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Sapphire Ascent - IC

@ Patricia

25141 25142
"Hold on tight, you two!" The world turned bright as you heard the two robed humans chant something in a strange language. When your vision returned, you were just outside the forest's treeline, looking over the burning camp in the steppe ahead.
"What a massacre..." The woman said, her voice almost cracking up with tears. "Can you believe this?"
"There's no time now. We have a mission to fulfill." Her partner tried to comfort her.
Jackie gasped as well as she saw the flames engulfing your home, hugging you closely, tears streaming down her face.
@ Maria

"My name is Eopeia. And I get the feeling the two of us share more than the eye might see. So you where made to join these farm-priests? Or did you seek them out yourself? Do you believe being yourself requires penance? Or are you suffering purely for someone else's sins?" With you responding to her and making no motion to flee, Eopeia came closer, until she and you stood face-to-face. She was almost close enough to rub those tightly wrapped breasts of hers over yours. Her eclectic tight blue get-up and headdress and her long blonde hair made her look... wild. Untamed. Her blue eyes are so bright, it looked as if they were glowing...
Ruxi the slightly bruised cute gobbo, Location: Slug'n glow Valley, Attitude: Problematic

"Great. Naked, bruised and no good snails around either." One could not trust the average slug of course. If they were trustworthy, they'd be more like snails. They were better than nothing, of course...
While at it, she made sure to try and kick the nearest glowy spider or two, they got her into this mess, but her exhausted body was not complicant to high impact kicking right now.
Well.. she couldn't sleep right away. Not without some treatment of her bruises!..

Carefully, she applied the medicinal slugs.. snails would do better, but she'd have to make do, before lying down with her rock pillow. It was definitly -not- ideal buuut it beat being killed by the mean humans.

(Medicine check -nat 20 for 21!)
25156 Maria; Location: Woods behind the farmhouse; Tag: none
Eyeing the woman cautiously, Maria wondered just what she could mean about the two of them being similar. Looking at the wanton, tightly covered mage she couldn't imagine anything further from her... and yet... "The lady of the house set me to join the sisters. Said I was a 'low born bitch' and my father was 'casting pearls before swine', that wench!" Wait, did she say that out loud? That... that's not what Lady Chauntea would want... that kind of talking is what got her the cane... "I, erm, umm," Eopeia pressed her with questions, inching close enough that Maria could feel the woman's soft breath as she spoke. Maria's soft smell reaching the woman, filling her nose with milk, berries, and sweat. "T-the lady... Mother's superior and the lady both say I'm a product of an unlawful act... that I am unwanted by the world and shouldn't expect love. T-they, .... they can't both be wrong..." Maria hesitated. Looking into the Eopeia's beautiful blue eyes, so rich and deep she felt like she was getting lost in there gaze.
@ Maria

Eopeia's blue eyes flared up, and she put her hands tenderly on your shoulders. "That's not true." She said with a voice equal parts restrained anger and affection. "There is someone who loves you already, and many more can follow." She took another step closer, leaning in, her own strange smell filling your nose, like heavy, scented oils...
"I understand what you mean. You are being denied your birthright. They've taken your opportunity to be yourself, to fulfill your potential. But you are not alone in this. You are not unloved. There are many of us who have been denied, but now we are fighting back. Fighting to reclaim our birthright! And you can join us." Her large, barely covered chest brushed over yours, hard nipples touching, as she whispered into your ear:
"Truth be told, I knew who you were before, Maria. I knew you'd be here. I know that you have potential, beyond even that innate in your kind." She pulled back her head, locking her bright eyes with yours.
"I know you must be confused, but I can help you. Forsake the goddess and the church that seek to chain you to mundanity. Embrace your power and your desires! Embrace yourself! And come with us!"
@ Ruxi

You drifted to sleep as the pain in your body slowly subsided. It seemed the slugs were doing their job properly.

A short while later, you awoke in a round chamber of dark gray stone, lying still naked on the floor. Your rock had disappeared, and you were alone. A blue glowing crystal suspended from the ceiling of the room by what looked like treebranches cast the room in blueish light. There were no windows, but a large stone door.

(You are back at full HP!)

Name: Patricia the Half-orc Wonder Location: Outside the Orcish Camp Tag: Jackie and two strangers

Patricia involuntarily closed her eyes as the world flashed around them and suddenly the doom of fire and smoke was left behind. She shook herself, glanced over at Jackie to make sure her sister was ok. She wrapped her arm around Jackie and hugged her close as the closeness of their escape flooded over Patricia. "Thank you for rescuing my me and my sister, we would have died back there." She frowned and stroked her bow. "Do you know who did this? I owe a debt of vengeance."
Ruxi the not bruised so even cuter Gobbo, Location: Glowstone prison

Ruxi awakened, happy that the slugs had worked but unhappy at the lack of an uncomfortalbe pillow. She glanced about, blinking in short confusion, before realizing: "These sons 'o elves took my rock!"
She grumbled, before eyeing the glowing ceiling rock. Well this was a higher quality rock. She tried to get to it by climbing (athletics 9!)
But sadly failed. No suprise with a lack of her knick-knacks. Not having stuff made her antsy.

Welp, she might as well try the door. By pushing and pulling it or, worst case, hammering on it, claiming false case goblin imprisonment!
25251 Maria; Location: Woods behind the farmhouse; Tag: Eopeia
Maria could feel herself melting under the soft touch of Eopeia. A dim happy smile curled across her face as she let herself stare a little longer into the girl's beautiful blue eyes. "Someone... loves me..." She muttered, finding it hard to believe. Eopeia pressed her further, rubbing their breasts together, exciting Maria with all sorts of carnal thoughts.
"N, no..." She stepped back, a little in disbelief at how easily she was tempted. "The.... the lady wouldn't want me to believe such... lies. I'm not alone, I'm loved... No can love a wretched bastard but The Lady!" She wanted to run, to put this temptress behind her, but her feet were stuck! Unable to turn to run she steeled her nerves telling herself, 'Only the lady can love me... that's the truth... Devote myself to her pastoral ways and I can be made whole!'
@ Maria

Eopeia seemed taken aback by your sudden refusal, but she continued her soothing embrace.
"Is that what you believe? What have Lady Chauntea and her other acolytes done for you? What are they promising you? Are they allowing you to practice and harness your arcane potential? Do they really promise acceptance? Of course not. You are just a pawn to them, and they don't love you, they don't accept you the way you are. They want you to become someone else, someone more to their liking, a pliant, docile farm sister, a cow in human form! Is this the life you really want?"
She leaned in closer, her hot breath on your face.
"I can tell that beneath all that empty recital of scripture, there is a wild soul, waiting to be unleashed! Your true self, that you have been complicit in suppressing! You are not whole, yes, but Lady Chauntea is the one who made you like this! Her, and her servants, and your parents, and you."
Her voice grew softer.
"I can feel you tremble under my touch. Your yearning for pleasure. That's not shameful. Go on. Admit it. Tell me of your deepest desires."
@ Patricia

"No, I'm afraid I don't. We were told that something like this might happen, but we had hoped it wouldn't happen so soon. I'm sorry."
"And you can't chase them right now, anyway. We have a mission to fulfill. Your vengeance can wait."
"What she is trying to say is, we know you, Patricia. We're here for you. I wish... we came earlier. Maybe we could have prevented this."
"There was no way to get here faster than we did, Zann. Don't blame yourself. We have found her. The rest... is unfortunate, nothing more."
"You're right, as usual. Patricia, I know you have questions, and we will answer all of them, but we should go now. It's a long way to safety. We should split up. I will take Patricia to the Vale, you take her sister to the Windwall citadel."
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@ Ruxi

The crystal stayed out of your reach, taunting you with its soft glow. The door proved more pliable, and opened easily despite its mass. Beyond, you found yourself in a hallway of dark stone, lit by more living, root-like chandeliers with blue crystals. The corridor was so long, you couldn't see the end.
Ruxi the not bruised so even cuter Gobbo, Location: Glowstone prison

Ruxi walks down the corridor. This was getting nowhere. Just how did she even get here? Perhaps she should try praying to her on-off patron deity, Chauntea.
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25295 Maria; Location: Woods behind the farmhouse; Tag: Eopeia
The sudden suggestion of Maria being nothing but a docile farmhand in a nuns outfit hit home. That's what lied ahead for her, that's what the end of her devotion to Chauntea would bring her. Frumpy clothes, a miserable outlook, and a servile attitude! She could... break free, go with the woman. The woman even mentioned the most tempting of treasures, magical learning! She wouldn't be punished for the odd spell, experiment or game.

"I... I want to be free, I want to take back the life I had, where father and the servants loved me just for being me. Others... should love me, everyone... That's my desire!" She spoke from the heart, looking to Eopeia wondering just what sort of deal she had just made.

Name: Patricia the Half-orc Wonder Location: Outside the Orcish Camp Tag: Jackie and two strangers

Patricia was disappointed that the two did not know who did this but shrugged. She would find out soon enough and take her revenge! There was a puzzled look on her face at the mention of a mission. "What do you mean, mission? I have to find my parents and protect Jackie. Our entire clan and tribe has been destroyed and scattered. What can be more important than that?"

She looked suspicious. "I shouldn't look a rescue from certain death too critically but I need first for you to promise that Jackie will be safe and I will see her again soon. Then I will go with you on this mission."

OOC: Assume if promises are made the Patricia will go with one of these two strangers.
@ Maria

Eopeia nodded, her glowing blue eyes filled with understanding. "You will know true, unconditional love, I promise you that. All you need to do is give in. I will now cast a little light in your eyes. You will feel mentally attacked, but if you just give in, don't try to fight back, you'll be calmer. It's just temporary, for your and our safety. Trust me."
She leaned in and kissed you on the lips.
"Afterwards, you will be introduced to someone. Someone who also goes by the title of Lady. But this lady will love you the way you are, and whatever way you will become. You can join our group, learn to harness the power of the arcane."
Her eyes flared up as you felt her magic flowing into you.
"Give in now, don't worry. Your new life awaits."

(Make or forgo a wisdom save!)
@ Patricia

Jackie hugged you closer, hiding behind you. "Please don't let them take me, sister!"

The man put his hand on your shoulder. "I understand the desire for vengeance. You will be allowed to go after whoever did this. But in your state, that is not a smart move. As a matter of fact, we can help you in growing stronger. You are our mission, Patricia. I'll take you to someone. Someone who can help you. We know that you have arcane potential. We can help you grow it, control it. The same is true for your sister, though she hasn't shown it yet much."

The woman chimed in. "You have my word that nothing will happen to Jackie. We're only splitting up in case whoever attacked the camp finds us. You will see each other again, soon."

Jackie continued whimpering, looking at you with pleading eyes...
@ Ruxi

The corridor seemed neverending. You looked for any turns, only to bump into the smooth stone walls. You couldn't tell how long you had been there, how far you had walked, or if maybe you were going in circles. You tried to pray quietly to Chauntea, and any other deity you could think off, but your words just echoed emptily through the hallway. No response, no sign, no feeling. It seemed they all had abandoned you.

Suddenly, however, a voice echoed through the corridor, coming from somewhere up ahead. It was female, soft, ethereal, and just a little bit spooky.
"They all have forgotten you. Your pleas fall on deaf ears. Come closer, and I will show you."
Ruxi the not bruised so even cuter Gobbo, Location: Glowstone prison

Well this was some real long corridor. How'd she even gotten here in the first place. This wasn't human or elven built, and they built some weird crap. Dwarves perhaps? Ruxi didn't know that much about dwarves. And then there was a ghostly voice.

"They have? Pfew. I got some dumb guards pursuitening. Anyway, I've been coming closer for a while and my feet hurt, conclusion, this is a dream or you are doing some trickening on me. .. Whatever you is, screw you for that."
Not having any of her stuff and waking up in a weird extradimensional space got her a little cranky. Although if this was a good dream there was not enough food or cuties doing the feeding for her and not enough demons to command to burn down stuff that bothered her, and if this was a bad dream, someone would chase her.. so this was a weird dream, or a weirder real thing.

"Propably exposure. I've been pretty exposed. Gonna wake up with a bad headache." She nodded to herself. And then, just to screw with the weird spooky voice, she walked back in the opposite direction, scratching her side. It was itchy. Not having her posessions was getting her itchy. Perhaps she ought to look for a more climbable glow-crystal thing to claim for herself. Yes, that sounded like a worthy cause.
25316 Maria; Location: Woods behind the farmhouse; Tag: Eopeia
With eager anticipation, Maria listened to Eopeia's instructions. She would be free, she would be pure, and loved by all! She could finally become the girl she knew she was meant to be, breaking free of the cruel oppression of lady of the house, of the mother superior. She took the kiss willingly, locking hey green eyes on the beautiful blue of Eopeia's as the soft forest wind blew in the gentle scents of nature. This moment could not be more perfect for Maria's rebirth! The warm wet lips of Eopeia's on hers, the magic taking hold of her heart, it was so exciting! Maria could feel her lower lips starting to swell up, to moisten. Helplessly her hand drifted between her legs, taking to fingers she started to rub herself in front of Eopeia, unrestrained in what the church might say she wanted to let out her sexual frustrations!