a great deal of speed and mobility as electrical wires are extremely common in almost everything now-a-days. Her body is able to store a great deal of electrical charge as well giving her access to whatever she has built up within her as a form of self-defense even when electrical systems or generators are not available.

background: Since her teen years she has been a loner of sorts and has no known ties to any group of family or organization. Sightings of her have popped up periodically and are usually accompanied by some sort of electrical disturbance always temporary in nature. She does her best to remain off anyones radar so to speak and simply wanders all throughout the U.S. doing as she pleases.

(ooc: well so this is where she has been since SBS just wandering around)
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Liking the Ghoul a lot, and Zaleia is a definite go.

Will green light both characters at this point.

As for a Dhamphier, I'm going to say no since that's half vampire, and the race, even halflings, save for Chris and Nikola are extinct. However, if you want to make something like a half lycan (werewolf), that is perfectly fine.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Name: Sarah Miranda Quintex
Age: 23
Height: 5 feet 3 inches
Weight: 137 Pounds
Place of Birth: Malton, Great Britian
Species: Abnormal- Scientificly Augmented Humanoid with Necrosatis Tendencies

Known Biological Facts: Sarah's bioligically hasn't changed much from her 15th year. Scrawny and usually with untidy hair, Sarah's true biologic wonders don't manifest until she recieves fatal trauma. Upon such a event, a marginal time after (Anywhere from 15 minutes to several hours) Sarah's body and motabilism will start again, though her bodily functions beyond needs for movement and brain function will continue to be unresponsive, including the heart. For the most bluntest term she's a walking dead with the ability to think and act. Another oddity is when she enters the necrotic state, she always has the same injuries covering her form, more then likely the results of the first time she was killed.

Powers: Adapt firearms wielder specilizing in akimbo pistol use and 'handcannons', but with basic understanding of shotguns, rifles, and other large-caliber weapons. Quick scientific mind, able to work out complex problems on the fly and avid at multitasking and analysis. During her necrotic status, enhanced agility and strength from the dampening of pain receptors and added flexability from the aftereffects of rigour mortis. Has been known to augment herself with various forms of serums, from Revivifycation Syringes to return her to human to strange transformation serums.

Light Background History: At the tail end of the Malton Incident, which featured the entire town quarintined and the civilians inside to live and survive the hordes of zombified civilians, Sarah was picked up with other survivors and then carted off for 'testing'. It's now believed the blonde is being held in a containment facility as the true extent of her mutations are examined and discovered, no matter the cost to thier subject.

Miscilaneous Facts: Seems to try to keep a worn carpet bag on her at all times, which seems filled with more items them one may believe possible, including a plush of a Shoyru, her ammo supplies, and other small keepsakes and items. Prefers to be alone, and is usually antisocial. Always tries to keep her trenchcoat from getting into more damage then it's allready sorry state.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Sarah is in. I'll guess based on her bio she'll have to be brought to the Sanctuary and given a home as well, so later on you and I may want to hash out details on where she'd be Lurker.

I'd like to get ready to start this in the near future, still waiting on my other four people (SirOni, Shrike7, Archer and TentanariX) to make character sheets up here, then when they are up and approved I will start this.

I'll say I'll give it til the weekend for them to post, if they haven't by then I'm going to PM Aika/Nunu to get the RP it's very own spot and board to get this party started anyway.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Meh, I didn't include details on her present location as I wasn't quite sure where a proper and/or ironic place to place the lab complex would be. Thoughts spring to New Orleans or Pensilvennia, but I know that's my more localized and/or gamer mind speaking. It'd make more sence if it'd be in a less populated area, and in a part of the world I only learned in geography >,>; *goes research*
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Name: Maximus 'Max' Smith
Age: 15
Height: 152cm
Weight: 46kg
Place of Birth: Great Britain (Cardiff)
Race: Half Osmosian

Known Biological Facts: Osmosians are able to absorb, hold, redirect and discharge various types energy through their bodies mostly electricity and lightning. It is apparently ill-advisable for them to absorb raw energy, such as electricity, for Osmosians that have done that as it can effect their physical and mental state. Osmosians and half-Osmosian are also able to absorb the mass and properties of physical materials and grow an armor-like outer skin as durable as the material used to make it and by extention proportionately increase the Osmosian's strength and durability to even higher levels. While absorbing the matter, the Osmosian can also momentarily merge with the actual matter and alter its form. Also, by temporaily absorbing extra matter, the Osmosian can increase its density to shapeshift its limbs into various forms. When Osmosians absorb the energy from other life forms, they gain that life form's powers. However, they are only able to use only 1/10 of the original creature's powers and abilities.

Powers: Being only half Osmosian Max can only absorb the mass and properties of physical materials as well as all the abilities that come with it. Constantly being on the run has also made him become a proficient sprinter as well as being fairly good at parkour, often using the materials around him to aid in his parkour.

Background: Max's powers didn't manifest until his thirteenth year, and for several days he couldn't control it, his body automatically absorbing any physical material he came into contact with. This naturally freaked Max out, and unfortunately it happened in the middle of one of his classes. In a state of panic Max lashed out as the children screamed and ran, dealing fatal injuries to more than half the class. Terrified, Max fled the school and went into hiding for several days, though Max accidentally killed those who stumbled upon him.

It was about four days after his powers manifested that Max started to gain control of them, though by this time the police were looking for him both because his mother reported him missing and because of the deaths at school and around Cardiff. Deciding it would be best to leave for good Max contacted his mother one final time, telling her what had happened and his plans, though not letting her know where he was going. Not that he knew himself.

Since then Max has been on the run all over Britain, avoiding the police and even the military when they've been called in, trying and failing to limit the number of causulties. Max's current location is unknown though he was last spotted entering Scotland.

Misc. Notes: Max is unaware whether it was from his mother or father that he got his powers or even if they're unrelated to his parents. It is however his mother that Max has gained his powers from.
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