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Sandra Lorelli (Kln)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Sandra awoke to the sensation of falling, and only just managed to catch herself in a push-up style before her face would have smacked into the concrete floor. Getting to her feet, she discovered she was in some kind of dimly lit room, with some kind of pod device behind her. She had no idea where she was at all, though the mirror on the wall in front of her revealed that she was completely nude, and had BOTH the sex organs of a Man, and a Woman. Before she could process anything further, some kind of hidden speaker system activated, and a deep, almost demonic male voice filled the room.

"Welcome Sandra to the Planet of Pleasure. You have been brought here to provide ample entertainment for my friends, and of course for me as well. Moreso though, you'll be an excellent breeder for all kinds of creatures, as you have the ability to reproduce with any creature, Male OR Female. However, I am not totally without compassion, so I have gifted you a number of special abilities that will aid you along your journey to paradise. All you need to do is think about them and they will be at your disposal. You will encounter many different creatures here, all of them well suited to pleasure your lovely body. In fact, I think that you will discover quite a number of very skilled female creatures here who know how to ride that cock of yours, or how to suck it like you've never felt in your life. Of course there are also males here who will satisfy your desires to be filled with seed and man meat. If you perform well enough, you may even get the opportunity to see me, and then we can have so much fun! Trust me, I know exactly how to pleasure a woman like you and make you never want the sex to end. Alas, it is time for you to head out on your adventure. The door on the other side of the room will open shortly, and you will be allowed to leave. Do keep in mind though that you can't just hide in there. If you do, eventually one of us will come for you, and you won't stand a chance in that room, so I advise you to be a good little sex toy and go exploring. You'll be glad you did!"

Laughter filled the room for a brief moment before the speaker shut down, and the door swung open. A trickle of sunlight now entered the room, as well as a light, warm breeze...


1: Move on out!

2: See if anything really will come to get you.
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

It felt like a bad dream. The kind where you fall from a high place and you wake up a split second before you touch the ground. This time, however, Sandra fell while wake up, and her arms met the concrete floor.
"What the heck happened?"
The first thing she noticed was the mirror showing her naked form, just in front of her, but the creepy voice which echoed in the room before she could think this through any further.

The dark-haired herm tried to process all the informations the voice dispensed, but she did not like most of it. She thought about what the voice said about her skills. Indeed, she cannot explain how, but she knew she could do things she would not have been capable of otherwise.

"Planet of Pleasure, huh? I won't be anyone sex-toy, that's for sure." she said, before stepping outside.
[1: Move on out!]
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

Sandra stepped through the door, and into a completely alien world.

Three suns shone bright in the sky over head, which was a crimson color, with a handful of puffy pink clouds. Off in the distance she could see a massive ocean to what she could only assume was South, assuming compass points held true to this world. The grass around her was a blood red color, like someone had stained it with the blood of a million people. Wherever she was, she clearly wasn't on Earth any longer, that much was certain. It was then that she got an even bigger shock.

Without warning a very attractive woman simply appeared from thin air, regarding Sandra for only a moment before she would speak. In that moment though Sandra would notice her hair was a dark color, somewhere between black and dark brown, and the look on her face was one of both dread, and sadness.

"Greetings, my name is Cassidy. I will attempt to be your guide through this nightmare land, although my abilities to help you are greatly limited. As the proper situations arise, I will do what I can to explain various things to you, to guide you on how to read maps, translate things if need be. There are many creatures here that will seek to rape you, and while you can escape some battles, there will be those you can't. Good luck to you friend, I ... I pray you are the one."

Suddenly, like a whisper on the wind she was gone, her form simply vanishing from existence like she had never even been there. Was she a ghost, or something far more advanced than any human she'd ever met? Or, as crazy as the idea sounded ... could she be a completely alien species?


1: Let's see what's out there!

2: Try to process all of this and sit down (chance to be caught)
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

Sandra was flabbergasted at the alien landscape that was in front of her eyes. She had thought that she was in some kind of base, but that "Planet of Pleasure" really lived up to its name.

She took a few steps on the crimson grass. It was then that this woman popped into existence mid-air, a few meters away from her. She left out a gasp of surprise.
After introducing herself, "Cassidy" faded out in the same, silent way she appeared.
"W.. Wait!" Sandra called out.

The young hermaphrodite looked around her, but there was no trace of the strange woman, and for now the only thing she was hearing was the soft rumbling of the nearby ocean.
"Okay, Sandra, get a hold of yourself!" She said out loud.

She would quickly look around her, trying to find something she could use as a staff. Whether she found one or not, she would decide to move on, and see what is out there (1).
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

As she thought about a staff weapon, one suddenly appeared in her hands, as if conjured up by her mind! All attempts to conjur anything else up, like a hot turkey sandwich would fail however. Still, the Staff was more than she'd had before, so it was time to see what awaited her in this strange new world.

Moving onward, she soon found herself in an small open field surrounded by woods. At first the field seemed empty, but then her eyes spotted what appeared to be a Stun Gun sitting on a rock!

Stun Gun - This little one use stunner jolts your enemy with a blast of shadow energy, dealing 100 damage and allowing you to escape a grapple instantly. Can only be used when you are grappled. Doesn't work on most traps.


1: Take it and move on.

2: Ignore it and Move on.

3: Camp for a while (chance to be caught, will you take the item or not?)
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

"So... Staff, staff..." Sandra mumbled as she looked around. A dull *bonk* made by a wooden weapon landing on her head interrupted her search. "Ouch. What the..."

Was it that ghost woman playing tricks? Or that creepy man who welcomed her earlier? Or did that world obeyed some kind of strange rules? She checked the staff. It was your run-on-the-mill, martial arts movie staff: a sturdy pole made of polished rubber, with metal plates protecting its extremities and allowing for a better grip around its center.
She made a few swings with it. The first few tries were arkward, but Sandra quickly got the hang of it and made the staff turn around her body as if she was a trained chinese monk. "Neat." she commented.

With her new weapon ready, she advanced forward. A soft breeze blew accross the alien plains, keeping the weather at a lukewarm, sunny state, which was most welcome since the young herm was in her birthday suit. Soon, she reached some woods, the trees bearing the same pinkish red colour than the rest of this "planet", and quickly found the clearing, and the gun sitting at the center.
"So... A futuristic gun lying in the middle of the woods, in an open field. Either someone was very oblivious or it is a trap. Still, I DO need every possible tool to get out of this place."

Cautiously, Sandra walks to the rock in order to take the gun and move on (1), not wanting to linger in these woods.
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

Closing her hands around the Stun Gun, Sandra found that it was quite real and most certainly not a trap. However it had gotten there, she now had herself at least some form of protection, even if it didn't look like it'd be usable more than once. Still, it was better than nothing, and it was time to move onward.

Continuing onward, she soon found herself well into the wooded area, continuing along ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Sandra: 26 vs. Trap???: 29

... when suddenly things went to complete shit! She stepped down on a random spot of the ground, only to have it completely give way beneath her, plunging into some kind of pit! To make matters worse, the moment she was in the pit, something thick, slimy and strong started moving around her!

In seconds Sandra found herself grabbed and partially restrained by numerous tentacles that seemed to be growing from the ground itself. Moments later she found all of her holes being stuffed with thick tentacle meat, as her pussy and ass were penetrated, the tentacles beginning to thrust inside of her. When she opened her mouth to involuntarily scream at the sudden rape, a tentacle forced itself into her mouth, silencing her! From there, all three tentacles began to piston in and out of her body, raping her and pleasuring her. Even worse, her body felt like it was being pleasured a bit more than she would have expected, and she suddenly realized that her body seemed to have a weakness to being tentacle raped!

Sandra suffers 40 pleasure and gains 100 KP from her rape. She has 140 Stamina left.


1: Try to get free (you can select how long she'd fight it until she gave up. and if she gives up, you can select how long she gives up for).

2: Let it rape you to an orgasm.

3: Let it rape you until it's finished with you.
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

"That's neat." Sandra thought while checking the gun "Too bad it looks like the battery only has one charge. I guess I should only use it only when necessary." The stun gun came with a small holster that she buckled around her hips. It felt weird against her naked skin, but it was better than nothing.

Her confidence boosted, Sandra resumed her trek into the woods. "That place does not look that terrible. Are there actually any "enemy" at all?" she remarked. However, the dark haired girl sold the bear skin before she killed it, and suddenly her foot sank into the grassy earth. "What the..." Sandra cursed loudly as she fell into the pit and landed on her ass.

Instantly, tentacles sprouted from the ground and wormed her way towards her. Four of them latched on each of her limbs and pulled, spreading them apart. Sandra winced, wrestling with them for a moment, when she felt more tendrils approch her lower holes. The appendages were coated with some slimy lubricant, and prodded her unprotected openings, before pushing in.
"No, don't go there. Ah! Aaaahmmmmf!"
Sandra was quickly double-penetrated, and an additional tentacle took the chance and buried inside her throat.
"Rrrrf! Nnnnff!" the herm loudly moaned as she felt the three tentacles fuck her relentlessly. Rapidly, her growing herm cock rose up and obstructed her vision.

D... Damn. There's so many of them. And they're so... So rough... I have to get out of here. Sandra thought while pleasure reached her brain. She would pull against the tentacles holding her limbs in an attempt to get free at any cost (1), figuring that by the time she would orgasm twice, she would be too tired to struggle.
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Sandra: 17 vs. Trap: 15

Much to her surprise, she was able to pull free and escape the trap almost as fast as she had fallen in to it! Climbing out of the pit, she could see the tentacles retreating back into the ground, vanishing without a trace!


1: Move Onward.

2: Stay to recover (1 turn needed, chance to be caught).
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

Sandra pulled of all her strengh. The sudden jerking motion snapped the tentacles holding his arms. The hermaphrodite quickly freed herself and threw herself on the pit's wall, trying to climb out of trap. Finding roots and stones jutting out from the dirt wall, she managed to leap out of the pitfall.

Falling on her back, Sandra looks at the sky. Her violated orifices still felt like something was there, the feeling slowly resorbing, albeit her cheeks were still flushed, and her hard-on refused to lower yet.
That was wicked. she thought.

Raising up, she decides to take a short break in order to recover from the tentacles' assault (2)

((If nothing relevant happens, she can move onward instantly afterwards))
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

Sandra takes a moment to recover from her sudden rape, and while she does, suddenly two enemies appear and lunge for her!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 1 Slime Blob: Stamina: 95. Pleasure: 30. HP: 300. Weak vs. Lightning. Special Ability: Stuck on You.

Level 2 Karsetti: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 45. HP: 600. Damage: 8. Weak vs. Physical Attacks. Special Ability: Super Tentacle Bind. Anger Slots: 3/3.

Initative Rolls:

Sandra: 2 (Last)
Slime: 29 (1st)
Karsetti: 26 (2nd)

Grapple Attempts:

Slime: 1 vs. Sandra: 22 (Dodge)
Karsetti: 20 vs. Sandra: 5 (Used Item)

Sandra dodges the Slime, but the Karsetti manages to grab her in it's tentacles. Without even thinking about it, Sandra suddenly pulls out the Stun Gun and jolts the creature, causing it to let go of her in a hurry! The Karsetti has 500 HP left. Sandra's Stun Gun is used up!


1: Attack a target to start (which one?)

2: Cast a Mantra (which one?) and then attack (which target?)
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

Sandra cools down from her ordeal with the trap, but new monsters already caught up to her. It was a blob, followed by a strange floating squid. Surprised, Sandra barely has the time to react before the two monsters lunge at her.

She evades the slime's charge, but this throws her into the welcoming "arms" of the other creature. Instinctively, Sandra uses the weapon she picked up earlier and sends a strong electrical current into the monster holding her, who promptly releases the young hermaphrodite.

Readying her staff, Sandra quickly decides to go for the already weakened Karsetti, as she didn't want to get tentacle raped one more time.
It would be to dangerous to stop and cast a mantra, as Sandra was alone and 2 against 1.

Sandra readies her staff and delivers a beatdown upon the Karsetti.
((use "Beatdown" skill on the Karsetti. Let's cross fingers that the five strikes hit ^^))
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

Attack Rolls:

Sandra: 6, 29, 10, 15 & 16 vs. Karsetti: 13, 23, 28, 14 & 11.

Sandra launches into her beat down attack, and only manages to land 3 of her hits! None of the three hits land critical, and Sandra does 300 damage, leaving the Karsetti with 200 HP! Beat down is on cool down for 3/3 turns.

Grapple Attempts:

Slime: 12 vs. Sandra: 16
Karsetti: 9 vs. Sandra: 6.

Sandra is able to dodge the Slime, but the Karsetti catches her again, and this time she has no instant escape! The Karsetti begins coiling it's tentacles around her, restraining her!


1: Get it off me! (Would she give in at some point if raped?)

2: Time for some kinky tentacle sex. (How long would she enjoy it for?)
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

Sandra's staff strikes at the squid-like creature. The majority of the blows find their target, but the monster slithers out of a few blows, and survives the onslaught.

This gives time to the slime, allowing him to lunge a second time at the hermaphrodite, who barely evades the gelatinous blob. The Karsetti, seemingly used to that distraction tactic, uses that chance to grab the chantress with his tentacles. The multi-limbed creature begins to coil his appendages around Sandra's naked body, sliding against her body's crevices. She felt herself pulled up, having no choice but to stand on her toes to touch the ground.
"I had enough tentacles for today, creep!" she grumbled at the Karsetti which hovered over her struggling form.

(1, and no giving up)
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Sandra: 5 vs. Karsetti: 16

The Slime forgoes it's turn, watching and waiting.

Penetration Attempt:

Karsetti: 17 vs. Sandra: 14

Escape Rape Attempt:

Sandra: 18 vs. Karsetti: 17

Grapple Attempts:

Slime: 18 vs. Sandra: 29

Karsetti: 7 vs. Sandra: 12

Sandra is initially unable to escape the Karsetti, and it manages to penetrate her in all three holes, immediately beginning to rape her. Sandra suffers 50 pleasure and gains 110 KP before she is able to pull herself free, and then has to dodge two attempts at grabbing her! Free, and managing to stay that way, Sandra now prepares to face off against the Slime, and a slightly aggitated looking Karsetti.


1: Try to finish off the Karsetti.

2: Change targets to the Slime.

3: Try to run away!

4: Other?

((Beatdown has 1 turn left on Cool Down))
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

Sandra wiggled, but the squid held her tight as the breeder tentacles breeched her lower holes and muffled her noises of protest.
Thanks to the provided boost of adrenaline, the herm struggled violently, pulling herself from the Karsetti's embrace. She fell on the ground, and quickly put some distance from the two creatures trying to assault her.

Seeing the Karsetti writhe in frustration, Sandra tried to take out the beast once more before it would become really upset. (1)
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

Attack Rolls:

Sandra: 2. 10. 24. vs. Karsetti: 8. 15. 8.

Grapple Attempts:

Slime: 7. 29. vs. Sandra: 13. 30 (Auto Counter, Slime = Dead).

Karsetti: 11. 6. vs. Sandra: 15. 11.

Sandra is unable to hit the Karsetti to begin with, but fortunately it isn't able to grab her either. Finally though the Slime presents an opening that she instinctively takes, killing it with a counter attack just when it seemed she
might get tackled. Dodging the Karsetti once more, Sandra was finally able to land the killing blow, finishing it off as well!

Sandra gains 300 XP!

Loot Phase:

Slime: Nothing!

Karsetti: KL Lowering Potion!

Sandra finds a potion that her mind registers as being able to remove any and all KP she has gained towards a current segment!


1: Drink it and Move On.

2: Store it and Move On.

3: Drink it and rest to full stats, then move on (1 turn needed, chance to be caught).

4: Store it and rest to full stats, then move on (1 turn needed, chance to be caught).
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

The struggle was fierce, but Sandra eventually managed to kill both monsters, thanks to the slime's carelesness.
She streched her back, steadying her breath and trying to forget the pangs coming from her orificies which were put under assault once more.

Noticing the potion under the Karsetti's body, Sandra decides to store it, and then take another short rest, hoping this one would not be interrupted again (4).
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

Sandra is able to rest in peace, and then moves along. Finding herself exiting the wooded area, Sandra very quickly came across what appeared to be some kind of shrine. As she looked it over cautiously, Cassidy appeared again, nearly startling her!

"You have found a Shrine of Power. When activated, this shrine will permanently increase all of your stat points. Your helath, mana and stamina levels will all be increased. If you want this buff, know that you must first defeat the shrine's guardian, Flesh Teaser and her Supreme Succubus ally. If you do not wish to fight these two, then you should run as fast as you can now, before they spot you."

Just like that, she was gone again, leaving Sandra to make what appeared to be a HUGE decision.


1: Go for it!

2: I'm just going to run while I still can, this sounds too tough.
Re: Sandra Lorelli (Kln)

This time, Sandra was not disturbed and was able to walk out of the forest.
"Phew." she sighted, as she barely escaped being gangraped by two different kind of tentacles.

Upon approaching her next destination, Cassidy popped barely a couple meters from her noise, making her jump back with a little shriek while the holographic woman recited her monologue, and left the way she appeared: promptly and without leaving Sandra time to react.
"Who the heck IS that woman?" Sandra complained. "And "Flesh Teaser"? A Supreme Succubus? These are some ominous names alright."

Taking her breath, Sandra takes a moment to decide what to do. "I could run away, but finding a way home comes before all. Besides, if I can hit it with my staff, I can hurt it."
With a resolute expression, the hermaphrodite chose to go for it (1)

((Also, question: can a Mantra be activated or active outside of fights? If so, can Sandra activate her Mantra of power before the next fight?))
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